Dark Beast Summoner Chapter 271: Explain

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Chapter 271 Explanation

Xiao Xuanxi understood what my mother said, there are good people and bad people in this world, not everyone likes him.

After meeting someone like this bad woman, he can’t be afraid, but he should try to protect himself and punish her.

Now that his father and mother protect him, he doesn’t have to worry about being bullied.

But he also has to study hard. In the future, if his parents are not around, he can deal with bad guys by himself.

Moreover, he can also let small animals come to rescue him. He shouldn’t be scared at first. Next time he encounters this kind of thing, he will definitely not be afraid.

He let go of the hand that was hooking Daddy’s neck and wanted to go down.

Long Moshen bent down and put down his smart son to see what he was going to do.

Xiao Xuanxi took two steps, looked up at Wei Yun, who was much taller than him, and said:

“It was my fault that I bumped into you. I already apologized to you. You don’t need to accept it, but you can’t push me. If I don’t get caught by my dad and hit my head on a rock, I’m going to die. Therefore, my mother is right to punish you.”

Wei Yun’s face was pale with pain, a cold sweat, but her eyes were full of crazy hatred.

She has never been so embarrassed in her life. She can take it back if her hand is broken, but she loses her dignity and face. How can she get it back?

So, she has to make the family of three pay the price!

She had already sent a message to Tang Yuan before, and when he came, he must put the family of three into the dungeon, chop off all his hands, and then suffer all kinds of torture to die!

At this moment, Tang Yuan walked quickly, sweating profusely, as if hurriedly from somewhere.

When Wei Yun saw him like this, she was overjoyed. Tang Yuan was not eager to her on weekdays. He didn’t expect that something happened to her. Tang Yuan became anxious and wrote all his anxiety on her face. It seemed that she should be treating her. Emotional.

Tang Yuan is one of the top 100 young generations on the Tianjiao list. Her father has said that Wu Yazong will definitely be able to go further because of him, and the future is boundless.

Before the Five Elements Sect married their Wuya Sect, it was absolutely profitable and harmless.

If she could marry Tang Yuan, she would definitely envy those women.

These days, he ignored himself, never thought, at the critical moment, he finally revealed his true feelings!

“Tang Yuan, you are finally here, look at my hand, it was forcibly broken by this vicious woman! The two of them helped a child bully me alone!” Wei Yun cried in tears. Walked towards Tang Yuan.

She thought to her heart that Tang Yuan would definitely hold her in his arms distressedly, comfort her, and then make people lock up the family of three!

Unexpectedly, Tang Yuan didn’t even look at her, let alone put her in his arms!

“Come here!”

She heard Tang Yuan’s voice.

She was overjoyed, it didn’t matter if she didn’t hug her, after all, there are so many outsiders here, but he made people come over, and he definitely wanted to vent her anger!

He really has her in his heart!

“My Lord Santo!”

A line of guards in golden armor ran up.

Wei Yun smiled on her face.

“Miss Wei and others will be driven out of the City Lord’s Mansion, and no one from the Five Elements Sect will be allowed in again.”

Tang Yuan said in a deep voice, he was really disgusted by a woman like Wei Yun who couldn’t get rid of it. Today, he dared to run into the young emperor and his wife, so courageous!

The smile on Wei Yun’s face suddenly froze on her face.

She couldn’t believe it, she would hear Tang Yuan say such things, and he said he would drive her out!

“What are you talking about? Tang Yuan! Are you going to kick me out? Are you crazy? We two want to marry!”

“Your Five Elements Sect is going to be cold, are you still married?” Tang Yuan sneered.

This Wei Yun feels too good about herself. She thought she had offended Young Emperor and nearly hurt Young Emperor’s precious son. Will Young Emperor let her go?

She thought she was punished just by breaking two hands?


“What do you mean! Make it clear!” Wei Yun suddenly became flustered.

Tang Yuan was too lazy to talk to this stupid woman, so he made a look, and the guard immediately threw Wei Yun and all the Five Elements Sect in the mansion away.

Wei Yun’s hand was already hurting, no one helped her to pick it up. The guards stood up rudely, and her hand hurts so much that she screamed. As she yelled, the guards threw her out of the gate of the city lord mansion.

“Hey, isn’t this the daughter of the Five Elements Sect? How could it be thrown out?”

“It was not because of an unforgivable mistake. The Lord Mayor was very angry, so threw her out?”

People outside the house are gossiping.

At this time, the guards still said loudly: “From now on, people and dogs of the Five Elements Sect of the City Lord’s Mansion are not allowed to enter!”

“Puff! This is a metaphor between the Five Elements School and the dog! Hahaha laughed!”

“I’m really curious about what Wei Yun did to make Lord City Lord hate her so much! Haha!”

Outside the mansion, people watching the excitement didn’t think it was too big to laugh.

Wei Yun got up from the ground with a blushing face, and kicked an infuriated foot on a person who didn’t speak well.

“My lady beat you to death!”

This person is just a disciple of an ordinary sect, naturally daring to be angry but not speaking, let alone resisting, was kicked by Wei Yun and hurried away.

In the city lord’s mansion, Tang Yuan said to Long Moshen seriously:

“Young Emperor, starting from today, our Wuya Sect and the Five Elements Sect will stop all cooperation, and we will join other second-rate sects to crowd out the Five Elements Sect. A core disciple.”

Each sect has a core disciple, which is the most important training target for the sect, but there are not many core disciples, just like their Wuya Sect has only 30 core disciples, and the Five Elements Sect has fewer, only Twenty people.

The core disciples are the future of a sect. When ten core disciples of the Five Elements Sect die, not only the first-class sect’s name will not be associated with them, but even the position of the second-rate sect cannot be maintained.

For large sects like them, as long as they show a little decay, there will be countless sects vying to share a piece of meat like wolves.

At that time, without the Young Emperor’s action, the Five Elements Sect will not be able to make waves.

When Tang Yuan heard what happened in his back garden outside, he had already figured out how to deal with it.

Although he only drove Wei Yun out just now, and didn’t do anything to her, he certainly couldn’t just kick Wei Yun and others out as an explanation. After all, he didn’t kick Wei Yun out of the city lord’s mansion in advance. That’s what happened today.

His explanation is that the young emperor does not have to deal with the Five Elements Sect himself.

Long Mo was expressionless, he did not nod or speak.

Tang Yuan knew him very early after all. Knowing that he had accepted his sincerity, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He quickly took out a small wooden box prepared on the road and handed it to Xiao Xuanxi:

“Xixi, this is a gift from your uncle. Don’t be angry with your uncle. Uncle’s house won’t have these messy people in the future.”

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