Dark Beast Summoner Chapter 200: Restore the Danfang

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Chapter 200 Restoring Pill Formula

An assassin came to the house last night, two maids died, and Mu Ningxue disappeared.

It’s just that Mu Yuande wished that the two daughters who had lost others died early, so as not to be ridiculed by colleagues all day long, so he did not let his servants go to Mu Ningxue, and stubbornly shut Wang and Mu Ningwei. The confinement, so that they do not go out ashamed.

Mu Guobang is now extremely disappointed with Erfang. He closes one eye to Mu Yuande’s actions and actions. He hasn’t seen it, and he doesn’t bother to see.

Mu Wushuang heard Sang Lan sighing about the status quo of Erfang, her lips curled up with indifference: This is what happened, Erfang would be even worse!

When he arrived at the guest room where King Dan was staying, King Dan greeted him when he heard the news from the next person.

His apprentice Cai He also followed.

At first glance, he saw Mu Wushuang up close. He opened his mouth slightly in surprise. He was far away last time. He didn’t think how beautiful the first beauty in Beijing was, and he didn’t look at the master to find a woman to restore the Dan Fang. , So I don’t want to watch more, but when I saw it today, I was shocked.

There are women of this color in the world! Of all the women he had seen in the past few decades, the most beautiful one in his mind was not as good as one-tenth of the girl in front of him.

The king Dan didn’t notice the gaffe of the apprentice behind him. He assumed that Mu Wushuang had encountered some problems and came to ask him.

He has already made plans to live in the Hou Mansion for a long time. When Dan Fang has the eyebrows, he will leave.

“Uncle Dan, are you accustomed to living these few days?”

Since it was father’s year-end payment, it is not wrong to call uncle.

“Haha, I’m used to it, I’m used to it. The food in Hou Mansion is much better than what the old man usually eats. After three days in Hou Mansion, the old man has gained a lot.”

King Dan said with a smile.

“Are you encountering a problem, let’s hear it and see if the old man can help you answer it.” He laughed.

“The juniors did not encounter any problems. I came here to bring the restored Danfang to show you.”

Mu Wushuang said with a chuckle.


At this moment, Cai He seemed to recover and shouted.

“This is the ancient pill recipe. Master has not recovered it after more than ten years of research. You can recover it in three days? Don’t speak big words!”

He said disdainfully.

Although Mu Wushuang is beautiful, what she said made Cai He lost her favor.

It has only been three days, and there is not enough time to study the medicinal materials on this ruined prescription. How could she restore the pill in such a short time? The Arabian Nights!

King Dan also felt a little weird, but he intuitively felt that Mu Wushuang should not be a big talker. He saw that she took a piece of paper out of his arms, and he quickly took it.

After a few glances, he frowned.

Cai He also leaned over, and saw that he finally laughed: “Hahaha, this is the pill that she restored? It’s ridiculous! It’s just written up!”

There are a few medicinal materials in it that have no effect on Roerdan’s pill!

What is it that is not a nonsense?

Mu Wushuang said indifferently: “Is it nonsense, you will know at a try, right?”

“You still don’t admit it, you really won’t die before the Yellow River! Let me show it to you!” Cai He said.

“You are only third-ranked, you can’t practice.” Mu Wushuang gave him a flat look.

“Old man, let’s do it.” After speaking, he looked at Cai He: “No matter how unreasonable you are, I will drive you out!”

“I’m telling the truth!” Cai He muffled.

But what he was curious about was how Mu Wushuang could tell at a glance that he was a Tier 3 alchemist, and why did he add the word “cai”? At his age, he can become a Tier 3 alchemist, and he is already ninety-nine percent ahead of him!

You Mu Wushuang is the second-order alchemist?


When he thought of the failure of Master’s alchemy later, he especially wanted to mock Mu Wushuang.

When you grow up like this, you can be a vase honestly, and you have to make some medicine!

He helped Master take out the medicinal materials needed one by one from the storage ring and placed them neatly next to the alchemy furnace. The more medicinal materials he took out, the more disdainful he became.

The King Dan’s sight also turned around on these medicinal materials, thinking whether he was right or wrong when he came to find Mu Wushuang. These medicinal materials are indeed not like the medicinal materials in the correct medicinal prescription. He really shouldn’t use them. Hope is pinned on a junior.

At the beginning of the refining, King Pill was fully invested in it, even though he knew it was impossible to refining successfully.

Mu Wushuang feels that King Pill’s spirit of alchemy is still worthy of admiration, but his disciples’ vision is not good.

The king of pill refining step by step according to the steps of Mu Wushuang’s newly restored pill recipe.

When it came time to put the first medicinal material written by Mu Wushuang, King Dan concentrated, and Cai He took a few steps back, worried that the fryer would blow him up later.

The medicinal materials were extracted into the furnace, but there was no sign that the pill fryer was going to be scrapped. King Pill raised his brow and became more serious.

“What a coincidence!”

Cai He hummed.

Mu Wushuang glanced at him, phoenix eyes like a knife.

Cai He glared back without showing weakness.

Mu Wushuang said in his heart: King Dan, the apprentice, probably has few roots and is too lazy to care about him.

The king of pill continued to add new medicinal materials in accordance with the prescriptions, one, two, three, four…Unexpectedly, there has been no imaginary failure.

Gradually, even Cai He’s expression became serious.

He looked at the alchemy furnace and Mu Wushuang again. He didn’t believe in evil. How could a woman who was younger than him restore the ancient alchemy that Master could not restore after more than ten years?

He doesn’t even have a direction to restore, how could Mu Wushuang be so good?

It must be a coincidence!

When it comes to Chengdan, there will definitely be problems!

However, after a few hours, not only was there no problem, but it seemed to be a pill!

The strange medicinal fragrance came from the alchemy furnace, which smelled great.

With a bang, a cloud of robbery that a Tier 6 pill should have hit the alchemy furnace.

Immediately afterwards, only a crisp sound of Ding was heard, it became a pill!

Pill King excitedly opened the alchemy furnace, and looked at the crystal clear red pill that was like a pomegranate lying inside, crying with joy.

Cai He was even more astonished, but after the astonishment, he poured cold water on his master in suspicion: “Master, is this really Roerdan? Maybe it’s another medicine?”

Who said that if the refining is successful, it must be Roerdan’s. Maybe it can be directly refined into another pill, which is far from the efficacy of Roerdan!

“Crow’s mouth! Shut up!” King Dan never had this mouth that hates Cai He so much now, and he can’t wait to seal it with glue.

“He is right, maybe this is not Rohedan? Uncle Dan, will you know if you taste it?”

Mu Wushuang said in a clear voice.

People like Cai He typically don’t shed tears when they don’t see the coffin, and they call their eyes higher than the top, so they don’t let him believe that they are thorough. He won’t look at others in his eyes.

“Master, try it!”

Cai He said loudly.

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