Death is the Beginning Chapter 8: : Elf…? (below)

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Pinsass 7 Dream Shaker is a good man, he is funny, Jedu and Wen have feelings for each other because of their race, and he also cooks well, in this jungle There are wild vegetables and game everywhere in the mountains. Kael’thas’ strength is so high that he can easily catch more than a dozen wild animals of various sizes, and there are many wild vegetables. After some adjustments by him, It is a delicious dish. mFree online novel expert))m

“Hahaha, you don’t know, before I died, I was the most famous royal chef in the palace. Of course, it was the part-time Kael’thas who often bragged about his past to the ladies, but It’s very strange, he never brags about his strength, combat experience, power status, etc. Instead, he often brags to the women about some weird things he did, such as once at the elves’ millennium celebration, he made As a result, he was thrown into the Holy Land Prison and imprisoned for a thousand years as a punishment,

When Kael’thas said these things, the expressions of all the women were very sad. The elf in front of him is so different, even so different that it makes people speechless. If you string all what he said, And he hasn’t lied, if all of this is true, then he is an elf who likes to travel around, claims to be a blood mage ranger, keeps advocating to the ancient tribes about “I have a dream”, makes troubles everywhere, and does things everywhere. Some very exaggerated things, such as going to the holy land of the Naga main battle clan in the sea clan, stealing the holy fish they raised for barbecue, and going to the tomb of the undead, just because the earth was very hot that year , he wanted to find a few ghosts to control the so-called “air conditioner” and,,

All in all, an elf like Kael’thas is truly unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future. Still a high-level holy spirit, of course. If he is not a high-level Holy Spirit, he is just a slapstick. If he is an ordinary Holy Spirit, I am afraid that many people would have already wiped him out, because he is too different.”

The most unique of them is the “I have a dream” that he has been hanging in his mouth. Idealists are average, in a word, in a word, among the ancient tribes who are related to Chiguoguo, among the ancient tribes where the strong oppress the weak, and the strong oppress the weak, people like Kael’thas can no longer To describe it in words as cherished as a giant panda, it should be described as an ant who raped an elephant, or a public servant serving the people, those creatures that only exist in legends.

In this way, Kael’thas started a two-day and two-night journey with this group of girls and women from the morning of that day, a pure, true protection journey without dirty thoughts

“I was still alive at that time.” Kael’thas roasted a creature like a pheasant, but as big as a goat, or even a calf. A strange ray, all creatures pierced by this ray will fall into a brief paralysis, and then be pierced through the forehead with its sharp beak, and this creature is also a gregarious bird creature, which can It is said that it is a fierce beast that is much more terrifying and terrifying than tigers and wild wolves, scary beasts!

However, the moment a dozen or so of these creatures jumped down in front of Kael’thas, even three or five immediately burned into a ball of fire, and the rest were all used by Kael’thas in various ways. They were brought down, and the result was that these dozens of huge ferocious birds and beasts became the lunch of more than two hundred people at noon on the second day when the girls met Kael’thas. mFree online novel expert))

Kael’thas was cooking the dozen or so giant birds, and kept telling the women around him about his feats back then: “I was still alive at that time, alas, the feeling of being alive is really real.” Wonderful, maybe you don’t realize that, even those souls who have died for only a few years, ten years, or even less than 10,000 years will not be aware of or even know that as time goes by, about 50,000 to In a million years, the feelings and emotions of all souls will gradually become weak and disappear, and in the end there will even be “whiteboard people”. “The so-called whiteboard man, it means blank, without emotion, without thought, except for the instinctive actions of his soul, it can no longer even be said to be a life form. In fact, such an existence in There are quite a few of them in the holy lands of all races, but most of the new generation of holy spirits and advanced holy spirits don’t know about it

