Death is the Beginning Chapter 7: No. 7

Jiao is not mediocre, on the contrary, as long as he is given a chance, he can be more and better!

Before he died, the reason why he was mediocre and cautious was the oppressive nature of society. You are just an individual, even a tiger has to lie down, a dragon has to coil up, the real society is so cold and cruel , exactly like the computer program that has been designed, no one can change anything, even those lucky people, such as those who won the lottery, found oil, or mined gold mines, can only be promoted from their original status to In another planned world, there is still no escape from the framework of society. .

However, the soul world is different. This is a world that follows the true nature of nature. It is a world where personal will, consciousness, ability, and heart determine strength and status. After Pei Jiao advanced to the true devil level, he was cautious before. The previous mediocrity has been completely abandoned, and the authenticity has burst out. This is the real him!

As for the defense layout of the 17-country summit, he was also the leader to arrange it. However, in one afternoon, the soul teams of the 17 countries have been properly arranged, and the weaker countries are in the innermost layer. The defense was carried out, and the stronger countries were assigned to the outer layer, and there were scruples in all directions. People were also placed on the top floor and inside of this building. The soul team is also placed slightly outside, so that even those white people are secretly admired, and no one will gossip.

“Since the defense area has been set, I hope that everyone will be stationed in their respective defense areas from March 6th. I don’t care about the previous grievances, or even this time. Isn’t it my enemy? It’s good for everyone to make money together. I’m definitely not a stingy or mean person, but first, let me change your discrimination against race. Otherwise, I’m not a kind master. Don’t think that I’m more How kind is Gong Yeyu!”

This is the last thing Pei Jiao said in the venue. After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out of the venue. Qian Pairs of eyes just stared at him blankly until he and the crowd from the Chinese Soul Squad fell into disarray. After walking away, the whole venue was still silent for a long time…

Perhaps it is just like what the middle-aged true devil: the strong man said, the existence of Gong Yeyu broke the strong monopoly of the white race in one fell swoop, and the rise of Pei Jiao severely gave the white race the extravagant hope. Stepped on the foot, and gave a slap in the face before stepping on it, regardless of the experience in the real world, culture, technology, as long as the soul world exists for a day, people are already equal to the Caucasians, no difference up!

“It’s been done…”

In Pei Jiao’s room, there were about 20 people gathered. Although he specially selected a suite, it would be no problem for a dozen or twenty people to sit in the big living room, but if you really squeezed in a dozen or two people When ten people came, the whole living room immediately seemed small. This is Easter Island, and the soul is like a living person. Apart from Yang Dingtian and Zhang Heng, the twenty or so people were Yuchen Xuguang, who had Chinese soul organizations. The escapers and the strongest free souls are here. If the room is not too small, maybe people from the entire Chinese soul organization will come.

Things, when Pei Jiao was the leader of the team and went to Easter Island at the beginning, although he suppressed all voices because of his status as a true demon, people always felt jealous, but he was like Yu with his strength and prestige. Those who are so strong that they have no boundaries have no jealousy, and then Pei Jiao sternly cursed a few more words during the flight just now, and the dissatisfaction in these people’s hearts became even worse.

Until later at the venue. Pei Jiao showed his might. First, he solved a true demon-level powerhouse in one fell swoop. After that, they used language and power to suppress those white people to lose their temper. This action really surprised and delighted the free souls of the Chinese soul organization. It is also admirable. After all, Pei Jiao has a better temper than Gong Yeyu. Nor is it a reckless character who doesn’t understand the severity. Such a comparison. His position as the leader was really confirmed.

Now back to the accommodation area. Although there is also a TV in this residential area. computer. Even a small cinema hall. But just after getting excited. Who can see those. They all ran to Pei Jiao. And Pei Jiao happened to be grinding coffee beans there… This is obsessive food. In the large amount of obsessive food in the European exchange place. These luxuries can still have hundreds of weights.

Since it is here. Pei Jiao is absolutely not stingy. Grind several servings of obsessed coffee beans. After it was finished, it was distributed to those present and the rest who did not show up. Many more cigarettes followed. Everyone present was smiling. I feel that Pei Jiao is getting better. Talking is also much more casual. Except when talking about today’s meeting venue moves. Some complained that Pei Jiao did go too far. But everyone expressed that they would definitely follow in Pei Jiao’s footsteps. Just do what you want. Absolutely will not be negligent.

Actually, this is the tolerance that Pei Jiao has realized…not the offense of forgiving others. Tolerance of other people’s malice. Tolerate others to attack something. That’s pedantic! That’s cowardice!

True inclusiveness is the presence of all things. Good is also good. Evil is also good. Live is also good. Killing is also good. Everything from the heart. And that’s just the surface. In fact, true tolerance is strength!

Like those little ponds. What tolerance is there? When the flood water rushed, it immediately festered!

Tolerate this, bear with that, if someone punches you and pulls the other side of the face away, if someone bullies you, just use this and that excuse to refuse, this is not tolerance! It’s called pedantry, it’s called cowardice, maybe it’s also called lack of strength, you can only endure it, and it’s called tolerance…

Pei Jiao looks at the sea to be condensed and inclusive. The first thing he sees is the size, breadth, and boundlessness of the sea. Although tolerance is great, but first of all it must be the sea. If the pond, even if it can accommodate anything, it will just become a stinky ditch, and the sea is not calm. Once it gets angry, it will be rough. Storms and huge waves, even tsunamis, etc., this is tolerance! This is tolerance!

So now Pei Jiao is both angry and murderous, majestic and kind, cruel and loyal. For example, at this moment, he doesn’t have any airs, talking and laughing, as if the boy next door is not He was stingy and took out his obsessive food, and everyone who came had a share.

