Daily Life at Hogwarts Chapter 1367: The robbed Death Eater

“Look, someone is signaling!”

Gargson, who was about to seek help from the dementors, suddenly stopped and turned his head to look in the direction of the finger of the person behind him, and saw sparks rising above the night sky, illuminating everyone’s stiff faces .

This is a signal to attack.

Gargson’s face was extremely gloomy, and he even heard the dense crackling sounds around him one after another.


After he heard the screams coming from his side, he completely regretted why he didn’t use the floo network to leave Hogsmeade just now.

But it was too late to regret it now, because a spell hit Gagson from the side, who was rolling and crawling to avoid the sneak attack, and directly knocked him to the ground.

“I bet, the people who dare to wander outside at this time are definitely those people who eat shit.”

In Mimi Lake, Gagson heard approaching footsteps, as if someone was walking beside him, and then felt something stepping on his head.

The next moment, Gagson lost consciousness directly.

He was dead, his neck broken like a chicken.

The group of people who participated in this operation were all wearing black cloaks and hideous masks on their faces, resembling the Death Eaters who ran rampant in England back then.

The moment the thugs broke into Hogsmeade, the feast of robbery began, and everyone in the village was their prey.

Many black wizards first went to Zuo Ke’s shop selling defense against the black arts props, because they instinctively thought that Zuo Ke, who was selling the props for defense against the dark arts, was a rare fat sheep in this black market, but this group of people was destined to fail. Because Zuo Ke had already deposited the large sum of Galleons he earned during this period into a designated vault in Gringotts, the robbers who broke into the shop could only collect the few Galleons and Zuo Ke, who surrendered with his hands up high and confessed everything honestly, did not escape from this. He was brutally killed by the group of robbers who failed to rob.

The robbery was still going on, and the group of foreign robbers was shocked to find that the black market was not as rich as they thought. He was shot dead on the spot.

The looting didn’t last long. Yaxley, who was woken up and looked distraught, personally led a hastily assembled team to kill Hogsmeade village.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to apparate directly to Hogsmeade village for reinforcements, but first went to the dementors, trying to use the power of the dark creatures to suppress the alien dark wizards.

Even when Yaxley was going to wipe out the twenty or so outsiders who were making trouble in Hogsmeade village in one go, fireballs suddenly fell from their heads one after another, directly killing the food eaters who were just about to act. The gangsters were taken aback, and more outsiders shamelessly ambushed and attacked this temporary team

It never occurred to Yaxley that he would be ambushed with dementors ahead to help find his way.

After realizing that his side was not in the upper hand, Yaxley tried to lead the team to retreat, regroup more people and make a comeback.

As for the people in Hogsmeade, he has given up any hope, and he wonders how those outsiders will affect his knees.

However, this group of dark wizards who have previous experience will not give Yaxley a second chance, and directly lead people to kill them. As for the dementors, they will naturally use the Patronus to deal with them.

Since you dare to rob the black market of “shit eaters”, of course you have prepared a countermeasure.

“Damn it, how come there are so many of them.”

Yaxley’s face became more and more ugly. He couldn’t understand how the outsiders gathered, and he regretted not waiting a little longer and bringing the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic with him, although those guys didn’t listen very much. Command, but will definitely join him to deal with this group of outsiders.

As a last resort, Yaxley had no choice but to launch the Dark Mark into the sky, hoping that Snape at Hogwarts would come to support him. He had already forgotten when he used the Dark Mark as a distress mark used.

“Looks like you’re in trouble.”

Shortly after the Dark Mark took off, Snape and Carlo appeared with the Auror team.

In fact, the Hogwarts headmaster realized that something was wrong after the house elf who was in charge of the sentry on the observatory saw the sparks rising from Hogsmeade, and immediately led the staff stationed at Hogwarts. The Aurors protecting the students hurried over.

“Be careful Severus, this is a premeditated attack.”

Yaxley couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Snape. His old friend was pretty reliable, and the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic were also pretty good.

But what made Yaxley vomit blood was that this group of Aurors seemed unreliable. When they followed Snape to the rescue, they realized the danger here and gathered together to protect themselves.

This group of “shit eaters” is miserable.

No way, few Aurors are sincerely willing to take refuge in Death Eaters, and they are already worthy of Voldemort’s face if they don’t betray the water at a critical moment. Naturally, they are happy to paddle to see the Death Eaters’ misfortune.

The outsiders obviously also noticed this group of difficult fun people, and guessed that they were the Aurors who were forced to join the “shit eaters”. Instead, they continued to chase after the “shit eaters”. As they had guessed, the “shit eaters” grew up eating shit, and their fighting skills were worse than they expected. They were not their opponents at all. Not being crushed in one breath is entirely because of the restraint of the dementors and they don’t want to kill directly, so as to avoid affecting the subsequent robbery.

