Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 89:

Is it just a joke?

Of course.

After all, Sui Xiong can’t throw away the morals, especially when there are the same characters in the two games, but the images are completely different.

Now, even if you want to throw away the morals, there is no way to throw two copies in the same place.

For example, hypothesis, here is hypothesis! Because it is very important, we must first emphasize, suppose! Suppose Brother Xiong creates a divine envoy, and this divine envoy corresponds to a legendary battleship that has a great reputation and kills his teammates wherever he goes. Then the problem is, the excavator technology…No, this legendary battleship is only a personification he knows. There are two versions, which one to choose?

Obviously, no matter what he does, he can only plagiarize at most one set. There is no way to plagiarize two copies together.

Sui Xiong thinks about smiling and enjoying himself. Of course, the people of this world can’t understand his terrible stalks from the earth, but it does not prevent him from being stupid and happy.

After he finished laughing, he continued to design the “Divine Envoy”.

The first design is naturally still a mass production type. Considering that when the priests call in the future, it is estimated that the lowest-level destroyer will be the main target of the call, so Sui Xiong will start with this first.

He recalled carefully for a while, comparing the different versions of his impressions, and shook his head time and time again.

Fish-shaped creature? veto!

The fish-shaped creature then stretched out one or two arms? Haunted movie? veto!

There is a little girl in the mouth of a huge fish-shaped creature? It’s creepy to think about it, veto!

There is a little girl next to the giant fish-shaped creature? Can consider it.

The little girl without her legs is riding on a weird water jet skateboard? Suspected of child abuse, veto!

A girl in old-style Japanese children’s clothing with a horror gun in her left hand? This can also be considered.


After thinking about it, there are no more than two choices in the end. Either a girl with a very cool dress and a giant fish-shaped monster, or a girl with a conservative dress and a scary arm cannon.

Sui Xiong thought carefully for a long time, and finally decided to choose the former.

The reason is simple. He thinks… wearing less clothes might distract the enemy in battle. Anyway, for the divine envoy, the defensive power is determined by the strength of the divine power shield, and the clothes are just decorations.

Moreover, when a girl and a huge fish-shaped monster appear together, it is easy for the enemy to be at a loss when judging the target. Some people may think that a huge fish-shaped monster is more dangerous and will attack it first; while for others, they may think that the monster is summoned by a girl and will attack the girl first. In this way, the firepower of the enemy can be dispersed and the ability to continue the battle can be greatly improved.

As for who is the ontology… Sui Xiong laughed twice, so he would not tell others. In fact, these divine envoys have no concept of “ontology” at all, even if they are bombarded to pieces, as long as the will from the kingdom of God is projected It is not broken, and after absorbing enough magic power, it can be reshaped naturally, and it is very resistant to fight!

After selecting the target, the design work is not difficult. Mass-produced divine envoys do not need too complicated soul structures, especially the lowest-level destroyers, if they are too complicated, it will increase the cost of summoning, and the gains outweigh the losses.

According to Sui Xiong’s design, this kind of divine envoy has a low level of intelligence. The only commands that can be executed are offense, defense, vigilance, and retreat. Among them, he pays most attention to offense and retreat. The former is the key to victory. The latter is the key to keeping one’s low- and middle-level priests alive.

The biggest advantage of the Destroyer-Class Divine Envoy is speed, which is extremely fast. She can gallop in the air at a speed faster than an arrow, and in the water, it can beat most fish. When attacking, she will pass by the enemy at an amazing high speed, and at the same time use the small cannon on the big fish to launch a magical bombardment. And if the situation permits, she will also be directly in front of the enemy and let the big fish eject huge torpedoes. Once hit by a torpedo, even the legendary powerhouse is likely to be seriously injured or even killed. Considering that the summoning of such a divine envoy only requires the ability to be close to the mid-level priest, it can be said to be the best choice for home travel, wandering through rivers and lakes, and killing people!

In addition, the high speed of the destroyer-class envoy can also be used for patrol and retreat. Naturally, it goes without saying that you can patrol more areas if you run fast. The retreat function is what Sui Xiong is most satisfied with.

When the situation is not good, this kind of divine envoy allows the priests to lie on the back of the big fish and run away with the priests. With the high speed that she can’t even catch up with a short bow, it’s hard to imagine that the enemy can successfully pursue this kind of fugitive.

Although it is a little shameful to escape, it can effectively protect the priests to escape successfully, which is the greatest value of this kind of divine envoy!

A few days later, the production of this kind of envoy was completed, and Sui Xiong brought one and showed it to his subordinates.

