Death is the Beginning Chapter 12: : Short Calm (3)

(Just one update today, 5000 words, two updates tomorrow, call.)

Let me talk about why the update is getting later and later. I am also very distressed, because the time difference between staying at home and working outside is different. The time of going to bed is moving forward every day. Yesterday was 6:30 this morning. I just went to bed, not because I didn’t want to sleep, but because it was too early to fall asleep at all, so the time passed more and more, and it was already afternoon when I woke up, writing books, coding, and revising, causing the update time to get later and later. Sweat one, but every day must be more certain. If there is an accident that will delay a day, I will also ask for leave. Huh, then I will ask for a vote. It doesn’t take much time to vote for a recommendation, but it is extremely important to me, so let’s vote for Xiao Z, thank you.

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According to Yang Xuguang, the situation in Beijing has calmed down. Under Gong Yeyu’s strong suppression, those ghosts who have manifested can no longer cause any damage at all. The current situation is the same as last night in Taipei City. It is the living members of the organization who are searching for the surviving ghosts and ghosts. If one or two are missed, it will be troublesome to hide in the dark and kill people. May go bad.

“…Actually, the worst situation is not here. Although the previous situation was indeed extremely bad, almost all the breakaways and high-level breakaways in the whole country were wiped out in Fengdu, at least the country thinks so , The situation at that time was really bad to the extreme. Do you think those breakaways who came to support our country came for free? Hehe, what kind of friendship is there between countries? Everything speaks for the benefit! For these breakaways, The country has spent a lot of money, and these breakaways don’t work hard at all, just guarding the headquarters building, playing around there, but Gong Yeyu is so angry.” In a car In the car, Yang Xuguang said to Pei Jiao who was also sitting in the back seat.

Pei Jiao also knew this. At that time, Gong Yeyu wanted to take advantage of the time difference and lead everyone to Fengdu to fish for a dream and then come back. Those who escaped from Fengdu’s fantasy land in advance also suffered a lot of casualties. As a result, there was only one feeling for the country’s high-level officials at that time, that is, the elite core strength of the Chinese soul organization was exhausted!

This is a terrible thing!

It can be said that this almost heralds the demise of the Chinese soul organization!

More than ten years of accumulation and research have been destroyed at this moment. No one can accept such a thing, and what is even more frightening is that the time is approaching 2012, and China no longer has the time for more than ten years to slowly Accumulated, it is very likely…It is very likely that by 2012, it will not only be the demise of the soul organization, but the entire country will…

“Fortunately, all of our main combat forces have returned safely. The most important thing is the return of Gong Yeyu. Hehe, you are a rookie, so naturally you can’t imagine the weight of Gong Yeyu. In fact, it can be considered that he will not die alone. , then the Chinese soul organization has meaning.” Yang Xuguang continued with a smile.

Pei Jiao shook his head and said, “Of course I understand this. In fact, the soul body is completely different from living people. It is impossible for a living person to have fighting power with a gun. No matter how strong a person is, even if he is the world boxing champion, if he is not in close contact with a weak woman holding a gun, or if the weak woman does not dare to shoot at all, then the world boxing champion will definitely not be able to win anything. However, the soul world is completely different. For a true demon-level powerhouse like Gong Yeyu, it is not an exaggeration to say that one enemy is ten thousand. He alone…is more important than the entire soul organization in China combined !”

Yang Xuguang laughed lightly, and he said: “I need to make a correction here. It may have been the case before, but the situation has changed a bit now… Your importance is no less important than him. “

“Because… the Goddess of War ability?” Pei Jiao was stunned for a moment, but he still shook his head slightly.

“That’s right, that’s the ability. It’s an ability that is more important than your life!” Yang Xuguang was still smiling, but his eyes were full of seriousness. He looked at Pei Jiao and said: ” Do you know why I didn’t talk to that special soul before? Because he is a member of your team, I won’t go over you to do some poaching, I just need your promise…”

“…Won’t you be your enemy? Or, don’t you betray the country, don’t you betray Gong Yeyu’s promise?” Pei Jiao frowned, but he spoke immediately.

“It’s good to talk to smart people, and you don’t need to explain the hidden places too clearly… Then what about your answer? When you and your team are weakest, we are your friends and supporters. When you and your team are strong, we can still be your friends and supporters.” Yang Xuguang smiled and looked at Pei Jiao.

“…the kindness of life-saving and the kindness of helping hands, these two kinds of kindness are enough to repay with life, just like what I did in Fengdu…until death!” Pei Jiao also looked at Yang Xuguang, He also said seriously.

“Hahaha, good! Then, the giant ax of flames is yours.” Yang Xuguang laughed and turned his head away, as if smiling happily.

