Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 66:

“Your Majesty the Great Mask of the Void, thank you for giving us today’s food, Amen.”

Under the leadership of the old man, the orphans folded their hands together, said a prayer, and then bowed to the jellyfish pattern on the wall not far away and drew a cross on their chests.

If on the earth, this kind of heresy and pagan integration will definitely be condemned by theologians, maybe someone will yell “xxx Barak” to blow up this cult stronghold, but there are many gods here. In the world, an orphanage invested and established by the Void Mask Church is a matter of course.

Actually, Sui Xiong himself does not approve of **** of faith to orphanages. He believes that people should have freedom of religion—both freedom of belief and freedom of disbelief, and the freedom to believe in others, of course. There is freedom to change beliefs. In his opinion, this is all taken for granted, and he cannot just claim the wrong things as correct just because he has become a deity.

The orphanage is a charity, and there is no need to pursue any rewards for doing good. Even if you ask for rewards, it should not be tied to your faith.

Seeing those children who often speak “The Great Void Mask” from time to time, he feels panicked, and he always feels that if this orphanage goes on, it will sooner or later develop to brainwash the children. Then inculcate extreme concepts, and finally let them act like people to carry out terrorist attacks…

Thinking of this possibility, he felt that his posterior molars hurt.

But his statement was unanimously refuted by the believers, and even the old man in charge of the orphanage did not support him.

In their view, the orphanage is also a part of the church. Since these orphans receive help, of course they should give their faith. It is justified and there is no problem at all.

What does the church ask for? Of course it is faith! Is anything else valuable to a great existence beyond the earth? There is no value at all!

“Your Majesty, haven’t you told me about’equivalent exchange’ before. These children are rescued from the orphanage, and what they get is life. Is there anything in the world that can be compared with life? Probably there is only faith Let’s go.” Leon persuaded him, “Of course it’s great to pay without asking for rewards, but getting help and not rewarding is very despicable? For these children, if you get your help, just In return for your faith, I think it’s very appropriate.”

Sui Xiong was silent for a long time. He felt that Leon’s statement was very problematic, but he couldn’t tell where the problem was.

Finally, he left a sentence “When these children grow up, we must ensure that they have the freedom to choose their beliefs”, and he no longer pays attention to the orphanage.

It is the most important thing to ensure that these children grow up healthily. The rest will be discussed in the future.

He is a god, but not a god.

“Speaking of which…maybe we should try God’s way?”

So, he came into that chaotic world again.

Clearing his throat, Sui Xiong shouted: “First of all, there must be light!”

There was silence in the chaos, and there was no response.

“Huh? Did I remember the lines wrong?” He thought for a while, and muttered, “Do you want to use English?”

Fortunately, Brother Xiong didn’t return all of his English to the teacher, and because he needed to make game illustrations in his spare time, he could really memorize a few sentences of the English “Bible”.

“in_the_beginning, god_created_the_heaven_and_the_earth…” He muttered to himself, then simply ignored this and jumped directly to the back, “let_there_be_light!” He yelled.

There was silence in the chaos, and there was no response.

Sui Xiong was silent for a while and couldn’t help laughing.

“Be stupid!”

Flicking his tentacles, the jellyfish **** left the chaos and returned to the main plane.

He came quietly, walked quietly, without telling anyone.

So fortunately, no one knew about his stupid behavior this time—at least he felt that way.

As for those guys hiding in the dark and stealing pleasure, they were sacrificed to “ignorant magic” and ignored them.

Anyway, he is so busy, where is a little thing worth paying attention to?

…This is really not an excuse, Sui Xiong is really busy now.

Since the disaster relief last year, the influence of the Masked Void Church has greatly increased, and it has become a small well-known Church of Good God. Not only did he have many followers in the Gold Coin Federation and Dhaka Merchant League, which were directly profitable, his followers also appeared in various countries that had no direct profit in the first place.

There are more believers, and the most direct consequence is that there are more people praying to Sui Xiong. And these prayers, along with the channel of faith, were all passed to him.

Although he can shield most meaningless prayers with his divine power, and those simple prayers that want benefits can also be directly shielded, but some of these prayers with strong will cannot be ignored by any deity.

These prayers are often people’s help in a difficult situation, or passion that bursts from the bottom of their hearts. If the deity does not pay attention to this, unanswered prayers will become a heavy burden.

Once or twice, if this burden accumulates too much, the deity will struggle as if tied to a boulder.

However, responding to prayers is not so easy. Sui Xiong often encountered some wishes that made him helpless, and even the gods couldn’t think of it.

