Death is the Beginning Chapter 3: : Lightning and Chance

When Pei Jiao thought of this, his heart suddenly became hot. If his guess is true, as long as he absorbs all the light particles of this strange bird, wouldn’t his strength be increased by nearly ten times at once? ? This strange bird is much bigger than ten of them. If his speed and strength can be increased by ten times, although he dare not say that he can fight against those monsters, but at least the possibility of surviving is much greater. Maybe it is possible to use human wisdom to create some traps or something, specifically to hunt and kill those lonely and weak monsters, and his strength may be able to improve steadily until…

The more Pei Jiao thought about it, the hotter he became. After all, he was also born in the 1980s. Although he is not as absurd as those new people born in the 1990s, he has been baptized by Internet literature. The fantasy, fairy tale, and fantasy in the novel, whether it is time travel, rebirth, or urban abilities, which book lacks power? And at this moment, the power is in front of him, maybe after getting these light particles, he can be reborn back to the yang world? How about becoming superhuman?

Finally, Pei Jiao couldn’t bear it any longer, he ran a few steps, and rushed towards those light particles. These light particles were only slightly smaller than Ping-Pong, but they were floating quietly in mid-air. Even though Pei Jiao grabbed a light spot particle in one go, what happened next was beyond Pei Jiao’s expectation, no matter whether he squeezed the light spot particle, grabbed the light spot particle, or even It doesn’t matter if you eat the light dots, the light dots seem to be insulated from him. If you squeeze them, they will become flat, and if you tear them, they will become two halves. After the tearing, they will become one and be eaten by Pei Jiao. It was the most weird thing after it went down, it actually came out from Pei Jiao’s nose, ears and eyes, and then merged into one body again, no matter how hard Pei Jiao tried his best, the light spots and grains were not oily or salty. Pei Jiao was absorbed by him as he imagined, but it slowly dissipated into the void with the passage of time. This dissipation lost hundreds of light particles, which made Pei Jiao very anxious.

As the light particles dissipated, part of the corpse of the strange bird disappeared again, and enough light particles floated out from its body again, until it seemed to fill up the surrounding area, and then continued to turn into a corpse without changing Particles of light dissipate into the void.

“Calm down, calm down!” Pei Jiao roared, forcing himself to calm down from his anxiety. It wasn’t until more than half a minute later that he calmly turned his head away and never looked at the dead bird and the corpse of the strange bird again. The light spots and particles around it sat on the rocky ground by themselves, thinking about all this carefully.

“First of all, I must have absorbed this particle of light, otherwise my arms and one leg would not be intact, and secondly, my physical strength and strength would not be able to recover and improve, so it can be considered that this particle of light It can definitely be absorbed, and there is no difference between humans and monsters. Otherwise, those monsters would not be able to absorb the light particles by eating human souls… But why can’t I absorb them? Could it be that there is something wrong with the method? “

Pei Jiao thought carefully about the process of absorbing the light particles just now, and he didn’t seem to feel that there was anything wrong, wasn’t it just absorbing the light particles into the body? Why can’t it be absorbed? Could it be that the volume of a person is limited, just like eating, after eating three bowls of rice, most people are full, but some tall people are only 80% full after five or six bowls of rice, this is the reason ?

Thinking of this, Pei Jiao sighed, and the hotness that had just burst out of his heart dissipated immediately, as if he was having a good time, only to realize that it was a dream. The feeling of depression and despair really made people feel bitter. Feeling bored, when Pei Jiao turned his head in a state of depression, he suddenly saw a change in the group of light spots.

It turned out that when a certain corpse on the strange bird dissipated, not only light particles dissipated from it, but also a trace of black aura floated out. The dots of light drift away slowly, although the speed is slow, but the dots of light have no consciousness, they just stay in place blindly until the black breath wraps around the dots of light, and the dots of light rapidly become smaller and darker until the entire Until it disappeared, but this trace of black aura seemed to grow a little stronger, but it was still invisible to the naked eye.

“Huh? Do these light particles need to be absorbed by the black breath?”

With a twitch in Pei Jiao’s heart, he suddenly recalled everything he had seen since his death. Those human souls seemed to be entwined with a black aura. According to the old man, it was what they had seen from birth to death. All the causes and effects they have done can also be regarded as the resentment given to them by others after they did something wrong. In other words, this black breath should be resentment. No matter from any myths and legends or logical thinking, this black breath should be The bad things, especially those human souls who entered this world, they immediately began to change their appearance, each of them looked like they had transformed from humans to ghosts, with green faces and fangs, and their bodies swelled… Could it be that all of this is Is it because he absorbed resentment?

