Death is the Beginning Chapter 2: : Super mutant ghost (on)

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Banjiao looked at the two alien souls with shocking faces. It can be said that they were so shocked that they slammed away. Then he stood up from the ground, and then closed his eyes to feel the pain in his body silently. Everything fluctuates. [Baidu search: title latest and fastest TXT novel]

This time he absorbed the heavenly device? The Tushi Bagua Furnace, indeed, this natural weapon of civilization is completely smashed, melted, and then absorbed into the body. Let his soul obsession get a qualitative improvement. Although he has not completely entered the rank of the devil king, he believes that if he wants to overcome the inner demons and completely achieve the rank of the devil king, the chance of success is at least 80%! The remaining 20% ​​is completely dependent on the tenacity of my own heart, which no one else can help!

In addition to these, he also realized that his tolerant aura field is actually not complete. It is strange to say that his tolerant aura field is an aura field that can only be comprehended by observing the world, but he often finds that his own The tolerant aura field is actually not complete. To be precise, it seems that something is missing. Of course, this tolerant aura field is not narrowly inclusive of those good and evil, no! That is the tolerance of the human heart, not the tolerance of the world!

The tolerance of the world should include everything, material, energy, time, space, and even the abstraction of thought. This is the tolerance of the world. It is the good and evil of the human heart, which is completely different!

When Pei Jiao smelted the gossip furnace into his soul obsession, he realized why his aura often gave him such a strange feeling, because his tolerance was empty, there was nothing in it, and he needed it constantly Filling it with countless things, it is possible to achieve a truly inclusive aura field!

Even he suspects that the eighteen weapons and utensils he condensed with the infinite warfare system may be the natural weapons of civilization that he smelted into the inclusive aura field when he was Odin in his last life. Because he has already known one thing in the countless clips this time, that is, the aura field is actually the embryonic form of the light of the soul, but it is not complete, so the light of the soul is completely likely to survive the reincarnation !

“In that clip, I seemed to feel that what was really bad about my aura of tolerance was not the countless natural weapons of civilization. Up to the level of the light of my heart, what I lack is the eight trigrams and the five forms”

Pei Jiao vaguely remembers that when he absorbed the gossip characters and was about to pass out, that magical will controlled the words that his body roared out. , so he only has one eye showing the gossip characters, while the other eye is empty, and what is missing may be the five elements attribute.

“Speaking of which, if the properties of the five elements have been confirmed so far, steel? The Ruyi Golden Cudgel should be gold, there is no doubt about it, and I remember the emerald green skull when I was on Easter Island. Although the description is hideous , but it is indeed the attribute of wood.” Then the rest is fire, water, and earth, and the earth is the center, my previous life.” Damn, is it Odin or Fuxi? In short, he said that he is the emperor of the central Wutu Kotoku , it seems that the tip is the most important thing to me, in short, the future is long.”

Although Pei Jiao said these words, in fact, there was an indescribable ecstasy in these words.

Yes, ecstasy.

Early before he was forced into the fantasy land in the first resurrection war, when he saw the clip of Odin facing the seven dark suns in his previous life, he had a feeling that he could not match it. A low-level life form has an instinctive feeling for a high-level life form.

During the Second Easter Island War, those seven dark suns were even more invincible in the world. Even now, Pei Jiao thinks they are invincible, even Gong Yeyu, who can compare with all the ancestors of the holy souls of the hundred clans. To capture and subdue, this is not only unmatched, it is simply unimaginable

From then on, he didn’t know how to deal with the seven dark suns, and even the dark sun Gong Yeyu, let alone the “original sin” behind it, This terrifying power is really huge to an unimaginable level. [Baidu search: book title latest and fastest TXT novel] It wasn’t until he absorbed the gossip furnace, or absorbed the gossip characters, that he realized that he might have a chance to return to the source!

Recover his own true power, the great power that is not lost to the dark sun at all!

“Just collect the five elements and the eight trigrams, turn them into the five elements and five squares flags, the eight trigrams and the four gods, and you can get back to the source and get back my original power, just like Gong Yeyu got the four swords of Zhuxian, I can also get it Back to the power of Emperor Wutu Houtoku of the Central Committee,”

Pei Jiao also made up his mind, and at the same time focused his attention on his silver thunderbolt.” This silver thunderbolt has transformed into a khaki aura, and its agility is much better than that of the silver thunderbolt. In fact, this is also returning to the original source. It is just like Gong Yeyu’s purple thunder and lightning transformed into purple clear air. According to legend, the highest Taoism is the three-pure air, and the most expensive among the pure air is purple. Gong Yeyu’s purple clear air is actually his natal soul The light of light is the light of supernatant.

