Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 98:

The merchant faction and the aristocratic faction fought, Kryto asked wonderingly, didn’t they have divided their spheres of influence, it was tantamount to splitting their families. (Nine Seiteng) How come you still fight

The intelligence officer in charge of the interrogation clearly understood the cause and effect of the incident and immediately answered: According to the merchant faction, it was the nobleman who sent an army to attack the caravan pretending to be robbers. They looked for important people from the noble faction, and the noble faction not only refused to hand over the murderer, but instead raked in, saying that they had harassed the border during this period. They were not angry, so they started.

What about the aristocratic theory, Kryto asked again.

The argument of the aristocratic faction is that the merchant faction deliberately provoked first, planted the blame and put the blame on it, and finally took the lead in the end. This is really unreasonable

Klitto nodded, pondered, and asked: What is our position on this matter?

Director East told me that our Northwest Republic has no position. If you have to find a stand, it is to call for peace and persuade.

Klitto smiled: This position is good, I like it

He is not the kind of warmonger who believes in the fire of a cannon and the golden money, nor is he the kind of war madman who clamors that only iron and blood can solve problems. Although his personality is actually quite aggressive, he is in big politics. From a standpoint, he is a person inclined to peace.

Everyone is safe and stable without fighting. Naturally, it is the best. If someone gets into a fight, what he most wants to do is to persuade him, not to take advantage of the opportunity.

In his opinion, the Northwestern Republic is very rich and does not necessarily lack population. Generally speaking, the situation is very good. There is really no special need to grab.

If it’s wrong, you can’t grab something even if you lack something.

Gold coin federation merchant faction and noble faction are fighting, it is their civil war. (Nana **** the video) As a neutral faction, the Northwest Republic should certainly try to persuade them to stop the war and restore peace.

Klitto thought so anyway.

After he laughed, he frowned, thought for a while, and asked: Did Director East analyze who did this?

Director East said that he thinks there are two possibilities. One possibility is that the soldiers on the borders of both sides are not honest and attack each other’s civilians. This kind of thing is not uncommon, and has often happened in past history. Between two hostile forces, this kind of thing is commonplace.

Klitto nodded and asked: What about another possibility

Another possibility is that someone is behind the scenes, pretending to be both sides, attacking the other’s sentries and civilians, and instigating war. This kind of thing is also very common, which is a more common but very useful strategy.

Clito was stunned, thinking for a long time, frowning.

Why is this happening? Who would want them to fight a war between merchants and aristocrats, they would fight, and who would benefit him? He muttered to himself, lost in thought.

Until the intelligence agent left, he was still thinking hard about what was going on.

For Easton’s vision, he was very convinced. Since East thinks that someone may be behind the scenes, then this possibility certainly exists, and it is not small.

He even felt that perhaps East had already had a conclusion in his mind. The reason why he asked the intelligence agent to tell him both possibilities was that he just wanted to take this opportunity to test himself and see his own vision.

So he could obviously ask Sui Xiong, but he didn’t say anything. He just immersed himself in thinking and wondering.

Which possibility do you think is more likely? The light and shadow in the Great Kingdom of God flashed, Sui Xiong’s clone came to East and asked, how do you think this time the fierce conflict between the two forces within the gold coin federation? Matter

Still need to ask if someone is provoking. East put down his pen and said with a smile that the merchants and the nobles are currently seeking stability and both want to develop steadily. The merchants are training the new army and need to buy time for the new army to take shape. The aristocratic faction needs to stabilize agricultural production and to appease those lords who have changed their territories before. Now they don’t have the time and energy to fight, but outside of the Gold Coin Federation, there must be people who don’t want to see them stay in peace like this, so they can’t wait to provoke them to war, and hope they fight as harder as possible.

Then what kind of power do you think it will be? Sui Xiong asked.

The greatest possibility is of course the Thunder Principality, and the Eagle King is also possible. East said, after all, to benefit from the civil war of the Gold Coin Federation, it always makes sense to border it.

He thought for a while, and then said: In fact, the Dhaka Merchant League is also possible. They and the Gold Coin Federation are purely commercial nations, and they compete fiercely with each other. If the Gold Coin Federation fights a civil war, they can take the opportunity to occupy a lot of markets. From this perspective, perhaps they are more likely to instigate a civil war in the Gold Coin Federation.

Are there any other forces? Sui Xiong asked.

Easter thought carefully for a long time, and then shook his head: At least I can’t think of it, other forces may also benefit from it, but this kind of benefit is obviously not enough to make up for the benefit. For example, the Church of the Noble Gods, they can certainly benefit from this civil war, but how can they guarantee that the noble faction will win the civil war? If the merchant faction wins, they will lose their money.

But if the aristocratic faction wins~IndoMTL.com~ they will make a lot of money, don’t they

Ester nodded, then shook his head again.

It is unreasonable to use 10% of the capital to pursue 20% of the profit and risk losing money. He said that even if it was made, the initial investment would be too large, and it would definitely damage the strength of the noble faction itself. If you don’t want to damage the strength of the noble sect, you must damage the strength of the noble **** church. The noble sect is not a fool. If you want them to die with the merchant faction, the noble **** church must pay the blood, at least it must send a large number of paladins and Priest priests can only join the war. Although they have been established for hundreds of years and have the background of the previous church of the king of gods, such a fight will definitely hurt their vitality

If they don’t send people to the war, Sui Xiong asked.

The damage is the influence of the Church of the Noble God. Let others go to war, but I don’t send soldiers to support it. How can such a church count on the nobles to support it

Sui Xiong thought for a while, it seems that this is indeed the truth.

I want to let others gamble on my old capital, but I don’t want to pay for it. Who would believe him?

In that case, it is indeed unlikely that the Church of the Noble God is at work

Unless there is something inside that I don’t know, I don’t see the need for the Church of the Noble God to fight this battle. East answered in this way, but he didn’t have much confidence. It was just that the things of the gods were really unpredictable, and I was not sure if there would be any reasons I could not think of.

Sui Xiong smiled: Don’t worry, I will investigate. There will be results soon.

After speaking, he asked Vie to find out.

To say that the most well-informed **** among the gods, apart from those professionals who gather information, is him, the **** of pleasure who specializes in eating, drinking, and having friends all over the world.

If the noble **** really has any tricks or conspiracies, Vier can always get a clue.


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