Dark Beast Summoner Chapter 924: The origin and the end of the cause

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Chapter 924 Origination and Demise

Bodhi City has a long history, dating back hundreds of thousands of years, but there are not many written records about the past.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, not only Chengxianqiao was broken during the war between genie and demons, but also many inheritances were also broken. The catastrophe almost destroyed the little three thousand world.

The reason why I know that Bodhi City has existed for so long is because there are countless notches on this Buddha statue, among which dozens of notches carry ancient rhyme and Taoism, enough to calculate these notches The years were hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Bodhi City was born in response to Buddha statues. As long as Buddha statues exist, Bodhi City will exist for as long.

Entering this city, Mu Wushuang found that the people here worship Buddha, and there is a Buddha statue in the lobby of each house. When worshipping Buddha, he worshiped very piously, without any perfunctory heart.

She has a lot of respect for this city. When she is in it, she seems to feel the rhyme of the avenue, mysterious and mysterious. She is just a spectator and it is difficult to blend into it.

She took her daughter’s small hand and walked out of the library in Bodhi City with Xi Xi.

They stayed here for an hour and rummaged through all the books in it, but they couldn’t find any records about dragon veins.

Mu Wushuang never forgot to look at each other, he looked ten lines, Xixi was not inferior to her, but neither of them found anything.

Xiao Rouer felt sleepy as soon as she read a book. Those words knew her, but she didn’t know those words. She fell asleep after going in for a while, and she woke up in a daze.

“Mother, maybe Grandpa Pluto had also been to Bodhi City back then. Let’s go to find other places to see if we can find the traces of Grandpa Pluto.”

Long Xuanxi suggested to his mother.

“Well, Xixi is right, then let’s go to the Buddha statue now. I heard that the Buddha statue is carved with marks from a long time ago. Let’s take a look.”

Mu Wushuang nodded, her thoughts coincided with those of her son.

My son is also smart, so he thinks of the Buddha statue so quickly.

She took her son and daughter to the Buddha statue.

This huge Buddha statue is not shocking when seen from the sky, but standing at the feet of the Buddha statue and looking up, you can feel the size of the Buddha statue firsthand. Not to mention the two children, even Wushuang himself has never seen such a big one. Buddha statue.

This Buddha statue is standing Buddha, from bottom to top, it is higher than the mountain behind the Buddha statue, and the folded hands are bigger than a house.

A temple was built in front of the Buddha statue, named Bodhi Temple. This temple surrounded the Buddha statue in front and back, built high walls, and blocked the feet of the Buddha statue to prevent anyone from deliberately destroying the Buddha and causing the Buddha statue to collapse.

Mu Wushuang and Xixi Xiaorouer walked into the temple together, and within a few steps, they were stopped by a few young monks.

“Amitabha, a person who is destined for Buddhism, what do you want to ask the donor?”

A young monk with a delicate appearance asked Mu Wushuang softly, looking at her with black and white eyes.

She didn’t want to come to Bodhi Temple to ask for anything, she just wanted to go in and see the Big Buddha.

But the young monk’s Zen-like eyes made her slightly pursed her lips, and said, “I came for a chance.”

“Opportunity, every plant and tree, are all chance. Since the donor is here for chance, please come in.”

The young monk Junsu said with a smile.

Mu Wushuang also followed and laughed, this little monk, who spoke with a Zen intent, she asked:

“The little master thinks I can get a chance during this trip?”

“The origin and the death of dependents are between one thought. Whether the donor can get the chance depends on the donor.”

These words are more Zen.

Mu Wushuang chuckled and said, “Thank you, Master, for answering your questions. If I get a chance, I will definitely give you a chance.”

“Amitabha, the little monk is very grateful to the female donor, but foreign things and foreign matters are all external things. Only the Buddha pays attention to it. The little monk hopes that the donor can get what you want.”

The handsome little monk put his hands together and said softly.

“Thank you, little master, Ji Yan.” She clasped her hands and nodded slightly to the little master.

When Xiao Rou’er saw this, she also followed her, tilted her head and bowed, her appearance is really naive.

“Amitabha, please, please.”

She nodded, took her daughter, and walked forward with her son.

There is a square in front of which many believers are burning incense and worshiping Buddha, with a pious and wholehearted attitude.

The incense smell is very strong.

Xiao Rou’er opened her eyes wide and watched this scene curiously. She hadn’t been to many places and had never been in contact with Buddhism, so all this was very strange to her.

Mu Wushuang didn’t come to worship Buddha for burning incense. She didn’t believe in Buddhism, so she didn’t plan to go to the temple inside to worship Buddha.

“Xixi, let’s go to the back, there should be nicks on the Buddha’s feet.”

“Okay, let me hold my sister.” Long Xuanxi picked up the sister who was looking around and let her sit comfortably on her arms.

Go around the back of the main hall, and there are the Buddha’s feet, but there are not only doors installed there, but there are also a few monks guarding them.

It’s easy for her to break through, but people here are in awe of the Buddha, and she doesn’t want to conflict with them.

“Do some donors want to go in and see the Buddha statue?”

At this moment, a monk guarding the door asked quietly.

Mu Wushuang smiled and nodded and said: “Yes, I wonder if a few little masters can make it easier? I just want to see the scratches on the Buddha’s feet, and will not damage the Buddha statue.”

“Little Master, let us in!”

Xiao Rou’er learned the way she was before, folded her hands together, and followed her mother and shouted “Little Master” as if she was pleased. Her voice was also soft, making people feel soft when they heard it.

The monk had a good attitude. Seeing Xiao Rou’er so cute, his attitude was even better, he said:

“Sorry, little benefactor, little monks are also ordered to guard the gate here, no one can enter, but you can go to the abbot, if the abbot nods, you can go in and take a look.”

Mu Wushuang didn’t want to make it difficult for him, so he nodded and said: “Then I don’t know where the abbot of Guisi is now?”

“The abbot is in the Temple of Tathagata, and he is seeing a few people from afar. Just like you, he came to see the marks on the Buddha’s feet.”

She condensed her eyebrows and asked: “But three men and two women?”

The monk nodded and said no more.

“Thank you, Master, for telling me.” Mu Wushuang thanked him.


“Amitabha!” Xiao Rouer learned to say.

“Then we will go to the abbot.”

Mu Wushuang said, and walked back with the two children.

“Mother, are these people before?”

Long Xuanxi asked anxiously.

“It must be.” She nodded. Three men and two women came to see the marks on the Buddha’s feet. Who else was there except a few members of the Helian family.

It came very quickly.

Long Xuanxi’s eyes shone slightly, and he whispered: “That means the clue lies on the Buddha’s feet!”

She nodded, “Yes, we have found the right place by mistake, and we can’t let them get ahead.”

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