Pei Jiao was stunned again. He didn’t expect that after Yang Xuguang said these words, he would suddenly change the topic to the strongest natural weapon in the world at present, and he would hand over the flaming giant ax as soon as he opened his mouth. Give it to him… In fact, before this, Pei Jiao never thought that he would get this giant axe. Although the harvest in Fengdu’s fantasy land was extremely rich, he thought that he would get about ten natural axe at most. The capacity of the weapon is more than one hundred and two hundred. Didn’t expect Yang Xuguang to give him this giant axe?

“Why? Isn’t this 1,800-capacity natural weapon the strongest natural weapon in the world right now? The person who can use it can only be a real demon-level powerhouse, even if you give it to I, I can’t use its power, and does Gong Yeyu know about this?” Pei Jiao pondered for a moment before he asked.

Yang Xuguang was still laughing. He followed Gong Yeyu’s example and patted Pei Jiao’s shoulder, but he seemed to feel that this look was not suitable for him, so he rubbed his wrist in embarrassment, and then said : “God Allah, he’s ‘liberated’ again, and in order to get rid of that real devil-level ghost in the shortest possible time and prevent him from causing too much damage to Beijing, he’s ‘liberated’ this time with even momentum. What burns together with his own obsession is deep ‘liberation’, two consecutive deep ‘liberations’ in a short period of time, even with his strength, he can’t stand it, and he has probably fallen into a deep sleep now, Even if we are soul bodies, consciousness and spirit are just human beings, he doesn’t know all of this now…”

“However, do you think he will care about that ‘mere’ huge flame axe? You are his partner! Just like what he did this time, when you encounter such a situation, He will definitely abandon everything to save you, so don’t worry about the topic between me and you, smart people naturally talk to smart people, and they also say things that only smart people can understand, but for naive and reckless people like Gong Yeyu From a human point of view… there is no need to tell him all this.”

“Naive…are you reckless?” Pei Jiao smiled wryly and shook his head, then he said to Yang Xuguang: “Okay, I want this giant axe, although I still don’t know the reason why it produces fluctuations in obsession , but I think you will not use it with peace of mind, and this size can be used when I am “liberated”, so it belongs to me… But weapons belong to weapons, talents belong to talents, and special souls are not mine. Although the slaves were saved by me, I cut off their sins, but their fate is up to them to decide, I just provide them with the best choice.”

Yang Xuguang immediately smiled wryly. He shook his head, looked out of the car window and said, “I knew you could understand me… Special souls, whether it is the special ability to hold space in the body, or the ability to melt The special ability to turn obsession into food, or the special ability to neutralize the aura field of real devil-level ghosts, or the special ability to sense ghosts within a certain range nearby, these abilities are extremely precious abilities, no matter for individuals For a team, or for a country, it is almost irreplaceable. Alas, it is so simple to talk to smart people. This natural weapon can be regarded as a deposit for borrowing talents that may appear in the future, but then again , this name is Yang Dingtian… Yang Dingtian? This is really huge… What is his special ability?”

Pei Jiao can be regarded as a person who has entered the society, he is not a fool, he naturally knows the way to survive in this world… In fact, everything is profit, of course, maybe an exception for a naive and reckless person like Gong Yeyu , but all in all, this world is actually a world composed and driven by interests, especially for a smart person like Yang Xuguang, it is absolutely impossible to do anything stupid and generous, so he immediately took out the violent The giant ax is such a huge bargaining chip, so it is natural to hope to get more benefits than this bargaining chip, and the only benefit that Pei Jiao can get right now… is the Goddess of War’s ability with unlimited potential!

That’s why Pei Jiao said the above words.

When Yang Xuguang asked about Yang Dingtian’s special ability, Pei Jiao glanced behind the window of the car. Yang Dingtian and his unconscious sister were sitting in that car. The place he was going on this trip was the soul organization The headquarters building, on the one hand, is to see the giant ax of flames, and on the other hand, it is to let Gong Yeyu treat Yang Dingtian’s younger sister.

“I don’t know what his special ability is. He emits a silver-white light, and he also has the ability to push away the ghosts approaching him. It is completely different from the situation where ordinary souls are swallowed by ghosts as soon as they come into contact with them.” , I don’t know what kind of special ability this is.” Pei Jiao thought for a while and said.

Yang Xuguang suddenly became interested. He hurriedly asked about the various situations of Yang Dingtian’s silver light. It is a special ability to turn it into food, but this special ability cannot be rejected by ghosts, so this special ability may be different… Anyway, after the situation calms down in two days, we will find some natural weapons to let us Let him try, and there has always been a saying in the soul world, there is no special ability of garbage, only users of garbage, this Yang Dingtian is a precious talent.”

While the two were talking, the car had already driven into a road card in a block, and at the corner of this road card, that block was completely different from the outside block immediately, the entire ground was full of potholes, as if It was like being bombed by shells, and some buildings were also damaged, and some of them even completely collapsed. From this, it can be imagined that the fighting in these blocks was fierce at that time.

