Death is the Beginning Chapter 13: No. 13

In the sky, Pei Jiao was pinched by the claws of the black dragon. Compared to the legendary fantasy species with a body length of ten kilometers, it can only be said to be a slightly larger bug… The comparison objects are those ordinary humans If so, then the theory of slightly larger bugs is naturally justified. .

The black dragon seemed to be very angry at the attack on its reverse scale. It even tore and kneaded Pei Jiao’s Thunderbolt body for a long time. It was not until Pei Jiao had no strength to resist anymore that it took a sharp breath and prepared to breathe out the dragon. Breathing, but at this moment, suddenly a purple thunder light rushed from afar.

This purple thunder light is different from the silver thunder light emitted by Pei Jiao. Pei Jiao’s silver thunder light is not so much lightning, but a kind of energy. Like the energy bullets fired by the Heroic Gunblade, you can still see the shooting trajectory, and the speed is far from the speed of light, so the silver thunder is more like a kind of energy with electric current as the carrier.

But this purple lightning seems to be really like lightning, but it is only a flash from a very far away. The huge dragon claw, and then Pei Jiao felt that he was falling rapidly, and the dragon claw holding him was actually cut in two? !

Before Pei Jiao came back to his senses, the purple thunder light swept over again, like a gust of hurricane, the dragon’s claws that held Pei Jiao tightly were smashed to pieces, golden flesh and blood splashed everywhere, And Pei Jiao was already swept up by the thunder light, and flew straight to the far away.

The speed of this purple thunder light is indeed exaggeratedly fast. Although it is far from the speed of light, Pei Jiao can only fly in the blink of an eye. Only the size of a sesame seed was left, but a military transport plane appeared in front of him, the cabin door was still wide open, and a purple thunder light swept Pei Jiao and flew straight to the cabin door, before Pei Jiao came back to his senses. , The cabin door was tightly closed.

All of this happened in an instant. From the appearance of the purple thunder, to cutting off the giant black dragon’s claws with a single blow, to rolling up Pei Jiao and running away, the whole process was astonishingly fast. He had time to see who the purple lightning was… Although he had already guessed who the purple lightning was, it seemed that Gong Yeyu couldn’t possibly be that strong?

Unfortunately, when Pei Jiao was placed on the ground of the cabin, he saw Gong Yeyu standing there covered in purple electricity, holding the purple thunder knife enlarged to four or five meters in his hand, which made people feel strange What’s more, his hair has also grown a lot longer, and it’s still pure purple, but this state didn’t last long, and he also collapsed on the ground with a big mouth and no image, haha, and at the same time, The purple light on his body quickly disappeared and even the hair returned to its original state.

“It’s so tiring, it’s like doing the same thing as a real demon. The king’s ‘liberation’ is really not that simple.” Ye Yu said loudly while panting.

Pei Jiao is in a state of obsession at the moment, unable to speak at all. Fortunately, his eyes can still move, so he just turned his eyeballs to look at the cabin, except for a few living people dressed as soldiers. Varosti, his sister Nania, and a few free soul members in his team all looked at him with concern, while Nania fixed her eyes on Ye Yu.

Varosti saw the two enter the cabin. He immediately walked to Pei Jiao’s side and said: “Calm your mind as soon as possible. Suppress the vibration of obsession. The world snake Yurmgunter is not that simple. It is impossible to kill it. We can only try our best Delay it and hurt it. It is best to be able to seriously injure it. Until Rocky retreats. During this period, you need your strength.”

Pei Jiao has many questions in his heart that he wants to say. It’s just that he can’t pronounce at this moment. So he could only blink his eyes to express his understanding. And Varosti seemed to know what Pei Jiao wanted to ask. He was silent for a moment. Suddenly said: “Don’t worry. After this battle, I will tell you everything I know. Including the soul army plan. Including the true devil level mass production plan. And Rocky’s initial fall… and the natural weapons of civilization I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Civilization’s natural weapon? What is that?” Gong Yeyu, who was lying on the ground with no image, suddenly said, “I said Varosti. Are you too cunning? When I came to rescue you before, you swore Why tell me everything. Isn’t it hiding something again now? Tell me quickly. What is that civilization’s natural weapon?”

Varosti smiled wryly and said: “These things are quite complicated. I don’t know how long it will take to explain. So let’s settle the battle in front of us first. You should also recover your energy as soon as possible. Yes, you are the main force.”

