Death is the Beginning Chapter 4: : Core! (4)

Leaving aside the small episode for the time being, everyone took a break after solving the machine in this hall, the real demon robot ghost. Taking this opportunity, Valkyrie and Yu Chen also began to calculate the rotation function of this room At this moment, everyone is getting closer and closer to the core of this fantasy, and the complexity of function calculations is also increasing rapidly. Even Valkyrie can’t do mental calculations. In addition to using paper for calculations, Yu Chen’s help also helps. She gave her a lot of help, but even so, it still took more than 20 minutes to calculate the rotation law. >

“Unfortunately, there is no way to rotate to the inner floor, so we can only continue to move forward at this floor.” After the calculation, Yu Chen sighed and said to the others.

The closer you are to the core of the fantasy, the smaller the chance of rotation towards the inner layer. Everyone has no choice but to continue to suffer slowly. After resting in this hall for a while, they continue to head towards the parallel passage of this layer. Go, just like that, everyone stayed on this floor for nearly two months, constantly looking for a room to break through, and at the same time killing more and more robot ghosts in large numbers, but they couldn’t do anything anyway. Looking for the passage leading to the most core room, the time passed day by day, until everyone had gone back and forth on this floor, that is, returning to the marked room where they entered this floor for the first time, the situation finally There has been a change.

“I figured it out!”

When everyone made a big circle on this floor and returned to this room after nearly two months, everyone became more and more anxious, and even began to wonder if it was the place of fantasy. The secret is like this, there is no so-called core area at all, or this is the so-called core area. After all, in the past two months, everyone has killed nine real demon robots! Such a density of true devil-level ghosts really deserves to be called the core area of ​​fantasy.

Just when everyone was disappointed by this, after coming to this room, Valkyrie and Yu Chen started to calculate again, and this time the two of them calculated for more than an hour, and the drafts they wrote were piled up. At the last moment, Yu Chen cheered loudly. Although Valkyrie was expressionless, everyone still saw a trace of relief from her. It was very obvious that the two of them must have made a new breakthrough!

“Entering through this passage is the way to the next floor! Yay! Husband, I’m great?” Yu Chen was really excited. He jumped up and laughed loudly. She kept bouncing back and forth, even when she saw Gong Yeyu approaching her, she threw herself into Gong Yeyu’s arms with a smile, and at the same time said to Gong Yeyu coquettishly.

Yu hugged such a big beauty, he could only giggle there, until Valkyrie stood up, Yu Chen felt that he seemed too bold, and it was too inconsistent with the elegant lady image she had always maintained, so Quickly jumped down from Gong Yeyu’s arms, stood still and hummed twice as if nothing had happened.

Pei Jiao and the others quickly surrounded him, and Pei Jiao asked first, “Have you figured out the result? Could it be that this room has rotated to the inner passage?”

Valkyrie nodded, before she had time to speak, Yu Chen beside her had already smirked and said: “That’s right, enter through this passage, we can go to the more core layer…and we are not only This result has been calculated, and more important content has also been calculated. According to the content displayed on the function result page, this is already the limit calculation value of the function. Do you know what this means? Once you go one step further , when the calculation difficulty increases again, this functional equation will completely change, understand what I mean?”

Pei Jiao and Yang Xuguang’s eyes lit up when they heard it. The two looked at each other. Immediately smiled knowingly. But the rest of the people didn’t understand. Gong Yeyu scratched his head and said, “What do you mean? In other words, after you enter the lower level, you can no longer calculate the rotation direction of the room?”

“It can be understood in this way.” Yang Xuguang said with a smile: “But it can also be understood in another way…the so-called extremes must be reversed. If this equation reaches the calculation extreme, the difficulty will increase. We will enter The next layer will no longer be able to calculate the rotation law of the room. But there can also be another explanation. That is to say. The next layer probably does not have room rotation. Maybe it is another look. There is no external So the next level is either a new labyrinth. Or it is the real core of this fantasy. There is no need to solve the puzzle anymore!”

Yu and the others were taken aback for a moment. Immediately they all cheered loudly. to be frank. Stayed in this fantasy land for a month. Even the best patience has been worn out. Any surprise at this moment is a good thing. Even if the accident is likely to bring danger. Everyone expects change. No matter what kind of change is acceptable!