He asked the eldest brother and others for advice, and the answer he got was-if it doesn’t work, just let that guy lose his memory.

Fuck! This is also ok? !

Sui Xiong was embarrassed and embarrassed. He didn’t expect the gods to use this method to achieve unfulfilled wishes. He had to sigh that he was still too young and innocent, and sometimes naive…if he could not solve the problem, he would eliminate the problem. Isn’t this a very famous internet joke!

What? You said that the internet jokes are untrustworthy? Cut… The capital of the People’s Republic of China can use network jokes to assist in governing the country. He is a jellyfish using network jokes to solve problems, what’s wrong!

However, Sui Xiong is a kind person after all. Even if he has learned the ultimate knack of “eliminating problems”, he still tends to “solve problems.”

Even if it’s a little troublesome and difficult, it’s not a problem.

Now, what he is facing is a somewhat troublesome and difficult problem.

This time I prayed for a little nobleman who was not religious. He prayed to any deity and prayed that the deity would give him a child, whether it was a boy or a girl, as long as it was a child! As long as he can inherit his territory and title, inherit the name of his family, so that he doesn’t have to worry about the demise of the family!

However, this nobleman had been cursed by the family goddess of the human **** system because of something before, and he had no fertility at all.

What should I do? At least normal gods can’t help it.

If things go on like this, it is likely that this little nobleman will gradually become desperate. In the end, he will either die in despair or trade with evil spirits to harm others and himself.

But he was lucky. It just so happened that a new church of Masked Void was established in his territory. After he learned about it, he did a little investigation and found that this deity called “Mask of Void” was a playground, The good **** who was engaged in disaster relief visited the leader of the local Void Masked Church, a small businessman. And in front of the small shrine in the other side’s house, prayed to the green jellyfish statue.

His prayers are very sincere, and his feelings are very strong, like a mosquito buzzing in Sui Xiong’s ear.

“You are cursed.” A light fell from the jellyfish statue, shining on the little nobleman. After a few seconds, the light dissipated, and Sui Xiong’s voice came from the statue, “You can’t be born. The child is here.”

The little nobleman knew about this a long time ago, but he wasn’t surprised, but he continued to pray sincerely.

This was taught to him by a friend of his who studies theology. As long as the other church does not drive him out, he insists on praying like this. As long as one family tries to pass, there may be a deity that he can’t bear to help him solve problems and realize his wishes.

He insisted on praying for about ten minutes. Sui Xiong was so annoyed that he had no choice but to fix it for him.

This little nobleman is cursed and barren, so just bypass the “curse”.

“Do you know that, in fact, even a drop of blood or a single hair on a person’s body contains his complete genetic map.” Sui Xiong’s shadow emerged from the shrine, staring at the praying prayers with surprises, “You are caught by the family The goddess is cursed, even if I can’t remove this curse for you. But I can help you transfer the curse.”


“Yes.” Sui Xiong smiled and said, “This curse is not aimed at your soul, but at your body-fertility is originally a matter of the body and has nothing to do with the soul. However, the cursed is not It’s not your genes, but you.”

The little nobleman looked blank and didn’t understand what he was talking about.

…Actually, Sui Xiong didn’t understand it himself, it was pure nonsense.

Taking advantage of this nonsense~IndoMTL.com~ He has carefully checked the body of this little nobleman and secretly created a body exactly like him.

He checked the body carefully and confirmed that there was no curse, no bad ingredients or hidden dangers, and it was very healthy.

Then, he used the technique to make the little nobleman fall asleep, then shielded the surroundings, and moved the soul of the little nobleman into a new body.

Sure enough, after changing the body, the curse did not follow.

“That’s all right?” The little nobleman who didn’t know that he had changed his body woke up and found that he was still the same, without any changes, and couldn’t help but feel a little skeptical.

“The goods are genuine at a fair price, like the fake ones!” Sui Xiong said proudly, “If you don’t believe me, you can try it. If you can’t give birth to a child, please trouble me!”

He thought for a while and added: “But I don’t guarantee that it will be a boy…”

The little nobleman walked away dubiously, leaving behind the body cursed by the family goddess.

Sui Xiong pondered for a while, took this body away, and began to analyze it.

He is quite curious about the abilities of the family goddess.

As the saying goes, “There is no sun or moon in the mountains”, once Sui Xiong started studying, he ignored time until he was awakened.

When I woke up, it was the eldest son of the little nobleman who had been born and was holding a ceremony, praying and thanking him sincerely.

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