Death is the Beginning Chapter 3: : The war begins! (on)

Asia, North, Human City…

With the return of the Expeditionary Corps. The celebration in the human city lasted for a day and a night, and in order to support this celebration, the parliamentary government opened up the supply of a lot of alcohol, dried fruits, and meat, and this result made those from the civil department The officials saw everyone with a livid face, as if everyone owed them millions.

But they also know that this celebration is indeed of great benefit, not to mention, at least the tension that has enveloped the human city for more than a month has been relieved, the sense of insecurity and the rising tension , Because of the large number of high-tech weapons brought back by the expeditionary corps, these people gradually felt relieved, because after experiencing the disaster of ghosts and the ‘chaos’ of alien races, the human city in front of them is their paradise…

Li Lian was walking on the street leading to the military hospital… Yes, that’s right, Li Lian walked out from the defense base in the most hidden part of the human city, not because he sabotaged his work at this critical moment, but It was a few hours ago that Pei Jiao woke up briefly, and then a seven or eight-year-old girl popped out of his body, and then Pei Jiao excitedly asked the council and officers who had been guarding him. Immediately send the little girl to the hospital, and use the most advanced soul base medical system to treat her, and also specially asked Li Lian to leave here to guard the little girl there.

It’s a pity that although Li Lian is already very strong, he is only a subordinate and a part-time worker after all. When Pei Jiao wakes up, he naturally obeys the words of the biggest “boss”, but when Pei Jiao continues to sleep, His “boss” was replaced by the military department and the council hall, so the orders he received changed again.

“Comrade Li Lian! Your behavior is a serious violation of orders. You have no discipline and no principle! Such a dangerous moment, such an important task! You actually left the protector’s side, if In Lao Tzu’s army, you should have been shot long ago! I order you to immediately…”

This is when Li Lian didn’t stay in the hospital for half an hour, or about 17 minutes to be precise, he received at least ten similar calls. Of course, those councilors treated him well Talking about the importance of the city lord Pei Jiao, the generals in the military shouted and shouted furiously. In fact, they didn’t know that Li Lian was so powerful that he could be regarded as the second character of the human city. , but these people don’t have the slightest selfishness in them, and they all sell their lives to contribute everything to the human city. Naturally, they were not afraid of Li Lian turning his back on others. In fact, Li Lian really didn’t have the guts to turn his back on others. Even though he was already very powerful, his thinking was still to regard himself as a member of human beings. And he is still an ordinary member of the human city army.

So, like this, Li Lian was flipping back and forth between the hospital and the secret base, wondering if Pei Jiao was always worried about that little girl, every time he approached Pei Jiao, Pei Jiao would wake up for a short time and ask about the little girl’s health, and asked him to rush to protect the little girl immediately, and every time he rushed to the hospital, the parliament and the military would act like chasing after him. The ghost immediately called him back, so… the result is that he is like a monkey who has been tricked, no, it is a monkey who has been tricked!

So in the end, under Pei Jiao’s repeated insistence, the parliament and the military department finally made a compromise, allowing him to patrol the middle point between the hospital and the base, in case something happened to either side. He can arrive in the shortest time… This is because of his super strength, otherwise he would not be able to do this even if he was killed.

Under such circumstances, Li Lian strolled on this street for an afternoon. At this moment, the human city is under martial law, and a large number of residents have been moved to the deepest part of the human city. There are no air weapons such as missiles and bombers, and they are flying mounts or the giant dragon brought back by Li Lian, so these people did not hide in the air-raid shelters, and the current human city is not There are not so many civil defense facilities, so they just set up tents in the depths of the human city, and then carefully asked the surrounding soldiers for details every day.

The outermost periphery of the entire human city has been densely packed with many defensive facilities, trenches, barbed wire, minefields, and even earthen traps, and the various points of the human city are guarded by the army. At the highway at the entrance of the city, there stands the super tank obtained from the soul base, and there are more than 100 tanks and various modified vehicles densely packed around it.