“There’s still a smell of gunpowder…and those are shrapnel, right? Could it be that the government sent troops to fight the ghosts? No wonder these blocks have been destroyed like this, isn’t it so stupid?” Pei Jiao looked outside Street murmured.

Yang Xuguang shook his head and said, “It’s not stupid, but it’s too extravagant… The scientific community, or the scientists of the soul organization, have always been committed to researching a method that can make ordinary living people Weapons against ghosts, and also spent a lot of natural weapons and a lot of money for this, although the progress has been very weak, but at least some things have been researched, such as super electromagnetic metal, which is a kind that can make the soul body burn Under standard energy, the metal that can be touched, er, is somewhat like the substances in the fantasy land. If this super electromagnetic metal is fired at a high speed, then it can also hurt ghosts, but…”

“However, the manufacture of this metal is very complicated and requires a certain amount of natural weapons. On average, the cost of one kilogram of super-electromagnetic metal is equivalent to five kilograms of gold, so in general , super-electromagnetic metals are mixed with silver and other metals to form alloys, and this alloy is used to make bullets or shells, but in this way, these bullets have no attack power against souls or ghosts with stronger obsessions, and because of their The cost is very expensive, and it needs to consume natural weapons as raw materials, so other than the soul organization, other countries can’t produce this kind of super electromagnetic metal at all, just like the super electromagnetic metal consumed by Beijing this time in order to fight against the realization of ghosts. Its value is definitely more than one billion yuan, which is really a luxury.”

Only then did Pei Jiao remember that the young soldier who drove the plane and the jeep in Taiwan for him seemed to have wiped out the ghosts with material bullets. It seems that he used this super-electromagnetic metal, right?

At this moment, the person driving this car was the young soldier, and Pei Jiao suddenly asked curiously: “Hey, the soldier in front, you are just an ordinary logistics staff of the soul organization, why can you equip such an expensive supercar?” What about electromagnetic bullets?”

The young soldier immediately said excitedly: “Pu, an ordinary logistician? Are you kidding me! I’m a super logistician who has completed countless logistical tasks without making any mistakes! Do you think such an excellent logistician would Equipped with the best weapons and equipment?”

(A soldier who talks a lot… What an excellent person he is!)

Pei Jiao felt as if a drop of sweat had appeared on his forehead, and Yang Xuguang who was sitting next to him laughed directly: “Li Lin, you are not equipped with super electromagnetic bullets because of your excellent grades, hehe, as* As a member of you, you must enter the most dangerous soul organization. I think your parents and grandfather must be very distressed, right? So no matter what, you will be transferred to the logistics department, and you will be equipped with the most dangerous reconnaissance department. The super-electromagnetic bullets that cannot be fully assembled…is that the case?”

Pei Jiao suddenly woke up, and then he remembered the surprise expression of this young soldier when he faced the ghost combat mission for the first time when he was in Taiwan, and his military habits that seemed to have been integrated into his life , and the eloquence when discussing the mission, and the super electromagnetic bullet on his body…

The young soldier Li Lin seemed to have received some great insult. His whole face was flushed red, but he just gritted his teeth without any quibble. After a long time, he said lightly: ” I am clear about my pursuit, and I also quite understand the direction of the future. When I knew the doomsday theory and the existence of souls, I made up my mind that I must enter the soul organization and make my achievements in this soul organization. It’s not that I’m stupid but they are ignorant! The power has already captivated their eyes, I… firmly believe in my decision!”

(This feeling, oh, no, is this faint will, could it be that he is also a special soul? This is the will to protect…)

Pei Jiao’s face was slightly surprised. When Li Lin said that he firmly believed in his decision, he actually felt something similar to Yang Dingtian’s… There was a will, but this will was the will to protect , is completely different from nostalgia, and this will is extremely weak, if it is not in the same car, then it is almost a weak will that cannot be felt.

However, he immediately recovered his expression, reached out and patted Li Lin’s shoulder lightly and said, “Believe in your decision, perhaps, the status and life of your parents and your grandfather in the future… all depend on you.” Guarding.”

Li Lin also showed surprise on his face, but his expression recovered very quickly, and he changed into that serious soldier image in an instant. He didn’t say anything more, just stared at the street in front of him, and continued to drive the car to go forward.

As for Yang Xuguang, who was sitting next to Pei Jiao, his eyes flashed, as if he had thought of something, but he didn’t say much, but looked out of the car window, and suddenly, the whole car was silent down.

Just like that, the car was driving on this street that looked like a war zone. After an unknown amount of time, the car finally arrived at its destination…

The headquarters of the Chinese soul organization!

The moment the car stopped, Pei Jiao immediately felt the strong will transmitted from the headquarters of the soul organization. There seemed to be a tinge of joy in addition to anger, and it was joy directed at him.

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