Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 68:

After getting married, Wood’s life changed.

Now he no longer spends seven or eight hours a day or more doing engraving work in the workshop. Instead, he is busy at home in the morning, or walks with his wife, and will go to the workshop in the afternoon to work, and then at night. Go home early. The neighbors near the workshop no longer saw the lights that were always on at night in the workshop, but saw Wood’s face becoming more and more radiant and his smile alive, and there was no such thing as repelling people thousands of miles away like in the past. feel.

Everyone is very happy about this.

Even the north wind is no exception.

Of course, the reason she is happy is different from others.

Others are happy because Wood is more energetic, and she is happy because Wood has revealed a flaw.

When we first met, Wood was a cautious person, even in the face of his companions from the motherland, he appeared cautious and did not reveal any flaws. But after getting married, he obviously relaxed a lot. The flaws in his ordinary life are everywhere, and it can be said that he is very different.

If North Wind wanted to kill him, he would already be dead.

But Beifeng didn’t want to kill him so quickly. She is currently unfamiliar here. At least she has to borrow Wood’s relationship and take root in Pyroxene City.

Wait until she is fully familiar with the situation in Pyroxene, which is the death date of the traitor!

It’s just that as the days passed, she became a little confused.

Wood’s performance is really not like a person who tends to betray.

Don’t say anything else, if he really betrayed, why would he still live a stable married life with her honestly, without the slightest secret?

Isn’t he afraid that the secret of his betrayal will be discovered?

He just underestimated himself?

Bei Feng felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Being underestimated is actually a good thing for spies. If the enemy underestimates you, it is easy to reveal flaws and make mistakes at critical moments. So the spies are all masters who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and all of them are good at hiding their strength.

But… it’s unpleasant to be underestimated by a “companion”.

Especially Wood!

When North Wind first became a spy, he had heard of Wood’s story. He once played the role of a court bard who stirred up contradictions among the thunder king’s clan and successfully triggered a small-scale rebellion, sending the most talented son of the thunder king to **** and removing the potential threat.

He also sneaked for thousands of miles alone, traversing the entire Primordial Forest with chasing troops following him, and delivered an important piece of information from the country of a thousand springs. Because of this, he was seriously injured and almost killed. Even the pastor was surprised and praised him for surpassing his physical body. Otherwise, he would have died on the road.

He is a character idolized by junior spies, and Beifeng is no exception.

So when Beifeng was selected as the executor of this mission after rigorous training and repeated screening, she was shocked when she learned the content of her mission before departure.

How is it possible!

Why did Wood betray? This is impossible!

After she calmed down, she thought about it again and was a little bit grateful.

If Wood really betrayed, as a junior who had worshipped him, it would be a rare honor to be able to personally execute the punishment on him.

Although… she didn’t want this honor at all.

When she arrived in Pyroxene City, she really saw Wood, only to find that the former ace spy seemed a little weaker.

It’s not that his strength is weak, his strength is not weak at all, and he even stepped into a high-level level the day after he married her, becoming a king who can stand up even if he enters or leaves the king’s court. Characters with heads and faces.

The “weakness” felt by North Wind is that Wood’s ability as a spy has weakened.

He is still able to collect information, but his sensitivity to information has decreased, and his alertness to danger has decreased, and he has gradually become less like a spy, but like a real artist.

These changes only slowly appeared after he got married. Although they are just some signs, for the keen observation of the north wind, what these signs predict can be taken as facts.

This Wood is not the one that North Wind imagined.

She thought that she would fight each other wits and courage, maybe it would take her all her life to destroy the other party; she also imagined that her mission was easily exposed and then killed without fighting back; she also imagined Wood actually didn’t betray, everything was just a misunderstanding… This last imagination is the most.

Unfortunately, all imaginations are wrong.

Wood really betrayed, and then, as he became weaker and weaker, he no longer had the sharpness and alertness that an ace spy should have.

Beifeng was both happy and angry to see him like this.

Of course I am happy because the task will be easy to complete, but I am angry because I see that my former idol is willing to fall.

