Death is the Beginning Chapter 8: : Giant colony outfit!

Episode 14: Kyushu Ding Chapter 8: Giant Colony!

Just when Loki and the others had encountered the human government on the moon, there was still a long distance behind it, Pei Jiao and the others were rushing towards the interior of the moon, but they didn’t want to be here At that moment, Pei Jiao looked back fiercely, but the expression on his face was both startled and angry.

“****, why did two alien races start to destroy the moon?” Pei Jiao roared almost gnashing his teeth.

As soon as his words fell, everyone immediately felt a sudden shock under their feet, as if it was an extremely violent earthquake, which almost made them unable to stand, and this shock wave was a wave. Waves, there is almost no rest, continuous as if ‘waves’ and ‘waves’.

On the surface of the moon, Xi He’s face was covered with frost, and the killing intent in her eyes seemed to be real. She sneered at the far-reaching passage ahead and said, “Fuxi, who in the entire multidimensional universe doesn’t know, His Majesty the Emperor You are the most vicious. You didn’t even blink your eyes when you wiped out a race of people. You didn’t kill ten thousand races, maybe eight thousand? Could it be that you really can’t let us go?”

When Xi He said this, she raised one hand, and a small tree burning with flames appeared in her palm. She still sneered and said, “I’m delusional here, Your Majesty the Emperor.” How hard-hearted, in order to be able to become the protagonist of this world, not only did you turn the wife of the protagonist into an undead, but also sent your own children into reincarnation, let alone us prehistoric races? I am I know, the strongest part of your combat power lies in the formation of the cultivation system. Do you think I will be so stupid? Entering the battlefield you expect, although this moon has the big secret of the three-eyed clan, it is still ‘Sex’ is of the utmost importance, Your Majesty the Emperor, I also have to destroy the last relic of the Three-Eyed Clan”

When the words fell, the small flame tree in Xi He’s hand had already crashed into the outermost passage of the moon.

But after Xihe entered the interior of the moon, he suddenly discovered that the remnants of the three-eyed tribe inside the moon were somewhat mysterious. Before she came to this universe, she also belonged to the existence of a high-level saint after all, and her feeling and comprehension of space is naturally not bad, and because of this, she murmured more and more in her heart.

Because what she is going to face is the human emperor Fuxi, the great and terrifying figure who ended the history of the prehistoric and opened the history of mankind. Only reached the primary level of Holy Soul, but Fuxi is Fuxi, even if he becomes an ordinary person, he is still Fuxi

God knows if Fuxi ambushed some great mechanism in this moon, and it will be triggered only after she enters the interior, otherwise, what’s the matter with the space folds here?

The more she thinks about it, the more hairy Xi He feels. She is someone who has witnessed the horror of the Emperor, let alone a high-ranking saint. She was killed a lot, and she didn’t want to become another embellishment in Fuxi’s glorious history.

Since she couldn’t get into the traps, then Xi He’s first reaction was to use force to break the trick. No matter what, Fu Xi is only the power of the holy soul at the beginning. As long as she can avoid those traps, then No matter how bad this trip is, you can get out of your body, right? So, Xi He, who was already a little hot-tempered, immediately sacrificed her companion innate spiritual treasure, the plane tree, and directly pressed down on the moon.

The sycamore tree was born in the place of extreme sun and flames in the Great Desolate Continent. It is said that it is the place where the sky fire of the Great Desolate Sun fell. The spirit tree born from this fire has a unique combination of runes in the sycamore tree. , can generate powerful solar real fire.

Xihe and this sycamore tree are in a companion relationship. Although she is also a member of the Phoenix Clan, she is born with great power. The sycamore tree, the innate spiritual treasure, was activated, and bursts of golden flames burst out in an instant. Although it was not comparable to the light of the emperor’s mind used by Xi He, this golden flame was also extremely amazing. Magical powers.