“Huh? Why didn’t I become a whiteboard person? Well, before answering your question, Ma’am, I want to ask, do I look like an old man who has lived a million years?” Is it a monster? Of course, I have lived for quite a long time. In fact, the reason why there are white board people is that we souls have no **, although we can feel pain, itching, numbness, and taste Sweet, bitter, spicy, and you can even do your favorite things. At first glance, it seems that there is not much difference from normal things, but in fact, all our feelings are just the feelings we had when we had sex. “Memory” is not the real feeling of the soul body. In fact, the soul body only has obsession and standard energy. There are no such things as nerves, muscles, and hormones. All these are just “memory” in the memory of the soul. , that’s all! “

“Memories. How long can they last? The answer is that according to the strength of this soul body, it will last between 50,000 and 1 million years. Generally speaking, ordinary holy spirits can maintain this kind of “remembrance.” About 50,000 to 500,000 years, and after being promoted to a high-level holy spirit, this kind of “memory” can last between 500,000 and 1 million years. Years, this is the maximum limit that has been measured so far, the limit time that a high-level holy spirit can maintain “memory”

“It’s very painful. Before the memory is about to be lost, the feeling, emotion, pain, itching, laughter, love, hatred, everything in consciousness gradually fades and is slowly recorded. It feels like a much more painful punishment than burning the soul for a thousand or ten thousand years, so, the Holy Spirit among our hundreds of clans desperately wants to be promoted to a high-level Holy Spirit,”

“Ah? You asked Holy Soul? Why didn’t I mention Holy Soul’s “memory, duration” just now? Because Holy Soul’s “memory, duration” is infinite, because Holy Soul is the soul essence mixed into one, The evolution process of turning into a mixed circle, to be precise, the Holy Spirit no longer belongs to the category of the soul, they are more like another kind of advanced life form, so you understand? We, the so-called eternally existing holy spirits, have actually been dying slowly from the very beginning, but this cycle time is ten thousand times longer than normal things, but our “death, the pain is also higher than that of ordinary things.” More than ten thousand times, because once the holy soul cannot be achieved within the duration of its “memory”, or at least half a step of the holy soul, then it is possible to pass the time limit of 1,280,000 years, if not, Then what is waiting for it is the eternal emptiness, the kind of emptiness that has no consciousness, no thoughts, but its soul essence still exists, that is the state that is more painful than death “nothingness.”

During this meal, Ersas had been talking about the souls of hundreds of ancient races. Zhou Zhou was helpless because of the souls of these peoples. When the meal was over, Lian Na suddenly said : “Mr. Kael’thas, although these words should not be said in front of you, but in the entire hundred clans, only you helped us and kept us alive, and everyone else wanted to kill us You should know these things even if you breed them like livestock, right? No matter how helpless souls of hundreds of races like you are, but this helplessness is not caused by us humans, so we must also pay for this helplessness, Hatred,” our human hatred for your ancient tribes will not be reduced by this.

Kael’thas nodded silently, and then shook his head silently. He was very silent that afternoon, and he was no longer as funny as before, but all the girls were secretly blaming Lianna, because they The only hope was Kael’thas. Because of his protection, there were no alien attacks that day and night. They were really afraid that because of Lianna’s words, Kael’thas, who was furious, would immediately abandon them. In that case, they would have no hope at all.

This silent march continued until the dusk of the second day. In the golden afterglow, the women followed Kael’thas and finally walked out of the forest area. There are even twelve or thirteen large buses parked beside the high highway, and the appearance of these buses has not been damaged too much, as if as long as there is gasoline, they can drive Mercedes-Benz immediately.

Kelthas suddenly smiled and pointed at the big buses: “Is this the means of transportation for you humans? It is said that you need a kind of oil called gas oil. I don’t know what gas oil is, but I let you People have used legendary magic on these means of transportation. As long as you enter it and say my name to the means of transportation, Kael’thas? This road goes eastward, and it will continue to drive for three days and three nights. I have prepared a lot of drinking water and food for you in the car, so you don’t have to be afraid of the danger after I leave. After three days and three nights, you have probably reached the desert There are very few tribes living in this area, as long as your Holy Spirit wakes up, you will be able to move on to the east.”

