Death is the Beginning Chapter 3: No. 3

At the moment when Gong Yeyu Zilei Dao was on his body, Rosti felt that the old river around him was drooping slowly, including his own speed, everything seemed to have come to a standstill, but he couldn’t move at all, the only thing he could do was to remember . Countless fragments of the past and the past

He was born into the top family in the United States. No one. This family has been vaguely controlling the American political, economic, and even military levels since the beginning of the 20th century, and the leaders of each generation of the family are not mediocre or idiots. They also understand the principle of the big village attracting wind, so after the family has established a firm foothold, they began to support the rest of the family forces in the United States, and this family is hiding among many families. The outside world only thinks that this is one of the top consortia in the United States >

Being born in this family is the beginning of his misfortune. Since his birth, this misfortune has enveloped his head and will be with him throughout his life

Humanity did not discover the remains of Easter Island until the end of the 20th century. In fact, the time of its discovery was almost a hundred years earlier. In the early 20th century, to be precise, after the discovery of many small islands in the Pacific Ocean, the high-level human beings have already Knowing the secrets of Easter Island is only the first Artdis relic technology that human beings copied because of technological reasons. It was the atomic bomb, the last weapon that ended World War II

Yes, derived from Einstein’s physical theory. But what really realizes it and transforms it into a weapon comes from the Artdis relic technology, that is, the technology left by the survivors of the Eye Clan.

In fact, Easter Island is not the only relic of the one-eyed people discovered by human beings. Before the discovery of Easter Island, the real relics of the two-eyed people somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean were not the relics of the descendants of the one-eyed people, but the real first. The authentic one-eyed clan ruins of a civilization of the first century, and it is in this fantasy land that human beings learned of original sin, subspace souls, ghosts, even demon-level, real-devil-level, demon-level, and so on. Human beings’ first soul organization world was established at that time.

At that time, due to technological reasons and other political factors, the joint development of the soul organization was extremely slow, and the excavation of the ruins also fell to a near standstill, but no matter what, many powerful countries were still competing for the two major powers. The quota and camp affiliation of the ruins even led to the outbreak of World War I and World War II

This is the real history. The outbreak of the First World War closely revolved around the quota of these two relics and the ownership of the camp. The defeated German side was also unwilling to be excluded from the two relics once. The end of the world will come in a year or even wait another ten or twenty years. The technological gap with other countries has widened. Its country and race will not be guaranteed, so it set off World War II after World War I. The reason is exactly the same.

In fact, Hitler collected all kinds of historical and legendary utensils and collected various religions and myths. It is precisely because of this that he even relied on the strength of his actual army to find the first natural weapon of civilization, the holy Lance Longinus

However, this is all history after all. In the following decades, as humans absorbed the technology of the relics of the Erguan tribe, human technology also developed explosively. It is really hard to imagine that humans lived in the 19th century The level of science and technology in the doomsday has actually developed to the level of science and technology at the end of the 20th century in just a hundred years. Such an expansion can be described as unimaginable.

But the world structure at that time was still not at all peaceful. Although Germany was completely divided, the world still became two major organizations. Any major organization trying to occupy the two relics expects to be able to preside over the future of mankind to survive the end of the world, and because the two previous organizations have shared the technology of the relics. Therefore, they all have the power of atomic bomb weapons. If World War I breaks out, human beings will definitely not be able to survive the end of the world in Daoping.

Under such circumstances, Nixon’s visit to China was aimed at bringing China into the European and American camps. On the other hand, both the European and American camps and the Soviet-Russian camp coveted China’s natural weapons of civilization.

Civilization’s Natural Weapons The more brilliant a civilization has been and the longer its glorious time, the more likely it will produce a civilization’s natural weapons, and the greater its power, the greater its luck. No civilization can compare to China’s civilization.

