Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 77:

The format of the main match of the World No. 1 Tournament Tournament is like this.

In the sixty-four round, two games each morning and afternoon will be held at the same time on the left and right arenas. In this way, there are four games a day, and a total of eight days can be played.

After this phase is over, the top 32 games will be followed by two games in the morning and afternoon each day, but the first game will start two hours after the start of the second game—according to the general situation In other words, it takes two hours to finish one game, so the time of the two games can be almost staggered, so that the audience can watch all four games without worrying about one and the other.

The thirty-second stage will take four days. After four days, everyone will draw lots to decide the grouping of the top sixteen, and then take a day off.

The round of 16 matches will be one each in the morning and the afternoon. Because of the double defeat and elimination, it takes six days to eliminate four people, leaving eight people in the winner group and four people in the loser group, and enter the next game. One round, or the top twelve.

The top twelve stage is still in the morning and the afternoon. It takes two days to select four people from the top eight to enter the winner group, and then the eight people in the loser group compete for the remaining four places, which is also two. Days.

In the quarter-finals, there are still games in the morning and afternoon, one day for the winner group and two days for the loser group-in fact, it only takes half a day on the third day.

In the next stage, there are three in the loser group and two in the winner group. But it doesn’t matter, the person who lost in the winner group happened to be in the loser group, and it was still an even number.

This stage is one game every day, the winner group on the first day, and the loser group on the second and third days.

Next is the loser’s game to determine the ownership of the third place. The winner gets the chance to compete for the championship with the last one in the winner group. Of course, because he is in the loser group and the opponent is in the winner group, if he wins, he will have to fight another game to really decide the outcome.

This competition system is a bit complicated, but in general it is fair. Players who can reach the top 16 will have to lose twice before they really lose their chance. Everyone is equal.

As for physical strength, under the blessing of the gods, there will be no physical exhaustion due to continuous competition. It’s just mental exhaustion, even the deity can’t help it.

…The factor of luck cannot be ruled out after all.

The fierce competition is still going on. Every day there are many masters who qualify, and many masters lose.

The two huge arenas have not only attracted the attention of the powerhouses from all countries on the main plane, but even attracted the attention of many otherworldly great beings.

“You feel that the two priesthoods of’competition’ and’competition’ are being bred over there.”

In the “Hall of Heroic Spirits” where there are fighting and fighting everywhere, the God of Fighting has a gloomy face, looking at the figure who is talking eloquently.

“Of course I feel it, but what does it have to do with you?” He said coldly, “Don’t tell me, you are not only interested in’murder’ and’assassination’, but also plan to expand your priesthood. Seek more clergy in the direction of battle?”

The weird face of the **** of conspiracy with only eyes and mouth showed a strange smile, as if three horizontal crescents were drawn on a white mask: “Everyone is an immortal existence. What’s the point of covering up like this? What?”

The face of the **** of battle is even more gloomy: “What on earth do you want to say?”

“For a long time, as the master of war, the priesthood of’battle’ or’small-scale combat’ has always been dominated by you. But you can see that the world-shaking contest completely took you I was excluded, but let the guy who only has the guardian priest of the’warrior’ come to preside…Don’t you think there is something tricky behind this?”

The **** of battle was silent, but he was actually dissatisfied long ago, even full of vigilance.

In the aspect of “battle”, “competition” is a very important part. Although the weight of “competition” is relatively light, for him, who has only medium power, any loss should be avoided as much as possible. .

The loss of priesthood is different from the loss of divine power and divine nature. The latter two can be recovered slowly by time, but the former cannot be recovered. Lost is lost.

The loss of the priesthood is an extremely serious blow to the deity. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many gods have been weakened for this reason, or even fell directly.

So once the issue of priesthood is involved, fierce battles often occur between the gods, and in many cases they are even endless.

After all, for a deity with weak or even weak divine power, losing a key priesthood means falling. Since they are all fallen, of course it would be better to fight to the death, even if it is a vigorous death, than to die in vain.

As a member of the God of War, the God of War is certainly not a coward. If necessary, He doesn’t mind drawing a sword and fighting a life or death!

But… He actually hesitated.

Medium divine powers like him are not up to down, in a somewhat awkward position.

Slightly gaining some clergy will not help him break through and advance; but losing some clergy will not cause him to weaken and downgrade.

If it’s just a “competition” of the priesthood, he doesn’t need to hesitate like this, and just bear it.

