Death is the Beginning Chapter 8: No. 8

A living body, except physical and material energy. For example, when humans eat food, it is decomposed into sugar in the body, and then decomposed into energy through the mitochondria. In addition to this kind of material energy, there are many other kinds of energy, and the energy of thought is the first to bear the brunt.

Ordinary people, the combination of spirit and flesh, generally displays the energy of matter. Unless the body dies, it is absolutely impossible to use the power possessed by the soul body. What is shown is only a person’s character, behavior, and thoughts, all of which are limited by material things.

However, in modern times, with the further development of human beings in natural science, they have also discovered that human thoughts are actually a kind of power, except for those very few with supernatural powers, the power of thoughts shown. Telepathy, in addition to these special abilities, the thoughts of ordinary people also have power.

For example, a well-known experiment is to freeze a layer of pure liquid, and then form a thin layer of brittle ice, and the ice flowers of each brittle ice layer are completely different, this is the law of nature, However, if a person with evil thoughts, or irritability, or negative thoughts is allowed to imagine the brittle ice layer that is about to be formed while the brittle ice layer is forming, then the ice flower formed by the brittle ice layer will be broken. The pile, as if it hadn’t been frozen intact, can’t see the beauty and image of the ice flower at all.

On the contrary, let a person who is in a relaxed and happy mood, who has just won a big prize or just received a college admission letter, keep imagining the brittle ice layer that is about to be formed, then the brittle ice layer formed Ice flowers are more beautiful and dazzling than ordinary natural ice flowers, and even produce some things that look like characters or regular graphics.

So, it can be seen that ordinary people’s ideas and thoughts actually have an indescribable power that can affect many things in the dark, this kind of power of ideas. In fact, it is also the power naturally emanating from the human soul, and it can also be regarded as the power of the soul.

It’s just that after ordinary people are born, they accept many foreign ideas and influences from this secular world. They have a will and a personality of their own, but they are not pure, because under the influence of the outside world, people’s personalities will change. , originally good people will also do evil things, and originally evil people will also do good deeds. One’s own heart is suppressed and buried layer by layer by various external things, and finally becomes good with evil , There are good people in evil.

In fact, in many countries, many ethnic groups, and many regions, there is a saying that when babies are born, they can see things that adults cannot see, such as ghosts and ghosts. For example, elves and goblins are like this. All this is because when they were born, although their minds were not perfect at that time, they were the real heart, pure as water, pure as ice, without the slightest pollution, just a pure heart, this is the so-called innate.

It’s a pity that although babies are innate, they can’t use this power of consciousness because they have no mind, no thoughts, and can only follow their instincts. However, one thing is clear, babies are like many animals. , Before facing a disaster, there is an intuition, but it cannot be expressed.

Because of this, the human spirit is as turbid as sewage, from innate to acquired, how can such a spirit truly use the power of spiritual consciousness? Even if a person with supernatural powers has telekinetic power and telepathy, it is just that his soul is inherently strong, and it is manifested by breaking through the spiritual level like sewage. No, that’s it.

So the real search of the heart. Comprehension, establishment, in fact, there is another saying, the so-called original heart is the brilliance of the soul, the **** in the deepest part of the soul, the **** that belongs to the individual, and can also be called the light of the soul.

However, only the demon king level can truly develop the power of the soul, the power of the heart, truly reflects the light of the soul, under it, it is just a little feeling, a little use, if a In the stage of insomnia, people find their original mind step by step, uncover and break the filthy spiritual layers layer by layer, as if they are completely overwhelmed by inner demons, then it is very likely that when a person is still alive, that is, When there is desire, it is possible to use the terrifying power of a demon king. Of course, at least Pei Jiao has never seen such a person, or even heard of it, but he knows it. It is very likely that in his previous life, the man named Odin existed like this.

According to what Rocky said, and even what Xue Na said, the so-called soul army plan even imprisons human beings to experience pain continuously. This is forcibly using the power of human spirit in disguise. The same goes for blood sacrifices.

There are sayings in Buddhism, one flower one world, one leaf one bodhi. In addition to showing that there may be countless worlds in the sand, another theory can also explain that there is a **** in every human body, and this **** is the human being.

Blood sacrifice is more domineering and more brutal than the soul army plan, and the energy source of the spirit. The fantasy land of the Eye clan ruins, that is, the information obtained from the Tongtian Tower, but Xue Na has another theory.