Pei Jiao immediately hesitated. At this moment, he really needed strength, even if it was just to make himself stronger and run faster, but his rationality told him that the black breath was definitely not What a good thing, once it invades the body, it will definitely become something like a monster…

“Damn it, don’t care, they are already dead anyway, how bad can it go?” Pei Jiao thought for a while, but he couldn’t come up with anything, so he simply stopped. Thinking wildly, he walked directly towards the black aura, and with his courage, he grasped the black aura that was slowly drifting towards another light particle into his hand, and as soon as his skin touched the black aura Suddenly, a cold and gloomy thought was transmitted to his consciousness through the black breath.

This is the past of the nine-clawed man-faced bird, it… no, it should be her, she was actually a human being!

She can’t remember her original name. She only remembers that she was an ordinary person who grew up in a certain city. No, she can’t be called an ordinary person. Be it at home, at school, or even the few boyfriends she dated in junior high school, anyone who gets close to her will be attracted by her appearance and delicate voice, and they really dote on her, except for the stars in the sky. Whatever she wants, she will try her best to get her. Gradually, she has become accustomed to this kind of pampering, thinking that it is only natural for others to treat her well…

After her first taste of jin in junior high school, she changed boyfriends faster and faster. She wanted someone who was good-looking, someone from a rich family, and someone who could play with her. Day by day, year by year, this The memories of the period were full of fuzziness and confusion, until after she graduated from high school, she began to hang out with those rich girls, neither a girlfriend nor a mistress, anyway, when she asked for money, those people would take her The money is sent to her, and she just needs to spend the night with those men and sleep when needed… And in such a corrupt and chaotic life, she also fell in love with drugs…

This kind of memory is full of chaos and darkness, and the breath is getting more and more gloomy, until the last moment, when she died of a drug overdose, all the men who had vowed to each other disappeared, and the only thing left was The two gray-haired parents washed her skinny body with tears and dressed her in mourning clothes cut by her own hands… The last part of her memory suddenly became clear, and the clearest The place is the continuous tears on the mother’s face…


These countless chaotic memories suddenly filled Pei Jiao’s mind. He felt that his whole body was going to split apart. His mind was filled with too many memories that did not belong to him, and these memories were like crazy patients. There was no logic in his thoughts, it was just a complete chaotic noise, Pei Jiao screamed crazily in pain, he didn’t know if it was an illusion, he felt that the black breath was occupying his body, making his thoughts no longer able to control the body .

At this moment, suddenly from the deepest part of his consciousness, a flash of thunder and lightning flashed out of his body. In an instant, the surface of Pei Jiao’s body surged with electric current, and the crackling sound continued. He was like a superman, and in this thunderbolt, the black aura that invaded his body was like snow meeting the scorching sun. There was a cry of joy, and then he could no longer feel the existence of that woman’s memory.

The thunderbolt came and went quickly. In just a few seconds, the thunder and lightning surging on Pei Jiao’s body disappeared, but Pei Jiao felt as if he had run a marathon. He didn’t even have the strength to lift his feet to move. The change at this moment was so amazing that he could only pant violently on the spot until dozens of light particles floated to his side by themselves, right in front of his eyes. It was only when it was directly injected into his body that Pei Jiao finally came to his senses, and these light particles were injected into his body without any hindrance. As full of strength and spirit as before.

“Whoa, whoa… what happened?”

Pei Jiao shook his still dizzy head. He kept reciting some Tang poems and Song Ci in his heart. After chanting these Tang poems and Song Ci, his emotions would gradually calm down. Sure enough, even if he was dead, this habit still worked.

In just a few tens of seconds, Pei Jiao had completely calmed down. He began to think about what happened just now. From the moment he came into contact with the black breath, the memory of the nine-clawed man-faced bird began to pour into him. In my consciousness, from these messy memories, I can still see some clues in front of me. The nine-clawed man-faced bird was actually a human being before, but died of taking drugs, and then became this monster for unknown reasons, but I want to come It should also be transformed step by step from the human soul.