The Chinese side found China’s first natural weapon of civilization in the years and months. Steelware Ruyi Golden Cudgel was then suppressed by great luck and confidence. slack year. On the 1st, China finally tested the atomic bomb. Under such circumstances, China is no longer something that any country in the world can ignore. However, China, which was invaded by barbarians and ruled for hundreds of years, is still one of the few countries with natural weapons of civilization at that time. The weakest in the country, so no matter for any reason or coveted ideas, when the two major groups at that time coincided, China adopted coercion and boycott. Soviet Russia’s mobilization and transfer of capital, the blockade of Europe and the United States, and the China threat theory are all based on the same reason, trying to persuade China to surrender its natural weapon of civilization

Under such circumstances, China found a second natural weapon of civilization, the Tushita Bagua Furnace, in the year of Chen. Under such circumstances, China became the only country in the world that possessed two natural weapons of civilization at that time. It is not something that any country or force can suppress. Under such circumstances, Nixon visited China in the years and months.

Subsequently, it became the only country or super power in the world without natural weapons of civilization. Although the Soviet Union has a strong national power, although its technology is strong, although its organization is strong, its civilization background is low, there is no saying that it has ever been brilliant, and even its history is short, so it has nothing to suppress luck. Therefore, the Soviet Union could not prevent it from gradually weakening or even disintegrating. In fact, the Soviet Union brazenly launched the Cuban crisis in order to seize a natural weapon of civilization as early as China discovered the first natural weapon of civilization. A natural weapon of civilization. That was the once glorious Inca girl’s natural weapon, which was still not found by the United States, but in the end it was the United States that found this natural weapon of civilization first, so the Soviet Union could only retreat in dismay.

With the weakening of the Soviet Union, the top leaders in Europe and America. In other words, the senior officials of the white-skinned race have already discovered the threat of China. As the only country with two natural weapons of civilization, its fortune is already unstoppable. The white-skinned race group is dominated by Europe and the United States. Therefore, in order to resist China’s great luck, Europe and the United States resolutely started the research on the most important project in the ruins of the Yiyan tribe, which is the research on the soul army project, with immature technology.

Varosti was “created” as the forerunner of the soul army plan

It’s not right to say that it was manufactured. More accurately, it should be said that the bovine life form produced by the soul transformation of his parents’ sperm and egg arches is a new generation of humans like Varosti. It can also be called a soul person, whose state is between the spirit son and the material level, that is, the subspace has not eroded the earth. After the death of such a life body, its soul strength can still survive in the world. They are born with high waiting for escape. Its soul strength is closer to that of a true demon, and the death rate of such soul people is too high due to various factors. In the end, only more than 20 people survived.

Among them, Varosti’s younger brother (sister), Atayas Rochiloxin’s elder brother Nibit, these four were transformed souls.

Because they are born with the duality of spirit and matter, soul people do not have a specific gender. It is only when they grow older that they become wise and have preferences and personalities. Then they will produce their own gender. However, the same soul person is The duality of spirit and matter is similar to the life of the universe. Angels are very susceptible to the influence of the environment. When they are in evil places, they are evil and in good places. When they are in good places, they are good. The same is true for their gender. It is even more likely to become a monster as an intersex person as the outside world says

The reason why European and American high-level executives created this group of souls is that the influence of the subspace was not strong at that time. People who died could not become souls, but non-souls could not enter the fantasy land, so they placed their hopes on these souls. Because the first open fantasy land on earth is in the authentic one-eyed race ruins in the Atlantic Ocean, they hope to find another natural weapon of civilization there.

In this way, these souls were born. They grew up, went through nightmarish scraping, and then were killed to become the world’s first batch of souls because of their high-level breakaway talent. In addition, the high-level people in Europe and the United States created soul library refinements based on the technology in the soul army plan. Most of them have reached the peak of the demon level, and Rocky’s elder brother, Nibit, has become the first real demon-level powerhouse among human beings

And this group of souls finally entered the fantasy land of the authentic one-eyed race ruins, but the result was beyond everyone’s expectations. Except for Varosti and his younger brother Artayas, the rest of the one-eyed race ruins exploded in fantasy. destroy. Together with the remains of the Three-Eyed Race, they sank into the deep trench and could no longer be excavated. Not long after that, a man named Rocky appeared in Europe and established the Fallen Zhanyi, declaring that he would take revenge on the world government. Afterwards, the influence of the subspace intensified, and the number of souls around the world began to increase. Naturally formed breakaways and high-level breakaways also did the same. Varosti, who appeared as the first group of human beings to break free, finally disappeared in the soul organization inconspicuously

Varosti’s eyes flashed the scenes of the past, the memories of the past, the partners who used to scrape together when they were young, are all dead now, or they were turned into traitors by the world government. Find the sky dragon there When the Ring of the Nibelungen and the hidden weapon Loki’s Eye, Captain Nibbit’s back attacked, and then his sister (brother.) was invaded by the sky dragon’s evil thoughts, and then he was forced to compromise with the world Everything from the manipulation and change of the government to the battle with Gong Yeyu at this moment made him exhausted.

