Death is the Beginning Chapter 5: : Blue boxing! (on)

In the northern fields of Europe. In the forests of northern Europe, in the mountains of northern Europe… Human beings are on the verge of extinction.

This is the bottom of a hill, and there is a swamp in the bottom of the valley. At this moment, there are more than 30 men and women lying in the swamp, not even daring to show their heads. He was so suffocated that he could only lift his nostrils slightly to take a breath, but even such a slight movement made the hearts of those around him almost shatter.

Just outside the swamp and on the edge of the swamp, dozens of elves were searching for something. After a long time, these elves gathered together and said to the leading elf woman: “Master, before The human beings sensed by magic have disappeared, and they may have sunk into the swamp…”

The woman said with a cold face: “Then why don’t you go into the swamp to look for it? Could it be that you didn’t listen to Her Majesty’s order? Arrest all the humans in the territory!”

The faces of the dozens of elves around were not gloomy, and some even showed anger on their faces, but they just dared not speak out. , although extremely arrogant, but it is a real legendary rank, and it is one of the dozens of candidates in the royal court who are most likely to become the Holy Spirit. It’s not that a small tribe like them can be offended, it’s just… who wants to enter the swamp?

The elves are extremely proud, and they love cleanliness by nature, and they look down on any race that is not the three major ancestor races, and even the other five non-ancestral races among the eight major clans, they look and treat them as if they were slaves , not to mention such lowly human beings who seem to dirty their eyes just by looking at them, plus they have to enter the swamp and get covered in mud. Just thinking about such things makes them unable to Accepted, so no matter how much this woman lost her temper, they kept their heads down and said nothing.

This woman was so angry that her heart was chilling, but she couldn’t imagine that this swamp was too big. Even if she used legendary spells and spent several months of weakness, she would definitely not be able to destroy the entire swamp. , and the soldiers of these elven tribes… Well, who said that the Bill of Rights in the elven tribe is too strict? Not to mention her legend, even Her Majesty the Queen would not be able to cross the council hall to deal with any commoner.

“Forget it, let these humans stay in the swamp, as long as they dare to leave the swamp, they will all be killed sooner or later!” After glancing at the elf soldiers around him, he turned and walked out of the swamp.

The more than 30 men and women in the swamp didn’t know this, and they were still crawling and lying in the mud. I really didn’t dare to lift up at all. I don’t know how long it passed like this. Everyone stayed in the swamp mud for three or four hours. They were all cold and hungry, and almost everyone had wounds on their bodies. Soaked in this muddy ground, the whole body has turned white, but the wound no longer hurts, but presents a feeling of numbness and itching. This is not something that is healing, but a complete infection.

Everyone is really hungry and thirsty. Don’t look like they are soaking in the swamp, but the water in this swamp is not drinkable at all. The thirty or so people have been wandering on the edge of life and death for more than a year. They are all from big cities, and now they are definitely field survival experts. They naturally know that if they drink the water in this swamp, they are likely to be poisoned. Not to mention their stomachs are bloated, and they will even vomit and have loose bowels. In a few days, there is no medicine. They are likely to die. So at this moment, these thirty or so people can only hold back their hunger and thirst, and force themselves to stay here.

Fortunately, the sky had gradually dimmed. When the sky was completely dark and the people buried in the swamp stood up, four of them had already lost their lives, and the remaining twenty or so people were silent. No words, this kind of thing has been commonplace for them for more than a year. Although they are sad in their hearts, they can already restrain themselves. Otherwise, if they are distraught every time, their spirits will have collapsed long ago.

More than 20 people reluctantly buried the bodies of the four people deep in the swamp, and then they walked out of the swamp along the safe zone protruded from the swamp…the safe zone that hundreds of people took their lives to protrude out of Ah, every step down seems to be able to feel the flesh and blood of the clansmen.

It was not until these twenty people came out of the swamp that one of them suddenly asked, “Where are we… going now?”

The other 20 people were stunned. They were originally residents of a small settlement. There were more than 100 people in the settlement in this mountainous area. They were lucky enough to find them at the bottom of a steep cliff. There is a deep pool, and this deep pool is relatively large, it is also running water, and it is connected with the underground river. It is enough to leave the bottom of the cliff occasionally to find some plants such as wild vegetables and roots, and they are also afraid that leaving the bottom of the cliff will expose the settlement, so the more than 100 people also planted some wild vegetables that can be planted on the bottom of the cliff. Where it shines in the sun.