A lot of anti-aircraft missiles are deployed on some higher-level buildings in Human City, and at the airport of Human City, there are fighter jets and helicopter formations that can be found in good condition and are on guard 24 hours a day. Several small air battleships excavated from the soul base were completely refitted by the experts of the human city into air weapon platforms, such as machine guns, cannons, and missile launchers, in short. For such extremely high-load airships, as long as they can take off, there is no such thing as stability. After all, these spacecraft use anti-gravity devices.

In this way, the entire human city has completely turned into a modern military fortress. Because of the high-tech weapons of the soul base, the defense and combat effectiveness of this military fortress are even better than those of countries in the 21st century. Military fortresses are much stronger. Of course, this refers to the normal technological level of the 21st century. In comparison, the defense power of the soul base is much lower.

The streets where Li Lian was patrolling, there were several squads of soldiers patrolling the block at any time, hidden bases, military hospitals, these places are important facilities, the army naturally regards them as the top priority Defense, but even so, with the passage of time, especially today is the afternoon of the third day after the expeditionary force returned to Human City, and the time for the sublimation predicted by Pei Jiao is getting closer and closer, Li Lian gradually has a feeling in his heart. There was an unspeakable uneasiness.

“Green Dragon!”

Li Lian watched the setting sun slowly set in the distance, and there was still a blood-red setting sun at the edge of the sky. The anxiety in his heart had accumulated to the limit, so he immediately let go of his throat and roared loudly.

Following his roar, a green dragon spread its wings and flew towards him in a small square not far away. It was a huge and strong green dragon, a western dragon species, its whole body was oily green like grass, and there was a faint light on its body surface. It looks like green grudge, but it is a little different from grudge.

That’s right, this green dragon is the one captured by Li Lian on the battlefield of the expeditionary army. Li Lian also had to marvel at the tenacity of his life, and this giant dragon had already shown complete obedience and fear to him, so he didn’t drive him to death, but used it as a tool for transportation. Unexpectedly, as soon as this giant dragon followed him back to the human city, he was immediately dragged by those experts to do research for two days. They also ‘draw’ blood and cut ‘meat’, which made this giant dragon frightened. When I was about to become a specimen, it was because the war was coming, and this giant dragon could also be used as a powerful combat force, so I was released, but because it was too powerful and possessed an IQ comparable to that of humans , In order to prevent its possible rebellion, it was transferred back to Li Lian’s side.

Due to the researcher’s inhumane research, the green dragon became extremely docile after returning. Li Lian told it to go west, but it would never go east. It really seemed to be a pet.

Li Lian was too lazy to study the mental state of the green dragon, he didn’t even ask for its name, and even gave it one, and just called it the green dragon. When he saw the green dragon flying down, He jumped directly on its back, and said loudly: “Fly up and patrol the human city in the sky, hurry up!”

The look in the green dragon’s eyes moved, but he spread his wings and flew as if resigned to his fate. At this moment, Li Lian had already used the headset-type communication device he was wearing to communicate with the army command center.

“Command center! I’m Li Lian! I don’t know why, but I feel something is wrong with the surroundings. I’m asking the green dragon to drive me around the human city. Do you have a way to scan and monitor the surrounding area?” Li Lian hurriedly said into the headset intercom.

On the other end. The military command center is already overcrowded, and almost all the top officials of the military department have gathered here, because today is the third day, and it is already the deadline for the sublimation time predicted by Pei Jiao. Appeared, so everyone was already waiting nervously. After receiving the communication from Li Lian, the eyes of every high-ranking officer present jumped, because they had already known through Pei Jiao and Varimathas that Strong people like Li Lian have very strong intuition, especially the intuition for hostility and danger. Since Li Lian said that something is wrong, then there may be something wrong, so there is a major general immediately. The official shouted loudly: “It can be turned on! Turn on the life body scanning system and the soul body scanning system obtained from the soul base! The nuclear fusion reactor provides energy, don’t care about the load problem, the enemy may have been lurking around the human city!”