Atayas and the captain’s husband’s house, I’m here”

Varosti faced the Zilei Knife that was coming from inside. He closed his eyes and waited for the moment when his soul completely dissipated.

But this moment did not come even though he gave up the fight, but the Holy Spear in his hand seemed to have a consciousness of its own, and he didn’t know why the Holy Spear really recognized him as the master before Zilei Saber Slashed When aiming at his head, the long spear didn’t shoot out the holy light group this time, but shook directly at the Zilei knife.

Without the dazzling holy light, this holy gun doesn’t look very eye-catching. It’s a quaint silver-white pure steel spear without any glyphs or even any traces of polishing. It seems that there is still such a frizzy feeling, but it is such an ordinary and inconspicuous long spear. When it stabs the Zilei Knife by itself, Gong Yeyu feels an oppressive force like a sea like a prison. This is what Varosti read out before. The pressure he felt when he was given his real name.

Interestingly, it is just a natural weapon. It also has the oppressive power unique to the Demon King class. Seeing this, Gong Yeyu sneered and did not back away, holding the knife, let the Zilei knife hit the holy gun head-on.

Since Gong Yeyu was promoted to the rank of Demon King. He felt that the Zilei Saber echoed with him, as if it had become an extension of his body, he could even feel the Zilei Saber’s breath.” This feeling is very indescribable, even if there is Xue Na in the team. He is a polymath, but because of his relationship with Xue Na, it is really embarrassing to ask him. Besides, he is a good-looking person, so he will let nature take its course.

But not long ago when Xue Na mentioned that human souls were tempered to refine the souls of the Demon King level, he suddenly understood that he was purifying the Zilei Saber

Yes, just as the purification of the soul becomes stronger, he is also purifying the Zilei Saber made of obsession, but after all, it is purified through external force, and the speed is naturally not as good as once he ascends to the rank of Demon King. After upgrading, his soul will be sublimated immediately. It will take some time for Zilei Saber to sublimate.

But at this point, he dared to use the purple thunder knife to shake the holy guns in front of him, even if the holy ships were all natural weapons, he would not be afraid at all, although the power of this real-name natural weapon is indeed so great.

A purple thunder and a silver brilliance. When the two natural weapons collided together, since it exploded with a bang, the power of the explosion was unimaginable. In the mid-air, a lavender holy light ball was formed, and the space rippled and spread to the surroundings. Ten people who were still alive around it. A number of true demon-level powerhouses were blown away like ants. I don’t know how far away, and the power of the explosion just spread, and it pressed the ground into a deep pit nearly 100 meters deep. The width even reached More than 2,000 meters above, and the shock wave formed by the explosion blasted towards the outermost edge of the steel city, and the bunkers and defensive measures were lifted up until the few tall buildings at the outermost edge of the city seemed to be swept away by a tornado. Generally, the shock wave is slightly weakened when it is blown to powder, but the strength of this shock wave can still set off the truck.

On the other side, Yang Xuguang, Yang Dingtian and others who were standing a little further away were much luckier when they saw the shock wave hit and they were about to squat down. But Xue Na’s crisp voice came from behind

Quantum forming rune conversion”

Defense against dust and gossip”

The eight rock-gray runes appeared again. When the eight runes turned slightly, the shock wave that was supposed to hit everyone split apart like flowing water meeting a reef, bypassing everyone and rushing towards the woods and valleys. Then there was another wave of raging, and countless trees were blown away. A large group of people actually appeared far away from the ground. They jumped around a lot, but they didn’t escape well, and they didn’t know how many people were blown away.

Wow, sister Xue Na, your Luna characters are amazing.” Yu Suochen turned around in surprise and was about to say a few words when Xue Na saw Xue Na’s pale expression. Comment there Trembling tremblingly.