But seeing this golden flame radiating so brightly that it hurts people’s eyes, everything started within a distance of 100 meters, 1000 meters, and 10,000 meters around this flaming sycamore tree. Burning and melting, the metal rocks that were closer were immediately vaporized by the golden flame.

If that’s the case, it’s nothing more than melting matter within a range of more than 10,000 meters. How big is the inner space of the moon? It’s just that Xihe worked so hard to push the sycamore tree out of the sky, and just ‘create’ a large crater. You know, she is not a saint now, but only has the memory of a high-level saint. She is just a top fourth-tier powerhouse. If she were replaced by an ordinary holy soul, she would crush a bunch of them to death, but facing the reincarnation of the former emperor… she was afraid that she would be crushed to death.

So, she planned to really work hard before the Human Emperor fully recovered her strength.

“Unfold the real body of Wutong”

Xihe let out a shriek, and the sycamore tree floating in the void swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the surrounding golden flames seemed to turn into the texture of the trees, yes, the surrounding The golden flames turned into a part of the sycamore tree. In just a few seconds, the sycamore tree grew tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of times, and became a huge monster with a height of tens of thousands of meters and a width of nearly 10,000 meters. , and the extent of this enlargement has not stopped, and is still continuing.

Seeing such a mighty sycamore tree, Xi He sighed. When she traveled to this dimension, not only did she lose her original body, but her soul was also starved irreversibly. Injury, and even her companion innate spirit treasure, the sycamore tree, was greatly damaged. In the period of the Great Desolate Continent, the real sycamore tree was millions of meters high, otherwise it would have been impossible to raise a flame as long as her 10,000 meters long Phoenix is ​​coming.

Xiantian Lingbao, Xiantian Lingbao, these are not simple words, they surpass the existence of innate weapons of civilization, they are the closest epic artifacts to the Great Thousand Weapons, their power is immeasurable, it is said that His Majesty the Eastern Emperor The accompanying congenital spirit treasure, when the Donghuang Bell is fully exerted, it can suppress the “Meng” of Qianhong, and even the time of the entire multiverse can be suppressed and stabilized for a short time. What kind of concept is this?

If you use the level of biological strength as a metaphor, the innate weapons of civilization are at the fourth-level intermediate or advanced level, while the innate spirit treasures belong to the fifth-level ordinary to advanced level, or even to the level of innate saints according to their power. Weapon…that is the closest thing to detachment, close to the sixth level, close to the way of heaven, close to Gaia. To put it simply, it is the inner universe in the weapon

Xi He looked at the sycamore tree that could only reach a height of nearly 100,000 meters despite all her efforts, and felt very miserable in her heart. However, it was not the time for her to be sentimental, so she calmed down a little. , turned into a fire phoenix, flew to the crown of the plane tree, and at the same time commanded the plane tree to hit the moon.


The sycamore tree at a height of nearly 100,000 meters slammed into the surface of the moon. This was not a simple material impact, but the energy on the surface of the sycamore tree launched an energy attack on the moon. A big mushroom cloud rises up, because there is no air and the gravitational force is low, this mushroom cloud spreads out quickly, and then envelops the entire moon.

If you look through this cloud of ash, you can see that a large part of the moon’s surface is missing, and the metal layer of hundreds of thousands of square meters inside the moon is ‘exposed’. The super hydrogen bomb is a hundred times more powerful, which is already enough to destroy a planet. Of course, one attack is naturally not enough.

But even so, Xi He’s expression was still a little livid, not only because the power was smaller than she expected, but also because she was using the original energy that she was preparing to hit the saint’s rank, in other words , she is fighting for her money.

But on the other hand, her actions are not meaningless actions. No matter how large the space inside the moon is, according to the attack power displayed by the plane tree, it is like a sharp blade peeling an apple, one at a time. A small piece, but it is a small piece visible to the naked eye. Sooner or later, the apple will be completely ‘lost’.

