Daily Life at Hogwarts Chapter 176: Throw the mandrake

Ever since the start of Hogwarts, Albert’s school life has been back on track.

He stopped staying up late every day, went to bed on time and woke up at seven in the morning.

On a rainy day, I will occasionally stay in bed and be lazy.

Yesterday, the weather finally cleared up, but this morning it started to rain again. Well, he definitely wasn’t making excuses for his bedtime.

Eight o’clock in the morning, Albert went downstairs for dinner with his roommates. The long table in Gryffindor was already full of oatmeal, pickled herring, and sliced ​​bread, and plates of golden fried eggs and fried bacon.

The pickled herring has not been fermented. After pan-frying, the meat is firm and a little salty. It is suitable for oatmeal.

As long as no sugar or milk is added to the oatmeal, of course.

“Good morning. Did you hear about Defence Against the Dark Arts?” Angelina picked up a bowl of oatmeal with milk and sat in the chair opposite Albert.

This topic quickly aroused the interest of the surrounding students, and Defense Against the Dark Arts has always been a popular course at Hogwarts.

“What’s the matter?” Albert asked.

“According to Ravenclaw students, our first class was learning how to deal with Boggart.” Angelina was adding sugar to her oatmeal.

“You mean Roger? I heard it just now, and he’s still bragging about how he dealt with Bogut.” George curled his lips in disdain, “As we all know, Bogut is basically no threat, the worst. The situation is to be startled.”

“Boggart will become a creature that others fear. It is said that if there are too many people, it will not know what it should become.” Albert recalled, it seems that when Potter was in third grade, Lupin only Talk about how to deal with Boggart. However, considering Lockhart’s scumbag, who didn’t use Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense to teach classes all semester, it’s not hard to guess that he’s behind schedule.

“I’m suddenly looking forward to what I’m afraid of?” Albert took a bite of his homemade salted fish sandwich, thinking about what he would be afraid of.

“Failed the exam?” Shanna said, raising her eyebrows.

“I don’t think he’s ever worried about that.” Lee Jordan took a bite of a slice of bread and said inarticulately, “I think it’s about being out of money, which means being a poor guy, um, that’s right. , become a poor man.”

“It’s true that I like money, but I’m never afraid of becoming a poor ghost.” Albert said angrily. After all, it’s easy to make some money when you become a wizard and have a system.

“I don’t think I read books, or become a normal person.” Fred said without hesitation, “I’ll bet on a Nat.”

“Then you must lose.” Albert smiled and spread his hands to Fred, “A Nat, who else wants to bet?”

Fred clapped Albert’s hands away and complained, “I haven’t lost yet.”

“No, you lose.” Albert said with a smile. “After all, what am I afraid of, how could I not know?”

“You’re cheating?” Fred pretended to be shocked, causing everyone to laugh.

“I think it’s a busy job.” George said: “After all, Albert is more comfortable than anyone else, and he definitely doesn’t want to be busy with work in the future.”

“This…” Albert touched his chin and shook his head in denial: “If I was rich, I wouldn’t have to go to work, so I wouldn’t have to worry about busy work. Why do most people work? Not for money? People who work with interest are very few in reality.”

“So…George, Nat bring it.” Fred said with a smile.

“Cough cough, by the way, when are we going to have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class?” George coughed dryly and changed the subject.

“Don’t change the subject.” Fred snarled.

“I didn’t say I was going to gamble.” George protested. “You misunderstood.”

“How could there be a misunderstanding, we are twin brothers, what are you thinking, don’t I know?”

“The first class in the afternoon is Defense Against the Dark Arts.” Angelina took out the class schedule from her schoolbag. “However, I’m a little worried that this professor will teach again soon.”

“That’s for sure, the smarter professor quit his job before he finished teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts.” Albert said rightfully, “No one wants to get cursed and bring themselves a lot of bad luck. .”

“What the **** is this curse?” Shanna asked curiously. “Did you know?”

“You want to know?” Albert showed a malicious smile, “I’ve heard some rumors.”

“Come on, don’t give a shit.” Angelina urged.

“I heard it has something to do with You-Know-Who.” Albert whispered.

“The mysterious man put a curse on that position.” Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise, “You can’t talk nonsense about this kind of thing.”

“How do you know.” Li Jordan asked curiously.

“It’s all rumors.” Albert pretended to be mysterious, “There are still many rumors about the mysterious man, do you want to listen?”

“Let’s talk.” Fred was also curious. He knew that Albert had a wide range of friends, and it was not surprising that he would know a lot of messy things.

“Okay, please don’t spread the word.” Albert pretended to be mysterious:

“It is rumored that You-Know-Who stole Ravenclaw’s crown.”

“Mysterious man is rumored to be able to communicate with snakes and is the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Slytherin.”

“It is rumored that You-Know-Who is immortal.”

“It is rumored that the mysterious man once opened the Chamber of Secrets.”

“It is rumored that You-Know-Who was the president of the Slytherin Student Council.”

“It is rumored that You-Know-Who was once expected to be Minister of Magic.”

“The rumor…”

“It feels like you’re getting more and more out of line.” Shanna interrupted. “Come on, don’t be late, and have a morning herbal class with the Hufflepuffs.”

“Fifteen minutes is enough,” Fred said without hesitation. “We can still play wizard cards.”

While Albert was watching the two of them play cards, Charlie walked over to this direction and specifically exhorted, “There will be a Quidditch selection this afternoon, don’t forget it.”

“Got it.” Everyone said in unison.

Charlie greeted everyone and left in a hurry.