“Forget it, it’s useless to think so much now, I have to deal with the catastrophe in front of me first, and get rid of the final crisis before I become the protagonist, otherwise I won’t be able to become the protagonist, even if I become a devil king There will be many catastrophes for newborns,”

Pei Jiao muttered to himself again, this time absorbing the Eight Diagrams Furnace is really a great opportunity for him, not only because of his soaring strength, besides the soul obsession is infinitely close to the level of the Demon King, but also There is a gossip array. It’s just a pity that nothing enough to replace the four gods of the four directions has been found. It is impossible to deploy the “legendary Eight Trigrams and Four Gods Formation, otherwise the power will reach the level of Gong Yeyu’s four swords formation.

Moreover, with the help of this improvement, his spiritual sense has truly reached the level of the devil king, and he does not need to borrow human luck to reach the level of the devil king. A kind of power in the dark, that kind of power is very indescribable, it seems to exist, but it doesn’t seem to exist, and the feeling of its existence cannot be described, and the so-called luck is also a kind of power in the dark, even more so. There are countless kinds of power mixed in it, but his current strength is too weak to distinguish them one by one, and it is already his limit to be able to distinguish the luck. After this thought and Shen Ling, Pei Jiao absorbed the khaki aura covering his whole body into his body, and suddenly silver lightning appeared on his body again.

“Sure enough, I’m not a demon king, and there is still a gap in my strength. Although the earthy yellow breath is extremely powerful, it can be easily condensed into an infinite combat weapon that is close to the entity, but it consumes more momentum when used I am afraid that only those who have reached the level of the Demon King, or even the middle level of the Demon King, can use it at will, but anyway, this time is really my big chance, if it is not for that beautiful **** or something to attack the human city, I can’t capture her. Projection, also can’t get the projection of civilization’s natural weapons, then you won’t know that civilization’s natural weapons can be smelted into the body, and there will be no chance of returning to the source as it is now, this link is linked, Could it be the so-called luck? But I don’t know if I will have any adventures when I go back to the soul base of the former world government. If there are indeed adventures, then it will really prove that I will be the protagonist, but This is also a sign of danger, just like the front end of the Easter Island battle, Gong Yeyu’s adventures followed adventures, opportunities followed opportunities, but what was waiting for him was a raging fire cooking oil, flourishing and declining

Pei Jiao thought a lot, and finally he just sighed slightly, then he flew up suddenly, and then turned into a silver lightning and pierced through the air. Far away from the Human City, headed further north of the Human City.

In the human city, the councilors were stunned when they saw the silver lightning flashing across the sky. They couldn’t believe that Pei Jiao left the human city without even consulting them about the amount of renunciation. A swarm of bees ran towards the ruins of the City Lord’s Mansion.

While outside the ruins of the City Lord’s Mansion, in a huge Biemo-shaped room, Varimathras and Shiva looked up at the sky with pale faces, watching the silver lightning go farther and farther away. , After a long time, Shiva said loudly: “Dead bat, you are talking! Is what he said true? Could it be that he lied to us and wanted us to do all the lies he told to do things for him?”

Varimathras smiled wryly and said: “How could I know whether all this is true or a lie? Do you think I am the ancestor of the Holy Soul? Crisis, besides, the ancestor of the holy soul may not feel that the end is coming, then the end is “original sin, the execution of the destruction of the world, the ancestor of the holy soul is still far behind, but I don’t think he deceived us motivation. “

“Motive?” Shiva asked strangely.

Varimathras nodded and continued: “Yeah, don’t even think about it, we are under his control now, and he doesn’t know how many methods he hasn’t used. If he wants to refine us, it’s nothing It’s just one sentence, and you can capture and refine the Holy Spirit, who can capture the projection of His Royal Highness Freya, the goddess of beauty. Do you think we can match it? We are already helpless, and he is using lies to deceive us. It’s just looking for trouble for nothing, and don’t you realize it? The fate of human beings is so huge. With his appearance and the establishment of this human city, the fate of human beings keeps rising and condensing. When he arrived at his side, it was almost real, do you think this is the luck that the descendant race that has declined after the end of the world may have?”

Xiwa was stunned, her face became paler and paler, and she could only murmur: “Yes, yes, this luck is really unusual, it is among the holy places of our eight powerful clans, that Luck is nothing more than that, and the most important thing is that the luck of human beings seems to be rising, and it seems that there is no end, which is too scary, could it be “, is it really still the fifth era? Well, then three years later”

Varimathras smiled wryly and said: “Probably there is nothing wrong. Although you and I cannot sense the end of the world with our spiritual sense, even the ancestor of the holy soul, but when you and I heard him talk about this Do you feel a kind of indescribable fear when everything is going on? This is our spiritual sense reminding us that all this is not illusory, but a real big danger is coming! However, “

Speaking of which, Varimathras has a hideous face. His body is about two meters tall, with a pair of shrunken black bat wings behind him, and his body is almost like a human standing on two legs. There is a layer of armor-like shell on the outside of his skin, which is pitch black and ferocious, but his face looks like a human being, without scales or shell, but at this moment his face is full of ferocious viciousness, it seems that he really has something. An indescribable demonic breath coming!

