Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 91:

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The current Keene City is indeed a smog.

A variety of careerists flocked here, like sharks smelling blood, and like swarms of flies chasing rotten corpses, which is really disgusting.

Most of these guys have bad character, and many of them can even be called “scum”. As for the good character, how many will do such a silly thing as someone else’s brother is dying to try to seize the little girl’s family property, in the delusion that people and wealth are both?

Sui Xiong scanned the whole city carefully, but he also found an acquaintance.

It was a middle-aged man with half-white hair. His expression was calm and calm, and his words and deeds were full of confident charm. And his strength is not weak, the bard and thieves are both trained, and the total strength has reached a high level, a real master.

For Sui Xiong, this person’s strength is of course not worth mentioning. What he finds interesting is his identity.

He met this man, it was decades ago. Not long after he arrived on land at that time, he was planning to build a church of his own. In order to recruit outstanding territorial officials, he traveled a long distance from the Ash Forest in the northwest of the mainland to the Secret Tower Federation in the south of the mainland.

On the road, he passed a pioneering collar named Viscount Gerten, located on the edge of civilized society. At that time, the old lord of the pioneering territory died, and the heir, Miss Steele’s corrupt style, was called a hero, and everyone did not like her. At this time, a young man named Romon appeared, with some certificates left by Viscount Gerten, indicating that he was the illegitimate son of the Viscount and he wanted to compete for the right of inheritance.

The matter was really tossed for a while. In the end, it was neither Steier nor Romon who inherited Viscount Gerten, but an unknown little girl named Orion.

Olianne is a member of the Gerten family, and originally had a low succession rank. But in the Gerten family at that time, she was the most talented and most likely person to lead Gerten to prosperity. So after Sui Xiong used prophecy to find her, he assisted her and helped her become a lord.

Of course, Ollion’s foundation is also thick enough. She is the only student of the famous legendary powerhouse “Black Blade” Wo La. Later Wo La was appointed a **** and became the **** of knowledge and education. She became the only elect of this deity and gained permanent life and powerful power. .

Today, Olianne Gelten is already a world-famous strong man and wise man. She manages Geertengling and has been steadily developing and progressing. Now this small remote territory has become the most dà stationery production center in the entire main plane. Coupled with the herbal cultivation industry launched not long ago, although Gertenling has not many residents, the per capita income level is extremely high, and the level of prosperity is probably second only to the famous Void Mask Playground.

Speaking of which, Geerteng collar and Keene collar are somewhat similar. The difference is that the lord of Geerteng is strong, and there is an outrageous backer behind him, and no one dares to fight that territory. Keene’s leadership is shallow, and the most powerful masters are just a few high-level adventurers, and there is no strong backing behind them-if this is not the case, how could Crick not die, just “severely ill and will die.” “, there is such a large group of guys who don’t know the so-called come and hit his sister’s idea?

Olianne succeeded the seat of Viscount Gerten and expelled Steer, who had lost the race for the right to inheritance. Later, Steier followed Sui Xiong, and after many encounters, she has now become the director of the “Red Pig Medical Clinic” in the Void Mask Playground, and is also a world-famous master of medical and first aid.

However, what is more well-known is the master’s unscrupulous life style. Back then, she claimed that “As long as you are a man, you will not let go of anything.” In recent years, she has developed to the point where “As long as you are strong or cute, gender is not a problem”…

At that time, another illegitimate son Luo Meng participated in the competition for the right of inheritance, but when he was about to be revealed that he was actually a counterfeit, he caught a small gap that Sui Xiong hadn’t even noticed and escaped. . Until today, Sui Xiong didn’t meet him again.

Decades later, Romon is much older. His hair was a little bit gray, and his face had a lot of wrinkles. But the handsome appearance remains, and the temperament is more mature and reliable. Now he is a teacher for a noble second son, or a military instructor, and he is making suggestions for this little guy who wants to get both people and money.

“Master Stephen, what do you think is your advantage?” Romon, who looked like a scholarly gentleman with monocle, asked gently.

The one named Stephen is a fourteen or five-year-old boy who looks immature. I don’t know what’s going on in his family, and I actually let this little guy who lacks social experience at a glance, and even the little guy with ignorant eyes comes out to propose. It’s a miracle to see his silly and limp look, not being murdered on the road to make money!

“I think…I’m from the Carter family, does this count?” Stephen thought for a while, and asked without much confidence.

Romon smiled slightly and shook his head: “The Carter family, as the well-known real-power earl of the country of a thousand springs, is of course very influential. However, Master Stephen, you are only the sixth heir of the Carter family today. There are three elder brothers and two uncles. Unless they all die of sudden illness, you won’t be able to inherit the title. If they really die all of a sudden, I’m afraid that the entire Carter family will encounter a huge crisis. At that time, the title probably won’t be your turn to inherit the title-by the way, you will die with a sudden illness, but it will be your turn.”