Although the environment at the bottom of the cliff is not good, it is humid. It is dark and cold, but there is enough food here, and it can be far away from alien races. Besides, as more than a year has passed, several children have been born in the settlement. It seems that this place is a paradise for more than a hundred people. Although the suffering is a bit bitter, they all know the fate and abjection of those tribesmen beyond the bottom of the cliff, so this bit of suffering is insignificant.

It’s just a pity that the good times didn’t last long. Just a dozen days ago, a large number of elves appeared in this area. God knows why these elves, who usually only stay in the jungle and don’t want to run around, started to attack and fight everywhere. What about capturing humans? Except for this small settlement, there are actually thousands of humans in the entire mountain area. After all, this mountain area is very large. Although the alien race is terrifying, it is impossible to completely occupy it, right? Therefore, although these thousands of human beings lived hard, they still survived tenaciously.

But with the start of the mopping up of the elves, these thousands of human beings are really unlucky. Skill. You can rely on this kind of magic to search for human existence everywhere, and even their small settlement at the bottom of the cliff was found by him. Fortunately, it was at the bottom of the cliff. They had already searched the entire bottom of the cliff beforehand and found a It was an extremely concealed outgoing passage, and these thirty people escaped by relying on this passage.

But who knew that the elves were planning to kill them all. Dozens of elves caught up with them along this passage. Only these thirty people remained, and the rest were either killed or captured. And even among the thirty or so people, after lying in the swamp for half a day, four of them couldn’t get up again. All this is really desolate to the limit.

More than twenty people looked at each other. They were all cold, hungry and thirsty. Immediately, some people proposed to go back to the bottom of the cliff. At least there would be water and food there, but more people rejected this idea. Proposal, because the place is already known by the elves, and they don’t know how the elves know there, so if they go back, they will really fall into the trap.

“Let’s just leave this mountainous area. I remember that not far from the mountainous area, there was a large former cornfield. Although it has been abandoned for more than a year, there must be a lot of wild corn growing there. When we got there, I’m sure you won’t have to worry about food.” One of them said suddenly.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and then they were overjoyed. You must know that the elves generally do not leave the jungle. What if they left the mountains and jungles and went to the plains? Although it is very dangerous on the plains, it may be seen by aliens from a very far distance, but it is better than starving to death in the jungle, dying of thirst, and being caught by elves, okay?

“Okay! Let’s go beyond the mountains. I still remember the location of the cornfield. God, please protect us from this hell.”

The person who spoke was a middle-aged strong man. Although he looked too hungry, this man was tall, at least 1.9 meters tall, or even two meters tall. , although he lost some weight, but when he spoke, the others immediately stopped talking in a low voice and looked at him with quiet expressions. Obviously this man has some prestige among the crowd.

Sure enough, after the middle-aged strong man finished speaking, the rest of the people acquiesced to his statement, and walked out of the mountain area after him.

Fortunately, they all know that the elves, like are creatures that are active during the day. In fact, except for a very small number of alien intelligent creatures, most of the alien intelligent creatures are active during the day like humans , to rest at night, so as long as they don’t meet the night patrols of foreign races, they should be able to leave this mountainous area before morning.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that the elves possessed “magic” skills. Not long after they left the swamp, the legendary elf woman who had hunted them down before, and more than twenty elf soldiers behind her had died. Came to the scene.

The elf woman stood on the spot and closed her eyes. Immediately, green light particles continuously floated out from the surrounding trees and grass. With a simple move, these light particles immediately flowed into her In her mind, after a long time, she opened her eyes and said: “They are running away this way, catch up! I want to catch them alive, huh, I got up in the middle of the night to hunt them down. After I catch them, I must let them go!” They watched their bones being carved alive!”

The more than twenty elven soldiers behind her were also full of killing intent. God knows, they were lying on warm beds before, or were discussing the secrets of human nature with elven beauties. The sent legendary mages were assembled. They can’t do anything about this legendary mage, but they can vent their anger on humans. Damn, such lowly humans dare to let their noble elves go back and forth several times. What a great sin! (!)

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