Death is the Beginning Chapter 4: : Core!

Jiao really wants to strangle Valkyrie to death. Although it has been many months, every time he sees Valkyrie glance into his eyes, it makes him feel chills in his heart. If it was someone else, who wasn’t their savior, or such a gorgeous beauty, then he would really punch him straight in the face!

According to the conjectures of Pei Jiao, Yang Xuguang, and Yu Chen, taking the seven known marked rooms known to everyone at that time as the center point, and then deriving the walking direction and the possible rotation law of the room, even if Valkyrie There was only one conclusion drawn by the three of Li’s demon-like wisdom. At that time, Valkyrie’s confidence was at most 50%, which was an overestimate, maybe only 30% or 40%, but at that time she directly The confidence has been doubled…

Because of this, Pei Jiao was trembling for a while. Thinking about it carefully, he was really scared. At that time, he entered the passage with an attitude of belief. Thirty to forty percent sure? If one of them was unlucky at that time, it would be too easy to wait for the result of the three of them. They could only be completely separated from everyone, and it is very likely that they will never see each other again. .update super fast<>

But no matter what, after more than a month of exploration, everyone has found hundreds of marked rooms one after another. The regularity of the room’s own rotation, after several failures, finally found the regularity of the room’s rotation, and then, everyone can almost freely come and go in the marked room, and also in Valkyrie and During the division of labor and cooperation between the three of Pei Jiao, they recorded the topographical map of everyone’s location.

From the distribution of these hundreds of marked rooms, it can be seen that the terrain of the entire fantasy land presents a honeycomb-like three-dimensional circle. At the same time, there are more small halls.

On the other hand, the rotation law of the room is not invariable such as clockwise or counterclockwise, but rotates according to a certain function law. In fact, when deriving the law of room rotation, Pei Jiao and Yang Xuguang The two were immediately betrayed. Their wisdom is indeed enough, but their knowledge is far behind Valkyrie and Yu Chen, it can even be said that the gap is very far. In fact, when the two of them listened to the two women When a woman was discussing the analytical equation of the function, the expressions of the two of them were almost the same as those of Gong Yeyu and others. This man has been depressed for a long time.

According to the law discovered by everyone, if a room does not rotate, then to enter the core area, you can only enter from the ceiling of the room, but according to the rotation law of this function, you must rotate to The probability of the room on the ceiling is only about 1%… In other words, people have to go through almost a hundred large and small halls before they can enter the inner floor, and there must be no mistakes in the middle, otherwise the law of rotation will change. recalculate.

This is what everyone knows so far. It takes a lot of energy to enter the next level, and the calculation of the rotation law in the middle cannot make the slightest mistake, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted, and this is not the last Bad information, the worst information is that every time you advance to the core area, the calculation of the room rotation function will increase a lot, that is, the difficulty of advancing will become more and more difficult…

But no matter what, everyone has nothing to do now anyway. Being trapped in this fantasy land can be said to be imprisoned. Instead of wasting time waiting like this, it is better to explore the secrets of the entire fantasy land. Moreover, Gong Yeyu is also currently stuck in a bottleneck. Maybe when he goes to the core of the fantasy land, he will encounter powerful ghosts, which may even allow him to make a breakthrough in his strength.

So when everyone was trapped in the fantasy land of the ruins of Atlantis for about five months, they finally began to try to go deeper into the fantasy land, relying on the map that had been drawn, it was comparable to Valkyrina. According to the calculation accuracy of the computer, everyone moved forward to the core on the fifth day, then advanced to the second level on the fifteenth day, and advanced to the third level on the thirty-fifth day…

Until the end of the sixth month when everyone was trapped in the fantasy land. I finally met the first real devil-level ghost in this fantasy land of the ruins of Atlantis!

A robot is a monster-level ghost!

Of course. Although Pei Jiao’s team is only nine people. But the strength can be said to be the top team in the entire real world. Leaving aside those three devil-level peak ghosts. The strength of these nine people is enough to rival the joint team of soul organizations all over the world. Three true demon level powerhouses. Five demon-level peak strength practitioners. There is also Yu Chen, an intensifier with telekinetic power. Not to mention a real devil-level ghost. That is

Dare to fight even a devil-level ghost. So this robot is not a big problem for everyone.