“This method of blood sacrifice has been handed down, it is really disturbing.”

Xue Na immediately showed extreme fear after hearing Luo Qi’s method of blood sacrifice, because this method… seems to have been inherited from an extremely distant ancient time, when the Three-Eyed Race was still at its strongest During the period, it occupied the entire galaxy, countless plane colonies, and countless racial slaves worked, played, had sex, and even served it as food…

At that time, countless three-eyed people who lived for ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, or even one million years felt bored and empty, so they gradually became brutal and degenerate, so they The dark sect was established, and these three-eyed people called themselves the dark three-eyed tribe, which also led to the birth of “original sin”. One of the biggest and most popular rituals of this dark sect is blood sacrifice…

Using countless living bodies to perform blood sacrifices, depriving their bodies and souls. The soul, its body, the soul, the more powerful the soul is, preferably the life body that uses the light of the soul, the better the effect of blood sacrifice. Combining these forces into one will produce a Strange indescribable, unimaginably huge energy, this energy has also been experimented on by the great scientists of the three-eyed tribe. For inexplicable reasons, these blood sacrificed life forms were dragged into the deepest level of the entire multiverse. That is the core of the entire multiverse. If the entire multiverse is compared to a living body, then this core is the soul of the entire multiverse, and the three-eyed scientists also call this core…


Xue Na said seriously: “This is the title at the deepest level of the entire multiverse. The blood sacrifice has opened up the connection between the world at our level and the core of the entire multiverse. After the matter and energy disappear, our level will forcibly extract the power of “Gaia” to come to this world, and “Gaia” is the collective name of the entire multiverse, so this power of “Gaia” can be transformed into any Energy, matter, and even time can be turned into time… blood sacrifice, it really can restore the power of the sky dragon.”

These words sounded too mysterious, at least everyone did not understand, besides, the dark sect of the three-eyed tribe was a thing several million years ago, and it is absolutely impossible to exist now, Luo Since Qi obtained the blood sacrifice method from the Tongtian Tower, Xue Na also said before that the Tongtian Tower has gathered countless information, items, and countless planes collected by the Three-Eyed Clan over thousands of years Therefore, it is not surprising that the method of this blood sacrifice can be found in it. Everyone didn’t think about it. Even Xue Na was surprised at first, but then she didn’t care about it when she thought of the current time and age.

In the early morning of the next day, Rocky led his men to the center of the city. This is a huge square. Statues, seats, trees, etc. were all toppled down, leaving only a large piece of flat ground, and then Rocky’s men looted hundreds of people from some surrounding houses, ignoring the clamor and despair of these people With a roar, Rocky directly dragged several of them and tore them apart. Immediately, the hundreds of people rioted and ran wildly around.

The fallen people under Rocky didn’t hesitate at all, they directly caught up with the few people fleeing at the front and tore their necks apart, then pulled them to the pool next to them, and raised their hands like killing chickens and bleeding them. All the blood was poured into the pool, and when the blood was almost gone, the body was thrown aside, and another person was pulled over to start another round of blood pouring.

For a while, this place seemed to be an Asura field, with corpses, blood, and stumps everywhere, but Rocky and his men didn’t care at all, and they were still massacring and fighting on their own. After pouring blood, not long after, there was a thick layer of **** smell here, and the resentment, fear, anger, and despair that could be seen with the naked eye surrounded the square.

Loki didn’t pay any attention to what his subordinates were doing, just buried his head in there and painted the ground with blood. It’s strange to say that things that were originally painted with blood would turn black and dry in a short while. But I don’t know what method Rocky used, the blood that was smeared by him gradually began to emit light, and the bright red blood light was smeared by him stroke by stroke into various strange symbols and graphics.

When Rocky immersed himself in the painting, there was a continuous roar and blow from behind him, and suddenly there was a loud bang, but he roared without turning his head: “Damn, kill some ordinary people!” It’s just a human, do you need such a big battle? You can solve it quickly…”

As soon as the words fell, a huge and incomparable force suddenly struck from behind him, and the speed of this force was astonishingly fast, he even had time to react, and there was a loud bang, and he was already caught by this force He kicked with such force that he turned over a thousand meters away, and with a loud bang, he slammed into a church far away with a bang, smashing the church to pieces.

