Dark Beast Summoner Chapter 523: Explain?

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Chapter 523 explains?

Does the flat peach holy fruit really exist?

Many people do not believe it.

Since ancient times, the sacred fruit of the flat peach has been a product of myth. The world feels that this is a fictitious thing, a myth made up by people in the past.

If there is really a flat peach sacred fruit, wouldn’t everyone be able to live thousands of years? What is the difference between Chengxian and Chengxian?

Isn’t the world’s hard work in cultivation just to live longer?

After all, the bridge of becoming immortal has been broken, and there is no way to become immortal in this world, so it becomes people’s pursuit to live longer.

If there was a flat peach holy fruit, this world would have changed long ago!

So when Xiao Xuanxi said that Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang drank the flat peach sacred fruit, most people didn’t believe it.

Only a few people, such as Ling Xiao wise elder Sun Rong, who know the truth, believe in the existence of flat peaches.

At this moment, everyone can see that the longevity of Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang is growing!

One year…two years…five years…eight years…

Very fast!

Can clearly feel the vigor and vitality in them!

Ten years…

Twenty years…

Fifty years…

One hundred years!

People are not calm at this time.

Two hundred years…

Three hundred years…

People are staring, their mouths are open, and at least three eggs can be put in their mouths.

Four hundred years…

Five hundred years…

At this time, the chins all over the ground have been stunned, and the audience is silent, and everyone is like the clouds, with an extremely unreal feeling. It seems like a dream, or a blue sky daydream.

Seven hundred years…

Eight hundred years…

Someone covered their mouths, and some people pinched their flesh to see if they were dreaming or dazzled. This kind of unreality makes people want to scream and find that there is no sound in their throat!

Nine hundred years…

A thousand years! ! !

The whole audience burst into a uniform inhalation, and everyone’s eyes seemed to be about to stare!

“A thousand years!”

“Long life span of a thousand years!”

“Gosh! How is this possible!”

“No! This must be fake! There is absolutely no such magical thing in this world! It is an illusion! It must be an illusion!”

“A whole thousand years! It has increased the life span of a whole thousand years! It must be the sacred fruit of the flat peach! Only the sacred fruit of the flat peach has such a great effect!”

“Is it really the holy fruit of flat peach?”

There was a huge amount of discussion in the audience. Someone stared at the empty cups in the hands of Long Moshen and Mu Wu with eager eyes, as if they could not wait to come up and lick them.

Someone bravely asked in a loud voice: “Really…is it really the holy peach fruit?”

Mu Wushuang nodded in a high-profile way: “Yes, we found the sacred flat peach fruit. Each sacred flat peach fruit can increase the life span of a thousand years!”

Hearing Mu Wushuang’s confession, the audience was shocked and the noise continued.

Life span of a thousand years!

Even if you cultivate in the Taoist Fairyland, your life span is no more than a thousand years!

Life span is closely related to the way of heaven. Unless you can ascend to a fairyland, even if you are a fairyland, you will die of old age when you are close to one thousand years of life.

But a flat peach holy fruit can extend a person’s life span by a thousand years! !

Everyone still feels unbelievable, but the facts are in front of them. Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang’s lifespans were originally only half a month left, but now they are as many as a thousand years!

It can be seen that what they drank just now was really the juice of flat peaches!

Many people are jealous.

There are even more people with bad minds who have already made up their minds.

It’s just that, I only dare to think about it in my heart, they absolutely dare not attack Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang unless they don’t want to live.

In their entire life, they have missed the sacred fruit of the flat peach!

However, unexpectedly, Mu Wushuang suddenly said:

“In the near future, we will auction a flat peach sacred fruit in Chixiao Hall, and we will auction it at Chixiao Hall every five years. Those who are interested can prepare early.”


“It was actually put out for auction!”

Everyone is happy. The auction is held every five years. Doesn’t that mean that as long as there is a spirit stone, everyone is likely to get the holy peach fruit?

This is great news!

Mu Wushuang is so good, even the holy peach fruit is willing to auction!

Who at the scene didn’t know that Mu Wushuang’s most indispensable thing was Lingshi, she and Shaodi could freely give away tens of millions of Lingshi to every guest at their wedding, how could it be because of Lingshi to auction flat peaches? Too!

She did this for the benefit of the spiritual world!

Everyone guessed right. Mu Wushuang intends to change the layout of the spiritual world, so he is willing to auction a flat peach sacred fruit every five years.

After all, the Chengxian Bridge broke, and no one has been able to fly into a fairy for hundreds of thousands of years.

The number of people who can cultivate to the spiritual realm or even the spiritual realm is very small, the more so, it will only form a vicious circle, and the spiritual cultivation in the future will generally be lower.

So, she is willing to take out the flat peaches to auction, so that the best in spiritual practice can live longer, and the longer the life span, the more powerful people can drive the progress of the spiritual world, right?

What’s more, she released the news so that everyone in the world knows that she has the sacred fruit of the flat peach, so there will be countless favors to owe her, she can use this to attract more people and strengthen the emperor. Qinglong Temple and her Qingyun Sword Sect.

After all, the flat peach tree is constantly growing, and the growth environment of the flat peach tree can accelerate its growth and shorten the time for maturity.

Now the number of flat peaches on this flat peach tree, even if there are ten important people around, there will be a lot more.

This is also the result of discussing with the emperor.

She and the emperor’s uncle have become stronger, and their life span has been extended. Naturally, people around them should also extend their lifespan. Otherwise, the people around them will pass away in the future. No matter how long they live, it will be meaningless.

They want to change this era, even if they can’t ascend, they have to be strong like clouds and restore the age of hundreds of thousands of young people.

They want to be the shapers of this era.

But other people couldn’t think of that far, they only knew that they had to pay close attention to earning spirit stones, otherwise the sacred fruit of the flat peach once every five years would still not have their share.

“Good! Good!”

The Holy Emperor said a few good words in succession, and his expression was relieved.

Mu Wushuang saw it, with a sarcasm on his face, and said loudly: “The saint emperor feels that the husband is immortal. Is that your account to the Queen of Heaven?”

The ease of the emperor froze on his face.

Yes, he was just deceiving himself and others, he couldn’t explain to her at all, what he did, she must be under the yellow spring, and she will definitely not forgive him.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiang Liyun with cold eyes.

Without Jiang Liyun’s intervention, there would be no today!

Without Jiang Liyun, she would not have died!

Hate surging out in his chest, the holy emperor’s eyes are as cold as frost, and hatred seems to have become substance.

Jiang Liyun was trembling, she had never seen such an emperor.

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