Even if it has been found, enter

The entrance to the strip passage. People were not in a hurry anymore. Eating in leisurely. Bragging. Or simply take a nap. to be frank. Been trapped fantasy ground since this month time. The strength of everyone has increased significantly. The second is that everyone’s psychological quality has also increased significantly. Maybe his temper was a little bit bigger. But no matter for combat agility. The closeness of cooperation between everyone. Even fighting skills and so on are greatly increased. Now that you have reached the gate of the core of fantasy. On the contrary, everyone can face it with peace of mind. There is even a leisurely meal before a fight. This is simply unimaginable when they just entered the fantasy land.

Everyone slept in until the second day. Everyone felt very energetic. This was guided by Valkyrie and Yu Chen. Walked into a certain passage.

As soon as they entered this passage, Pei Jiao, Gong Yeyu, and Valkyrie’s expressions suddenly changed. They looked at each other and nodded slightly to confirm.

“That’s right, this oppressive force…is a devil-level ghost!” Gong Yeyu’s face was full of solemnity, a purple thunder flashed in his eyes, and the purple thunder knife had appeared in his hand.

Pei Jiao and Valkyrie also drew out their natural weapons, Pei Jiao’s blue star laser sword, Valkyrie’s cross-handed sword, and the rest of the people behind the three also heard their words , also each drew out their natural weapons, and looked cautiously at the passage ahead.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for most of the nine people to face devil-level ghosts. They worked together to kill one, but they are very clear about the difference between the devil king and the real devil. Think carefully about the battle on Easter Island, the terror of the world snake Yurmgunter, and the people who faced the Oberlis giant soldier The powerlessness at the time all explained the super combat power of the devil-level ghost.

Of course, the World Snake and the Giant God Soldier are all devil-level peak ghosts left over from the ancient civilization. Think about the gap between ordinary real demons and real demon peaks. An ordinary true devil! Then the gap between the higher-ranked Demon King level and the peak level of the Demon King level will be even greater.

But even so, an ordinary demon king is far stronger than any true demon peak!

“It should have been like this. Think about it, we have killed close to double digits of real devil-level ghosts before we reach the real core of fantasy. The quality of this fantasy ghost is higher than we imagined. Ah, if it is said that there are no devil-level ghosts in this core, then I will never believe it, so get ready! Fuck it!” Gong Yeyu walked at the forefront of the team, and he became more and more excited as he walked, until the end It was almost roaring, and at the same time, the purple aura field around him kept emerging, and the entire aisle entrance was covered by his aura field.

It has become stronger again, the capacity of obsession may have broken through two thousand, and what is even more frightening is that the strength of this obsession may have broken through to fifteen times the standard energy capacity? But even after reaching this level, I haven’t broken through to the Demon King level. One can imagine how difficult it is to break through the Demon King level. Alas, I’m still far away.

Pei Jiao’s position was right behind Gong Yeyu, he thought silently as he walked, and he could only sigh inwardly.

Just when Pei Jiao’s attention was slightly distracted, the end of the corridor suddenly opened up, and there was a vast and boundless huge was still the ground of the green energy line, and the sky was about a few hundred meters high It is still the ceiling of green energy lines, only in the center of this huge square, in an area of ​​about a thousand square meters, there is a site covered by a silver-white energy light curtain, and on the periphery of this silver-white energy light curtain, there are It is densely packed with robot ghosts.

If it’s just these things, that’s all. After all, the robot ghosts and monsters have killed enough people. Although there are only nine of them, the three major true demons are strong, and there is Gong Yeyu, who is known as the strongest in the world. Even the worst monsters, Yu Chen and Stana, can deal with ordinary ghosts at the peak of the demon level. As long as everyone is given enough time, the thousands of robot ghosts in front of them are nothing. what.

The ones who really shocked everyone, or rather terrified… were the three ghosts near the innermost layer of the light curtain!

A ghost is about 30 to 40 meters tall, and its whole body is pitch black. It is the miniature version of the world snake Yurmgunter. A miniature version of the Oberlis Giant Soldier, and the last ghost is only about ten meters long, but it is covered in white flames, and even its body is made of this flame. No matter how you look at it, it seems to be the legendary monster. The appearance of a phoenix is ​​average!

And…these three ghosts are all devil-level!

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