Although the power of this kick is huge, it is not an attack of natural weapons. Moreover, Rocky himself has a top-level real-name natural body protection. However, he was furious in his heart. Originally, he was still drawing the blood sacrifice array with peace of mind, but he was suddenly attacked from behind, and he was still in front of his subordinates. For a long time, he was the fallen wing. This is a powerful organization that opposes the world’s soul organizations. He doesn’t even look down on the world government. The arrogance in his heart can be imagined, but now he has been kicked in the ass, and the anger in his heart can be imagined , He didn’t care about anything, jumped up and blasted away the stones pressing on him, a black glow flashed in his eyes, he had already rushed out of the ruins of the church.

But as soon as he rushed out of the ruins of the church, a streak of purple thunder flashed in front of him, and a purple thunder knife composed purely of purple lightning stood in front of him. The tip of the knife was only more than ten centimeters away from him. Just because of this, a huge and terrifying killing intent and oppressive force came directly, as if there was a mountain pressing down on him, making him dare not even move at this moment, and could only stand on the spot.

“Rocky, have you forgotten what we said yesterday?” As I said, you can’t kill them all together, you need to find out the people who know inside, although you can’t say that they are all innocent, but there are always some innocent people inside… Are you challenging my patience, Rocky! ”

There is anger and fear in Rocky’s eyes. This is not the first time he has faced a strong man at the level of a devil, but ghosts at the level of a devil are different from souls at the level of a devil. The first difference lies in their aura , not the aura field, but the aura field, the killing intent, the original heart, and the aura condensed by all external manifestations. If the aura of a devil-level ghost is compared to an iron wall, then the aura of Gong Yeyu in front of him is thunder. Yu Wanjun, like a thunderbolt, made people unable to resist at all.

Luo Qi was silent for a while. Although Gong Yeyu’s aura was as grand as thunder, he was still a real demon-level powerhouse. He is as strong as a demon king, but his arrogance is also quite a bit. After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice: “How can these people be called innocent? Why don’t I kill those fleeing people who are ravaged by ghosts? Kill them in the city? It’s because they don’t know what the world government has done, but what they eat and use all smells of blood! Such people deserve to be called innocent? Your promise is none of my business ! I am not your subordinate, nor your grandson, if you are not happy with me killing people, I will do it!”

Gong Yeyu sneered, and the Zilei Knife in his hand crackled and crackled. , the weapons condensed with the standard energy of Zileihua are more powerful than those weapons condensed by Pei Jiao according to the memory method of his previous life, and their power and quality have reached the category of real-name natural weapons. Zi Lei’s domineering killing aura does not have the special attributes of those high-level natural weapons or real-name natural weapons, so although it is powerful, it is not a complete set of exercises.

But that’s enough, Gong Yeyu doesn’t need those attributes, what he believes in is that fists make sense, as the saying goes, violence can’t solve everything, but violence… can solve you!

Now is the time when Gong Yeyu is going to get rid of Rocky, and the atmosphere between the two has become more and more tense. Although Rocky is also a soul body, the sweat made of standard energy is dripping down drop by drop. The battle of loyalty is irrelevant to ordinary people, but to them with their own hearts… this is the key!

Bodhisattvas are afraid of causes, and ordinary people are afraid of consequences. For people like them, the struggle of loyalty often represents everything!

At the moment when the two were about to strike, a silver flash was thrown straight like a shock, and inserted between the two with a snap. Both of them were startled at the same time, almost subconsciously. Retreat, but the retreat of the two is somewhat different. Rocky used the Eye of Rocky to protect his whole body while retreating, while Gong Yeyu raised the Zilei Saber in his hand while retreating. The attitude of raising a knife to cut.

“Enough is enough…”

A distance of about a kilometer away from the two of them, Pei Jiao was standing with Yu Nvchen, Xue Na and the others. There was still a silver lightning flashing in his hand. It was obvious that the silver flash just now was thrown by him. When he went out, he didn’t talk nonsense, and said directly: “I said you are enough? Is it time to fight? Besides, we were still discussing the alliance yesterday, and today we will fight to the death. Do you think the so-called alliance Is it a verbal joke or something? Answer me!”

Pei Jiao’s questioning voice became more and more severe, and there was even a wave of anger permeating the questioning. Luo Qi hadn’t responded yet, but was shocked to find that Gong Yeyu was actually embarrassed. He looked embarrassed, this time he was really terrified… To be precise, it should be terrified.

