Death is the Beginning Chapter 3: : Solve the puzzle! (2)

El Kiri’s words sounded unbelievable. She said that as long as she walked along this road, she would go to a hall with dozens of ghosts. That hall was a hall they had never been to before. You can draw numbers in that hall, but don’t go to the wrong intersection. The only way to get back to the room where everyone is located is to walk into the passage directly opposite the entrance passage of the hall, and then you will enter a place where everyone used to be. In the small hall you’ve been to, don’t walk into the passage indiscriminately after entering there, just go back from the passage you entered, and then keep going along the passage, and you will return to the room where everyone is.

This way of moving is indeed too weird, there is no pattern to be found at all, it is completely like talking nonsense, and everyone is full of disbelief, except for Stana who seems to be interested in Valkyrie. I’m convinced no, if it wasn’t for her lack of strength, and her special ability is also extremely important, maybe she would have rushed into the aisle after hearing these instructions.

After saying this, Valkyrie looked at Pei Jiao again with those clear eyes. Although he didn’t say a word, the meaning in his eyes was very clear. He just asked if Pei Jiao believed in her. .

“Since it’s already been decided, so what if I trust you with my life?” Pei Jiao ignored the suspicious and astonished eyes of the others. He stood up and said only this sentence, and then strode into the passageway. No matter how the rest of the people yelled at him, he ignored him. In the end, only Zhang Heng and Yang Dingtian followed closely behind him, and Yang Xuguang and others were going to follow, but they were unexpectedly stopped by Ye Yu. up.

Yu was also straightforward, he didn’t stop Pei Jiao and the other three, they just sat down on the ground and said to the rest of the people: “Everyone, don’t stop Pei Jiao and the others… He seeks benevolence, since he has already made a decision , no matter what the result is, he needs to bear it, maybe it is trusting new partners, maybe taking his own life, maybe getting lost in this maze, but no matter what the result is, as long as he makes a decision, Then trust him!” After finishing speaking, he looked at Valkyrie with a serious expression.

Yang Xuguang opened his mouth next to him as if he wanted to say something. Seeing that Gong Yeyu had already made this decision, he could only sit down silently, and then Ren and Yu Chen also sat down on the ground, They all looked at the passage where Pei Jiao was walking.

Stana looked strange from the side and sat next to Valkyrie and whispered: “What did you say just now that you don’t abandon or betray, he is also your partner? Just watch him leave quietly like this? Don’t go with him…”

Although the voice was low, it was impossible for Ye Yu to hear it with his strength. He silently glanced at the little girl, and then said in a deep voice, “Because he is my partner! That’s why I don’t like it all the more. Maybe it stopped him… Once a man makes a decision, he has the consciousness to risk his life! Because he is my partner, when he makes a decision, the only thing I can do is sit here Quietly watching him perform, this is the partner! How can I…”

“How can I stop my partner’s determination?!”

At the end, Ye Yu’s voice gradually became louder, and the little girl ran behind Valkyrie again in fright, just poked her head out to look at Gong Yeyu. Gong Yeyu’s seriousness at this moment frightened her. In fact, after four months of experience, except for Gong Yeyu’s strength, she did not see the power and bearing of the world’s strongest. Until this moment, Gong Yeyu In her eyes, she is the real number one person in the world, regardless of strength or bearing!


Valkyrie clapped his hands after hearing the words. Yang Xuguang. appoint. The faces of Yu Chen and the three of them all changed. They immediately developed a kind of hostility towards Valkyrie. After all, it was Gong Yeyu who said these words. She immediately clapped her hands. No matter how you look at her, it seems like a kind of irony.

Only Gong Yeyu looked at Valkyrie solemnly. The whole person still sat there motionless. There was no anger or smile on his face either. Although he did not release his domineering aura. But this power is indeed quite amazing.

Valkyrie doesn’t seem to care about these at all. She just looked at the passage and murmured: “…partner?”

“…in that distant future. There is your real partner. In that distant future. You will never fight alone again…”

“There! There are your real partners! There… there are partners who can trust you. And help you. Can fight side by side with you!”

Valkyrie was a little lost. She seemed to have heard the words of the intimate, kind, and fighting man who had been fighting side by side in the dream she had been having all this time. In that distant future, a group of trustworthy, together Partners fighting side by side…

“Well! Partner!”

At this moment, the three of Pei Jiao are walking in the passage. They don’t know what happened in the small hall before. The three of them are thinking differently, but most of their attention is focused on the situation in front of them. … Is the room in front really a hall?

As he walked, Yang Dingtian suddenly said: “Pei Jiao, do you really believe her that much? Although I don’t know that she really saved our lives, her origin is indeed too mysterious. Apart from knowing that she was the first As a Goddess of War with special abilities, we just don’t know anything about other things…”

Pei Jiao shook his head, nodded again and said, “Indeed, she is really too mysterious to us. Apart from her origin, she also knows so many things. After all, we didn’t know her beforehand.” She knew what the World Government was doing secretly, but not only did she know, but she also set up an ambush, defeated Rocky in one fell swoop and won the Ring of Nibelungen. It’s me

Her reason.