But… the priesthood of “competition”…

The tall god, who is always in armor and ready to fight, sits on his throne built with trophy weapons, and is lost in thought.

The **** of conspiracy smiled, and his figure slowly faded, disappearing without a trace.

He knew that his persuasion had worked.

Perhaps the original warrior **** would endure this tone. After all, if he wants to fight, he will face not only the steel lion, but also the entire wild **** system, and even the powerful one who has an undecided priesthood. Masked Void is the enemy.

In this case, even if he can fight very well, even if there are several gods in the war **** system that can fight, he can’t say that he can win.

Of course, they can ask the Lord of the King of War to take action, but there is also a **** of justice on the side of the steel lion. In the face of the lunatic who had been on the wheel of order and challenged the great god, even the most brave warlord among the gods could not say that he would definitely win.

In a battle like that, even if you win, the war gods will hurt your muscles and bones. If you lose, I’m afraid it will be even more devastating!

So, the warrior **** hesitated again and again, ordinarily, he would give up.

But after the conspiracy **** persuaded, the situation was different.

If reality is a game, just now when the **** of conspiracy persuaded, there must be a system prompt like this:

【The **** of conspiracy has launched a persuasion against the **** of warriors. This persuasion is a bluff and deceptive negotiation. 】

【The **** of warriors did not succeed in bluffing through firm determination. 】

【The **** of conspiracy completes the persuasion, and the **** of warriors will accept the task “Compete for the priesthood”. 】

After a while, the warrior **** finally made up his mind to go to the center of the “Breakdown Wasteland” of the war **** kingdom to meet the **** king of the war god, the great **** of war.

Close to the void above the ash forest on the main plane, in the kingdom of God that is already bordering the chaotic world, Morani’s body suddenly felt a little uneasy, but it was fleeting.

Intuition tells him that something bad seems to have happened, but it doesn’t seem to be serious.

“Is one of my priests in danger? Or is a certain group of believers suffering from misfortune?” He cast his gaze on the world suspiciously, patrolling around.

Sure enough, he soon discovered that one of his priests had been assassinated, and the murderer was absconding.

For those gods with many believers, the life and death of a priest is not enough. But Morani doesn’t have so many believers. The priests under his command, especially the priests above the middle rank, can count them with the fingers of both hands.

The death of a priest like this is not a small loss for him!

Morani’s face sank like water, and he lowered the oracle.

The priest closest to the priest hurried away and tried to use the “resurrection technique” to bring the dead priest back to life.

Although Morani can lower his clone to use the resurrection technique, in that case, it will consume more divine power than this. After all, for him, who hadn’t even reached the mid-level divine power, there were only so many clones that could be created, and now they are all doing their own responsibilities, and there is no way to separate them.

If you want to lower the clone to resurrect, you must temporarily create a clone that can carry this level of divine power, which is beyond his ability and will cause several times the consumption.

The priest who received the oracle hurriedly set off~IndoMTL.com~Because there was an oracle to indicate the direction, he used teleportation and arrived in a while.

Next, is the resurrection.

In this world, in theory, every deity can use resurrection. But in fact, with the exception of deities with healing or divine power in the life field, most deities are extremely reluctant to use resurrection.

Because the priesthood of “life” remains vacant, no deity has acquired it. This means that if you want to rejuvenate the dead, you cannot simply negotiate with the **** of life and use the divine power to trade, but you must rely on the **** to use his own divine power to convert into life divine power.

The deity with the life domain is naturally not a problem. The healing domain power can also be converted into life power at a relatively low loss, but if other powers want to be converted into life power, it is good to change ten times. Up. The gods of conspiracy, the **** of death, and the **** of destruction are almost all evil and destructive guys in their fields and fields. Their divine powers often need to be replaced by a hundred before they can be transformed into life divine power!

Of course Morani has no life or healing power, but he has the power to protect the realm. The conversion into life power is about twenty for one, which is not a special loss.

After consuming a lot of divine power, the resurrection is complete. Although the priest who was resurrected was very weak and needed a period of cultivation, he finally escaped.

Morani sighed a little tiredly, then turned to look at the stadium of the World’s No. 1 Tournament Tournament.

Now, only the wonderful game can make him feel better.

“Fortunately, since the World No. 1 Tournament held with Oscar, my divine income has greatly increased. Otherwise, this expenditure would really hurt me!”

He muttered to himself, without feeling that a conspiracy against himself was completed…

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