You need to know who Gong Yeyu is. To put it mildly, he is a domineering hero. To put it bluntly, he is an extremely arrogant and strong man. He had to vomit several liters of blood. He was born fearless, even when he was still alive, he dared to confront the government machinery with his body.

In fact, ever since Gong Yeyu was born, the major powers in the world have never stopped researching and guarding against him. Strong, as long as you follow the rules and the rules of the game, then they won’t be afraid that you won’t be able to kill you, because the rules of the game are made by them.

But Gong Yeyu has never been a person who abides by the rules of the game. In his own words, violence cannot solve everything, but violence can solve you… Even if you lose yourself, even if you give Gong Yeyu What’s the use of hacking into pieces? As the saying goes, those who wear shoes are afraid of bare feet, even hard ones are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of dying. A guy like Gong Yeyu is purely desperate, so what is he afraid of?

Yes…Gong Yeyu also has weaknesses. He may be invincible alone, but he also has weaknesses. This only weakness is also his only flaw…a fatal flaw!

Luo Qi silently looked behind Pei Jiao, and then looked at Pei Jiao again…

To be honest, Rocky actually looks down on Pei Jiao a bit. In his eyes, what’s the use of Pei Jiao being a high-level escaper? Escapers, high-level escapers, this is actually just a qualification for growth. If there is enough time, then high-level escapers are indeed extremely precious, just like the thirteen soul guards created by the world government. The soul guards must be high-level escapers.

But logically speaking, it should be impossible for Pei Jiao to grow to the current level. One is that there is no time. From Pei Jiao’s death to the time when he confirmed the high-level breakaway, he left the world government to launch the soul army plan. There is not much time left, and secondly, there is no chance, because the soul organization has grown very rigorous and well-organized when Pei Jiao was born.

You know, when is it easy to produce a hero? Troubled times! Troubled times make the most heroes! If it is a peaceful and calm period, even if you have great talents and dreams, you will be able to stand out at most, and you will definitely not be able to reach the level of a hero through the ages.

The soul organization has been well designed, the basic structure of the internal personnel has been completed, and there is no time to grow up, so after Pei Jiao was born, only those below who don’t know the truth think that he has a bright future, like Rocky. Only those who have the real information from the upper echelons will know that he… just wears the name of a high-level breakaway. It is estimated that the real reason why the Chinese government allowed him to kill high-ranking officials for revenge is only because of Gong Yeyu’s support for him, otherwise Once Gong Yeyu had no support for him, Pei Jiao was most likely to be sealed away, dealt with coldly, or even disappeared as a material for the soul army plan.

Because of various reasons, Rocky did not put his intelligence information on Pei Jiao, so it also led to his subordinates killing the people who were related to Pei Jiao later, and the consequences brought about by this But it was beyond his expectation…

But Pei Jiao’s rise has surpassed everyone’s imagination. The first thing that comes out is Pei Jiao’s special ability… the Goddess of War’s special ability, which can find people with special abilities among the dead. A very precious ability, it can be said that there is no one in a billion, but even so, Luo Qi just thinks that this Pei Jiao is lucky, but when the battle of Easter Island, Pei Jiao actually reached the strength of the real devil , which had to get Rocky’s attention.

Afterwards, Pei Jiao also escaped the world government’s conspiracy against Gong Yeyu’s group on Easter Island, and even escaped from the fantasy land with Gong Yeyu. It has taken a big step, even to the point where even Rocky can’t see his strength clearly. Although he has not yet reached the rank of Demon King, he is no longer a real demon-level strength. In short, all these represent Pei Jiao’s strength. Extraordinary… That’s why Rocky even guessed that he probably has the luck of the main supporting role, that is, because of his good relationship with Gong Yeyu, he has a lot of luck, which is why he reached this level.

But even so, Rocky only regards him as a symmetrical opponent, because he himself has great luck, a hidden weapon. Although the Eye of Rocky is only a real-name natural weapon, the reason is because of this This natural weapon is incomplete, otherwise it is definitely a natural weapon of civilization in the Nordic region, so this natural weapon can purify his obsession, so it can also suppress and absorb the sins in his body, so he can form a group of fallen people After all, the fallen and the ghosts are the same, they both use sin as the source of power, but the reason why the fallen are still souls, not ghosts, so the hidden weapon, the eye of Loki, can also suppress luck.