Snape, who tried to retreat with the cover of the dementor, was also speechless.

The confrontation with the outsiders made him see clearly the reality. The Death Eaters today are no longer the Death Eaters of the past. Naturally, wizards don’t have any problems, but once they encounter hard stubble, they will show their true colors.

Snape also knew why.

We can only blame Scrimgeour for killing the Death Eaters too hard, causing all the lunatics of the older generation to die.

“When will McNeill’s men arrive?” Snape asked anxiously after forcing back a few enemies and barely taking a breath.

“McNeil should still be gathering manpower.”

“No, I have to find a way to leave”

Snape, who sensed something was wrong, was ready to retreat. He didn’t want to be the next unlucky guy who was besieged and died tragically.

If there is no helper right now, just because they are definitely not the opponents of this group of outsiders, the only chance to come back is to summon the Dark Lord, but…neither Snape nor Yaxley want to do that, let’s not talk The Dark Lord is still abroad, if he is called back at this time, God knows what will happen.

However, the two did not know that the McNeil they expected was also in trouble. The director of the Auror office received a letter shortly after Albert led people to forcibly invade Azkaban

News of the alien invasion of Azkaban.

Under normal circumstances, McNeil should immediately lead people to Azkaban to stop this prison robbery, but this incident does not seem like a coincidence in McNeil’s eyes.

Since it is not a coincidence, it must be a conspiracy.

McNeill has encountered similar things many times, even if he is not particularly smart, he has a long memory.

In his opinion, the people who dare to brazenly invade Azkaban at this point in time must be the Mudblood and the Order of the Phoenix.

McNeill doesn’t want to die yet, but he can’t pretend that he doesn’t know, otherwise he won’t be able to get rid of Azkaban’s escape.

Therefore, McNeil thought of a way. He asked the employees of the Ministry of Magic to find Aurors from door to door, and handed over this glorious mission to them. He estimated that the Order of the Phoenix would not directly kill those Aurors, but not necessarily the Death Eaters and Dark Wizards.

As for McNeil himself, he rushed to Hogsmeade to support Yaxley with an urgently assembled team.

However, when McNeil arrived in a hurry, Hogsmeade had already fallen, and it seemed that he had been ransacked by the group of outsiders.

As for Yaxley’s reinforcements, they had suffered heavy losses in the confrontation just now, and it was useless to persist until McNeil’s reinforcements.

Although Yaxley, Snape and a few Death Eaters escaped back to Hogwarts under the protection of the Aurors, the other Death Eaters were not so lucky. Outside the captives, they were all directly killed by outsiders.

“What happened?”

Yaxley was annoyed at the sight of McNeil and the little reinforcements he had brought.

“Azkaban has been attacked.” McNeill said with a wry smile, “I suspect that Mudblood did it.”

Before Yaxley recovered from the bad news, flames burst into the fireplace in the principal’s office, and the Death Eaters who had been staying at the headquarters came out of the flames. The queen couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly said, “The outsiders have already robbed the homes of several pure-blood wizards. They are currently attacking the Yaxley family’s manor. We are not sure how long those ancient defensive magics can last.”

Yaxley’s eyes darkened and he almost passed out.

“Exterminate them in the past.” Yaxley said murderously, “The group of guys have dispersed, now is the best opportunity.”

It’s just that when Yaxley led people to try to encircle the group of foreign robbers, the protective magic of his manor had been roughly torn apart, not only the whole manor was brutally ravaged, but also a **** It was set on fire ~IndoMTL.com~ When they arrived, most of the manor had already been burned.

“Kill them, you must kill those bastards.”

Yaxley murmured frantically, instead of trying to put out the fire, he hurried to the homes of the other Death Eaters, but none of the richer Death Eaters were spared, and they were all patronized by the robbers up.

Yes, the guy who was unfortunately caught, under the dual persecution of Veritaserum and Imperius Curse, successfully changed his job to become a leader, and he was still a “shit eater” who was rich and went wherever he was. The group of robbers who participated in the robbery were divided into several groups, and they started to use an efficient mode. After all, they were also afraid of Voldemort, and they were worried that if the “shit eaters” were pushed into a hurry, the guy who called himself the Dark Lord would suddenly appear.

That’s why Yaxley and others failed to catch the group of foreign robbers, because the group of damned guys left England directly after the robbery, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

It’s over!

It’s all over.

Looking at the burned ancient manor, Yaxley, who failed in revenge, his eyes went dark, and he spit out blood.

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