Thinking about it more carefully, it seems that those soul bodies that entered this world have absorbed the black breath, especially the soul bodies that entered this world with him, they mutated as soon as they entered this world, Although the degree of mutation is not severe, at least it still looks like a human body and appearance, but this may only be because their energy is not strong, that is, they have not absorbed too many light particles, and these monsters may be the souls of human beings. The black breath absorbed a large number of light particles, and then caused a mutation…

“Besides that…you can actually return to the world from this underworld?” Pei Jiao carefully recalled the memory in the black breath, and he found the most important piece of information in it, that is, the soul body of this underworld. Can actually return to the Yang world?

Although the memory of the nine-clawed human-faced bird is extremely chaotic, the memories about the Yang world are relatively clear. The same obsession as all dead people, and when it went to capture the human souls who came to this world, another monster went back to the Yang world through the black hole, which is also the clearest memory of the nine-clawed man-faced bird Fragments, and now Pei Jiao knows about it.

“In other words, as long as the speed is fast enough and the body’s endurance is strong enough, can I go back to the mortal world through that black hole? This needs to be carefully considered… But I did send out a lightning flash before?”

Pei Jiao carefully recalled what happened before. When he was about to be swallowed by that negative emotion, a flash of light burst out from the deepest part of his soul, and then his body surface was covered with thunderbolts, even Even the black breath was melted away by the thunderbolt. He confirmed that he was not mistaken. The surface of his soul was indeed covered with lightning. In fact, from the moment he entered this hell, he had already begun to doubt why other Those souls will be surrounded by black aura after death, but he is the only one who doesn’t have this black aura?

“Lightning… electric current? Could it be that because I died in the high-voltage electricity, my soul also carried electric current? And after the thunder and lightning all over my body before, I felt very weak, as if my whole soul It’s about to dissipate, but in such weakness, the light particles that could not be absorbed have absorbed dozens of them, one can imagine that I can indeed transform into lightning by absorbing light particles?”

Thinking of this, Pei Jiao’s heart became hot again. His character was originally resolute, and he would never give up on anything easily since he was a child. To have power, one can survive in this hell, and to have power, one must absorb light particles… Maybe, he can store all the light particles of this strange bird, and then use them to transform when encountering monsters What about the power of thunder and lightning?

Thinking of this, Pei Jiao rushed into those light particles again, and then tried his best to test one by one, and concentrated on trying to communicate the power of lightning in his body, but no matter how hard he tried With all his strength, he could only stay there doing nothing, letting those light spots dissipate. Just like that, after more than ten minutes, three-quarters of the huge body of the strange bird had completely disappeared, and Pei Jiao felt the same in his heart. I became more and more anxious.

“Damn it! I don’t want my child to be caught by a wolf! Anyway, my current situation is so bad that there is nothing to add, so I might as well fight it out!”

Pei Jiao scolded twice, feeling resentment in his heart, he suddenly picked up a small rock from the ground, then put his left hand on the ground, and raised the rock with his right hand to aim at this hand, then he slammed Gritting his teeth, he slammed the rock **** his finger, and with a soft slap, Pei Jiao’s miserable howl resounded across the wilderness, and the three fingers of his left hand were smashed off in unison. The three fingers dissipated into the void, and at the same time a thumbnail-sized speck of light floated in front of him.

Pei Jiao knew that this small particle of light was transformed by his three fingers, but he didn’t touch the small particle. At the same time, he kept chanting poems in his heart to force himself to calm down, feeling the whole body of this light particle melt into his body from the wound.

As expected, the speck of light blended into Pei Jiao’s wound smoothly, and at the same time, the shape of three fingers appeared vaguely from the wound, but within a few seconds, his three broken fingers healed smoothly, and until then, Pei Jiao had just calmed down, he just felt a warm current, and then the warm current disappeared, his fingers were intact, but he couldn’t feel anything.

“Ah!” Pei Jiao opened his eyes angrily, but this time he was ruthless. He just lifted the rock and threw it at his left hand without thinking about anything. The pain of tearing came fiercely, think about it, even in the flesh, the human hand is ten fingers connected to the heart, when the bone on the hand is hurt, the pain is unbearable, at this moment Pei Jiao only has the soul left, this tearing pain The severe pain of splitting the soul was more than ten times worse than that of the physical body. It was a terrifying pain that could not be described in words, but Pei Jiao endured it with all his might, which also showed how determined his character was.

This time he smashed almost the entire left hand to the arm, forming a total of three ping-pong-sized light spots, and after taking a few deep breaths, he chanted poems and He stretched out his hand towards those light particles, and I don’t know if he really has no distracting thoughts in his mind at the moment. When his arm just touched the light particles, his whole body has entered a state of calmness like water, only those memories He silently recited the poem over and over again, and his whole consciousness was feeling the warmth that entered his body.