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because of the existence of the sky dragon… For some reasons, he and the sky dragon can be said to be both damaged and prosperous. Condensation and suppression of luck, so the combination of the two reasons, his luck is even slightly more than those who have the natural weapons of civilization, even Pei Jiao has less luck than him in the main supporting role Go up some…

This is what Luo Qi has always thought, but Pei Jiao’s performance at this moment, as well as Gong Yeyu’s reaction, made him overturn his own inference all along. The second most important person, so in this way…

Protagonist, heroine, sub-protagonist… So Pei Jiao is the person who has the luck of the sub-protagonist?

Protagonist, are the three major protagonist titles already complete?

Although Rocky was shocked to death, he didn’t say much. He just put the hidden weapon, the Eye of Rocky, into his pupils, and then said to Gong Yeyu who was facing forward: “I admit, I was really reckless before. A little bit, but you also need to know that although I, Rocky, have killed countless people, I have basically never killed those ordinary innocent civilians. I am worthy of the conscience of the world. You can also ask Novi Tyrone how I treat He and those people in distress, if I really want a blood sacrifice, can’t I find hundreds of thousands of blood sacrifice targets while the world is in chaos? There is no good person in this city!”

As soon as these words came out, even Gong Yeyu fell silent. He hesitated for a moment, and the Zilei Saber in his hand gradually dissipated, and then Pei Jiao sneered and said: “You don’t sacrifice blood to those ordinary people, it’s really just Is it because they are innocent? But it’s no fun to say these things now, this matter is over, we still have more things to do, and now is the time when civil strife is the last thing… Or according to what we said yesterday, we began to distinguish the whole city Damn it, and then those who have been identified will gather blood sacrifices. With a population of hundreds of thousands, it will probably take a few days to complete the identification, and how much time do we have to delay? You know, there are still…” Pei Jiao didn’t say the rest of the words, but the rest of the people knew what he meant, in China…their relatives were there!

Gong Yeyu laughed, and said with a smile: “Hahaha, the scenery in the morning is very nice…”

It’s just a pity that this place is located in the middle of the square, and there are stumps and blood everywhere.

Pei Jiao laughed and didn’t speak, just stared at him. Gong Yeyu felt that he was really reckless before, and now he felt a lot of shame. He couldn’t change the subject just now, but now he can only say: “Then… Xue Na, you give me a polygraph, and I will do my part to distinguish this time, so let me go to the south of the city.”

Before Xue Na spoke, Yu Yuchen had already smiled and said: “Xue Na, don’t give him a lie detector, I said husband, what kind of person are you? Responsible for the southern part of the city, those who have been identified are most likely to be killed by you directly, don’t say you don’t know how to do it, if it’s someone else, it’s possible that it’s not possible, if it’s you, it’s definitely going to be done like this.”

Gong Yeyu’s face turned red, but he didn’t know the difference. First, his character is like this. No one is wrong about this. He is born with hatred and hatred, and he is born with a chivalrous, his pride is also He is not allowed to distinguish what is what it is, so he just murmured without speaking, absolutely not thinking of distinguishing.

Pei Jiao sighed, maybe such a reckless Gong Yeyu is the real Gong Yeyu, if he didn’t have this kind of innocence, then he would never be able to condense and purify his soul without any real-name natural weapons, or even civilized natural weapons Under the circumstances, he actually took the test of life and death to boldly step into the rank of Demon King. If he didn’t have such a pure and consistent heart, it would be absolutely impossible.

Although Pei Jiao sighed, he didn’t blame Gong Yeyu any more, he just said to the rest of the people behind him: “Then according to the previous resolution, I will be in charge of the north of the city, Yang Dingtian, Zhang Heng will be in charge of the south, Yang Xuguang, Ren Zhen is in charge of the west of the city, and Gong Yeyu and Yu Yuchen are in charge of the east of the city, Xue Na sits in the center and is in charge of deploying the polygraph master, Rocky’s men are in charge of guarding the exits of the city, Rocky is in charge of the blood sacrifice, and Nuo Vi Tyrone… If possible, I hope you can explore the site of the explosion in the city yesterday, which is probably the headquarters of the Western European soul army.”

Novi Tyrone also took a deep look at Pei Jiao. Obviously, he also thought of the same idea as Rocky, so he didn’t refuse anything, just nodded slightly.

“Then, without further ado, let’s get started!”(!)

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