Ye Yu didn’t ask any more questions. Instead, he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath silently. And Varosti murmured beside him like this: “World Snake. This is the soul plan of the Atlantis civilization. At the end of the world in the first civilization, it captured one of the three peak-level ghosts of the three major demon kings. It is something in the myths and legends of our civilization. In Norse mythology. This is a giant snake that surrounds the entire world. Use yourself

Picking his own tail. Exactly one circle around the entire Earth. In fact, these words describe the characteristics of this World Snake’s ability…it can manipulate gravity. “

“The three major devil-level peak ghosts of the Atlantis civilization are the World Snake, which is called the Osiris Sky Dragon by the Atlantis civilization, manipulates gravity, and is the ancestor of giants. The civilization calls it the Oberlis giant soldier, manipulating space, and the undead firebird, which is called the sun **** winged dragon by the Atlantis civilization, manipulating energy. When the apocalypse comes, it is also the most cutting-edge and powerful level of ghosts. Even with the super technology of the Atlantis civilization, it was the power of the whole family to capture and transform them.”

“From the information I have seen, the three major ghosts are almost immortal because of their strength. Even the civilization of Atlantis was destroyed in the doomsday, but the three major ghosts However, they still left the brand of obsession, as long as they are filled with energy, sin, and obsession, then they can be resurrected. Of course, they are definitely not as good as they were in their heyday, but their strength is also much stronger than ordinary demon kings, especially this one. The World Snake, its dark aura can manipulate gravity, it is really a terrifying existence… I don’t know if you can seriously injure it.”

At this moment, this military plane is rapidly approaching Easter Island, and the black giant dragon in the distant sky is gradually getting bigger. Below it, the protective layer of the light curtain has been completely broken, and the entire Easter Island is almost Facing the attack of the black dragon, what is strange is that the black dragon did not fly downward, but hovered in mid-air, roaring loudly towards the ground, and the sound of the dragon’s howling spread out tens of kilometers open.

Everyone looked out through the plane door. They looked at this huge monster in amazement and horror. Everyone stared intently. Except for Gong Yeyu who was silent there, the rest were muttering about legends. Fantasy planted these words.

“It… seems to be afraid.” Ye Yu looked out of the cabin door for a long time before suddenly speaking.

Varosti frowned, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and said loudly to the cockpit: “Raise the plane to the side and look at Easter Island!”

The driver replied that he accepted the order. Not long after, the transport plane turned sideways, allowing everyone to see the panorama of the black dragon and Easter Island more clearly. Sure enough, the black dragon really What he was afraid of… At the center of Easter Island, he stretched out an arm at least a hundred meters long!

This arm is covered in bright silver, as if it was made of metal machinery. It just stretched out from the huge building in the center of Easter Island, standing a hundred meters high, the size of a fist in the palm of the hand, at least They are all about tens of meters away. It is true that the fist can stand upright and the arm can run a horse, but this is nothing. Only then did everyone hear a voice coming from Easter Island. , At this moment, there is another violent and huge rolling sound wave, like the sound of a volcanic eruption or a nuclear bomb eruption. In the roaring sound, it seems that a wave of sound wave shock wave is formed in the center of Easter Island, far away towards the entire Easter Island swept past.

“Oberis giant soldiers…they can activate the intermediate soul defense system.” Varosti looked at the giant arm sticking out from the ground, as if he couldn’t believe what he saw. After a long time, he roared angrily: “Damn, they are murdering! The life forms in the spirit pool can’t bear this kind of load, they will all die… What? You can activate the Oberlis giant soldier!? If it goes mad, it may be more destructive than the world snake! The pigs of the government, are they so afraid of death!?”

In the end, Varosti’s face turned red with anger, his aristocratic demeanor was gone, and he seemed a little Enough is enough. “

Yu suddenly slapped him on the shoulder, waking him up from his madness, Yu looked at him and said, “That’s enough, let’s settle this battle first, men have to have their opponents.” The consciousness of being responsible for what they do, since they have activated the soul plan and activated this giant soldier, then they must also be responsible for it, and everything will wait until the end of this battle. God will not punish people for the matter…I will kill people!”

“Are you ready?” Gong Yeyu didn’t answer, he just reached out to open the door of the transport plane, and then asked while looking outside.

Behind Ye Yu, Pei Jiao knew when he had already stood there, his body had already recovered, although his face was still tired, it was much better than the bleak look before, Right after he answered this single note, bright silver lightning began to erupt from his body.

Yu took a deep breath, then roared loudly: “Then… fight!”

When the words fell, Gong Yeyu had turned into a purple lightning and rushed out of the cabin door, and immediately after, Pei Jiao also turned into a silver lightning and rushed out…

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