Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 74: ·Peace and Development

The defeat of the Lord of Radiance has caused a major setback for the human gods that were already vigorous. Apex Novel

Although they still have three powerful divine powers sitting in town, they are still the strongest family among the various races, but after losing the leader of the great divine power, the Lord of Radiance, they not only did not forcibly expel the races and thus dominate the plane. The strength of the people even shrinks to avoid being besieged and annihilated by all races.

Fortunately, at this time, the leader of the righteous god, the leader of order, the leader of the evil god, the leader of the void, the two great divine powers unanimously stated that too many people and too many gods have died in this battle, and everyone is still safe. After a while, let’s recover first.

In other words, they do not support the unity of all races to encircle and annihilate the human gods.

This is inevitable. Although the Lord of Radiance was beaten to death by them, he knew that he would be resurrected sooner or later. Stay a line in doing things, and you will see each other in the future. If you really make humans too miserable, and beware of the resurrected Glory Lord who turns into a terrorist with great power, it is simply a nightmare for the whole world!

With two great divine powers coming forward to make peace, the gods are naturally hard to say anything. They have to put aside the contradiction with the human **** system for the time being, and instead are busy directing their race to resume production and life, and slowly restore its former prosperity.

The previous battle really hurt everyone. Both mortals and gods are exhausted, and everyone really needs rest.

But the Lord of the Void and the gods under his command do not need to rest. The gods of the Void God system, and those evil gods who have shown proper respect for the Lord of the Void, did not participate in this battle at all. Although their leader, the Lord of Void, did not know how many injuries he suffered in that battle, only a few days later, the old man flew around again, waving his tentacles, as if he had fully recovered.

In this regard, His Majesty, the God of Justice, the elder brother, once asked curiously: “How do you recover so quickly? Is the recovery ability of great divine power so strong?”

Sui Xiong’s answer is: “That little injury, just put on saliva.”

Can the saliva of a jellyfish be used to heal? No one would believe it. But looking at this vigorous look, you have to believe it if you don’t believe it.

What’s more, even if you don’t believe it, is there anyone who can catch this great divine power and torture him and ask him what happened?

So the God of Justice had to shook his head and found a place to cultivate himself.

In the previous battle, I was seriously injured and almost made a star in the sky by the Lord of Radiance. Now I really need to rest for a few years.

So the world was peaceful, Sui Xiong looked at the main plane that had lost its protection, and couldn’t help but moved his mind, planning to restore the main plane barrier.

What he thought the goddess of life could do at the beginning, how could he not be able to do it with a great divine power himself? As a result, it was only after the actual hands-on that I realized that Teme really couldn’t do it!

In his power, there are too many “chaotic” elements. If you just want to build a simple barrier, such as “no access” or the like, then of course there is no problem, but I want to make this structure The world is so complex that it can carefully screen the targets, accurately drive out those above a certain level of strength, and leave the weak…It’s really, a little difficult.

Sui Xiong tried to make more than a dozen large and small models, but none of them met the requirements. The power of these models is either too strong or too weak, either too much, or not enough. In short, none of them are as easy to use as the goddess of life made.

After many attempts, Sui Xiong finally gave up. He mumbled “Skills has a specialization”, “Tigers can’t climb trees” and so on, turning his body into a transparent cover, covering the Lord. Plane.

The enchantment is not very useful, so use yourself to recharge. Anyway, with his current power, even if a small clone was separated, it was enough to solve various problems. There was no need to repair the main plane barrier.

It’s just that the idea has not been realized. It always makes him feel very unexpected and unhappy. Even if he was dragged by Vie to drink hundreds of different wines and ate thousands of different dishes, he still couldn’t. Let him completely let go of this depression and restore a comfortable mood.

…Sui Xiong would never admit that he was just pretending to be depressed afterwards, so as to cheat and drink.

He is a dignified great divine power, the leader of the evil god, and the noble and great Lord of the Void, how can he do that kind of loss!

Well, the only thing to blame is that the wine and dishes are so delicious that he unknowingly took his own morals and eaten his stomach…

Time flies, and the days pass slowly in peace.

About two or three years later, the noble gods of the human gods came to see him and asked for help in breaking up the priesthood.

The **** of nobility has been tortured for too long and too long by the torment of the priesthood. This insidious goddess who used to take one step at a time, is now in a trance, slow to move, and even her face is white and blue, only the eyes are black and dark Heavy, just like a mutant pandaman. Said that he could not bear the pain, and asked the Lord of the Void for help, and now split off the part of his priesthood that would be taken away by the king of power, even if it fell to weak or even weak divine power, it would not hesitate to do so. .

Sui Xiong did not refuse. He felt that the noble **** was punished enough, and he helped the noble **** to solve this small problem.

Interestingly, after the division of the priesthood, the gods of the nobles were released. In fact, there are not many divinities that have been dismantled. The remaining divinities are condensed into the priesthood, which is still enough to maintain a medium level of divine power. .

Although the **** of kingship has an innate advantage in terms of “royal power,” the priesthood of the **** of nobility does not overlap as much as previously imagined.

The evidence is that the **** of kingship was just a mere ordinary medium divine power, even if it is not one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the powerful divine power~IndoMTL.com~, it is at least 54,000 miles away, while the **** of nobility is Relying on the impetus of faith, he has stepped onto the level of powerful divine power.

After removing the part belonging to the **** of kingship from the priesthood of the **** of nobility, the loss is of course great, but it is just “great”.

After finally getting rid of the pain of the noble **** and returning to the human **** system, he began to push for another major event.

Begin calling on the nobles to regain their former glory and win the support of the people with courage and virtue. And frequently sent envoys to rectify the circle of nobles, clean up those nobles who have been decaying and degenerate, and warn and rectify those nobles who can still be saved. Under the rectification, the atmosphere of the aristocratic circle has been renewed, and people in many places have begun to respect and worship their lord master again.

It took almost twenty years for the noble **** to complete this rectification, and then another big news called the warriors of mankind to take up arms and explore the world beyond the main plane. Use your own wisdom and strength to open up a new living space for mankind.

“Go explore! Go open! Go to open up your own territory and name a new world after you! Even if your children and grandchildren lose the glory you leave behind, at least this memory will last forever Go down in history, as immortal as gods!”

Under this call, mankind’s great pioneering has been launched vigorously.

In just one hundred years, mankind has opened up more than a dozen large and small worlds in one breath, showing an extremely vigorous vigor, and a vigorous vitality that all races are extremely envious of.

And the **** of nobility also won a huge faith by virtue of these achievements, and once again stepped into a powerful divine power.

Furthermore, he subdued the human gods and became a new generation of human **** king after the Lord of Glory.


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