Dark Beast Summoner Chapter 190: Pure Yang Sword

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Chapter 190 Pure Yang Sword

Aura and fire elements gathered together on Mu Wushuang’s pen tip in an instant.

The golden nib seems to have become more solid at this moment.

She has the same look, with an unexpected calmness.

The pen fell on the yellow paper without hesitation, and the aura and fire elements in the pen gathered more and more as the wrist twisted.

Mu Wushuang didn’t make any pause, and quickly drew the rune down by one stroke. The rune cannot be divided into several strokes to draw, otherwise the aura and fire spirit in the air will be interrupted and it will fall short.

It’s just that although she doesn’t pause, the drawing is not ordinary writing, and one stroke can be finished immediately. As the nib has more and more spiritual power, the resistance becomes greater and slower as she draws.

At the end of the painting, she was already sweating profusely.

Xiao Zhu and Xiao Que tightened their clothes on the side, and they almost touched their throats.

It’s the final step. As long as the master can seal the aura and fire elements in the spell after drawing the rune, this fireball charm can be considered complete and its power can be exerted!

They all know that the master has made this step unexpectedly.

But they even hope that a miracle can happen, hoping that the owner can make this fireball charm in one go!

Because time is too tight.


The spell under Mu Wu’s hands suddenly ignited without fire.


“Master, it’s okay, the first failure is normal!” Xiao Ting comforted her.

“I know.”

Mu Wushuang smiled, and her face was lightened a lot. Compared with the seriousness before, she seemed to relax.

She picked up the pen again.

“Master, drawing symbols is too exhausting. Please take a break.”

Xiao Zhu persuaded.

“No need.”

She dipped the cinnabar and dropped the pen easily.

This time, her speed was so fast that Xiaozhu Xiaoque’s eyes became round, as if she had pretended to be slow in her movements the previous time. Such a big improvement is simply – incredible!

“Om!” With a soft voice, a golden fireball symbol was made!

The smoothness and fast speed of the movements make people dumbfounded.

Little Vermilion Bird picked up the fireball charm and looked up and down, feeling the spiritual power and fire elements contained in the rune, the two spirits’ faces were full of shock, and the master was really made! Oh my God! This is too fast!

“Master! How did you do it!”

Two curious faces of Little Vermilion Bird.

“I just figured out something.” Mu Wushuang said: “In fact, I was able to make it for the first time, but suddenly I didn’t want to use that method. I want to try my method.”

Little Vermillion Bird opened her mouth wide, and understood what the master meant. Sometimes once people have an epiphany, they suddenly become clear-headed.

It’s just the experience accumulated by other talisman masters for decades. She only drew the talisman once and realized it!

The master’s savvy, can be called an evildoer!

“There is not much time, Xiao Zhu, you help me find the spells that seal and kill demons.”

“The master has been found!” Xiao Zhu turned the pages of the two spells.

Mu Wushuang nodded and began to devote himself to the base symbol.


An hour later, Mu Wushuang exhaled a long breath.

On the table, dozens of spells have been placed.

“Master, the magic power of this demon is restored!” Xiaoque took the bottle containing the demon.

The demons struggled and cursed inside, and the bottles tended to crack. The Shark Orb was almost unable to suppress it.

Mu Wushuang picked up a magic charm and sealed it at the link of the bottle cap. Suddenly a golden light flashed on the charm, and the bottle no longer moved. The evil spirit inside was completely suppressed, even the sound of cursing Disappeared.

She threw the bottle into the space casually, and the demon kept it for later disposal.

She has to look for the beauty brother now.

Just then, there was a noise outside the door, like the sound of several people’s footsteps.

“Is there anyone in the palace?”

A young voice was speaking.

“It seems that no one, brother Mu, let’s go in and take a look. Maybe your sister is inside.”

This is another middle-aged voice.

It seems like my brother is with them.

Mu Wushuang collected the things on the table, used the shark beads to hide his breath and figure, and stood behind the door.

Soon, four people opened the door and came in.

The door that couldn’t be opened at all, was pushed gently by someone and opened.

“It seems that someone has been here. There are traces of fighting here.”

A young and delicate young man walked in first and said.

Mu Yuheng came in the second time. He heard traces of fighting and wanted to come in quickly to confirm whether it was a trace left by his sister.

He looked at it, and the sword marks on the wall were indeed left by his sister’s sword. He didn’t know what happened to her.

Two middle-aged men also came in, and one of them slowly closed the door silently.

Mu Yuheng noticed it for the first time. The alarm bell rang in his heart, but he only asked in confusion: “How did the door close?”

The door closed, and the faces of these three people changed.

“You killed Ge Hai?”

The young, delicate young man’s eyes were red, and his face looked a bit evil.

Mu Yuheng didn’t know who Gehai was, but listening to their tone, he knew that Gehai should be the monster he killed in the palace.

It now appears that these three people are all occupied by monsters and are no longer themselves.

He mentioned the sword silently: “How about I killed it?”

“Then you go to die!”

A middle-aged man jumped on.

However, he was blocked by Mu Yuheng’s sword!

“Pure Yang Sword!”

The three screamed, staring at Mu Yuheng’s sword, with jealous and fierce faces.

Xiao Zhu excitedly said: “It’s actually a pure sun sword, this sword dictates the demons in the world!”

The invisible Mu Wushuang suddenly realized that she was still thinking about how her brother killed the evil demon. It turned out that the gift that the emperor gave him was this pure sun sword.

The gift of the emperor is really extraordinary.

Taking advantage of the fright of the three demons, Mu Wushuang took out three Demon Slayer Talismans and stuck them on their bodies.


The three demons screamed in pain, and the black qi snorted from their bodies, constantly twisting, and finally all melted into black water, leaving only three corpses with their hearts hollowed out on the ground.


Mu Yuheng was pleasantly surprised when he saw his sister showing her figure. He met the monster before. Fortunately, his sword restrained the monster, so he was able to kill it, but his sister did not have a pure Yang sword. He was extremely worried. Up.

Fortunately, my sister is very capable and saved him.

“You, next time you have a snack, don’t be fooled again! If you hadn’t had a pure Yang sword, today you were locked here by them, and you only have to die!”

Mu Wushuang knew he was worried about himself, so he rushed in, but she couldn’t help but teach him a few words.

“Sister, I know, it won’t happen next time. Don’t be angry, okay?”

Mu Yuheng quickly admitted her mistake and shook her arm like a baby.

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