Yes, when Pei Jiao completely entered this state of tranquility like water, as the light spots turned into warm currents and entered his body, he seemed to be unable to feel the existence of the soul, and his entire consciousness was poured into it. The warm current flowed into the body along his arms, and then he saw… the structure of his entire soul body was made up of these light particles, and these light particles were not the so-called energy, they were all thoughts and energy. memory!

These light spots are all made up of positive obsessions. In fact, they can’t be called obsessions, but ideas or thoughts. When Pei Jiao feels these light spots in his body, he can clearly see them. He can feel the positive emotions formed inside, such as joy, happiness, excitement, touch, responsibility and other positive emotions. When his consciousness sinks into these light particles, he only feels warm and comfortable, as if Like a sleeping baby soaked in amniotic fluid, Pei Jiao only wanted to fall asleep.

However, at this moment, Pei Jiao’s left hand was still suffering from the severe pain of tearing his soul, so he was not confused by this feeling, but continued to follow the warm current to the core of his body. In fact, when Pei Jiao completely After he calmed down, he didn’t realize that the warm current was actually running quite fast. Think about it, the first time he wanted to feel the warm current, he had just entered a state of tranquility, and the warm current had disappeared. Seconds or so, and now his consciousness can keep up with the running speed of this warm current, but his thinking speed at the moment is actually quite fast, in disguise, as if the surrounding time has slowed down.

However, Pei Jiao’s consciousness continues to deepen with the warm current, and he keeps feeling the light particles that make up his body. These light particles are not a mixture of various positive emotions, and this mixture of countless positive emotions It constitutes Pei Jiao’s entire body, and Pei Jiao’s heart suddenly moved after observing all this, he gradually expanded his vision of consciousness, and slowly, his entire soul and body came into view.

(Sure enough, these light particles do not constitute my soul body for no reason. To bind these light particles to form a body, there must be a medium that binds these light particles. Like the black breath full of negative emotions, there should be a medium similar to the black breath in my body… Sure enough, there is!)

After Pei Jiao’s consciousness covered the whole body, he discovered the core existence hidden in those light particles. No, it should be said that it is the existence of all the light particles in series. A semi-invisible him, a kind of translucent line similar to light dot particles, simply put, it is like a drawing of a character made with a pencil, but there is no coloring or anything, as if the outline of the line is made with a pencil , and it is these contour lines that control all the light point particles, as if these light point particles are used for coloring, the outline is used as the boundary, and the light point particles are used to fill in, thus forming the entire soul body.

Pei Jiao also felt what the core colorless lines that make up the soul body are, that is his personal meaning or idea, different from positive and negative feelings, those light particles and black breath are just general Emotional thoughts, such as joy, such as hatred, although everyone’s joy and hatred are different, but joy and hatred themselves are the same, this is just a pure thought, not like people’s obsession consciousness, everyone’s Consciousness is not the same, and this is the difference between hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

It seems that the soul of a life should be composed of two parts. One is the most basic consciousness and obsession, just like a person’s brain, and then absorb light particles or black breath to construct the soul body , and the size of one’s own consciousness and obsession also represents the amount of light particles and black breath it can accommodate. If there is less, then the soul body will become weak. If there are too many, then the light particles will not be destroyed Absorbed, Pei Jiao suddenly had such a clear understanding in his heart.

In fact, all these understandings only happened in an instant. The speed of consciousness is extremely fast. Perhaps the only speed in the entire universe that is faster than the speed of light is the speed of consciousness. At this moment, Pei Jiao In addition to feeling everything in the soul body, its consciousness has been following that warm current, constantly heading towards the core of the soul.

Pei Jiao’s consciousness followed the warm current deep into his body, and then the warm current stopped in the human body’s elixir, and within a short while, the warm current was absorbed by the dantian. While being absorbed, Pei Jiao finally “saw” the place of the lightning that he had been looking for. In his dantian, some photoelectric particles were melted into the most basic rays of light flowing slowly, and these rays of light were not running chaotically, but There is a certain pattern of repeated flow, and between these light flows, flickering currents are slowly formed, and then stored in the complete light point particles outside the light flow, and then new currents are slowly formed …

When Pei Jiao recovered from the calm state, he had already seen clearly the flowing shapes of light. It was a strange character figure shape, which looked full of ancient charm, but it was not any one that Pei Jiao knew. words or symbols.