“Too little dress.”

“Yes, too little! Such clothes… Others will suspect that we are poor…”

“Your Majesty, I know that you don’t care what mortals think of you–and mortals don’t suspect that a jellyfish might be lustful–but you should also think about those priests! Please put yourself in your place and think about it. Well, a low-level priest with white hair and high esteem, summoned such a little girl whose clothes on top and bottom add up to a bandanna. Don’t you feel ashamed of this?”

Sui Xiong was surprised, and after careful consideration, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

“If I change to me, there will probably be an urge to hit and die on a stone on the side of the road.” The oldest old Lord among the church leaders sighed, “Your Majesty, please dress her more!”

Sui Xiong is a kind person, and he readily accepted everyone’s opinions.

Designing a set of clothes for him is as simple as eating and drinking. With a wave of his tentacle, the envoy changed into a light and flexible leather suit.

To be honest, this leather suit is still a bit too sexy, overemphasizing women’s body curves. But the fantasy creatures in this world are everywhere dressed more exaggerated, and this level is not a problem.

After changing her clothes, the next step is to show her abilities. Everyone didn’t say anything about her attack power-even if it is an amazing torpedo attack, it doesn’t make much sense to hit it by sticking it in front of you. But for her high speed, everyone has always given praise.

Especially when Sui Xiong transformed a wounded priest and let the big fish gallop with the wounded on his back to demonstrate the “retreat”, everyone was even brighter and nodded in praise.

Sui Xiong’s consideration is very reasonable. For the Void Masked Church, which originally lacks priests, any middle-to-low-level priest is precious. Whenever possible, they should try to save their lives. This kind of divine envoy who can tell the retreat with the wounded on his back, even without any other ability, is already an excellent summoning object by relying on this ability.

The destroyer-class envoy was well received, which greatly inspired Sui Xiong’s enthusiasm for work. So he immediately started the follow-up work. In less than ten days, he designed two mass-produced envoys, the “light cruiser class” and the “heavy cruiser class”.

The Corvette-class God Envoy looks like a black-haired girl wearing a mask, leather skirt, and long hair. She wore rather heavy leather boots and sturdy leather gloves. When fighting is needed, two types of guns, light and heavy, are summoned from the void, which are equipped on both hands, and the arms are used to control the direction of the artillery. When high-speed movement is required, the leather boots will release a light shield to form an effect similar to an air cushion, which greatly increases the speed.

This kind of envoy is an evolution of the destroyer-level envoy. Its speed has dropped a bit, but its attack power has increased a lot, and it can also throw fish. The key is that it can summon light arm artillery with both hands when necessary. When two groups of light arm artillery attack together, it can form a barrage-like defensive layer in the air. When facing flying monsters or a large number of wary monsters , Can play a miraculous effect.

In general, she is still a defensive envoy.

The heavy cruiser class is different. This kind of girl wearing light leather armor, floating headband, and a long tail behind her will be able to summon two groups once she enters a fighting state~IndoMTL.com~ A heavy artillery shaped like a huge fish head. These two sets of heavy artillery are extremely powerful, and even the legendary powerhouses will feel tricky during continuous shelling. If several are summoned together and attacked together, its power is enough to smooth out a large area, allowing even enemies in the legendary realm to retreat.

In other words, this kind of envoy is offensive.

When Sui Xiong let the heavy cruiser-class ambassador as a sample demonstrate the power of heavy artillery fire, everyone nodded and agreed with her combat effectiveness.

“I really can’t tell from the outside…”

“Very strong!”

“It is already a legendary combat power.”

“This can be summoned only by high-ranking priests? Doesn’t it mean that the high-ranking priests of our church have the strength to match the weaker legendary strong?”△≧miào△≧bi △≧gé△≧

“Wow! At this moment, has our church’s military level improved too much?”

Sui Xiong couldn’t help laughing when everyone was talking about it.

“You guys want to be so beautiful! Is it so easy to summon gods?”

Everyone thought about it and couldn’t help but laugh.

That’s true. Legendary powerhouses can maintain a strong combat power all day long, but the priests of the Masked Void Church can’t summon heavy cruiser-class envoys all day long.

To summon the envoy, not only the cost of the summoning time is required, but in order to maintain the existence of the envoy in the human world, it also needs to consume much magic power. If you forcibly maintain the presence of the divine envoy all-weather, it will not only consume amazing magic power, but also bring an extremely heavy burden to the body of the summoner.

Even if the magic power can keep up, and the magic power output state is maintained, the body can’t bear it!

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