What really surprised everyone. There are several skills unique to this robot’s true devil-level ghost. Although it’s just an ordinary true devil-level ghost. It is not the peak of the true demon level that can manifest the aura field. But this robot ghost is about ten meters tall. It can also use the aura field to enhance its defense and attack power.

This real devil-level ghost is a humanoid robot. It’s just that its hands are barrels. The power of each shot is amazing. And even more frighteningly so. Its aura field is also integrated into the barrel attack. Once hit the target. Immediately as the shells went out, the aura field exploded. The power is increased several times. Especially for free souls without imposing venues. This imposing field attack is absolutely fatal. Don’t look at Yang Dingtian and others are already at the peak of the demon level. But if it is bombarded by this shelling. Up to three shells hit. They will be beaten and dissipated immediately. There is absolutely no suspense at all.

Fortunately, there are not many others in the team, and the true demon-level powerhouse is definitely enough. Under the pincer attack of three true-devil-level powerhouses, this supposedly powerful real-devil robot only persisted In less than a minute, Gong Yeyu sliced ​​open the corpse and turned it into a natural weapon with a large amount of standard energy.

“The laser sword… is so handsome.”

This is a natural weapon of a laser sword with a capacity of 1,200. Once the standard energy is input, a dark blue laser beam will emerge from the handle of the sword. This shape is indescribably cool, so when Pei Jiao took over the laser sword named Blue Star, several people around showed envious expressions.

Pei Jiao’s heroic spear blade was shattered during the battle on Easter Island. Even the giant ax of flames was lost on Easter Island, and he did not have a more powerful natural weapon. There is a huge limit on how to use it, so this natural weapon of the laser sword with a capacity of more than a thousand falls into his hands as it should.

In fact, Pei Jiao danced with this blue star laser sword, and looked at the bright dark blue laser beam light, and was very happy in his heart. After all, this laser sword is really handsome, not to mention its power. In terms of appearance, the Heroic Gunblade is several blocks below, and the 1,200-capacity True Demon Grade natural weapon, as long as its special attributes are not too rubbish, this natural weapon is stronger than the Heroic Gunblade no matter what many.

“Well, now I have become a Jedi Knight from Final Fantasy.” Zhang Heng said sourly beside him. In fact, this young man really hopes to have such a handsome natural weapon. According to him, when he returns to society , Occasionally, he can go to his friends to show off. If he shows off such a handsome natural weapon, then he will be considered more face.

“Stop daydreaming there, do you think we can safely and boldly show up even after we leave this fantasy? You must know that we have become rebels now, and the opposite is not the case. One country, two countries, almost against the world government, it would be better if we don’t show up, they won’t do anything to our family in order to block the tongue, but what if we show up? The only result can only be a fight~IndoMTL .com~ You must know that it is impossible for us to reconcile with them.” Pei Jiao said to Zhang Heng while wielding the Blue Star laser sword.

Zhang Heng is a little sad. Compared with the rest of the people present, he can be said to be the most ordinary one among them, whether it is life experience or thought, and he is not very old, and he has seen more on weekdays. Fantasy novels, so I have always regarded becoming a soul after death as an adventure, but deep down I still want to return to a peaceful life, go back to see my parents, brag and fart with classmates, and so on, but at this moment Pei Jiao’s words make me He knew that all this peace could never be found again, and death was death…

Pei Jiao also saw Zhang Heng’s sadness, he patted Zhang Heng’s shoulder and said: “Don’t be so pessimistic, once we go back to the real world, we will definitely have a big battle with the world government, if we win this battle , the world government collapsed, although you don’t know how the world will evolve, but you can protect your important relatives and friends. Strong, then when we return to the real world, the possibility of victory will be greater. If you become a true demon, even if the world government finds out your whereabouts, they will not dare to do anything to your family , after all, if a real demon-level powerhouse wants to cause damage, it is much more terrifying than terrorists.”

Zhang Heng’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he muttered the word “true devil” secretly.

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