In the next hour or so, Pei Jiao began to make various attempts. First, he controlled the light particles to force them into the body, and then absorbed them with his thoughts, but it was a pity that his own consciousness and obsession It’s only that size, and it can’t accommodate too many light point particles at all, so the first attempt failed easily.

Secondly, he intends to form the light particles in his body into various characters or symbols. Indeed, when he enters a quiet state with no distracting thoughts, he can indeed control the light particles in his body, even those stored in his body. The lightning energy that rises can be controlled, but when he granulates the light spots into light bands to form various text symbols, whether it is Chinese characters, English, Arabic numerals, or even various geometric figures, these The belt of light exploded immediately, and the degree of explosion increased with the number of light particles. The most serious time, when Pei Jiao was about to form a Chinese character with seven strokes, the degree of explosion even surpassed his body. It was blown into two parts, and thanks to the free light particles all around, he was rescued, otherwise the explosion would definitely make him disappear, and he didn’t dare to try again at the moment. So this second attempt also failed.

So far, only about one-tenth of the remaining nine-clawed man-faced bird body is left, and there is no extra time for Pei Jiao to experiment. He can only imitate the lightning rune and simulate it at the dantian. As soon as these rays of light flowed into lightning runes, Pei Jiao felt a suction in his dantian as if he wanted to **** his consciousness into it, but this feeling came and went quickly, that’s all. It was just a feeling for a moment, and then another thunder and lightning rune was formed in his dantian. The two lightning runes were slowly absorbing the light flow, and slowly formed lightning and stored it.

After Pei Jiao created this lightning rune, he only felt that his consciousness seemed to be drifting away and he couldn’t concentrate. At that moment, his heart turned pale with shock. You must know why he can feel and control his own light particles through a quiet state , the reason lies in the concentration and perseverance of his consciousness. If his consciousness cannot be concentrated, then he will no longer be able to feel and control his own light particles. At that time, even if he created countless lightning runes, Probably just an ordinary person… Uncontrollable power, that is not the so-called power at all!

Then, Pei Jiao forcibly passed through the quiet state, and once again felt the composition and operation of the light particles in his body, and this time he entered the quiet state for at least a few minutes longer than before, which also made him never Don’t dare to easily form a lightning rune.

“That’s how it is, to bind, use or absorb these light particles, then what is essential is my own obsession. When I created this lightning rune just now, my own obsession line was about one-tenth less Right? These lines of obsession are concentrated into the lightning rune, and the flow of light that binds there works…I see.”

Now that he understands the importance of his own obsession, Pei Jiao no longer dares to easily create the lightning rune. Although it is a pity for the free light particles around his eyes, he can only absorb it as much as possible. These light particles entered the body, and then put them into the lightning rune and slowly turned them into lightning currents and stored them until the entire body of the nine-clawed man-faced bird disappeared, and then he retreated from the quiet state, but he He didn’t leave this place immediately, but instead found a hidden spot under a huge rock block, and then sat there and meditated.

The difference between humans and beasts or those monsters is that human beings can think and summarize. Pei Jiao is a person who likes to summarize and think. After the big secret, Pei Jiao couldn’t wait to sum up all of all, all of this may be his dependence on survival…even his dependence on returning to the world of Yang!

(First of all, a person’s soul body is divided into two parts, one part is personal obsession, or it can also be called a person’s willpower, for example, some people are resolute, some people are lazy, everyone’s will People have different strengths, and this willpower should be the most basic thing that constitutes a person’s soul. Just like in many movies, if a person has a great obsession before death, such as wanting to see someone, Wanting revenge, wanting something like that, then the soul of this person will not easily dissipate, or even turn into an evil spirit, which is torturing a truth. A person’s willpower determines his own persistence The strength of the thought.)

(Secondly, the most basic thing for a soul body is its own obsession, and its own obsession can absorb those light particles to form a soul body, and those light particles are all kinds of positive emotions, In other words, the obsession is the skeleton, and the positive emotions are the flesh and blood, which form the most basic soul body. As for those negative emotions, they are more like mutant genes. Invaded by negative emotions, the human soul body will lose its consciousness, and the body will also change. Perhaps this is the origin of the legendary ghosts.)

(As for the lightning rune in my body, it is better to say that it is an engine that absorbs light particles and forms lightning. It should be a device that converts the basic energy of light particles into secondary energy , As for why this kind of device appeared… It is probably related to the fact that I was burned into coke by high voltage electricity, but anyway, this may be my only chance at present.)

“Then…then is the chance to return to the Yang world!”

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