Yu Suochen hurriedly ran to Xue Na’s side, and the little girl fell limply in her arms, and then a blood stain appeared on the corner of Xue Na’s mouth. After more than ten seconds, she relaxed and said /

Don’t you know that muscular idiot? The explosion of the demon king’s power will cause Yin Zhong to threaten everyone around him. Sister Hammer Chen, you’d better not look for such a reckless man like him, so as not to be implicated by him that day without knowing it. “

When Yu Qinchen saw that Xue Na was fine, she just smiled, and then looked worriedly at Feng Xin, the lavender holy light far away.

As the lavender holy light gradually dimmed. The figure of Dung Yeyu appeared at the edge of the lavender holy light. At this moment, he looked extremely embarrassed, his mighty and domineering armor was smashed, not to mention that the whole person looked more like an African visitor, although his The purple lightning will not harm you, but the holy light is full of the sun like the sun. When you have armor before, you don’t feel that once the armor is smashed to pieces, if you face the holy light, you will immediately feel as if you were burned. .

Not only that, there is another more terrifying thing, his purple thunder knife is broken

Yes, only the handle of the Zilei Knife is left. The blade has been shattered into countless pieces of obsession, but it looks like it can never be found again, but he doesn’t care at all, just keeps looking straight ahead A long spear with almost completely extinguished holy light stood in front of him. Behind the long spear was Varosti whose lower body was almost completely shattered.

Very well, Varosti, you are so strong, although it is through external force

But strength is strength. Being able to use this external force is also one of your strengths. Do you have anything to say? “

Gong Yeyu was still holding the handle of the Zilei Knife tightly while staring at Varosti like an eagle, and Varosti had already fallen into obsession shock at this moment, but he didn’t even have the strength to speak. Only those eyes were extremely clear and until this moment, he actually showed a faint smile.


You are the weakest one now, go to **** Gong Yeyu”

At that moment, a rippling light suddenly fell from the sky, and the light was as clear as a lake. But in a flash, the light has rushed to Gong Yeyu’s back, and its speed is no less than that of Gong Yeyu’s flashing speed when he uses the Zilei Saber Technique. Unaware of this attack not

Just as the rippling rays of light fell straight down, not far behind Gong Yeyu, a dark book sword cut vertically towards the sky, and under the fold of the space cracker, the sword even cut off the space. The crack happened to block the path of the rippling light, and there was a loud bang before the rippling light actually blocked the power of the sword, but after such a block, the rippling light was slightly dimmed, as if hesitating for a moment. Ripples of light finally stopped rushing towards Gong Yeyu again. Instead, he came to Varosti’s side in a flash. It wasn’t until then that the rest of the people could clearly see that it was a bald boy holding a rippling light ball.

The very weird boy has a smooth bald head like an egg shell, but his face is extremely handsome. At first glance, he looks like a stunning beauty, but this boy seems to have an indescribable majesty despite his appearance. Handsome but not girly at all. On the contrary, there is a very manly feeling.

Gong Yeyu stared coldly at the young man who had just appeared, and he said softly, do you think we haven’t found you all this time? As early as when Varosti called out the real name of his natural weapon, we already have another real-name natural weapon in the sky. Not only you, there is also a real-name natural weapon behind us. You think the current me is the most I’m weak. Are you kidding? My partner is vegetarian. “

The boy smiled and said no. You are still the weakest, although you are also terrifyingly strong and your partner is also extremely strong. But compared to your incomparable strength before. Now you are indeed the weakest time, but what a pity, if there is no Pei Jiao now and this **** Mr. Varosti has the fighting spirit, it is really the time when he is most likely to kill you, what a pity.

At this time, Pei Jiao had already rode the eight-legged giant horse and flew to Gong Yeyu’s shoulder. He also sneered and said, do you really think that Gong Yeyu has lost his natural weapon? How can the mystery of the ignorant devil level be understood by you guys who haven’t even reached the peak of the true devil by yourself? And what do you think the natural weapon I just used was. “

During the speech, purple lightning flashed horizontally in Gong Yeyu’s hand. In Pei Jiao’s hand is silver electricity, condensing one purple and one silver two electric lights. From extremely bright to dim, Gong Yeyu is already holding a brand new Zilei Knife in his hand, while Pei Jiao is holding a simple and simple spear in his hand.