“Because she is our partner now! No matter what purpose she has saved us, and no matter what purpose she has for us, at least she is our partner for now!”

Pei Jiao looked back at the two and said seriously: “I think you can all see that she seems to have a special kind of… er, anticipation for me? No, feelings? No, it should be attention.” , It is amazing that I also seem to have an indescribable kindness and trust towards her, I swear I have never seen her before, but this feeling seems to be the same from birth…”

When he said this, Yang Dingtian didn’t have any reaction, but he laughed, and he said with a smile: “Speaking of which, Valkyrie is really the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, those movie star-like singers , or something like Miss World is completely impossible to compare with her. In this way, her beauty is really indescribable, so it is reasonable for you to have feelings for her.”

Pei Jiao blushed slightly, and he glared at Zhang Heng and said, “Don’t change the subject… Aside from the special feeling for her, I also admire her wisdom very much, and in the previous situation you I also saw that if we really want to separate into teams, there will definitely be a gap between us and the two of them. Do you think that under the current situation, if there is a gap, can we persist until we leave the fantasy land?”

“So, whether it’s the familiarity with her from the bottom of my heart or the guilt of our current situation, I’m willing to believe her…”

Since Pei Jiao has already said so, Dingtian and Zhang Heng naturally couldn’t say anything more. The three of them walked forward along the passage, and they didn’t know how far they walked. Finally, the entrance of the room appeared before them. And looking through the entrance, there are indeed more than 20 robot ghosts in that room, all of which are at the peak of the demon level, and there is no real demon level, so the three of them didn’t think much, and stepped into the room directly. Arriving in this hall, Pei Jiao casually picked up a rapier natural weapon that emerged from his eyes, and rushed towards the group of robots first, followed by Yang Dingtian holding a silver spear, and finally Zhang Constantly shooting arrows there…

I have to admit that during the four months trapped in the fantasy land, except for the three real demon-level powerhouses, the strength of the rest of the people has turned several steps. The obsessions are at least five hundred. Perhaps for the true demon level strong, the obsession capacity does not have much influence on their strength, but for the rest of the demon level, their strength has increased by two or three. times as much!

For example, Zhang Heng, when he got the bow natural weapon Liufeng before, the arrows he shot were ordinary arrows, as if he was shooting a bow with a living person, but now he pulls the longbow with standard energy, and the arrows he shoots The arrow has a faint blue light, and once it is shot, it immediately turns into a wind shadow, the speed is hard to describe in words, and when he focuses his attention on the Liufeng longbow, the whole bow will emit a faint blue light , At the same time, the radiance and power of the arrows shot increased greatly. It can be said that Zhang Heng at this moment is already at the peak of the enchanted level.

Compared with ~, Yang Dingtian has made greater progress. In the past four months, not only has his obsession capacity successfully broken through the 700 mark, but his special ability has also made great progress. The obsession with weapons is to use weaker natural weapons to complement powerful natural weapons, but he can already draw his own obsessions to enhance natural weapons anytime and anywhere, and the more obsessions he draws, the more natural weapons will become stronger. The stronger the range, the greater the maximum load, his fighting power is almost enough to match “Liberation”! It can be said that he is the one who has become stronger in the team in the past four months!

That’s it, with Pei Jiao personally rushing to kill, and with the assistance of two demon-level peaks, the battle ended in just two or three minutes. After about two rounds, there are only a few types of robots, and their attack methods are also the same, so the three of them are already extremely proficient, and the battle ended almost unscathed. Then Pei Jiao searched the battlefield, Putting a natural weapon of the Electric Warhammer into the Nether Ring, he began to search every corner of the hall.

“No symbols or numbers!”

After searching the entire hall carefully, Jiaocai said to Yang Dingtian and the two of the three of them looked at the opposite part of the passage when they entered, which was another entrance of the corridor This place is also the only way back that Valkyrie said, the three of them looked at each other, and finally Pei Jiao laughed and said: “Go, I believe Valkyrie will not talk nonsense, I believe her …” After finishing speaking, he still took the lead and walked towards that aisle.

On the other side, everyone in the hall had been sitting there for nearly two hours. Gradually, everyone became a little impatient. However, although Gong Yeyu was still sitting there quietly, although the rest of the people were restless, There was no special performance, and he continued to sit dully.

In this way, the time passed slowly, and everyone waited for about twenty minutes. Just when the patience of several people was reaching the limit, suddenly footsteps came from behind Valkyrie. In the eyes of everyone, the three of Pei Jiao walked out of the passage behind Valkyrie. In fact, the passage they walked in when they left should be the one facing Valkyrie…

They actually turned 180 degrees and came back from the other end? !

The second update that came late, the update time indicates the time for me to sleep… Depressed, the jet lag is reversed like this… 30,000 words broke out today, so

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