“If all this is true, if the doomsday is really coming, then we have really put all our souls and holy spirits into human beings. You and I both know that we can live to the last moment in the doomsday , and the most likely to survive is the civilization of the protagonist, and the civilization of the protagonist of the Fifth Epoch is human beings! It’s ridiculous that our hundreds of races still regard the Yishi as the descendants of the post-apocalyptic ethnic group. You can make whatever you want. But human beings are tsk “Zhang Ming, then when the destiny of mankind continues to climb to the extreme, all civilizations that dare to fight against the protagonist’s civilization will all be completed as cakes. Can we become cakes! “

“Besides, the protagonist civilization, there may be only one holy soul supporting it? Now you and I have seen with our own eyes, how many human beings are there. The existence of the Holy Spirit? How many holy souls exist? One, we only see one, maybe There are still hidden ones that have never appeared, but even so, they are pitifully few! Even if we are not human beings, when we are put into the luck of human beings and the luck is connected, we will become the power of human beings in disguise. At that time, we It is really possible to achieve the holy soul! Maybe with good luck, it may be like the giants in the third era. Before the doomsday, there are two ancestors of the holy soul who escaped into the holy land. The protagonist. The strongest Odin did not escape, but this does not mean that Doomsday will definitely kill everyone?”

Varimathras already had some broken ideas when he said this, he almost roared: “We will simply devote ourselves to humans, and immediately call our clansmen, the most elite members of the clan Become the core of the power of human beings to protect the clan, and then teach humans how to use such powers as grudges and magic, and at the same time steal the legendary weapons and sacred weapons of the clan as much as possible. When the power of human beings becomes stronger at that time, we also have our credit , There are also times when we become stronger!”

Although Varimathras usually looks refined and elegant, like the butler of a noble family, but this Xuan is ferocious and vicious, and his eyes full of conspiracy and calculation are really indescribable.

The two of them are both high-level holy spirits in the two clans, and they are also ancestors in the clan on weekdays. They each have several tribes and tens of thousands of people. , but to worship them as ancestors, and their orders are also used as holy decrees on weekdays. It can be said that they are their direct relatives. If they are really determined to join humans, then these clansmen must migrate to humans. We live and die together, we share weal and woe, so that they can show their sincerity, and when the blessing of the protagonist’s great luck comes in the future, they will be able to live to the end, and will not be wiped out by humans first like other ancient tribes.

Although Xiwa is reckless, she is a high-level Holy Spirit after all. She has knowledge and everything. Tell my clansmen to come here, the ancestors of the holy soul have not yet awakened, I have a lot of power in the clan, if I leave the barbarians with peace of mind, then I can still get one or two holy artifacts, so cruel The person who postponed the doomsday for five years is so ruthless!” Varimathras also nodded and said: “Sure enough. Delaying the doomsday for five years has concentrated the luck of hundreds of races in this civilization, and first sealed it The Holy Spirit and powerful beings of mankind for two years. At that time, human beings had no power to suppress luck, so they were swallowed and enslaved by our hundred clans, and this hatred was deeply rooted in their bones. Then two years later, the strong human beings They wake up, luck begins to explode, and it is absolutely impossible for human beings to spare the hundred races. This plan is not at all for our hundred races and mankind to work together to eliminate “original sin. Ah, but that human beings should first slaughter our hundreds of ancient races, and gather thousands of luck in one body. From the first era to the fifth era, it is almost the atmosphere of the fifth era. To defeat “Original Sin” is to use our ancient tribes as sacrifices, it’s too cruel

Luck is not something that only fusion can have. Defeating, devouring, and even enslaving them can gain the luck of their clan, but being able to suppress them is another matter, and according to what the two of them have seen so far, if it is really still the Fifth Epoch civilization, then Humans can definitely suppress it!

For a while, the two of them stopped talking, and they both felt chills in their hearts. The person who made all these things in the past year is really too nasty. All of this is not like what ordinary people can do, and there is no humanity at all. Among them, it is just a general trend of red fruit, starting from such a small opportunity as postponing the end of the world for five years and sealing the strong human beings for two years, it is a general trend that is the alien race have luck on human beings first Greed, hunting, devouring, eating raw, recording alive, enslaving, playing with, everything is completely greedy, and who makes human beings so weak that they have great luck to accompany them? This is the crime of being pregnant.

After the recovery of the strong human beings, it is naturally impossible to spare the hundred clans. At that time, breaking the hundreds of clans, destroying the hundreds of clans, gathering the luck of the hundreds of clans, and fighting against the “original sin” all these are all general trends and conspiracy !

It really seems to have surpassed the wisdom of human beings, without humanity and emotion. Standing from the perspective of a bystander, and then calmly set up the game”,

When the two were still trembling in this round, there was a knock on the door suddenly. When the two opened the door, they saw a group of human councilors standing at the door. Rin suddenly forced a smile, and welcomed these human councilors into the room. Where is the prestige and restraint of being the ancestors of the clan?

It is really forced by the form, not at all involuntary,

At this moment, Pei Jiao has arrived outside the soul army base that he had been to before. From his eyes, the entire base is covered in darkness,

It’s all ghosts!

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