Death is the Beginning Chapter 12: No. 12

When Rocky used the hidden weapon Rocky’s Eye, about 200 meters underground, in the conference room where the leaders of the multinationals met, the leaders of the seventeen countries were still sitting together, and they didn’t speak. It’s just that they either smoke, or stay silent, or just sit there silently in a daze, and they don’t know what they are thinking. .

Until a long time later, suddenly the entire conference room was shaking violently. At the same time, a three-dimensional picture appeared in the air in front of each leader. In the hall ten meters away, the entire hall was blown into chaos, thousands of various ghosts were roaring and screaming there, and a few ghosts that were obviously much larger were running around and killing, but unlike this It was the hundreds of surviving free souls that the group of ghosts were fighting.

“Everyone, it’s time for the final decision. Although I admit that the soul plan is very inhumane, I think everyone should know the weight of this plan? Now we can only use the primary soul defense system, or The mid-level defense system within five minutes has a time limit. We are powerless to face the ghosts at the peak of the devil level, and we can know from the records in the Dead Sea text and the core of Nether that there are seven more than the devil. The real “dark ones” at the level, even the Atlantis civilization, which was hundreds of years ahead of our technology, was destroyed in a hurry, let alone us? So I propose to unban the soul project immediately, we There are still three years to prepare and it is really impossible to save the world… At least we can start this Easter Island to sail to the universe, and return after the end of the day, which can be regarded as the continuation of the seeds of our human civilization.”

The person who spoke was a black man. This is the president of the United States who has often appeared on TV recently. When he said this, he was so excited that he even slapped the table. up.

The rest of the people silently glanced at him, and another man who was about fifty years old suddenly said: “Continue to vote, I agree to lift the ban on the soul plan…”

“I agree.”

“I agree.”




“I agree.”

One round of voting down. Only ten people agreed. The other seven are still in dissent. Immediately, the entire meeting hall became deserted again. Everyone fell into wordless silence again.

The President of the United States finally couldn’t help but roared. He said loudly: “I would like to ask about China, Japan, Russia, India, Egypt, Australia, and Canada. Why do you want to oppose it? Is it possible to sacrifice the lives of a small number of people and save the survival of the entire human race. Is such a thing difficult to decide? ?!”

These seven people were silent. After a long time. The Japanese Prime Minister shook his head and said: “I think you all know that. The reason why our seventeen countries form the World Soul Organization is that each of our countries has inherited the key to unlock the Nether Core. Of course The keys of some countries are obtained from the primitive aborigines whose civilization has been wiped out. But this does not affect us to open the information in the core of Nether. I think you should have seen it? The Atlantis civilization is actually the ancient four There is a civilization in Ji civilization that hopes to survive the doomsday. But the reason why they failed. It should be to start this soul plan.”

The seven leaders who opposed the country all nodded silently. The No. 1 head of China also said: “I agree with the Japanese Prime Minister’s opinion. That’s right. The Atlantis civilization did persist until the end because of the soul plan. It even severely damaged four ‘dark ones’. Let them not Not falling into a long-term sleep. Therefore, it cannot affect the civilization of the fifth era. That is, the direction of our human civilization. Therefore, our civilization has not entered the soul civilization of the first era, the cultivation civilization of the second era, and the magic civilization of the third era. On the contrary, our genetic subconscious has inherited our creator, the potential imprint of the Atlanteans, that is, the direction of technological civilization. Indeed, if the soul plan is fully unfolded, and we can restore all of the soul plan Project. Now these ghosts. Fantasy land. Even going deep into the first three layers of the “Abyss” is nothing to be afraid of. But what about the end of the day? It’s just repeating the same mistakes. It can’t even reach the level of Atlantis civilization at that time. We may not even be able to fight against a ‘dark one’. This is our end! And there is no need to mention entering the universe. If we can escape. At the beginning, the Atlantis civilization would not stick to the earth. After all, they The real hometown is Centaur. But why didn’t they escape? Because the ‘dark one’ is already a god.”

