Daily Life at Hogwarts: Extra 1: Poisoning Incident

PS: It is another line and does not affect the reading of the text.

Although Albert warned Harry and Ron, looking at Hagrid enjoying a delicious mushroom bisque, it was obviously more convincing than empty words.

Hagrid has eaten two large bowls of mushroom soup, and there is no sign of so-called poisoning. It doesn’t look like a pot of poisonous mushroom soup.

Anyway, this smells really good.

“I’ll give it a try first, and if I’m really poisoned, remember to take me to the school hospital.” Ron said jokingly to several people in the room.

Albert no longer persuaded him, but just sat quietly beside him, hugged Tom, and fed Fangya by the way.

Tom was curious and wanted to taste the taste of the dog food, but found that the food was not to his taste, so he didn’t care too much about Albert feeding the big dog in front of him.

Albert looked at Ron who was eating, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and muttered to himself, “Sometimes, why do you have to bang yourself on the head and blood? Satisfied.”

Harry frowned slightly when he heard this, but suddenly heard Ron say: “Harry, this tastes really good, you can try it… um, strange, Hagrid, how can you…”

Ron, who ate a small bowl and was still relishing the delicious mushroom soup, suddenly had a poison-like reaction. He fell down from the chair, his limbs began to spasm, his eyes bulged, and he foamed at the mouth.

Harry, who was about to speak, was so frightened that he threw his spoon away.

“Ron, are you all right. Hagrid,” Harry exclaimed, “Just think about it!”

But Hagrid seemed to be stunned too, looking at his bowl in disbelief, and then at Ron, who was twitching on the ground, and became panicked for a while.

“Poisoned.” Albert looked at Ron who fell to the ground, shook his head and sighed, “Sure enough, Gryffindor students are not persuaded.”

“Think of a way!” Harry saw that Hagrid had lost his mind, and remembered Albert, who was still warning them not to eat mushrooms, and quickly turned his head and shouted anxiously.

“It’s not easy, let Ron spit out what he ate.” Albert said calmly, unaffected by the chaotic and tense atmosphere in the room.

“Oh,” Harry yelled, seemingly suddenly awake, “Ron, spit out what you’re eating.”

“You won’t let him vomit!” Albert was speechless, looked at Hagrid and said, “Come on!”

Hagrid immediately grabbed Ron’s ankle, lifted the man upside down, and shook it vigorously, trying to get Ron to spit out the mushroom soup he had just eaten.

Albert watched this scene and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of joy. However, the effect didn’t seem to be very good. He walked over and punched Ron in the stomach. The unlucky guy was beaten by this The punches spit out the food, so frightened Tom and Fang hurriedly hide to the side.

“Ron, Ron, are you okay!” Harry was relieved to see Ron spit out the food, and hurriedly jumped up again and shouted.

“I’ll take him to the school hospital.” Hagrid took Ron in his arms and was about to run towards the castle, but saw Albert pour a cup of tea and hand it to him.

“Drinking it on him will help relieve the symptoms of poisoning, and then you can take him to the school hospital.”

Hagrid doesn’t know why, but he still listens to Albert’s advice. He has no opinion now. Albert is so calm now, and he better handle it according to his opinion.

“Okay, let him go to the school hospital, Madam Pomfrey should be able to cure him.” Albert waved his wand and cleaned up Ron’s vomit and the mushrooms on the plate. Now, as for what’s in the pot, it’s estimated that Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall will come later, and there is always something to keep, so Albert didn’t clean it up.


There were many students watching in the corridor outside the school hospital. They were all curious to see Ron’s situation. Hagrid rushed into the school hospital with Ron in his arms, which aroused the attention and curiosity of many people.

Everyone waited patiently in the hallway outside the door, trying to look inside whenever someone came in or out, trying to find out what was going on with Ron.

“Food Poisoning?”

Fred and George looked at each other after listening to Albert.

“How stupid is he to do such a thing!” Percy stretched out his hand to cover his face, unable to understand the mentality of someone telling himself that the food was poisonous and he had to taste it.

Ron was good. Not only did he taste it, but he also ate a bowl. The result was as he joked, and he was directly carried into the school hospital sideways.

Harry now regrets that he didn’t listen to Albert’s advice. If it wasn’t for Albert’s prompt handling, I don’t know what would have happened.

Hagrid next to him had no eyes, he couldn’t understand, he ate a few bowls and he was fine, why Ron got poisoned after eating it, luckily Harry didn’t eat it at the time, what would he have done if even Harry had an accident To face Lily and James.

“Mrs. Pomfrey will cure him, and it’s not your fault.” Albert comforted casually: “Everyone has a certain anti-toxicity to mushrooms, some people eat it fine, some people Eating it will cause accidents, since Ron ate it himself, he needs to be responsible for his own behavior, which can be regarded as a lesson.”

“If he listened to you, this wouldn’t have happened.” Hagrid blamed himself, because Albert had warned them in advance that such a thing would happen because they didn’t listen to the warning. will do so.

Harry still remembers Albert’s murmur: Sure enough, Gryffindor students don’t listen.

So, he didn’t persuade him any more.

Watching them get poisoned, watching them get taken to the school hospital.

Harry sadly found that he really couldn’t blame anyone for this. If they were to blame, they were greedy, and they were stupid.

They are so stupid!

He must be laughing at himself in his heart!

“What the **** is going on here, Hagrid?” Dumbledore, who hurried back, looked at Hagrid.

“Let me tell you!” Albert repeated what he had said to Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey.

“A pot of poisonous mushroom soup?” Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, suddenly not knowing what to say.

After all, Hagrid was fine after eating two bowls himself, and Ron was poisoned after eating one, so who could blame him?

Besides, Albert warned them.

“I checked, a pot of poisonous mushroom soup.” Professor Sprout said helplessly: “As Mr. Albert said, most of the mushrooms in the basket are poisonous. It’s hard to believe someone would cook them all in one pot.”

“But why?” Hagrid stammered.

“Anti-venom, Hagrid, everyone has a different anti-venom, and apparently Ron didn’t, so he got poisoned by mushrooms!” Albert interrupted.

“Minerva, please get in touch with the Weasleys, they have a magic clock~IndoMTL.com~ I think something happened!” Dumbledore said to Professor McGonagall next to him.

“Okay.” Professor McGonagall hurried away.

The Weasleys show up at Hogwarts with Ginny soon after!

“You saved him, I heard from McGonagall.” Mrs Weasley grabbed Albert and hugged him tightly.

“Thanks to you!” Mr. Weasley patted Albert on the shoulder and also gave Albert a hug.

Percy’s face is ugly, he can’t understand why his brother is so stupid, he feels that he is not fulfilling his responsibility as a brother, however, this is not his problem at all.

At six o’clock in the afternoon, Madam Pomfrey let them into the school hospital, which was quiet, with the curtains drawn and the lights on.

Ron was lying on the hospital bed, looking pale, but clearly out of danger and awake.

When Madam Pomfrey came to remind that only six people could visit, Albert left with Lee Jordan, leaving Ron with his family.

At night, Fred told them, “Ron will be in bed for at least half a month.”

However, this was not over yet. Ron’s poisoning quickly spread the next day, and everyone seemed to think it was an accident, because Hagrid was fine by himself.

It’s just that many people can’t understand, why can people be so stupid?

If someone told you it was poisonous, why would you eat it?

However, when the story reached a reporter from the Daily Prophet, it turned a bit off.

Harry Potter was poisoned?

This is how conspiracy theories spread in the newspapers.

Countless people are concerned about the safety of the savior, but no one cares about the real victims.

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