Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 87:

When the spell ended, the pattern was completed, and huge magical power flowed into it like flowing water, tearing the space apart and opening a flashing door. [No pop-up novel network]

A deep and chaotic atmosphere came from the “door”, and it was indeed the abyss. Immediately, an arm thicker than an ordinary person’s waist was stretched out. The arm has a thick layer of nails, and there are many sharp spikes growing on it, which is ferocious and ferocious.

With the weird roar, the owner of that arm, a very weird demon with five arms, four legs, and two heads, passed through the “door”.

Although it is impossible to distinguish its race, Sui Xiong judged the strength of this guy in an instant. It’s still quite strong, if it’s in the abyss, it should be equivalent to the legendary intermediate level, and it’s almost qualified to be a little lord or something. Even if it steps into a plane that is not good for itself and is suppressed, it still maintains the strength that it has just stepped into the legendary level.

A demon of this intensity, if summoned in a densely populated city, is often a huge disaster. The death of a hundred and eighty people can be solved, and it is God blessed. If one is not careful, it is very possible that the entire city will become a dead city.

The devil is a strange and weird creature, even if its power is greatly suppressed, its extremely chaotic nature still exists. Once you get close to it, or even just see it, it may induce confusion in human hearts. Simply put, it is easy to make people crazy.

If you use game terms, you can probably say this: Because the chaotic nature is too powerful, anyone who touches, approaches or even sees the devil must undergo a Will check. If you fail the check, you will fall into a frenzy.

Of course, Sui Xiong will not be affected by the chaotic nature of the demons, but he can’t see the deep breath of the abyss pouring out from the “door”, and seeing the large group of demons gathering there quickly through the “door” Don’t worry about the possible negative impact on the world.

Frowning, he was about to cast a spell to close the “door”. The giant fish had already started to cancel his spell.

With a flash of grayish-white light, the “door” suspended in the air disappeared. Together with it, there were countless demon roars from the abyss and the continuous flow of chaos.

(Very good, at least this fish does not look like a fool or a lunatic.)

Sui Xiong smiled slightly, gave up his plan to shoot, and continued to watch the changes.

The closing of the “door” made the demon passing through lose its back-up, but it didn’t panic-the devil probably didn’t have such feelings, or it was completely focused on the giant fish.

This demon is already quite large, and standing there is probably higher than the ordinary two-story building. It is really a giant. Compared with giant fish, it can’t be considered big. If you are looking for a more specific description… Suppose the giant fish opens its mouth and wants to eat it, it may step on the giant fish’s lower jaw with its feet, and then hold its upper jaw with its hands to protect itself from being swallowed. Drop it.

That’s it.

Sui Xiong felt that if he was this demon, he would be nervous or even scared if he found out that he was summoned and faced such a behemoth. But the devil obviously didn’t think so. It looked at the giant fish, and the yellow-green liquid came out of its huge mouth like a torn.

(Is it saliva? Does this guy want to eat that fish?)

Sui Xiong guessed so.

This thought made him feel a little funny, because he was sure that the giant fish mostly wanted to eat each other.

Because he has read this idea from the heart of the giant fish-summon food, and then eat it, this is its way of life.

(It’s funny, each treats each other as food…)

Sui Xiong watched the confrontation between the demon and the giant fish with interest, wondering how they would fight.

The first shot was the giant fish, whose scales glowed, and then a strange wind blew in the underground cave. The wind was not strong, but there was a strange sense of clarity, completely blowing away the chaotic aura that had originally appeared with the devil and the gate of the abyss, and nothing was left.

Blowed by the wind, the power of the demon once again dropped. Although it was not obvious, it fell off the key “valve”.

Now it has no legendary power.

Of course, the devil could not tolerate this situation continuing, so it also shot.

The body covered by the armor layer glowed with a mysterious purple light, and then it rushed out at an alarming speed, almost like a shaking shadow, in a blink of an eye, it passed between each other at least thirty At a distance of more than meters, he rushed to the giant fish.

But at this time, the giant fish’s attack had already arrived first.

It waved its tentacles and hit the demon accurately.

The tentacle is roughly like a thick whip to the devil, and it can be pulled upside down in just one shot. Before it hits the ground, the other tentacles whistling with the sonic boom, entangled it tightly.

The battle is over.

From the start to the end, there will be no more than half a second before and after. The demon probably hadn’t had time to use all the means, or even just the idea of ​​trying it out first.

But it’s not important. It is entangled by a few tentacles, and it has no chance of turning defeat into victory.

Sui Xiong doesn’t know if the giant fish has any other means, but he can be sure that being entangled into such a demon will never have the ability to come back.

Sure enough, before the devil could do anything else, a large amount of viscous, gray-white liquid had been secreted from the tentacles that entangled it, and it was soaked all at once.

These liquids seem to have wonderful power. The devil was originally full of frenzy and ferocious aura, but after being poured by them, it calmed down in an instant. Its six eyes spread over its two heads revealed a sense of dazedness and silence, and then slowly disappeared even the dazedness and silence, turning into tranquility like an ancient well.

What changed subsequently was its body. After being soaked in the off-white liquid, its body quickly changed color and turned into a dull off-white. Moreover, the originally strong nail layer and spikes have softened, and even the body shape is rapidly changing.

About five minutes later, the original demon turned into a pool of grayish-white slime-like things, lying there quietly, motionless.

The giant fish has already retracted its tentacles, but the devil still maintains that posture or state. Sui Xiong tried to read its heart and found that it was empty, it was almost an empty shell.

Changing the devil into such a shape seems to be a bit difficult for the giant fish. So after finishing this work, it rested for a long time, until dawn was gradually approaching outside, it recovered, wrapped its tentacles around the demon that had turned into a grayish-white slime, and delivered it to its mouth.

Sui Xiong only noticed ~IndoMTL.com~ Its mouth is not very big, and it doesn’t look like that kind of carnivorous fish. Compared with its huge body, it feels a little delicate.

The slime that the demon turned into is a bit big for its mouth, and it’s impossible to swallow it even if it’s all opened. But a slime can be deformed, so it used a “suck” method to slowly **** this slime, which was a demon not long ago, into its mouth.

It took a bit of effort to eat, and it took almost ten minutes to finish the slime.

Looking at it, Sui Xiong understood why it had to work so hard to turn the devil into a slime.

Probably… it can only eat this kind of thing.

Think about it, this guy is really sad. Obviously possessing huge power, but trapped in a small underground lake, he can only rely on summoning demons for food, even eating a meal so hard.

So Sui Xiong showed up.

“I think you are very interesting.” He said to the giant fish who hurriedly made a guard posture, “Are you interested in messing with me and going out and wandering?”

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