Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 70:

“This is the new bed you gave me?” Snowflake looked at the pile of gold coins on the ground, her thin eyebrows furrowed, and her head sideways, as if a little distressed, “However, I don’t like it. Sleep on the gold coins.”

Sui Xiong was taken aback. He remembered that regardless of the stories on the earth or the legends of this world, giant dragons love to sleep on piles of gold coins. Even if you don’t have enough gold coins, it’s okay to add silver coins and copper coins. If conditions permit, it would be better to add some jewels and magic props to the pile of gold coins. And from the reaction of Hao, it is indeed true-then why doesn’t Snowflakes like it?

Seeing his surprise, Xue Xue sighed and explained: “I don’t like to show my real body. Unless it is a unavoidable situation, I sleep like a human being even when I rest— —Didn’t you find out? Both Frost and Hao’s bedrooms are surprisingly large, but my room is the size of an ordinary human.”

Sui Xiong was taken aback for a moment and asked, “Why don’t you like gold coins? Shouldn’t dragons like shiny things?”

“…that is the crow you said!”

“Doesn’t the dragon like it?”

Snowflakes sighed: “Prejudice against this thing is terrible!”

“As far as culture is concerned, our dragons promote the collection of wealth. The more wealth we can collect, the more capable we are and the more respected and admired by our people. Over time, many dragons will This culture has turned into a hobby—for example, Hao is like that.” She explained, “However, I don’t agree with this culture at all! On the contrary, I hate meaningless collections, and even more hate to get Wealth just go wrong! Of course I also like wealth, but what I like is wealth obtained through my business or labor.”

Sui Xiong nodded his head again and again, deeply agreeing.

“You have made a lot of fortune and want to help some of us improve our living environment. I thank you for your kindness-but no need.” Snowflakes smiled and turned and left, “Also, help me clean up the room. It’s clean and full of gold coins. It’s very inconvenient.”

Sui Xiong curled his lips, cast a spell to put away the gold coins, and cleaned up by the way.

“I have a deity to help you clean, and you really have face…”

The next day, he found Shuang again. This time he was more cautious and asked first.

“You want to give me a lot of gold coins to make a bed?” Shuang tilted his head, looked at the jellyfish floating in front of him with foolish eyes, shook his head, and sighed.

“Hey! What is your attitude!”

“It’s okay, you guys are always so uncomfortable!” Shuang shrugged, looking innocent. “Do you think I like to sleep in a pile of gold coins?”

“…Isn’t it because you are so poor that you don’t have a pile of gold coins to make a bed?”

Shuang couldn’t help but get angry, and said angrily: “I have money!”

“I understand, bean buns are also dry food, and a dollar is also money.”

Shuang was trembling with anger, and felt deeply that chatting with this **** jellyfish was her biggest mistake today, so she turned around and left.

“Hey, you haven’t said whether you want a gold coin bed!” Sui Xiong shouted.

“Leave it as a coffin for you!” Shuangtou said without looking back.

Sui Xiong sighed deeply as he watched him fly away.

“In these days, there is still something not needed to give money to people…”

He thought about it, and simply found Rod.

“You said, you plan to invest the money from life-prolonging potions in the construction of the church?” Rod pondered for a moment and asked, “Although I have estimated it in private, how much is the money?”

Sui Xiong told him a number.

Rod did not look very excited or surprised. He thought about it for a while, and said with some regret: “Sorry, the current manpower of our church has reached the limit. Although there is such an amazing wealth, I I really can’t think of any way to spend it in a short time…”

Sui Xiong left helplessly, and muttered as he walked: “What kind of world is this! There is no place to spend money… If on earth, so much money… I will go to Beijing Sanhuan to buy a house, and I will buy it at once. A few sets, one for me, one for my parents, one for my wife, and one for the rest!”

“…No, I don’t even have a girlfriend, where is the **** my wife!”

He sighed deeply and felt the so-called “maliciousness of the world” again.

When the poor have money, it is inevitable that they want to scream. Especially he is not just rich now, he is very rich!

The Chinese people often use the term “wealth than a country” when describing a person who is rich. Most of the top local tyrants on the planet are also the rulers of some backward countries, the guys who turn national assets into personal wealth—for example, local rich men who sell stones. However, as far as Sui Xiong knew, there seemed to be no individuals who were truly “rich in the enemy’s country.”

But he is now.

How much money does he have now? It’s not easy to estimate, anyway, it’s conservatively estimated. Pick one of the main countries. From the central to the local level, the total number of treasuries at each level is probably not as much.

Now his question is, how to spend this money?