“Goodbye, friends of humans, beautiful ladies,” In fact, the source of disputes between our hundred races and you humans is just to survive. I think I can solve our problems without fighting. Contradictory approach, my dream will definitely come true, at that time, “May the sun be shining when we meet again.”

Kael’thas smiled and said to the more than two hundred women present, when the words fell, he had turned into a red flame and fled far away, and many girls present were even crying softly”

In fact, Kael’thas didn’t go far away, he just hid beside a big tree and kept guarding silently until all the human women got on the bus, and then drove away driven by the legendary magic. After heading east along the road, he sighed and appeared from the side of the big tree. Until then, there were only a few holy spirits, and a high-level holy spirit suddenly stood behind him respectfully.

The senior Holy Spirit bowed his head slightly, and said respectfully: “Prince Kael’thas, Lord Staghelmet has awakened, and he wishes to have an audience with you immediately

Kael’thas said with a wry smile: “What kind of audience? It’s clearly meant to go to court with me. Who will go back? I’ll just go to the Celestial Clan to play for a while.” Elsa turned around and was about to leave.

The high-level holy spirit was full of anxiety, and he immediately said: “Master Lu Helmet said! If you run away again, then he will directly use his hands to destroy the group of human beings! He said he was not on good terms You are arguing because you just want to discuss the luck of the elves with you, and he also asked me to tell you that if he hadn’t suppressed the elf court and the elf holy land these two days, these new-generation holy spirits and high-level holy spirits would have long been You went berserk, because before saving those humans, you sneaked into the elf palace, stunned the elf queen who was eating, and stole all her favorite snacks. This is simply insulting The Elf King”. Kael’thas finally smiled bitterly helplessly. He waved his hands helplessly and said, “Didn’t I miss it at the time? Besides, so many dynasties have passed, who knows which one is the elf queen, the elf queen of this generation It looks so ugly, I thought it was that. The princess or something, so I knocked it down with a quick hand, and the result, hahaha, don’t worry, big old man deer helmet, I will come back immediately, But when Kael’thas said this, his smile suddenly subsided, and a trace of killing intent slowly emerged from his serious expression.

“If the group of humans are wiped out by the people you sent, then don’t think about it

At this moment, in the elf court and the elf palace, a huge screen is displaying all the sounds and images of the area where Kael’thas is located, and a graceful and beautiful elf woman who can even be called stunning Suddenly he rolled his eyes, and after hearing the words “it’s so ugly”, he completely fainted, and the hundreds of ordinary holy spirits around him. Twenty or so high-ranking holy spirits looked like they wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to.

The elf sitting at the forefront of all the holy spirits, the high-level holy spirit, is a very old high-level holy spirit, but his aura field is already visible to the naked eye, and it is turning into real things bit by bit, and then transforms and disappears , Just like this, it keeps looping. It is very obvious that this elf is probably a half-step holy soul that has already reached the threshold of the holy soul, the peak of the high-level holy spirit.

The old elf suddenly laughed heartily and said: “Then I will wait for your arrival in the palace, blood mage, phoenix summoner, golden dream, the only one who has killed a holy spirit when he was a high-level holy spirit The powerhouse of ghosts at the soul level, known as the only strongest man under the holy soul who can rival the giant Loki, my prince, Kael’thas? His Royal Highness the Dream Chaser.”

On the other side Kael’thas also rushed back towards the elf king court along with several elf holy spirits.

On the way, the high-level Holy Spirit finally couldn’t help asking: “Your Highness,” do you really believe in your dream? “

“Yes!” Kael’thas nodded seriously: “Of course I believe it, how can something that I don’t believe become a dream?”

The high-level Holy Spirit asked again: “But is it really possible? The lives of all races, no matter how strong or weak, no matter how wise or foolish they are, can all live under the same sky. “

“Of course it can be done.

The expression of Kael’thas became holy again, as if he had told the human women about his dream, he seemed to be emitting golden light from top to bottom, making him look like a saint,

“I have a dream…


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