Hearing this, the rest of the people nodded silently, no matter whether they opposed it or agreed with it. Only the President of the United States was still very excited and said: “But how can you be reconciled if you don’t try it? Do you want us to give it a try?” Do nothing like this and wait for the end to come? Besides, those souls are so lawless, I am afraid that before the end of the day, they have already messed up the world, especially the one in China…”

Chief No. 1 smiled, he was not tepid, he just took a sip of the tea on the table and said, “Are you talking about Gong Yeyu? In fact, from a personal point of view, I admire him very much, although it is true that in some The time is not prudent, but this child has a good heart. Have you ever seen a true demon level who lies or violates his heart? In fact, if he is really in danger of life and death, I believe that Gong Yeyu and those free souls are far beyond the amount They are real devils, after all they are all…” At this point, the No. 1 chief shut up.

The President of the United States opened his mouth to say something, but he just sighed silently, and his tone gradually calmed down: “But they alone… really can’t survive the end.”

At this time, the president of Russia suddenly said: “Actually, my opinion is similar to that of the two leaders of China and Japan. According to a Chinese statement, the soul plan is just to solve the crisis while drinking doves to quench thirst. But it destroyed our best hope, so I think we should wait, at least until the last hope appears, maybe we can…”

Speaking of which, everyone fell silent again. After a long time, Chief No. 1 suddenly said: “I want to insert a word here to discuss the handling of Gong Yeyu. The United States and the United Kingdom have not informed us this time. , I activated the mass-produced True Devil Class privately, intending to capture Gong Yeyu, I hope this is the last time.”

The faces of the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom changed. The two looked at each other. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom stepped forward and said: “There seems to be no confusion about this matter? Before we sealed the soul plan, no have decided each other, when there are free souls

When the king-level advanced critical point, it will be captured. Could it be that Gong Jing has reached the devil-level advanced critical point? “

Chief No. 1 has always had a warm smile on his face, and he seems to be under 60 years old, as if he is a good old man, but after hearing this, he clenches his hands into fists Looking at the British Prime Minister silently on the table, he said: “This seems to be the main point of our discussion this time? After the soul plan is sealed, such a decision should have been stopped, instead of covering it up according to the so-called ‘conventional’ reason. Well, this is the last time I don’t want to see anything like this, otherwise I have reason to believe that the existence of racial discrimination is deliberately suppressing any non-white race?”

When these words were said, the complexions of most of the people present changed dramatically, only a few black and yellow leaders lowered their heads slightly, but they seemed to be secretly refreshed.

The face of the British Prime Minister suddenly became very ugly, and the President of the United States immediately changed the topic for him: “This is not the point we are discussing now? Or turn the topic back, I don’t think Dead Haven and Nether’s core This information is correct… Maybe it is just a lie written by the Atlantis civilization with their unique pride in order to cover up its failure? If there is such a thing, why did the civilization of the first three periods be destroyed? Don’t they also have a so-called soul plan?”

At this time, the President of Canada suddenly said: “I may be able to explain this question. You should also know that although our country does not have an imaginary land, we have found many Mayan remains, including the last days and the first four centuries. I also found a lot of civilized documents, and after using the Nether Core to translate, my think tank team found some special records…” Speaking of which, the Canadian President pressed something on his desktop, and then Another three-dimensional picture appeared in front of everyone.

“The first three era civilizations, to be precise, except for the vague records of the first era civilization, but the second era civilization and the third era civilization have more detailed explanations, especially the second era civilization, it is indeed found I found similar things, especially the three pieces of Donghuang Bell, Taiji Diagram, and Pangu Banner, which are the closest to “that” thing, but because the “Dark One” has secretly interfered in this world, the dragon and phoenix wars have been carried out successively , Lich War, Conferred God War, the three world wars, which led to the shattering of ‘that’ thing, so it failed in the Doomsday War.”

“As for the third era civilization, it is also for the same reason. There have been battles between the Titans and the Olympus gods, the battle between the Egyptian gods and the Greek gods, the war between the Vanir gods and the Aesir gods, and The wars between various gods in the world, big and small, eventually led to the breaking of ‘that’ thing, which is also recorded in Mayan literature, and the ‘dark one’ influenced and manipulated all of this behind the scenes.”

Speaking of this, the President of Canada looked at the crowd and said: “But we are very lucky, because the Fourth Epoch civilization is an outsider, they have no soul, and are extremely little affected by the ‘Dark Ones’, although because of their For their own sake, the ‘that’ thing was broken, but after all, they severely injured the four ‘Dark Ones’, which gave our civilization an extremely huge advantage. When they wake up, it may be the first time that is approaching The world wars have begun, except that the first and second world wars were affected by them, and the subsequent cold war did not start, and as it gets closer to 2012, their influence is getting smaller and smaller, so we get The possibility of ‘that’ thing is getting bigger and bigger, in this case, I firmly do not approve of launching the soul plan!”