Following the general’s order, the communicator somewhere in the command center immediately spoke loudly to the communicator. At the same time, on the front of the wisdom center, a huge screen slowly A light spot came out, with Human City as the center, the living bodies and soul bodies within a hundred miles around were all in the scanning state.

At the beginning, the screen was still in a blurry state, but when the blur gradually became clear, as expected, countless green dots and one or two hundred red dots appeared densely around the human city, and more than a dozen of them were red dots. It was as huge and dazzling as a light bulb, and what suffocated everyone in the command center was that there were three huge shining purple spots in this red spot…

Purple ‘color’ light spots…

Everyone present who knows the inside story, at least those who have read the manuals of these scanners, deeply knows the meaning of the purple dots… that is the rank of the devil king! That is the holy soul!

“This is the command center! Attention all legions, immediately enter the combat position, immediately enter the combat position, repeat, this is not an exercise, repeat, this is not an exercise…”

The entire command center suddenly became noisy, in a busy but not chaotic situation, and Li Lian, who was far away in the sky, also heard this series of orders through his headset. The battle positions, the various artillery regiments, missile regiments, fighter regiments, as well as the super tank and more than a dozen air weapon platforms are all in a fighting state at this moment, which proves that those alien races have indeed surrounded the human city!

The war has begun!

Just as Li Lian was looking anxiously towards the distance of the human city, trying to find some traces of the enemy, suddenly at this moment, a majestic and gentle aura came from the center of the human city, that is, the deepest part of the hidden protection base. The stronger the life, the more clearly it felt. For example, the soldiers below seemed to feel nothing, and the green dragon he was standing on just trembled slightly, and immediately regained his composure. Only he can feel the state most clearly. It is a majestic and gentle aura as thick as the earth, as high as a mountain, as thick as soil, as if the whole world is filled with this aura…

No, not the feeling!

Li Lianmeng looked at the sky, the whole sky is no longer the red color of the setting sun, but five colors intertwined with each other brilliantly, black, blue, red, white The five colors of yellow, blue in the east, vaguely form an oriental dragon, red in the south, indistinctly turning into a huge firebird, and black in the north, indistinctly turning into a giant dragon. In the form of a tortoise, a white giant tiger looms in the west, and only the khaki-colored tiger is in the center, facing the hidden protection base below, and there is chaos.


In an instant, Li Lian knew what all this represented. At this moment, Pei Jiao finally couldn’t suppress his own self-expanding and degenerate power, and finally began the sublimation from the rank of true devil to the rank of devil king. And the five ‘colors’ in the sky are his vision of sublimation. If he succeeds, he will become the son of mankind and the protagonist of the era. If he fails…then mankind will lose this last chance to rise, and the real one will be killed by hundreds of people. The clan disappeared…

Just when the five ‘colors’ were entangled with the top of the sky, a huge roar suddenly came out from the distance of the human city. This sound was like a sound wave attacking from far to near, even outside the human city A small-scale sandstorm was formed, and the sound clearly sounded like two words at the beginning.


“Ants and humans! How dare you kill my descendants and cut off my descendants!”

“Let me go first!”

At the same time as this voice erupted, a dark black brilliance flashed fiercely in that very far away, as if a boundless black sea wave was sweeping mysterious The black brilliance came at an extremely fast speed, covering the sky above the Human City almost in the blink of an eye, and immediately turned into a giant palm with a radius of several acres, and then dug it down, and the place it dug was exactly that The khaki-colored vision is facing directly below, at the secret protection base!

“How dare you!?”

Li Lian was startled and angry at the same time, his eyes were blank for an instant, and his muscles hadn’t had time to swell, but he had already roared loudly: “Extreme Immortal Sword! Come out!”

Following a quaint long sword leaping out of his body, he has already grasped the long sword and jumped straight up from the back of the green dragon, facing the suppressed giant palm…

In an instant, light flashed, and the Immortal Sword clashed with this giant palm!

(PS: Today’s update is a bit late, I have diarrhea all night, sorry, I will try to update another chapter before going to bed, the next chapter may have fewer words.) V

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