“Haha, let me just say, I can smell the fragrance of coffee from such a distance, this must be the coffee in obsessive food?”

Suddenly, there was a burst of English voice from outside the door, and then a big European man walked in directly from the door, but he was not polite at all, meet

Looking brightly at the coffee beans that Pei Jiao is grinding, it looks as if he tasted it.

This big European guy, Pei Jiao, also recognized David who fought side by side in the North and South battlefields, that bold German guy, followed by a few breakaways from his team, they seemed to be still alive when they entered the door Especially when he saw Pei Jiao, the shrinking became more and more obvious. He didn’t have David’s boldness.

Pei Jiao didn’t care, and immediately stood up and reached out to David, “I thought you wouldn’t come to see me, after all, I had a big conflict with you just before.”

As soon as David grabbed Pei Jiao’s hand and shook it a few times, he laughed and said, “The one who has conflicts with you is not me but those boring people. You’re scolding so much! Many people sitting around turned pale with anger, hahaha…”

Pei Jiao let out a smile and said, “Oh? Don’t you care?”

David hadn’t spoken yet, another English voice came from outside: “We care about you, so we won’t do it? Today you will definitely do it even if you are forced to kill someone? After all, you are standing on the leader of a soul organization You can’t decide on your position.”

Pei Jiao looked towards the gate with a smile, and there was a young Caucasian with a warm smile. Following a few breakaways, he also walked in without hesitation. I don’t know if it was a coincidence that the few breakaways behind him were also full of fear, especially when Pei Jiao looked at them, This shrinking expression is also becoming more and more obvious.

Pei Jiao smiled: “In our Chinese vocabulary, it is called an arrow on the string, and it has to be launched. Everyone wants to win this spirit, the general trend, and whoever loses it is the sinner of his own organization. I really can’t help it, after all, the weak are the majority.”

The strong, such as the current demon-level, or those who are at the peak of the demon-level, or most of the breakaways, etc., they are all people with extremely tenacious will, with their own worldview and their own. Mind and pursuit will not be easily shaken by the outside world. The strong not only refers to the strength of strength, but also includes character, world view, will, pursuit, etc., and in the soul world, these represent strength.

The strong naturally don’t need excuses like the so-called superiority and inferiority of the race to paralyze themselves. After all, there are only despicable individuals, there is no despicable race, but the weak can’t, especially when they lose their skin color, country, and race. When the status advantage brought by them, this sense of loss makes them urgently want to regain the sense of excellence of this race, just like the current European and American soul worlds, these are the weak, but the weak are often the majority.

After Pei Jiao finished speaking, he saw that the whole hall was really crowded, so he said: “Let’s find a hall to gather together and call all your team members together. There are more than 100 people here, how about I bring out obsessive food for everyone to eat and drink?”

David immediately smiled and said: “That’s okay, we are here to eat and drink you, who said you are a rich man, okay, I will go back and call the team members, this time my team A total of eleven people came, except for a few of us, and some are at the accommodation, waiting for me to come back.”

Laurea pulled David and said, “By the way, call my team members. I have something to talk to Pei Jiao, so I can’t leave for now.”

David didn’t refuse, nodded cheerfully, and then strode out the door.

Then everyone changed places, and some people went to call the rest of the Chinese Soul Organization, but Pei Jiao heard that Laurea had something to tell him, so he deliberately lagged behind the crowd, so he asked Laureia. : “Oh? Is there something urgent?”

Laurea glanced left and right, and then said in a low voice: “Before I came, I received an unnamed electronic letter, which was written in code. I used to come up with a set of passwords, only he and I know in the whole world, you also know that he and I are of noble origin? So it is impossible for others to know some private words.

Pei Jiao nodded and said: “Well, I heard Yang Xuguang mention this. It seems that Varosti and the girl named ‘Berserker’ Nania are both from the Morgan family in the United States? This is the United States. The real ruling family is even more entrenched than the Rockefeller family, and you seem to be from a big aristocratic family in England? It’s hard to imagine that you big aristocrats have a tenacious will and have become breakaways.”

Laurea smiled bitterly and said, “If we didn’t have a strong will, maybe we would have died a long time ago… But let’s not talk about these things when we were alive before. This electronic letter is composed of passwords. After I decrypt it The letter was immediately deleted, because if what the letter says is true, it must not be leaked, especially if it is leaked to the world governments.”

Pei Jiao immediately became interested, and he asked curiously: “Oh? Is there any special secret? By the way, isn’t Varosti trapped in the Golden Kingdom? Why can he still send you a letter? ?”

Laurea glanced left and right again His voice became softer, and he said: “You cover the surrounding aura, although there is unlikely to be a bug in the aisle, But it’s better to be careful…”

Pei Jiao also knew that the situation might be very serious, so he didn’t say much, so he used the aura field to cover several meters around the two of them, forming a shape like a round bead, and no sound could pass through This level of aura is gone, so he said: “Okay, tell me, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to hear what we are saying now.”

Laurea looked around in surprise, and after a long time, she smiled wryly and said: “It’s actually the peak of the real devil level… But why is there no color? Could it be that your aura field is colorless, but I’ll talk about this later, this letter explains in detail the outline of the soul army plan, and not only the soul army plan, but also the in-depth branches of the soul army plan… The real magic mass production plan is also mentioned in this letter, just According to what I believe, by excavating the ancient ruins of Atlantis, the governments of all countries in the world now secretly have at least three or four real devils in their hands in every player!”

“And… this time, Varosti was trapped in the Golden Kingdom. It is likely that several European and American soul organizations planned together to try to lure Gong Yeyu. They want to get rid of this first person!”

Phew, the first update, continue to beg for monthly tickets!

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