Dark Beast Summoner Chapter 274: Ghost Pill King

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Chapter 274 Ghost Hand Pill King

Xiao Xuanxi is very happy. He wants to sleep with his parents every day.

If Long Moshen knew what his son thought, he would definitely be happy and upset.

I am happy to be able to sleep in the same bed with my two children in the future. What is unhappy is that my son is lying in the middle every day.

But Mu Wushuang won’t give him this opportunity for the time being. To hit the floor, he has to hit the floor. The male color is wrong, the male color is wrong!

As soon as Mu Wushuang woke up, stared at by her son and his father, the sleepy bugs ran away. She glared at both of them: “Can’t get up yet?”

The two of them slept in white shirts, and both slept a little loosely. She glanced at someone’s chest, quickly got up from the bed, and went down from the end of the bed.

Long Moshen had to put on his own clothes, then help his son to dress.

When they got dressed, Mu Wushuang had finished washing and coughing, and his wrinkled skirts were reorganized. The family of three was still wearing the blue parent-child outfits of yesterday evening.

She opened the door, and the maid Qiu Chan said more respectfully than yesterday: “Madam, the Lord of the City has prepared breakfast, please have a meal with your family.”

When Tang Yuan learned that Xiao Xuanxi had the best food, he specially ordered a large table of delicious breakfast.

Xiao Xuanxi really likes it very much.

After a sumptuous breakfast, Mu Wushuang and Master Wuji went to the biggest auction venue in the city.

She was very interested in this, and Xiao Xuanxi was also very interested in the auction. He asked his father all the way, and finally figured out what the auction was about.

Because the three of them have superb looks and wear the same color clothes, they look like a family of three. I don’t know how many amazing eyes they have attracted along the way.

The invitation card given by Tang Yuan was a VIP invitation card. As soon as they entered the auction house, they were respectfully taken to the largest VIP room on the second floor, where they were treated with good tea and snacks.

From the second floor, you can clearly see the people below, but there is an extra mirror-like thing between them, and people on the outside cannot explore the inside.

Mu Wushuang’s juniors were very excited. It was the first time that they sat in the VIP room of the auction, overlooking the audience, with a feeling of being elevated.

In the past, when they participated in auctions, they were all sitting in the hall below, and they were still in the backmost position. Sometimes they couldn’t even hear the auctioneer.

But they also know that they can live in the City Lord’s Mansion and sit in the VIP room of the auction house because of the man of the master sister.

Although they don’t know who he is, even the Tang City Lord, the son of the second-rate sect leader, treats him respectfully, which shows that his identity is not simple.

Cangyang didn’t come. He has been cultivating since last night, and he hasn’t come out today because of the need to cultivate.

But everyone knew that Brother Cangyang knew that he was inferior to a human, so he worked harder to cultivate.

It’s just that they think that although Brother Cang is good, no matter what, he can’t compare to this man.

“The people who wear black sect costumes embroidered with sun and moon gold thread are Baiyang Sect. Baiyang Sect belongs to Qiliu Sect. The strength is superior among Qiliu Sects. There are five spirits in the Sect. A strong nobleman and a disciple of 30,000. The ones wearing red sect costumes and embroidered with bamboo leaves are from the Sifang Hall, the Liuliu sect…”

Beside Mu Wushuang, the old housekeeper of the City Lord’s Mansion was speaking. Tang Yuan specially asked him to follow him and let Mu Wushuang and the others know the sects who came to the county city.

In this grand auction, there will be many forces, so this is the best opportunity to learn about other sect forces.

The old butler has lived in Fuliu County for a hundred years, and knows all the powers of the west, from the second-liu sect to the seven-liu sect.

Mu Wushuang is confident to defeat the Longya Sect and make Qingyun Jianzong a seven-liu sect, so it is very necessary to understand other sect forces.

She listened very carefully, and never forgot. The costumes of each sect and the strength of the sect were in her mind, and she remembered clearly.


Suddenly, the old butler gave a suspicion and pointed to the two beautiful women sitting in the front row and said:

“Isn’t that a disciple of Guiyuanzong?”

“Gui Yuanzong?!”

Wujizi was taken aback in surprise, stood up, and looked down. In the front row of the lobby on the first floor, there were indeed two beautiful women sitting there like a group of chickens.

Many people looked at them with surprise, because almost no one did not know the costumes of the disciples of the first-class sect.

The two young women wore the costumes of Guiyuanzong’s inner disciple.

Mu Wushuang stared at the iris embroidered on the corners of the woman’s white clothes. She was inexplicably familiar in her mind, but she remembered clearly that she had never seen the costumes of Guiyuanzong disciples.

She looked at Long Moshen subconsciously, his eyes were obscure and his face was expressionless, he noticed her sight, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

But she knows, or people across the continent know, that the stepmother of Long Moshen, the young emperor of Qinglong Temple, is a member of Guiyuanzong.

Guiyuanzong is the natal family of his stepmother, and his current head teacher is his stepmother’s elder brother.

Without this stepmother, his mother would not die right after giving birth. A lot of gossip said that the death of the first saint and the second was caused by the joint efforts of the emperor and his stepmother.

Mu Wushuang doesn’t know the truth or not, but there can be no waves without wind. He should, hate Gui Yuanzong, right?

“Why did the disciples of Guiyuanzong come?”

A junior said in surprise.

Because although Fuliu County City is large, it is only a city in the corner of the west, which is not worth mentioning compared with the cities where the first-rate sects are located.

The biggest sect here is nothing but the second-rate sect of Wuyazong.

Fuliu County City is going to host a big competition between Qiliu Sect and Liuliu Sect. How could it be possible to attract disciples from the first-rate sect?

The old butler was also curious. He guessed: “It’s probably what was auctioned at this auction that attracted the attention of the first-class sect.”

Mu Wushuang flipped through the list of auction items, and didn’t see any auction items that could attract first-class sects.

Long Moshen said at this time: “Someone temporarily sent an eighth-order pill.”

“The eighth-order pill!”

The old steward Wujizi and several junior disciples were shocked. There have been no eighth-order alchemists in each continent for five to six thousand years. There are no eighth-order pill in this world.

Is it possible that a seventh-order alchemist has advanced? ?

Wujizi was surprised: “Where did the eighth-order pill come from? Could it be that the most famous ghost hand pill king in recent years broke through again?”

Why use the word “again”, because this “Ghost Pill King” is a ghost alchemist who has suddenly risen in the past ten years, all the way from Tier 5 to Tier 6, to Tier 7 It took just over ten years to reach such a height. I don’t know how many people’s eyes are shocked!

This “Ghost Pill King”, but the hottest alchemist in the alchemy world, is said to be the most likely to break through to the eighth rank or even the legendary ninth rank alchemist.

Mu Wushuang noticed that when Master talked about “Ghost Pill King”, Long Moshen glanced at her, his eyes seemed a little complicated.

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