Death is the Beginning Chapter 7: : The land of dreams! (middle)

What is the purpose of a person living…

This is not a philosophical question. It is the most basic question, what is the purpose of human life?

Eat? sleep? dressing?


That’s what you do to live, not what you live to do!

People are alive…

“It’s for the pursuit of dreams.”

Li Lian suddenly thought of a conversation his father once had with him. His father was an older generation writer who wrote praises of New China. When he was old, he was still writing what he wanted to write stroke by stroke. His answer to Li Lian was yes.


When Li Lian woke up, a ray of sunlight from the sky shot down from the gap between the leaves, just hitting his eyes, causing tears to flow from his eyes…

Many times, he watched his comrades die under the swords and guns of foreign races. He saw his own people being enslaved and killed by foreign races. He saw his people were starved to death, exhausted…

The sadness in his heart could not be suppressed for a while, he was not his father, and he had no ambition since he was a child. Later, when he grew up, his academic performance was also very bad, so he chose to serve in the army. Based on the idea that one year is a year, he planned to stay in the army until he retired. Who knew that the ghost disaster broke out at this time, and he followed The army returned to Beijing, but not long after, the army was dispersed by a large group of ghosts. After that, the government’s contact was interrupted, and the people began to flee…

Ghosts, earthquakes, alien races…

Scenes of the past are reflected in Li Yin’s heart. Every clansman around him, his comrades-in-arms, have died now, or become slaves of foreign races, or become decorations of foreign races. And he… ran away!

Yes, he is not as noble as he said, he is actually a coward, he is afraid of death, he is afraid of being eaten and killed by aliens, so every time he runs away, he Afraid, he was afraid… yes! He is a coward who is afraid of death! That’s why he abandoned his own people. He just abandoned his comrades-in-arms. He is obviously the only one with such power among all the clansmen, but he runs away with such a reason every time…

“I’m a **** coward! Obviously I was afraid of death, obviously I abandoned my comrades-in-arms, obviously I watched the people of my tribe die, there is no excuse for all this, I am a coward Ah!”

Li Lian’s eyes were stinging. He stood up and howled with tears. He didn’t care if there were foreigners nearby. He raised his head and roared loudly. Then he turned around and said to the people around him who had already been awakened: “Everyone has eaten all the food, and we will be on the road immediately! It will take at least ten days to walk from here to Beijing, and I don’t know when the road will be possible.” It’s time to eat again, so everyone eat everything!”

Behind Li Lian was a small pit sunken in by rocks. Dozens of humans slept in it, and Li Lian stood outside to protect them. Dozens of people were slightly taken aback, and several of them moved their mouths. She seemed to want to say something, but she didn’t say anything after all. Only a young woman suddenly said loudly: “I don’t agree to go to the ruins of Beijing! Have you forgotten about the exploration team?”

The exploration team is the eternal heartache of the group of them, and even the thousands of people who may have died. They have a safe “home”. All of this is really a paradise for them in the last days, but such a beautiful place was all ruined in vain because of an exploration by the exploration team. More than a thousand people were killed, captured, and eaten, and only a few dozen escaped people survived. The matter of the exploration team was a taboo for them.

Li Lian looked at the girl, and from the eyebrows, he could vaguely see the familiar face of the girl… It should be someone he knew in that large settlement before the alien race appeared. At that time, someone who also held a position in the semi-government organization that maintained order, otherwise it would be impossible to follow him here. Li Lian himself did not know how he survived so many dangers, and this The girl also survived together, and it is likely that she has followed him since a long time ago.

Li Lian nodded and said: “I know, the ruins of Beijing City are likely to be occupied by a large number of foreign races, just like the small town we visited this time, and they are likely to encounter unprecedented dangers. That The possibility of the rumors is too low, too low, the army of the human government, I really dare not even think about it, but… I still want to go there, if you really don’t want to go, I have some food here, and this military weapon You can take all the bayonets, I can’t give you this gun, because one is that you don’t know how to use it, and the other is that I have to take them so far.”

Although this young girl is skinny and skeleton-like from starvation, she can vaguely see a beautiful outline from her eyebrows, and although her hair is dry and yellow and covered with mud, her hair is long and long. The wispy hair gave her some of her former beauty.