Of course, the speed of two blades must be faster than one blade…

Not long after Xihe’s attack was launched, another ‘wave’ of huge explosions and vibrations erupted, but the shape of this ‘wave’ of explosions was not golden flames, but dragon-shaped The general column of air soars straight into the sky, as if a thousand dragons take off.

“Oh, you can’t help it anymore, the innate spirit treasure gathered by thousands of ancestral dragon-level heroic spirits who were slaughtered by the emperor, the Ancestral Dragon Hall… Huh, even though you act so nonchalantly, you still plan to Attack me, but facing the recovery of the Emperor’s strength, you are also afraid.”

Xi He was talking to himself almost with a sneer, but she didn’t have time to sneer anymore, and she also started to attack the moon with all her strength, hoping to ‘force’ out of the reincarnated body of the Emperor as soon as possible Come.

The horror of the Emperor…

Nearly a thousand clans were exterminated, hundreds of saints were slaughtered, billions and tens of billions were massacred, and a large number of dragons and phoenixes were “cramped” Wait for the prehistoric talented and strong race… Their blood and tears can prove that when facing the Emperor, it is not too much to be careful.

Actually, the reason why Xi He and the others rushed to the moon to do their best was because Pei Jiao said in the Human City that he was going to find them. It’s just that Pei Jiao didn’t know it…

At the same time, Pei Jiao, who was on his way inside the moon, was filled with shock and anger.

“How can you let them destroy the moon?”

Pei Jiao almost gnashed his teeth and roared.

“This moon is of great significance to us. It contains medical equipment to treat Yang Dingtian and others, as well as a compressed space and life support system that can live in all human beings. There is also the most important combat system, which is to fight against the ancient tribes. The strongest weapon against original sin,” Pei Jiao growled in a low voice.

Obviously the rest of the people understood what was going on, but they couldn’t think about it. Everyone at the moment was wounded and disabled. One face to face will kill them all, so even if they know what those strong aliens are doing, they really can’t think about it.

Obviously, Pei Jiao also understands the problem of the entire team. This is the last strong man left in the human race. Any one who dies is the greatest loss for mankind. It can be said that the people gathered here, in addition to shouldering In addition to the task of fighting against the ancient tribes, they also have to accompany them to fight against the original crime in the future. The people here are the main supporting roles of human beings with great luck, and no one can die.

“…Find the humans on the moon” Pei Jiao thought for a moment, then said suddenly.

“Huh?” Everyone was a little puzzled.

Yang Xuguang even asked directly: “What do you mean? You should explain it more clearly.”

“There are humans on the moon.” Pei Jiao said affirmatively: “It is estimated that the world government sent humans to the moon, but it doesn’t matter, the key is that they seem to have a small part of the three-eyed technology. Although there are not many, but I should have mastered the basic technology of using optical brain… I don’t need them to make it, as long as they can use it. What I lack most now is the calculation ability and the combination of runes. No, it should be used by Fuxi. The rune technology moves are much more difficult than any mathematical problem, almost an astronomical combination formula. The rune technology moves I used before are actually mostly the original memory in my soul. I personally The calculations are not many, but even so, I can’t use it a few times.”

“I need more powerful moves, such as the final move of the gossip ultimate move, or the five-shaped summoning technique. In short, we must try to delay those aliens until we collect the moon. So, let’s find those first Humans, use optical brains to replace part of the calculations”

Human so-called thinking, thinking, calculation, etc., if it is physically speaking, it is actually a series of changes caused by the current generated by the brain, and the optical brain is a combination of energy to simulate a part of the human brain. This is the latest type of computer, which is fundamentally different from human computers, supercomputers, and super-supercomputers. To put it simply, the calculation speed is about quadrillion times faster, and the calculation method is not limited to 0 and 1. It is not an infinite loop, but it has advanced to the point where it is about to reach the artificial intelligence quantum state program.

