Death is the Beginning Chapter 2: : Noisy! (3)

(Phew, this chapter is 3500 words~~~~~~~~ Today’s update is over, there are still more words than that, tomorrow will be a small explosion, 15000 words~~~~~~~~)

Continue to ask for recommendation tickets, the beginning of death will become more and more beautiful, although it is already very good-looking (a little narcissism), hahaha, Xiao Z is asking for recommendation tickets, friends who think this book is still suitable for everyone Friends, don’t be stingy with your recommendation tickets, it will be on the shelves next week, so please support me with all your strength! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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The scene turned back to the north-south battlefield, Pei Jiao and Yang Dingtian stood on the shoulders of the fake bull head, watching the fake bull head charge all the way, stepping on those skeleton infantry like mice, one by one, the ground suddenly disappeared Dozens of skeleton infantry, if they bent down and punched down, hundreds of skeleton infantry would be lost directly on the ground. Such a powerful attack power… no need for any skills to assist at all. This power alone is enough to despise the north and south. Any ghosts in the battlefield fantasy land are gone!

“Sure enough, a fake bull head with such strength… Sigh.” Pei Jiao excitedly watched the fake bull head show off his power, but he sighed after a while,

Yang Dingtian glanced at him silently, and said after a long time: “Are you complaining about your poor strength, and that you can’t fully display the combat power of this fake bull head?”

Pei Jiao smiled wryly and said, “You are really a roundworm in my stomach… That’s right, if my strength can also reach the real devil level strength, then the total strength of me and this fake bull head is definitely not the same. One plus one is as simple as that, so it is not only possible to run amok in this north-south battlefield, even if it is an unfamiliar golden country, even India’s Hungry Ghost Road or Japan’s Huangquan Cave, I dare to venture into these imaginary places , but I can’t, because I’m still too weak.”

Pei Jiao sighed again at this point, he looked at Yang Dingtian again, and then continued: “Because I have seen even more terrifying ghosts and ghosts, and I understand even more terrifying powers, Yang Dingtian, don’t you think I am here This North-South battlefield seems to be invincible vertically and horizontally. This fake bull head seems to have broken through a thousand battalions, and he feels that our strength is very strong. It is not like this. We are still quite weak. The reason why we feel that we are strong is only because of us. That’s right, it’s the simplest fantasy land and ghosts.”

Yang Dingtian said directly: “Understood… because I can feel that you seem to have a sense of urgency all the time, as if you are afraid of something. If there is no fear, then no one will be so urgent. Desperately, I can understand this.”

“Yeah, something very, very scary, so powerful that it makes me despair…”

Pei Jiao murmured these words, but when he finished speaking, he suddenly looked to a very far away place, where a large group of rocks and earth clods were erupting, as if It was as if something heavy had hit the ground. Although the two of them could not feel any vibration on the shoulders of the fake bull’s head, judging from the dust rising in the distance, the two of them could completely imagine the violent impact of the heavy object when it hit the ground. degree.

The two looked at each other, and Yang Dingtian asked: “Is it the real devil level ghost you felt?”

Pei Jiao gave a wry smile and said, “I’m sorry, I’m not yet a real demon, and I don’t have an aura field, so it’s not so much what I feel, but what the fake bull head under my feet feels. , relying on the obsession I left in the giant axe, I can barely feel the flow of the aura field… But the explosion wave in the distance is indeed caused by a real devil-level ghost.”

Yang Dingtian frowned, but didn’t say anything, and Pei Jiao didn’t have the time to guess why Yang Dingtian frowned, he just looked around lightly and said: “This is very close to the core area of ​​the North-South battlefield. Yes, but what makes me feel strange is why there are no large-scale skeleton infantry or skeleton cavalry around here? It’s really strange… But I can’t think of so many, Yang Dingtian, you must not make a move in the battle for a while, just Just feel the strength of the real devil-level ghost carefully, and remember, you must carefully feel the aura field of the real devil-level ghost, and then find a way to overcome the oppression of the aura field.”

After saying these words, Pei Jiao didn’t hesitate anymore, he slapped the huge head of Niutou fiercely, and shouted: “Step up! Give me a punch of the real devil level ghost in front of me into two little ones!” Pie!”

The fake bull head seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then roared loudly again. At the same time, the fake bull head burst out with that unique angry aura, although this aura was not aimed at Pei Jiao and Yang Dingtian, But once the cover was pressed down, it was as if a giant cauldron was pressed down, making the two of them breathless. Under such circumstances, the fake bull head had already strode forward, rushing directly into the dust in front of him.

In the dust, it was a huge pitch-black solid shell of four or five meters that hit the ground. Of course, the power of such a huge shell hitting the ground was very impressive. A huge pothole with a diameter of ten meters, and this pitch-black solid cannonball just stayed quietly in the pothole. Not far from the cannonball, more than twenty free souls looked pale into the dust, Even though they can’t see anything at the moment, they also know what is waiting for them in the dust, that robot-like monster… that can’t be broken or cut by any natural weapons. Go, hit the invulnerable monster!