Everyone in the room fell silent again, either silently looking at the materials of the three-dimensional picture or staring in a daze in silence, not saying a word, as if they had forgotten that this was in a meeting.

Looking at the crowd in front of him for a long time, he sighed silently. In fact, he knows why those developed countries headed by the United States want to start the soul plan so much. Struggling…

The current situation is obvious. Most of the things have been carried out according to the prophecies of the Dead Sea text and the Nether Core. The devil-level peak-level ghosts also appeared, so the natural weapons of the top-level civilization in the prophecy should also exist, and it is likely to appear?

The so-called Wen Tiansheng weapon is not realized by the obsession of ghosts and ghosts, but it is manifested by the ideas, thoughts, and understandings of hundreds of millions of people for thousands of years, as if imagined. There are actually two natural weapons of civilization within the soul organization of the Seven Kingdoms, both of which have a capacity of more than 10,000! Moreover, they are all super-powerful natural weapons with prefixes. One is the King Tool, the Sword in the Stone, and the other is the Steel Tool, the Golden Cudgel, but they have not been used for various reasons. Those free souls imagined even deeper.

As for the natural weapons of the top civilization…that is far beyond all natural weapons, beyond the so-called prefix name natural weapons, which only exist in the myths of various countries. The natural weapons of civilization, the Donghuang Bell Jitu, and the Pangu Banner generally don’t have the so-called prefix names, and their power is far beyond everything. Even the “dark ones” are taboo about it. It is such an existence.

However, this kind of top-level civilization’s natural weapon requires the continuous condensation of the consciousness of countless people for thousands of years, that is, the seeds of civilization cannot be cut off, and one must have one’s own civilization to inherit. Only in this way can this kind of top-level civilization be condensed It is a natural weapon, and there is an important prerequisite, that is, it cannot generate too many ghosts in a unit time!

According to the records of the Dead Sea Text and the Nether Core, the so-called ghosts are actually composed of some unknown energy between the heaven and the earth. Every time a ghost is produced, this kind of energy between the heavens and the earth will become rarer, although this kind of The energy of heaven and earth can recover by itself, but if too many ghosts are generated per unit time, then the energy of heaven and earth will be greatly reduced. As a result, the condensing time of natural weapons of civilization will be affected. If natural weapons of civilization cannot condense before the end Finished, then when the end comes, the rift space overlaps with the real world, and the energy of heaven and earth will be monopolized in an instant, and the natural weapons of civilization will completely disappear or shatter, unless they are natural weapons of civilization that have been condensed.

This is what was mentioned in the Mayan literature found by the President of Canada. In fact, it is also mentioned in the Dead Sea text and the Nether Core. The natural weapons of the top civilization have been formed, and since the civilization of the second era, it has been constantly affecting the civilization of the real world,

Murdering each other consumes a lot of energy from heaven and earth to destroy top-level natural formations. In fact, the first world war and the second world war in human history, these two wars have the shadow of the “dark one”.

Headmaster No. 1 knows that the soul plan is actually a plan to create powerful ghosts that can be controlled. Every time a mass-produced true devil level is produced, the energy of the world that needs to be consumed is about the amount that produces a million ordinary ghosts. Most of them are lost in the manufacturing process, but what should be lost is still being lost, and the development of the soul plan also means that the natural weapons of top civilizations are destined to fail to form!

They are worried, even if a natural weapon of top civilization is produced, the person who can use it is most likely Gong Yeyu, or the newcomer Pei Jiao, and white people like them have no chance, so it is better not to get , it would be better to start the soul project, no wonder they proposed to discuss the soul project when Pei Jiao entered the path of truth-seeking, because they found that they were destined not to be able to obtain the natural weapons of the top civilization…

Headmaster No. 1 laughed at himself. Perhaps in another role, when the yellow race dominates the world, the person who uses the natural weapons of the top civilization is the Caucasian race. It is estimated that he will make the same decision…

“…Then I request to vote on the soul plan again.”

When the No. 1 chief stayed, the British prime minister didn’t know what to say, and once again asked for a new round of voting on the soul plan, everyone silently expressed their decision.