Of course, although for the former three-eyed people, the technological content of the optical brain is only the early knowledge for educating young children, but for the technological level of human beings, the appearance of the optical brain is undoubtedly a leap forward Improvement, this is no longer a big step for human beings, its span even exceeds the distance from the earth to the moon, and it can go directly from the earth to Pluto.

Now the only optical brain in the hands of lunar humans… a semi-discarded product found in a room in a residential area is being used to scan and calculate Arnold’s body state.

“Unbelievable, this kind of material structure, no, is no longer a simple material structure, there is a strange energy flow mixed between cells, some are similar to electric current, but some are different, and it is not Like standard energy, and human body cells are mixed with soul-armed material structures, such a life form…”

Among a large number of machines, a twisted and wriggling humanoid body is taking shape, and a trace of black sinful aura is being absorbed by the armor on the surface of the humanoid body, purified, and then turned into a kind of Strange substances are injected into the humanoid body, and the solidity of the humanoid body is continuously improved in such purification.

Not long ago, the souls of two giant races encountered the human government on the moon. At that time, even the most optimistic people thought that they were about to die, and when human beings would be extinct from now on, they did not expect these two giants to It behaves like a blind man crossing the road… Ignoring everything around him, he passed directly through the human-occupied area and continued to go deep into the interior of the moon.

It was not until the two giant souls left for a long time that the human government of the moon finally reacted, and immediately ordered the front-end soul armed forces to stop advancing, and the human refugees in the rear also stopped. The large human team is between the second residential area and the third residential area, which is the area where the ghosts have not had time to clean up, so from time to time, humans will be attacked by hidden ghosts, and humans have died in this short period of time There are hundreds of people.

However, everyone in the know knows that this is already a very good result. If it continues to go deeper, for example, when it reaches the third residential area, it will not be the death of hundreds of people. It is likely an oversight. Hundreds of thousands of people will all die in a short period of time, like a chain nuclear fusion reaction, once it happens, it cannot be stopped.

Thus, those in power and those in the know are very grateful. The result now can be said to be the best. Those alien souls did not bother them. The only regret is that the high-end combat power of the government’s soul armament has basically been completely lost, and it may be several years before it can get a complete second residential area.

The only surprise, or horror, was that there was a human-like thing in the wreckage of the huge ghost that was accidentally produced. The remaining soul fighters planned to destroy it on the spot, but Several of the soul fighters discovered the abnormality of this human body, that is, this human body is wearing soul weapons, and it is also the unique soul weapon of Captain Arnold, and then the above scene happened, and the human government had no choice but to The only optical brain was used to detect the composition of this human body. Once ghost elements were found in it, it had to be annihilated.

“Doctor, my task is not to ask you how strange this is. The last time given above has one minute and forty-seven seconds left, and now it is forty-five seconds… Tell me quickly, this ‘meat’ Is the body of a human, or a ghost?” Among a large group of people far away from the optical brain, several senior military officers were facing several researchers with cold faces, and a middle-aged man asked anxiously.

The leader of the researchers quickly raised his head, and he said seriously: “That’s why I say it’s incredible, because this ‘flesh’ body contains both ghost elements, ghost elements, and human substances Composition, and the soul armed composition between the material and the ghost, this is simply a miracle of his **”

The senior officer sneered and said: “Doctor, don’t think that I am not a researcher, but I still know the basic common sense. It is impossible for these kinds of substances and energies you call to exist in one object at the same time. The simplest Yes, soul armament can devour ghost components. This is the simplest non-coexistence. Are you talking nonsense? Want to keep this ‘flesh’ body for research? You must know the previous ‘turmoil’ , it was all caused by you mad scientists, I will give you the last thirty seconds and tell me the result, otherwise this ‘flesh’ body will be annihilated”

The doctor immediately shouted anxiously: “****, that’s the thing! Several different substances and energies are indeed combined together, but the ghost substance and ghost substance in it are decreasing. While the human body and soul armament are solidifying and increasing, but they do not devour and annihilate each other, but achieve a kind of coexistence. It is estimated that when the ratio of several substances and energies reaches a certain level, they can Coexist without consumption. Reality violates logic, so what is wrong is logic. This is the fact. As for whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.”