Who is Wood? He is the most outstanding spy of the Secret Tower Federation, and the idol of their junior spies!

How could he become so weak! How could he lose the keenness and vigilance that a spy should have!

Being underestimated by him like this made her angry, and she wanted to rant.

Is there any reason for this? She, an excellent spy who is always keen and vigilant, will actually be underestimated by a trash who is becoming more and more careless and duller and less vigilant!

Damn it! It’s horrible!

But the north wind couldn’t break out, and even the slightest sign could not be revealed.

Wood has indeed become weaker, but this does not mean that he is really a waste. On the contrary, he may cheer up again at any time, becoming keen as a cat, cunning as a fox, and fierce as a wolf.

In any case, his strength lies here, and his past brilliant achievements lies here.

Those who dare to look down upon him either have eye problems or brain problems!

Beifeng’s eyes are normal and her brain is normal, so she never dared to show any suspicious traces, acting honestly as a “junior sent to assist Wood’s work”.

If Wood hadn’t betrayed, this would have been what she had to do.

So she was able to do it very well, without any problems at all.

About half a month later, Beifeng started to engage in education according to the original plan.

She first rented a room, cleaned up and tidied up, and on Wood’s suggestion, all the sharp wooden utensils in the room were rounded, and the areas that might hit the children were also covered with soft cloth. To ensure safety.

Then, following the appearance of a professional studio, she set up a much larger painting classroom and purchased a large number of simple painting materials.

Everything was prepared, she began to promote, inviting the family of Pyroxenite to send children to learn painting.

In this regard, the residents of Pyroxene City were a little confused and worried at first.

Painting is really too tall. The residents of Pyroxenite City are basically not from high society. For them, “painting” is a bit too far away from them.

But there is no parent in the world who does not want their children to learn useful skills, and there is no parent who does not want their children to be positive, even if they can’t enter the upper society, it is good to learn the skills of the upper society!

So when they learned that the cost of learning painting in Beifeng was not high, they dispelled their worries and rushed to send their children to study.

Anyway, that is the wife of the great artist Mr. Wood. Even if he is not as good as Mr. Wood, she is at least an artist!

How honorable and glorious it is that my children can be taught by an artist!

If you can go further, learn some real skills, and become an artist in the future, so much the better!

Beifeng didn’t expect so many families to sign up, and it was a little frantic for a while. Fortunately, Wood was rich, so he immediately sprinkled money to recruit a lot of helpers to avoid making mistakes in her busy schedule and making any mistakes.

“I didn’t expect it!” After the busy start of school, Beifeng said with emotion, “The people in Pyroxene City are so keen on letting children learn to paint! My tuition is not high, but neither Low! Two gold coins a year, this is equivalent to the money that an ordinary farmer can save for a whole year!”

“Two gold coins are not many.” Wood said, “You have also been exposed to the prices of Pyroxene City and the Northwestern Republic during this period. How do you feel?”

“The things here are a bit expensive.” Beifeng said, “You can buy a chicken for two copper coins in a small town in the Federation, and you can buy three copper coins in the highest tower, but four in Pyroxene City. If you get to the Void City, do you need five?”

“Almost. This is very remote. Most of the supplies have to be transported over thousands of rivers and rivers. For example, chickens and ducks can be raised by themselves. They are relatively cheap.” Wood smiled and said, “But, here The income of the people in Void City is also high. With the Void City as the core, the residents of the Northwestern Republic have much higher income than other places. For the people here, two gold coins are nothing more than the travel expenses for the whole family to go to Void City. . If you want to eat something special over there, play some interesting projects, you will have to spend more money.”

“Pyroxene City is regarded as the second most prosperous area in the Northwestern Republic. Every family here can easily take out hundreds of gold coins. A family with a middle income or above can even save such a sum of money in two or three years. So For them, spending two gold coins a year for children to learn to paint is not an unacceptably high price.”

The north wind was silent for a long time, then sighed softly.

