Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 91:

There are many people and great strength, and the exploration team has a large number of people. It didn’t take much time to build the camp.

This is also due to the fact that the pioneering team laid a solid foundation for them before. The ground was leveled and compacted. The surrounding vegetation has been cleaned up, and even the tents have already been set up. And they are not ordinary tents, but the kind of specially thickened and reinforced, two-layer inside and outside, windproof and waterproof, and the effect of heat insulation and cold protection is outstanding. Even though the sky is freezing right now, once you step into the tent with the brazier lit, you can immediately feel the warm breath. Living in such a tent, no matter how cold the weather is, there is no need to worry about frostbite.

The main task of the exploration team is to erect the equipment needed for exploration and build the small smelter.

They use a magic furnace. This furnace costs a lot and consumes a lot of magic power every time it is used. Generally, a middle-level mage is required to preside over it before it can be used more frequently. There are naturally mid-level wizards in the exploration team, and there are three. Combining the strength of the three of them, roughly one can open the furnace every two days, which is almost enough.

Theoretically, as long as there is enough mana supply, the magic furnace can be used without fuel. However, in order to ensure the stability of the magic furnace, the exploration team still prepared a large number of magic spar, the total value is at least equivalent to tens of thousands of gold coins.

If needed, these magic spars will be the fuel for the magic furnace. However, unless absolutely necessary, no one can bear to consume magic spar to smelt ores. Of course, the silver mine itself is not worth the price. In its associated mine, even the expensive mithril is not worth consuming magic spar. Smelt.

The reason for preparing these magic spars is just to be prepared.

The construction of a magic furnace is not easy. This thing is quite complicated and delicate. It needs to be done by people with ingenuity and strength, and it can be set up smoothly under the guidance of professionals. Most of the people in the exploration team can only play a hand, and only four people in the elite group can really take the lead.

As the number one spellcaster in the elite group, Sid is undoubtedly the core force in building the magic furnace, and everyone else is cooperating with him. He had never shouldered such a heavy responsibility before, and couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, and almost made a mistake twice in a row.

If others are like this, some of the three mid-level wizards must have already cursed. But Sid is no less inferior to them in terms of strength and status, and even as a rising star, the future of the future is even higher than them, so even the arrogant wizards have taken enough patience, while comforting with good words. Repeatedly explain it tirelessly.

When Sid succeeded when he tried to build the furnace core for the third time, not only he exhaled and smiled, but everyone was relieved and laughed.

The most difficult part of the magic furnace is to build the core. After the core is built, the rest is nothing more than hard work. As long as you can sense the magical flow of people, it is unlikely that you will spell something wrong. The four members of the elite group of the exploration team can sense the flow of magical power, and three of them can even cast spells at all. Of course, they will not make such a low-level mistake.

About half an hour later, when it was getting late, a magic furnace of almost three people was finally built. Accompanied by a low buzzing sound, the bluish-white electric light flowed in the furnace, making a quick turn, and finally turned into a small whirlpool, disappearing into the core of the furnace center.

This means that the furnace is set up correctly and can operate normally.

Even though they had been very confident before, it was not until then that everyone was truly sure of success and couldn’t help but cheer.

This magic furnace is specially made by the Dwarf Kingdom. It uses a lot of special materials and the latest researched technology to greatly improve its smelting efficiency and effectively filter out impurities in the ore. The former is nothing but the latter is extremely important for smelting. In many cases, the difference between good steel and scrap iron, between top-grade metal ingots and garbage waste slag, is actually just a little bit of impurities.

Although there are not many impurities that can be screened out by this furnace, it is this point, compared with an ordinary magic furnace, it is already as high as a mountain.

It is so wonderful, it is naturally very difficult to manufacture. The cost of raw materials alone exceeds 20,000 gold coins. If the research and development costs and the hard work of the masters of blacksmiths are also included, it may be worth about 50,000 gold coins.

This price is really frantic. You know, the average magic furnace is only four or five thousand gold coins. The price of this guy is almost ten times that of an ordinary magic furnace!

It’s so precious that everyone is not careful. Sid would be so nervous before, and this is also an important reason. With his net worth, the ordinary magic refining furnace with four or five thousand gold coins, he really wouldn’t be so nervous that he failed twice in a row.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. It was built securely, and at last it didn’t let tens of thousands of gold coins float in the water.

After this magic furnace was set up, everyone rested for a while, and while the night hadn’t completely fallen, they built another magic furnace.

But that one doesn’t enjoy this kind of treatment anymore. Dudu Hill took a few strong men and built it easily, and it only took less than twenty minutes before and after.

“I’m proficient in this job.” While working, Du Du was still boasting, “When I was learning smelting, I had at least built hundreds of furnaces like this. I can really close my eyes. Get it right, it’s absolutely impossible to go wrong.”

“Then did you make a mistake?” Hopps asked with a smile.

“Of course…have been out.” Du Du laughed, “There is no one who will meet at the beginning? When I was just learning to build a magic furnace, I broke seven or eight statues back and forth.”

Everyone’s face twitched when they heard it, seven or eight magic furnaces, wouldn’t it be thirty or forty thousand gold coins? ! The dwarf kingdom is really rich. Such a large sum of money can be used to train young people…

“Don’t believe him bragging!” An older dwarf who led the team sneered. “It’s true that you broke seven or eight statues before and after, but they were in groups of thirty or forty people. And the core is broken. It can also be recycled and re-made. The ordinary magic furnace is not the new one this time. If the core is broken, it will be broken. Return to the furnace to remake~IndoMTL.com~It is about the cost of a thousand gold coins.”

“… Give me some face!” Du Du shouted, “I invited you to drink yesterday!”

“Our dwarves are a nation of honesty and trustworthiness.” The older dwarf laughed, “Don’t brag here, go and drink! I have a treat today.”

“Where do you have wine to treat? Didn’t you finish drinking before?”

“I said that after you finish drinking, you believe it is finished? How old are you and so naive.”

“You just said that our dwarves are an honest and trustworthy nation!” Du Du was almost furious.

The older dwarf stroked his beard and laughed and asked, “Which is more important than drinking and being honest and trustworthy?”

Du Du pondered for a while, then hesitated and said: “Drinking is more important.”

“What else is there to ask! Go and drink!” The older dwarf walked over, slapped him behind his back, and looked around at the same time, “Everyone, let’s drink together, I have a lot of alcohol, today Enough pipe!”

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