“You haven’t bought a broom, have you!” The Weasley brothers looked at Albert together.

“Even if the order is not that fast.” Albert spread his hands helplessly.

After Fred and Lee Jordan played another game of Wizards cards, everyone went to the greenhouse together. Their timing was just right, and Professor Sprout was opening the greenhouse door. As for the Hufflepuff students who arrived before them, it was raining outside the greenhouse for a while.

Albert followed the crowd into the greenhouse.

“Today I’m going to repot the mandrake.” Professor Sprout brought a large cardboard box with more than two dozen pairs of earmuffs of different colors. She looked around the crowd and asked, “Who knows? Why do we need these earmuffs?”

“Hearing a mandrake’s cry will kill you,” Albert said, seeing no answer, “Of course, a young mandrake will only cause a coma for a few hours. “.

“Very good, five points for Gryffindor.” Professor Sprout nodded with satisfaction, and continued to ask “Now, who can tell me the properties of mandrakes?”

She swept towards the students in the conservatory and landed on Albert.

“Mandrake grass, also known as Mandrake root, is a powerful restorative agent,” Albert simply recited the contents of the textbook, “used to transform a person who is deformed or bewitched. It is also an important part of configuring most antidotes. Of course, mandrakes are dangerous, and it is said that a wizard once used mandrakes to defend against dark wizards who invaded from the home yard, Because what he threw was a mature mandrake, which directly led to the death of the dark wizard on the spot.”

“Exactly right, plus ten points. As Mr. Anderson said, Mandrake is dangerous, and its sound is lethal.” Professor Sprout saw everyone’s unease and comforted: ” Of course, the mandrakes we have here are still very young, and at most a few hours in a coma when they cry.”

“Did you eat the book,” jokes Lee Jordan, who sometimes envies Albert’s mind.

“You saw it.” Albert pretended to be surprised, “How about you, do you want to try it? It will taste even better with a little soy sauce.”

“No, thank you, my appetite is not as good as yours,” he said grumpily.

The twin brothers are snickering nearby.

“Okay, everyone, come and get a pair of earmuffs,” Professor Sprout told everyone.

Everyone flocked to Professor Sprout’s place, and Lee Jordan helped Albert grab a grey earmuff.

Albert took the earmuffs and said thank you.

“Now, I suddenly understand why Professor Sprout’s card effect is to throw Mandrakes at the enemy.” Lee Jordan muttered in a low voice, “However, your effect should be changed, maybe it should be It is more appropriate to kill the audience directly after it becomes an appearance.”

“You’re breaking the balance of the game.” Albert couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“When I tell you to put earmuffs on, be sure to cover your ears tightly. I don’t want someone to faint because they don’t have earmuffs on.” Professor Sprout said with two thumbs up , continued: “When it’s safe to remove the earmuffs, I’ll give two thumbs up, like this.”

“These green and purple plants in front of you are Mandrake seedlings, and your job is to repot them.” She pointed to a row of deep-bottomed plates and said, “Okay—put them all on now. Earmuffs.”

When Albert put on the earmuffs, he could not hear anything outside.

“I don’t know if there is a tape recorder in the magic world.” Albert looked at the mandrake seedling in front of him and murmured in his heart, “If the voice of the mandrake could be stored, it would be absolutely invisible. It’s a big killer, more effective than a shock bomb.”

In the wizarding world, someone might be wary of a wizard with a wand, but no one cares if you’re holding a grenade.

Of course, no one cares if you have a tape recorder.

“Otherwise, please find a chance to ask.”

Professor Sprout has put earmuffs on himself, rolled up his sleeves, firmly grasped the mandrake leaves, and pulled it out of the pot with all his might.

Screams erupted in the classroom.

Of course, no one could hear anyone screaming because they were all wearing earmuffs.

It was not a grass root like a beet that was pulled from the soil, but a pale green-skinned baby, the leaves of which Professor Sprout was clutching at its head.

As soon as the little guy was pulled out, he was yelling at his throat.

Now, everyone knows what Albert said about the “crying” of the mandrake ~IndoMTL.com~Professor Sprout brought a larger flower pot and forced the mandrake Drax tucked in and quickly buried it with damp compost and dirt, only the leaves still showing.

She clapped the mud on her hands, gave everyone two thumbs up, and removed her earmuffs.

“I stress again, be sure to wear earmuffs later.” Professor Sprout reminded loudly, “I don’t think you’ll want to miss this class, group of four—here And lots of big pots – the compost is in the bag over there.”

Of course, Albert was in a group of four, and after everyone had put on their earmuffs, Professor Sprout signaled that everyone could start.

Pulling mandrakes from the soil is a physical task, not as easy as Professor Sprout does.

It’s harder than pulling radishes out of a field, and mandrakes don’t want to be pulled out of the ground.

Lee Jordan tried so hard to get it out, but in the end it was Fred who pulled it out. The worst thing was that after this guy came out, he didn’t want to go back, twisting his body and messing his feet Pushing, waving a small fist, like a living person who doesn’t want to be stuffed into a coffin.

“It’s funny, isn’t it?” Fred grinned and stabbed Mandrakes in the cheek with a finger, only to be bitten on the finger.

Fortunately, he wears dragonskin gloves.

George couldn’t help but laugh.

Lee Jordan didn’t laugh, he was competing with the mandrake who was blocking the mouth of the basin with his foot and didn’t want to be stuffed into the basin.

As for Albert, he used violent means to force the mandrake into the flowerpot, and quickly buried it with damp soil and compost, successfully completing the first repotting.

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