Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 59:

Sui Xiong didn’t care about the small theater of the envoys, because now he is busy with another thing. Eight. 8 Eight 1 One.

Go to Wangyou Wilderness and visit the two goddesses of love and family.

Wangyou Wilderness is a huge world on the front of the ring of the world. This world is always shrouded in warm light, blowing the intoxicating soft wind, so that everyone can forget all the sorrows and sorrows. Many creatures live here, and they live innocently and happily, just like a piece of pure white paper.

More than one religion in the world believes that as long as intelligent creatures concentrate on doing good while alive, they will have the opportunity to reincarnate in the front of the ring of the world after death. This idea is naturally wishful thinking. The reincarnation of intelligent creatures after death is very rare. It is usually only when a god, a demon, or at least a legendary powerhouse intervenes. To reincarnate souls living on the material side of the world ring to the front of the world ring requires not only powerful supernatural powers, but also the need to cut the soul itself, and remove the parts that are not suitable for the front of the world ring. Otherwise, Even if it is barely sent, the soul that lacks protection will fall into weakness due to the incompatibility with the surrounding environment, and will soon destroy itself.

The front of the ring of the world is a world of pure goodness. The creatures that have grown up on the material side where good and evil are intertwined cannot adapt to the environment there.

It’s like the soul of the dead, if you don’t go through a special baptism, you can’t fall into the negative of the world ring. Therefore, the trial of **** can be said to be fair and accompanied by trial and punishment. The negative part of the soul is continuously eliminated until all is removed, and then it can be returned to the Styx and start a new cycle.

As for the negative parts that are eliminated, they naturally fall into the negative part of the circle of the world and become part of the negative.

It’s also interesting to say that the most reliable way to reincarnate in the Ring of the World in this world is to go to hell, completely eliminate the negative factors in your soul, and then just pass through the portal located in **** , You can directly reach the front of the Ring of the World.

Although **** usually punishes evil, they sometimes help those kind-hearted creatures complete this baptism and send them to the destination that suits them best.

Sui Xiong rides the gentle breeze, galloping in the Wangyou Wilderness, which is full of flowers, green grass and various fruit trees. If he was flying so fast on the main plane, he would surely wind up the wind and blow the flowers and plants on the ground unsightly. But here, no matter how fast he flies, the powerful power will also be affected by the rules of the world itself. After leaving his body, it will completely disperse in a very short time, turning into colorful spots of light, without hurting anything. .

From a distance, it looks like a green jellyfish galloping in the sky, leaving behind a beautiful rainbow.

Many creatures on the ground laughed happily when they saw this scene. Even after Sui Xiong noticed it, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Am I flying on a rainbow? It’s really interesting! No wonder when the good gods came to congratulate, they stepped on the rainbow collectively… It turned out to be a habit.”

Soon, he arrived at the palace of the goddess of love, the wonderful place known as the “flame of passion”.

This palace has no walls and no roof, and it is entirely composed of blazing flames. However, this kind of flame does not have the slightest lethality. No matter what creatures, as long as they do not come with malicious intent, the flame is just a little warm to them, just like warm air at a suitable temperature.

And if you come here with admiration and enthusiasm, the flame will become freely controllable like a part of the body, no matter if you want it to become a house, furniture, food, or drinking water, there is no problem, or even Let it become a beautiful woman or a strong man. Of course, a strong woman or a beautiful man can also be…

Although the goddess of love welcomes all visitors, Sui Xiong did not rush in rashly. Instead, he stayed at the door of the flame of enthusiasm and sent a message that he was here.

After a while, the flames in front of him separated from left and right, turning into a wide avenue, with trees lined with trees on both sides, flowers blooming, and many men and women were talking and laughing and walking between the flowers and green trees, and there was another one. A long fountain runs through the entire avenue, dividing it into left and right sides.

The avenue was empty, but a bright red figure slowly approached.

The figure is naturally the goddess of love. This deity, also known as the “Queen of Fire”, usually likes to turn into a burning flame, but at this moment it has become a human being to show respect. He has a length that burns like a flame, but is softly draped, and Sui Xiong can’t help but think of a character who copied Japanese anime in a copycat game that he helped to do before. His clothes are also burning, as if flames are turned into clothes and weaved on his body. But unlike the burning head and clothes, His skin was as white as snow, and the white skin and the bright red flame formed a strong contrast, revealing a subtle charm.

Sui Xiong subconsciously raised his thumb and gave a compliment.


Since the journey to the present, there are not many gods he admires with his aesthetics, and the goddess of love is considered one.

The goddess of love smiled, and did not appear proud because of Sui Xiong’s praise. Probably for him, it is a matter of course to be praised like this, and it is strange not to be praised.

“Your Majesty Void Mask, I don’t know what’s the matter with you when you came to me?” He asked straightaway.

Sui Xiong didn’t play vainly, and directly explained his intentions: “I have a believer. He is the chief priest of my church, named Leon Igor. Over the years, he and another of my believers Kalisa Riley has always been in love, and I want to hold a grand wedding for them and hope to get your blessing.”

The goddess of love did not answer immediately, but bowed her head for a moment in silent thought. Sui Xiong knew that he was using his own power to check whether Leon and Kalisa truly love each other.

After a while, he raised his head with a smile on his face.

“Very well~IndoMTL.com~They love each other.” He said, “In this case, I should bless them. Every couple who loves each other can ask me for blessings. Bless them to love each other forever. That’s my duty.”

Sui Xiong laughed too, and after he laughed, he said again: “But…I also plan to invite the family goddess to also give them blessings, and wish them a long marriage and a happy life.”

The goddess of love frowned: “If the flame of love burns out, then marriage should not continue.”

This is the fundamental difference between him and the goddess of the family. The goddess of love believes that the pursuit of “love” is sacred and inviolable. If the husband and wife are no longer in love, then whether they break up or find another lover, they should be praised. The goddess of the family believes that the family itself is sacred. Unless there is an irreconcilable fundamental contradiction between the two parties, they should be wronged to protect the family. As for “finding a new love” or something, they should be hanged and burned to death!

For this reason, even though the two goddesses live in Wangyou Wilderness, their relationship has been very bad, and they even fought more than once.

It is really not easy for Sui Xiong to invite them to Leon’s wedding scene at the same time and wish Leon and Kalisa together.

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