These days, she has been working hard to collect information, and she feels that she has enough knowledge about Pyroxene City—regardless of the pattern of the city, the residences of the bigwigs, the law of shifts of city defense soldiers, and the patrol routes of the city’s guards, She almost figured it out.

But she only now knows that there are still many things she needs to know. She is actually just a layman for Pyroxene City and the Northwestern Republic!

Wood is worthy of being one of the most outstanding spies of the Mystic Tower Federation in recent decades. Even though he has gradually become dull and unconscious, his accumulated knowledge and understanding of the Northwestern Republic over the years is still amazing. Of wealth.

If he can return to the Federation, this wealth will belong to the Federation…

She thought so, but immediately warned herself not to think about it.

In the face of a superpower like Wood, you will have life worry if you are not careful. It would be great to be able to successfully kill him to complete the task, don’t think about more!

But, she just couldn’t help thinking about this.

A few days later, she finally couldn’t help it, and tentatively asked Wood if she had any plans to return to the Secret Tower Federation.

Wood’s eyes widened at hearing, his face was full of surprise, and he asked loudly: “Is it really possible?”

“Probably it is okay…Now we have two people here. Someone temporarily leaves for a while, as long as it is not too long, it should be fine.”

Wood jumped up with joy: “Great! I’m going to pack my luggage! Tomorrow morning, I will leave!”

“…You don’t think about it anymore?” Bei Feng frowned secretly and couldn’t help asking, “I made a hasty decision, okay.”

“What’s the rush?” Wood said with a smile, “I want to go home for a long time! You have just arrived here, don’t understand my mood! For a long-term lurking For people, homesickness is like a poison that goes deep into the bone marrow. It makes you unable to help but think of the plants and trees in your hometown… For a while, I dreamed of the highest tower and its majestic main city. Door, dreaming of the towering tower, dreaming of the snack bars full of southern atmosphere in the living area under the tower, dreaming of those magic apprentices who have no identity and entangled with the grocery store owners for a silver coin for a long time…not afraid of you A joke, I even miss every tree and even every weed there!”

“I remember when I set off, my superiors told me that the hidden work this time might be longer. I only thought that it would be about two or three years. Who knows that three years and three years, three years and three years, three Years and three years… ten years have passed in a blink of an eye.” He looked up to the sky and sighed, his voice was full of sighs, “Ten years! Life can be more than ten years!”

(Is this the reason for your betrayal?)

Beifeng didn’t say anything, just secretly spit out in my heart~IndoMTL.com~ I also said in the report that I have been away for too long and have been lurking here for too long. I suggest you change someone. Yes, but they were all rejected. “Wood sighed and said, “You know, sometimes I even worry, did my superiors have forgotten me?” “

“Sometimes I even have ridiculous thoughts, wondering if they will simply destroy my files and let me be a woodcarving artist in the Northwestern Republic?”

Wood sat down and shook his head with a wry smile: “When that idea came up, I was really frightened. I almost left everything behind and ran back to ask what happened.”

“You really think too much.” Beifeng said.

“Yeah, I think too much. The family hasn’t forgotten me at all-it’s just that my thinking conflicts with my superiors, so I was treated coldly.” Wood smiled vicissitudes of life, “but it’s okay, really It’s okay. I don’t care about meritorious service. I’ve done enough credit. I just want to get home alive, and it’s best to be able to take care of it at home.”

His face glowed, and his eyes lit up: “I wonder, when I am old, I will buy a house in the small town near the High Tower, set up a small bookstore, and sell some Books such as travel notes. At that time, I will sit between the bookshelves every day, watching the young people walking around in the bookshelves, introducing them to my books-oh, of course, my sculptures.”

Beifeng looked at him excitedly, but couldn’t help but sneer in his heart.

This feeling may be real, but for a spy who has betrayed, these are nothing more than fantasy.

(This guy probably wants to return to the Federation and be a double agent, right? Haha… don’t dream!)

She lowered her head and smiled at the corner of her mouth to hide the flash of cold in her eyes.

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