The leading free soul is still the middle-aged uncle, but one of his hands has dissipated, and only one arm is left holding the two-handed giant axe alone. The twenty or so free souls behind him are each Injured, they seemed to be very sluggish. At this moment, they had really reached their limit. They were attacked more than ten times by the cannonball ghosts in a row. At most, more than a dozen people died, and at least seven or eight people died. A team of more than a hundred people has reached its limit so far…

“Leader! You go first. In fact, your speed is much faster than ours. If you want to run, this real devil-level ghost may not be able to catch up with you! You go first, let us entangle it!” At this moment, a Caucasian young man in his twenties, with a weird non-mainstream hair shape, was holding a short knife more than 30 centimeters long in his hand. This young man who looked more like a gangster, he At this moment, he roared in awe-inspiring manner.

There are several non-mainstream people who are dressed like this beside him, but they are no match for this white young man. Except for a young girl standing next to the young man, the rest tremble slightly, and seeing such a , the white young man’s face was furious, and when he was about to start cursing, the middle-aged uncle sighed and said: “No…we can’t escape, two real devil-level ghosts, one flew up to chase us, and the other One is chasing after him unhurriedly, and at the same time, he can launch the shell ghost, we really can’t run away…”

“Mom! If I knew I would have fought desperately with my brothers at that time, why would I need to be so aggrieved? Brothers… I am very honored to be able to fight to the death with you!” The middle-aged uncle fell into ink The expression didn’t last long, and he suddenly roared wildly. At the same time, the two-handed ax in his hand was shining brightly, and he raised it with one hand, facing the dust flying in the distance.

The rest of the people either roared, or trembled all over, or someone sneaked towards the edge of the group, with various expressions, but before they could start their attack, suddenly they burst out from the dust. Flying in the distance, there was a continuous burst of crackling sound, as if one by one explosive bombs exploded. At the same time, a burst of angry will was pressed fiercely. If this momentum field has substance, it is only a little bit. Pressing, everyone present felt as if they were carrying a gigantic force. This was not just fear and suppression… This aura field was like pressing them to the ground!

Everyone’s faces became even paler, and the despair in their hearts is really hard to describe in words… There were only two real devil-level ghosts before, and they couldn’t even escape. At this moment, another real ghost appeared. Devil-level ghosts, and looking at the aura field, it is obviously much stronger than the two previous real-devil-level ghosts. This is the strongest enemy they have ever encountered. Three real-devil-level ghosts… three only!

They are dead!

Just when such despair arose in everyone’s hearts, they suddenly felt another cold aura burst out, but this aura could not be compared with that angry aura at all. In terms of distance, this cold aura seemed to be like cold air, and there was not much left to suppress the crowd.


Just a few seconds after the eruption of the cold aura field, everyone was crushed by the angry aura field and couldn’t move at all. From the dust filled, there was a loud explosion, like a thunderbolt. Not only the sound, but also a gust of wind that accompanied the sound, directly blowing away the dust, and even the few people standing in the front couldn’t stand still, and fell to the ground all of a sudden. .

Everyone looked at the place where the dust dissipated stupidly. They only saw a giant tauren with a dark golden body and a height of about ten meters, stepping on the robot ghost. The robot ghost didn’t even change its shape completely, and was stepped on by the giant minotaur, which was twice as tall as it was. God knows how strong this kick was. Anyway, the five-meter-high robot ghost was already half in length. It was buried in the rocks, and it struggled desperately, and used its dagger-like fingers to tear off the cow’s hooves that stepped on it… It’s a pity that the giant cow’s hooves didn’t move at all, but bit by bit It was pressed to the Everyone could only hear the sound of steel bars being twisted and torn.

Seeing that the robot ghost was struggling and couldn’t move, it finally opened its throat and roared loudly. A white beam of light flashed past, and a laser beam as thick as an arm shot out of its mouth, directly hitting the bull’s hooves stepping on it. There was a loud bang, and the entire battle scene was immediately filled with dust. up.

Everyone was stunned, and they didn’t know what to think. When they saw five real devil-level ghosts besieging one, they already thought it was very strange, but at this moment, another super fierce ghost appeared. The bull head is really a ghost, crushing the invulnerable robot ghost as if crushing a child… This feeling is so absurd that everyone can’t accept what they see.

Then there was another loud crackling sound, and the gust of wind blew away the permeating dust again, and everyone saw that the bull-headed giant bent down and punched the ground, but its feet were unscathed…

Then, the bull’s head kept hitting the ground with one punch after another. Even if they were more than a thousand meters away, they still felt the ground tremble. There was a roar of a bull in the sky, and then it stretched out its hand to fish it from the ground for a while, and it grabbed a piece of black iron sheet in its hand. Before everyone could recover and see what the iron sheet was, the bull’s head was The iron sheet was rubbed vigorously, but within a few seconds, with a harsh metal twisting sound, the iron sheet was rubbed into a spherical shape…

This minotaur ghost… is too fierce!

This is the only thought in everyone’s mind at the moment…

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