There is still no result, the answer is still that seven countries refused to open the soul plan, but this time everyone did not stay silent for a long time, because in the three-dimensional graphics on the desktop, the room where the battle was fought has changed, and the armored people have all been torn apart , and hundreds of free souls are also struggling to resist, and every second, countless free souls are beaten to dissipate, and the densely packed ghosts in the entire field are almost dead, but there are still dozens of ghosts left. There are even several ghosts at the level of real demons roaring and rampaging there, and the most terrifying thing is… Rocky has turned into a pitch-black giant with a height of 100 meters!

This pitch-black giant has ferocious eyes, nine huge horns several feet long on its head, scales and bone spurs all over its body, black smoke from its mouth and black fire from its eyes, like a demon **** that has existed since the prehistoric era, and it is the most peculiar What’s more, there is a strange triangular rune in both eyes of this pitch-black giant. When its eyes look at a certain soul, or a certain room, a black flame burns away, and the free soul is immediately killed in the black smoke. It was burned to ashes, and the black fire burned everything, even the super-electromagnetic alloy inlaid in the floor. In just a few seconds, a black fire burned from 150 meters underground to 100 meters underground. At eighty meters, it is still falling…

Seeing this, the expressions of the leaders of many countries changed drastically. They all looked at each other, and the black flame rushed straight down and burned a floor, melting the super electromagnetic alloy and continuing to come down .

“Evil base… Sure enough, since Rocky didn’t dissipate and die back then, the possibility of him getting the world snake Yurmgunter’s extremely inheritance is the greatest. He really fused the hidden weapon with the eye of base, and he can use The power of the world snake, come to ‘liberate’ the real body of the evil **** Loki.” A national leader sighed.

The President of the United States was full of sternness, he looked at the crowd, and then said: “I propose…to activate the intermediate soul defense system and activate the Oberlis Giant God Soldier.”

The rest of the people were stunned for a moment, and the leader of a middle-aged woman said: “But isn’t there a loophole in the intermediate soul defense system? And the energy consumed to activate the Oberlis Colossus is too great , I am afraid that they in the spirit pool may not be able to bear it.”

The British Prime Minister said loudly: “If you can’t bear the load, change another batch! Our bottom line should be 150 meters underground, which is the bottom line. If it goes beyond that, it means threatening the Nether Core. It is absolutely intolerable! Even if everyone in the spirit pool dies, the Nether’s core must not be damaged at all… Even if we don’t activate the soul plan, we still need the Nether’s core to find the natural weapons of top civilizations. Nuclear assistance? Ladies and gentlemen? I agree with opening the intermediate soul defense system!”

“…I approve.”



While voting, everyone seemed to know the outcome of this vote. They each took out a strange symbol on their necks and embedded it in a nest on the table in front of them. In an instant, a ray of light flashed Lighted up in the room…

Just when that black flame fell from the top, melting everything and burning everything down, its descending distance was almost 200 meters below the ground. Suddenly, from an unknown depth underground, A huge fist protruded straight out, slamming all the floors and ceilings in its way, no matter how thick super-electromagnetic metal is, it can’t stop it, at most two or three seconds, when the black flame is about to When it was two hundred meters underground, the huge fist had already met the black flame, and with a slight hiss, the black flame was dissipated into Not only that, this huge fist is even more Going straight for the breakthrough, smashing through countless rooms along the way, and then hitting the 100-meter giant hard at a place about 150 meters above the ground, pushing it flying all the way Go, crushed the ceiling, shattered the building of the room, and with a bang, slammed it out of the huge building and directly into the air.

God! This fist alone is forty or fifty meters in size, and its arm is more than two or three hundred meters long. This is a fist that looks like a metal or robot structure, with silver light shining and clear lines, just like this. On the ground, it looks like a hill.

When this huge fist knocked out the 100-meter giant that Rocky transformed into, there was a roar from the depths of the ground, and the sound was like a volcanic eruption!


I’m really not making excuses, but I’m really wronged. The power went out again at about nine o’clock last night. I didn’t come back until twelve o’clock, so I could only give up and go to sleep. I’m really not making excuses , who would make such a lame excuse, and even made it twice in a row, DD, it’s really a power outage in the community, alas, I’m also very irritable, obviously yesterday was ready to explode… Today’s outbreak, yesterday’s outbreak was postponed to Tomorrow, alas, this is the second update with more than 6,000 words, and there is another update with more than 6,000 words, which will be updated in a while, and tomorrow will also explode to 10,000 words.

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