The big jellyfish sat on the canopy of a big tree, thinking.

“How about building a bank? I remember that building a bank seems to require a lot of money… I can go to the deposit business, and I can also lend and mint…”

“It doesn’t seem to work. This is robbing business with the **** of wealth. Although that guy is a bit rich and unkind, he finally has a good relationship with me. He is so good and unkind!”

“Going to do scientific research again? Doesn’t it mean that scientific research burns the most money!”

“…It doesn’t seem to work either. Scientific research requires manpower. Where can I do this? Now the relationship between the Lord of the Mysteries and me is so bad, many spellcasters who had cooperated have cut off contact with the church. , The manpower is already insufficient.”

“Take it to invest in the construction of Gals City?”

“Gals City is currently on the right track, and it seems that there is no need for large sums of wealth…”

He thought and thought and thought, until he thought that his tentacles hurt, and then he had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good idea.

“I’m going to hold a world’s No. 1 martial arts tournament! Well, that’s the name! Then, I call on all those who want to make a fortune and have confidence in their own abilities to participate. Win a game and give a bonus, and lose There are also hard costs. In the end, the person who wins the championship will get a lot of money! And a medal for the’first so-and-so World Championship Championship’!”

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was reliable. Although it didn’t match the original intention of “spending money”, it was at least very interesting.

Interesting, that’s it!

So the matter was settled. Sui Xiong mobilized the power of the entire Masked Void Church, and carried out extensive publicity with the help of the teleportation array to the capitals of various countries on the main plane.

“Want to let people all over the world know your name?”

“Want to prove your strength?”

“Want to get rich overnight?”

“Then come to the Masked Void Amusement Park and participate in the world’s No. 1 competition!”

Such propaganda words quickly spread throughout the major cities on the main plane, and the villages gradually became well-known.

Many adventurers go to the Masked Void Amusement Park from all directions. They have a bit of stunts and want to become famous in one fell swoop, so that their fame can be heard all over the world; some are ambitious and want to be with the strong from all over the world Contest, explore the way to a higher level; some are purely for the championship bonus, because they need money; others are more pragmatic, just to earn a stable appearance fee; the most exaggerated are some character jumps Young people who love to play, they just want to be able to use the teleportation array for free to meet the world at the Masked Void Playground.

In the vicinity of the playground, Sui Xiong has already prepared a huge competition field. More than a dozen separate arenas, with a large number of auditoriums, and densely packed temporary shelters like pigeon cages, not only provided the participants with basic living security, but also allowed them to see the ability and confidence of the Void Mask Church.

According to the regulations, the registration time is three months in total. When the time expired, according to statistics, more than 10,000 people came to the competition, and the number of people who came to watch the excitement was several times higher.

If Sui Xiong had not prepared in advance, he had not only built a large number of pigeon cage houses, but also prepared a large amount of food. The food and housing of these tens of thousands of people would be overwhelming.

But even if he had prepared in advance to carry such an astonishing number of residents at once, the reception capacity of Masked Void Playground had almost reached its limit.

Fortunately, Sui Xiong is rich now~IndoMTL.com~ is very rich, a lot of money is thrown out, a large number of temporary workers are hired, and the previous material reserves are added, which just supports the scene.

Hold up the scene, and the next step is to make a profit. Of course, these people who watch the excitement will not just watch the competition. Now that they have come to the playground, they will inevitably want to eat, drink, and play. For a time, the various play items in the amusement park were overcrowded, and even the dungeon where the business was deserted to the point of view became lively. A team of adventurers composed of novices who knew nothing at all seemed to be headless in the dungeon. Flies generally ran around everywhere, encountering monsters and traps from time to time, bursting out violent screams.

The staff of the maze are busy now. They are constantly shuttled through the maze, reaching out to the troubled and embarrassed adventurers, to ensure that these novices who know nothing are shocked, but also To soothe their emotions when necessary, take them to a safe area to rest.

There is no day and night in the maze, and there is often a wave of busyness. Not to mention the novices who lack exercise, even the guides who are veteran adventurers are tired enough.

But even in such noisy, busy, and exhausted, the reputation of Masked Void Playground has finally become fully established. Whether it’s as a golden cave for eating, drinking and playing, as a tourist attraction for relaxation and entertainment, or as a good place to experience the life of adventurers, in short, countless people have experienced the fun of this playground and made the playground revenue* ***rising.

Liv, who complained constantly at the beginning, has stopped complaining now. On the contrary, she enjoys the busy feeling now.

In the midst of this hustle and bustle, the first World Championship Tournament finally kicked off…

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