The bald boy frowned, he hid his emotions with a haha, and then he said he was sorry, in fact, what I wanted was simply to take Varosti away, I didn’t mean to fight you just now It’s just a test, hahaha, you don’t want to embarrass me, a minor, right? “

Speaking of which, this bald boy is indeed only twelve or eleven years old based on his figure and appearance. It’s just that he has his own majesty and uses a way of saying it. It is the air of an emperor, so it looks more like an adult. Hearing what he said, Pei Jiao laughed, while Gong Yeyu held up the Zilei knife expressionlessly, saying that there is no good person here, so I cut it off. No shame”

What the **** are you kidding? I’m just here to run errands. Why bother with me. So”

I am calling your real name”

The sword in the stone”

The young man yelled unsuspectingly at first, but when he reached the last few words, he suddenly raised a ball of rippling light in his hand, and then the ball of rippling light suddenly lit up a golden handle The forged two-handed epee suddenly appeared from the light ball, and then seeing the birth year showing an extremely ferocious expression, he raised this extremely gorgeous golden two-handed sword and slashed at Gong Yeyu and the two of them.

A beam of extremely intense sword light burst out from the golden two-handed sword like a laser beam as thick as a hill, blasting Dung Ye Yu and Pei Jiao straight into the sky. Its speed is unimaginable, but in a split second, the two of them have been pushed thousands of meters away, and just after the boy released the sword light, he didn’t even chase after him. As soon as the energy came, it rushed out into the distance. Its speed is also incredibly fast

The Zilei sword method, the sky strikes the thunder and kills the real dragon”

Spear of Destiny Netnier

These two moves were struck at the same time at the moment when the boy released the sword beam, and although the boy was fast, he couldn’t dodge at all. The talent was cut off from the stomach for two cuts, and the center was full of lightning that kept flickering, and there was a hole on his chest that took up most of his chest. If the hole was bigger, his whole chest would be completely split.

It’s so powerful, so terrifying, it’s not even a real-name natural weapon, but it’s so powerful. “The young man smiled bitterly. He was also shaking violently all over his body. It was very obvious that he must have also fallen into the shock of obsession.

Varosti was barely able to speak at this moment. The holy spear was still floating around him, constantly infusing a certain energy into his body. Let him recover quickly. Until then, he said with difficulty, are you a rescuer sent by the government. Thank you very much.

The young man seems to be stronger than Varosti. Even if he is caught in the shock of obsession, he can barely speak. He smiled bitterly and said, yes, it’s not bullshit*** When the government coughs, minors can’t afford it. You pretended I didn’t say the swearing words just now. Anyway I’m sent by the shit*** government but I’m not a shit*** gov’t running dog anyway that’s the way it is. “

Varosti’s eyes widened in surprise, he didn’t know what to say, the boy in front of him seemed to have the idea of ​​rebelling against the world government, but he clearly held the sword in the stone, a natural weapon of civilization, this is the only one in Britain Let civilization be born as a weapon.

The young man seemed to see Varosti’s doubts. He laughed a few times, and then coughed violently. After coughing for a while, he finally said, “Welcome to you, the fourth natural weapon of civilization who recognizes the master, although he knows you by mouth.” I’m gay, but don’t worry, I don’t despise homosexuality when I’m gay, and personally, I prefer stunning phonies who are my age, hahaha, but I can talk about this later. Now what I want to say to you is very important, don’t worry. Since you are recognized as the owner of the natural weapons of civilization, the contract cannot be bound to you, so listen carefully to holders of the natural weapons of our civilization are all selected people with great luck A warrior or a benevolent person with your own beliefs, so we also believe in your character and character. You will definitely not be on the side of the world government, otherwise the natural weapon of civilization will never be chosen by you. After adding you, we have a total of four people The four of us were natural companions. Except for you who just joined, we have already made a plan by ourselves”

We’re going to destroy this **** government at the same time. The luck to seize the governments of these realms depends on the suppressed luck of civilization’s natural weapons, so the four of us are left with great luck. Although one person may not be as good as Gong Yeyu, who has become the protagonist of civilization, there are four of us, and there may be two other people who will appear in the future. There are seven of us, and all of them have great luck, and have the expectations of various races and civilizations for thousands of years. I hope so we plan to”

Let the protagonist of civilization be the son of mankind”

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