Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 61:

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Sui Xiong once inquired about the information of many famous characters in the universe of the Ring of the World, and knew a lot about some of the more famous evil gods, but even he could not tell the evil gods who came to attack the harvest goddess this time. One recognizes it.

He can recognize several of them, such as the Chaos Dragon, the number one hero among the Cthulhus, the discordant scum who has dealt with him, and the two Cthulhus in the machine world who are fighting together. “Screaming” and “Ancient Iron Dragon Beast”… But there are many people who don’t know.

For example, a weird big bird surrounded by colorful rays of light.

The big bird made a sweet-sounding chirp. Listening carefully, it turned out to be singing. In the midst of this fierce battle, he even had the heart to sing and sing, which can also be called a wonderful work.

The way he fights is even more miraculous. He clearly has claw-pointed beaks, but he doesn’t use all of his beaks. It’s just that the colorful rays of light on his body are constantly changing with the singing, like a river of colorful lights that surrounds him. Whether it is a variety of attacks or the bodies of gods, once they are touched by the “river”, they will quickly slow down, slower and slower, while slowing down, while being dragged toward the “river”. In the past, it finally blended into the “river” slowly and silently, with no trace of it.

Compared with this big bird, the two-headed giant ape on the other side is much more sturdy. It has a strong and powerful body, like a cast of copper and iron, but its limbs are not the hands and feet of ordinary apes, but On the sturdy arms and legs, there are long whips like snake-tails stretched out, and the number is not accurate, more or less, and changes at any time. Its way of fighting is to wield these long whips, and the tail that resembles a long whip, to set off a **** storm around it. Wherever the whip went, the divine envoys could not become an army, and only some of the most powerful divine envoys could slightly resist one or two.

Sui Xiong didn’t even know this great ape’s arrival.

“I don’t know, the world is amazing!” He couldn’t help muttering, “I really didn’t expect that there are so many evil gods in the world!”

The evil **** does not appear out of thin air, and every evil **** corresponds to at least one priesthood.

For example, the dragon of chaos, which corresponds to “chaos”, constitutes one of the four supreme priests in this world.

And the discordant element who has taught Sui Xiong, the corresponding priesthood is the desire of the flesh, which can be described as pure and simple.

As for the two evil gods of the mechanical realm, “Scream” should actually be regarded as the main **** of the mechanical realm. As long as he nods and turns around, he is a big boss-but he just doesn’t want to be a god. And the priesthood corresponding to “Ancient Ghoul Iron Dragon Beast” seems to be “smelting” or something. Anyway, Morani once said that this guy loves to devour those legendary metal equipment, and can be called the enemy of all kinds of military weapons, Mora. Ni used to try to subdue him, but he couldn’t find the opportunity huì…

These are all the evil gods known to Sui Xiong, as for those unknown evil gods-some he can’t see them, such as the strange singing bird; some he can see clues, such as the double head Whip great ape.

Don’t look at that two-headed giant ape seems to be a force faction, but Sui Xiong took a closer look and saw the true face of his power: all the divine envoys killed by him, of course, the flesh and blood flew extremely tragically at first, But the corpse was completely withered in a very short period of time, just like the dried leaves after being plucked off, falling on the ground and turning into fragments with no vitality, but He himself, as the battle, became stronger and stronger. Accompanied by the attack, the enemy’s vitality is exhausted. The corresponding priesthood is roughly “withered” or “absorbed.”

Sui Xiong raised his head and watched the fierce battle in the Kingdom of God, the goddess of harvest. He watched and praised him, as if watching a wonderful performance.

As for the goddess of harvest… he thought about trying to rescue him before, but after another thought, the relationship between each other was not good. There were believers who died at the hands of each other’s believers. I don’t know how many times they fought and fought secretly. If he is an enemy or not a friend, Sui Xiong is a jellyfish instead of a virgin, ran out to rescue his enemy? This idea is really very problematic if you think about it carefully.

Brother Jolgadman is a **** of justice, and his nature prevents him from sitting and watching the fall of a good god. Sui Xiong is not subject to this restriction. He would be kind if he didn’t jump out and slap the goddess of harvest.

So for him, the fierce battle before him is just a good opportunity to increase his experience.

In all the battles, what attracted him the most was the single challenge between the **** of justice Yorgardeman and the dragon of chaos.

Jol Gardman is worthy of being a strong one among the gods today. His movements are not fast, but every axe is full of power. More importantly, he has fully condensed the powerful power in himself. An unbreakable protection is formed around, no matter what method the Chaos Dragon uses, it can’t shake his protection.