When she heard Li Lian’s words, her face turned red immediately, and she shouted, “Do you think I’m afraid of death? I just don’t want everyone to die! This rumor is so bizarre. What kind of human government army, where did they appear? Underground? They popped up all of a sudden, and passed the news to such a far place, who sent it? Those government troops? The government has long given us Abandoned! They themselves don’t know where to hide and enjoy secretly. Where do they remember us ordinary people? All this is just a rumor. It’s just the dream of people living in extreme despair, so rational Some, don’t take everyone to die, just like you led us before, take us to live on…”

Li Lian suddenly pressed her shoulders fiercely. There was never such a moment when Li Lian was so firm in his heart. He said seriously: “Because it is a dream! I know that although it is absurd, although It’s unreasonable, but it’s just because it’s a dream! Our own city. There’s enough food, soft and comfortable clothes, warm beds, rooms that are safe enough not to look around like mice, and Electricity, water, a street where you can see each other and smile happily…that is a dream!”

“Aren’t we extremely desperate now? The bullets are almost gone, there are no safe settlements around, I don’t know when the alien race will chase from the other side of the tree, and I don’t know what my next meal will be. , or being eaten by something, what is the difference between us now and those people who were raised in captivity by foreign races?! We are already in extreme despair! Since we are doomed to die, why not before we die? How about fighting this last one?”

“Aren’t we living to pursue everything in that dream? Isn’t it a desire to return to the world in that dream? This is a dream!”

Li Lian roared loudly, he suddenly threw the AK47 on the ground on the ground, then looked at the people in front of him and said: “Then let’s vote here, I’m tired, I don’t want to run away anymore Now, if I want to live like a mouse, like a pig and a dog for the rest of my life, I would rather drag a foreign race to die together in the next second. I have decided that I will go to that Beijing even if I don’t want to risk my life. The ruins of the city, even if there really are alien races there, I am willing, because I have no pursuit of this world, we humans are finished… Now please make a choice, willing to die with me, go together Those who pursue the dream land, follow me, those who are willing to stay, those who are willing to use this weapon to find prey, and then hide everywhere, stay with her, this weapon is reserved for those who stay People!” After speaking, he silently looked at the dozens of people in front of him.

The children were all about seven or eight years old. The oldest child is about ten years old, but God knows how horrible and terrible things they have experienced in the past year. Those bright eyes of the child are not only full of innocence and confusion, but also full of unspeakable When Li Lian said these words, these children walked to him first. The older girl, who was like an older sister, protected the youngest children. She hesitated for a while. , and held Li Lian’s hand tightly, as if afraid that Li Lian would abandon them and go on the road alone.

The rest of the people are full of hesitation. It’s not that they don’t know Li Lian’s meaning, but most of the people who can live with Li Lian until now are like the woman before, always staring at danger, People who are always watching the escape route, in other words, are actually the kind of people who are most afraid of death.

Who is not afraid of death? When you die, everything is empty! Regardless of dreams or pursuits, dead people have no so-called dreams, so who can not be afraid of death? Who dare not be afraid of death?

However, if you are afraid of death, you are afraid of death. People cannot shrink back because they are afraid of death and are cowardly. Sometimes, there are certain things that must be done even if they are dead!

Gradually, one person after another stood behind Li Lian. Their faces had already been numb, and their eyes had already been At this moment, they seemed to have expressions and With a smile on their faces, those children told them intermittently the rumors of the ruins of Beijing, where… it really is the land of dreams, the land of our own human beings.

In the end, only the young girl stood opposite everyone. She looked at everyone with a purple face, but Li Lian didn’t look at her again. He turned around and planned to walk behind everyone. At this moment, the girl suddenly picked up the AK47 from the ground, and everyone looked at her closely, for fear that she would do something drastic.

“Wait a minute, Li Lian! I… I’ll go with you! Even if I die, I don’t want to hide like a mouse…”

The girl ran to Li Lian in a few steps, and she cried loudly: “I’ll give you the gun, but I don’t know how to spend money. Li Lian, please let us see the land of our dreams!”

“Well, definitely…”

“We will definitely find the land of our dreams…”

(PS: I will be able to configure a new computer tomorrow. Although I will come back in the afternoon, I can look forward to at least 10,000 words tomorrow. It will explode the day after tomorrow. I am sorry for the above two days.) (!)

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