“Woo…Teacher, don’t be so mean, okay…”

“I just urge you to recognize reality as soon as possible.” Romon smiled slightly, without any mercy, “Okay, the answer is wrong, find your advantage again!”

Steven thought for a long time, and tentatively asked: “I look pretty…”

Romon was stunned for a moment, took a closer look at Stephen’s face, and nodded: “That’s not wrong. Master, your appearance can at least be ranked in the top ten among the suitors this time. Dress up well. If you do, the top five are also very promising.”

“Then I got it right?” The boy was happy.

Romon’s face immediately turned gloomy: “It’s totally wrong! What’s the use of a man who looks good? Are you going to go to a singing opera?”

“Mr. Crick is said to be a person who is passionate about art. He may like to sing opera…” the boy whispered, “Actually, I sing really well.”

Luo Meng sighed deeply. Sui Xiong, who was hiding in the air above their heads, could clearly feel that he was trying to suppress the anger and frustration in his heart.

After a while, he cleared up his mood and sighed: “Master Stephen, if Lord Baron is in good health, maybe you can really win his appreciation and embrace beauty with his handsome looks and outstanding literary talents. It’s not impossible to return to something. But please note that his health is very bad now, and it can even be said that he has reached a critical moment. At this time, what he needs is not a handsome and talented brother-in-law, but someone who can protect him. His sister, an excellent man who keeps the Keene collar!”

“I definitely can’t do this.” Stephen lowered his head, his face full of frustration, “No matter how swordsmanship or bow and arrow are, I can’t do it! And my magical talents are also very average… I still have a bit of self-confidence in singing. I don’t know anything about playing jiàn.”

His own strength, the teacher knows best. He wants to protect a girl who has been watched by countless villains, and guards the Baron Keene, who is wealthy but not strong enough. With his strength, it is really impossible. !

“This judgment is quite wise. Master, your mind is actually very smart, but it takes some time to grow.” Romon smiled and encouraged his students, but hòu said, “In fact, you only see I have a downside, but I didn’t see the upside.”

“Which side is good?” Stephen asked curiously.

“First of all, it’s age.” Luo Mengwei said, “I have investigated. Among the unmarried men who came to propose this time, deduct the men who are innocent and innocent and may realize marriage. Inside, you are the youngest.”

“Does age count as an advantage?” Stephen asked wonderingly.

“Of course it’s an advantage!” Romon’s face showed his iconic smile again, “Miss Anna is only fourteen years old this year, and the youngest suitors are already twenty-two. In terms of age, you are the only one who suits her.”

“Twenty-two and fourteen…the difference is not too big, right? My uncle is still forty years old and still marries a fourteen-year-old.”

“Don’t say forty years old, I’ve seen a man who was sixty and fourteen years old.” Romon laughed. “However, the marriage is a marriage of unequal status, and it’s even just playing with girls. Aristocratic society Inside, the marriage of equal identities, the age difference is unlikely to be too great. Of course, 22 and 14 years old is not an unacceptable gap, but in comparison, 15 and 14 years old are not more suitable. Right?”

Steven thought for a while and nodded slightly: “You said that, I also feel that I do have a great advantage.”

“Not only that, you currently don’t have a strict church status, and you can transfer your letter at any time. As far as I know, Miss Anna is a believer of Majesty the Void, and you can also believe in this powerful deity.” Luo When Meng talked about “Mask in the Void”, a trace of melancholy flashed in his heart, and Sui Xiong in the sky could see clearly, and couldn’t help being secretly funny.

“Mask of the Void? Teacher, don’t you often say ~IndoMTL.com~ Is this **** a bit unreliable doing things?” Stephen asked curiously.

“Yes, that majesty is not very reliable in doing things, but he is strong enough!” Romon said with a wry smile, “For us now, completing the marriage will give you a reliable foundation to avoid The open guns and secret arrows of the Carter family’s struggle for inheritance are the top priority. For other things, you can make concessions.”

Sui Xiong heard it secretly qì——what does it mean “anything else can be compromised”? Brother Xiong believes that he has a good character. He has not done anything heinous to burn, kill, looting, and looting in the past few years. He has never done anything like smashing widows and digging cemeteries for giving birth to a son without an asshole. What is the content to “concession”? And he looked aggrieved… Romon, do you have any grievances? Are you a decent person? Back then you pretended to be someone else’s son and wanted to usurp other people’s property. How did you even do this kind of thing, and you deserve to be a decent person? Shameless!

But even so, he has to admit that this Steven looks really good.

Romon, this bastard, has not seen each other for decades. When we met this time, I really gave him a great gift… (To be continued.)

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