Several officers were looking at each other, and they were hesitating for a while, because although the order they received was generally to confirm safety, the higher-ups obviously also hoped to get a powerful weapon, or a high-end fighter that survived. Especially in such a turbulent moment, any high-end combat power is almost related to the life and death of human beings.

“Then…” The senior officer took a deep breath. He felt that he had never made such an important decision for a moment, and this decision might even be related to the future of mankind.

“Doctor, what do you think is the ‘possibility’ of this living body being a human being, or how ‘possible’ is the possibility of retaining human consciousness?”

After the officer finished speaking, he stared fixedly at the doctor’s eyes, for fear of seeing any swaying in them, because it meant that he had to destroy this body immediately.

The doctor unexpectedly said immediately: “At least 90%, or even more ‘possibility'”

“Why? Where is the evidence?” Several officers asked in unison.

“Because… this living body is dreaming”

The doctor pointed to one of the piles of data on the screen, which was a curved line that was constantly dangling.

“This is the most basic feature of life when it creates dreams… This ‘flesh’ body is in a dreamland. Has any of you ever heard that ghosts or ghosts can dream?”

Arnold at this moment…

He is holding his ‘girlfriend’, a girl with a slightly blurred face, sometimes turning into a black mixed-race girl, sometimes turning into a fair-haired beauty , and sometimes turns into a bespectacled intellectual beauty from Eastern Europe. Although he can’t see who this girlfriend is, he at this moment understands strangely that this is his girlfriend.

In his other hand, he is holding a cute little girl, about three or four years old, as cute as a big Barbie doll.

The three of them are happily walking on a street, which sometimes turns into the most prosperous commercial district in Manhattan, sometimes turns into a promenade in Paris, and sometimes turns into a small residential block inside the moon, although Constantly changing, but Arnold feels that he is very happy, quiet, peaceful days, his lover, his children, and maybe his cell phone keeps ringing, and the voices of his comrades from inside…

What a beautiful day.

Until the fire fell from the sky, **** of flames burned and boiled, turning into ghosts, ghosts, and many unnamed monsters, tearing apart the beautiful block he was in, and the surrounding Pedestrians were all burned in the flames, but he could only protect his lover and children with his hands, and by the way, his soul was also armed.

Powerful soul armament, enough to fight against these ghosts, ghosts, and alien weapons

Arnold showed great prestige among these monsters, all monsters are not his one-sided enemies, he protected his lover, sons and daughters, and at some point, his comrades also appeared Beside him, everyone was laughing and clamoring, beheading and killing the enemies in front of them, as if suddenly, the bustling streets and noisy pedestrians would appear again.

But at this moment, a super ghost that was too huge to see the top appeared, it stepped down with one foot, and Arnold’s comrades in arms were all trampled into ‘meat’ mud, and then stepped down with the second foot , enveloping A Nuo, his lover, and his children, the only thing A Nuo can do is to stretch out his hands to hold them firmly, but this huge force keeps suppressing, and he can only helplessly Watching my most beloved baby being crushed in the darkness and him being buried in the darkness together…

I want the power to protect everything I love. I am willing to have everything in exchange for…

Even if it is my ‘sex’ life

This is a kind of enlightenment, as if it is the only light in this darkness, although it tears this darkness and turns it into a piece of light…

Not far from the optical brain, the ‘flesh’ body suddenly swelled and condensed, the bones were formed, the muscles were formed, the skin was formed, and then the soul arms connected piece by piece, thick and huge, this is A soul armed far beyond anyone’s imagination, a brand new, pure white, huge existence like a robot…

A huge soul armed with a height of nearly ten meters stands under the light brain

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