The Dragon of Chaos also showed the strength that the veteran strong should have. His actions did not mean “old” at all, but rather light and agile, so fast that Sui Xiong felt a little dizzy. Wings, tails, claws, steel teeth… all kinds of attacks are just like revolving lanterns, a little negligence, you may be hit one after another.

Not only does his tricks change extremely fast, but he also continues to exude a frantic chaotic atmosphere. In the place where he and Jolgadman fought, there was already a large area of ​​the kingdom of God contaminated by his chaotic atmosphere, showing a state similar to the abyss—distortion, mutation, and countless corrupt flesh sacs turning into a dark red land. The upper beating slowly like a heart. Sui Xiong took a closer look for a while, and then judged that many demons were bred in these sacs.

With his own breath, he has partially polluted the kingdom of the goddess of harvest into an abyss!

This is also the place where the Dragon of Chaos makes those powerful gods the most vigilant, this terrifying evil **** supreme can exude endless chaos, enough to pollute any place. Therefore, even the main gods with powerful divine powers have to retreat in the face of this guy.

Joel Gardman was able to fight him on a par, which was beyond the expectation of many people.

“…very strong!” Le Feng sighed in a low voice, “He has become stronger again!”

He didn’t point out who he was talking about, but everyone understood.

The Lord of War frowned and turned to look at the Lord of Radiance.

The Lord of Radiance felt his gaze, looked at him, and saw solemn colors in each other’s eyes.

On the other side, the God of Fear frowned, showing a little nervousness.

The contradiction between the Lord of Glory and the Lord of War and the God of Justice is just a dispute of spirit, and there may be some conflicts of interest. But in the final analysis, the priests of the two parties are not opposed. As long as they are willing to give in, they can always follow This simple-minded guy reconciles.

But the God of Fear is different. The priesthood of the God of Justice is “justice” and “courage”. The relationship between “courage” and “fear” is natural hostility, which is completely irreconcilable.

In the Pantheon, although the gods of justice and fear are both powerful divine powers, they have very little communication with each other. Both parties basically assumed that the other party did not exist, showing an indifferent attitude.

Because they know that sooner or later there will be a life-and-death contest between each other.

This is a battle of ideas, a battle of priesthood, and there is no room for compromise!

So compared to the solemn worries of the Lord of Radiance and the Lord of War, the God of Fear is nervous. He even worried… After this great war, will the God of Justice take a short break and pull up those allies to hull and slay his kingdom of God?

Although the God of Fear, as the main **** of a **** system, is considered a high power. But there are not many gods who are really good at fighting under him. Facing the two fierce generals of Mask Void and Iron Lion, those subordinates may not be able to withstand them. Not to mention that there are goddesses of wealth who are not good at fighting but are at least divinely powerful, as well as several subordinate gods who are not strong but at least have some fighting power…

He calculated it carefully, and his mood grew heavier.

If there is a fight now, no matter what the calculation is, it seems that he is more likely to suffer a loss!

The allies of the God of Justice don’t have to work hard, as long as they help him block the loyal and worrying subordinates of the God of Fear, and let the God of Justice and the God of Fear one-on-one.

One-on-one, the God of Fear really feels that he has no chance of winning.

He sighed deeply in his heart, and he couldn’t help but think of a piece of information he had obtained some time ago.

It was sent to him by the previous sun **** when he was dying, and it contained this powerful deity who had stepped at least half a foot from the “strong divine power” to the “great divine power”, about the domain and the priesthood All understand.

This gift is too heavy, and the God of Fear has been worried about fraud in it, and she has shelved it, not daring to study it further.

However, I am afraid I can’t take care of that much now…

The super evil **** who has always made people frightened and frightened silently sighed, the body located in the kingdom of God opened the seal, took out the information, and went into details.

Anyway~IndoMTL.com~ For him now, “getting stronger as soon as possible” is the most important thing!

As time passed bit by bit, at the gap in the kingdom of the goddess of harvest, the battle between Yorgardeman and the Chaos Dragon gradually became slower.

The tricks of both sides are slowing down, and the power of the move is also weakening. It looks less and less like two powerful gods fighting, but like two bad boxings that have reached the twelfth round. Hands, each other are exhausted, purely ditching and wading time.

Of course, everyone knows that this is by no means exhausted on both sides, but rather the battle is at its most intense. Faced with the danger of being hit hard by a single move at any time, both sides are more cautious, trying their best to avoid being found flaws.

On the ground, Sui Xiong watched the battle carefully, but couldn’t help but curl his lips.

(Although I know you guys are really good at playing, can you be considerate of the audience’s mood? You have to play better!)

He muttered so much in his heart, and silently gave a negative comment to both sides of the battle. (To be continued.)

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