Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 58:

518.Chapter 518

The atmosphere of the mountains and rain coming and blowing the wind over the building did not have a great impact on the civilians in the Northwestern Republic.

In this world, in most cases, war is a matter for a few people. A few knights leading hundreds of soldiers is enough to determine the ownership of a baronian; a dozen knights leading three to four hundred people can control the direction of several viscountry; hundreds of knights and four-figure soldiers can be used. That is a great war that is enough to shake a country and attract the attention of all the continent’s countries on the main plane.

Super wars like “The Day the Sun Goes Out” are one of the few in the history of civilization on the main plane. In fact, once the total number of both sides of the war reaches five figures, it will be enough to shake countries and stay in history. It’s a big stroke.

The Northwestern Republic is located on the border. Except for the southern rye valley leading to the Gold Coin Federation, there are no decent main roads-what do you mean by the valleys that cross the barren mountains in the east? Hey! Crossing the valley is also a desert! Except for the desperate smugglers, who would dare to cross the desert to do business? How can the scale of this kind of business be big?

Because of the geographical location, no matter what those people who are hostile to the Northwestern Republic think, they are unlikely to mobilize an army to attack.

Even if their army can fly, please fly over the barren mountains, over the desert, over the orc empire, and over the gold coin federation.

It’s nothing more than a blitz, a long-distance attack, is it really a display of the war **** system that surrenders to your Majesty the Void?

All the acts of war, never want to escape the investigation of the war gods. If the enemy is really stupid, thousands of mountains and rivers fly over to attack, and when they flew to the place, most of them will find that the Void Masked Church and its allies have formed a mighty force, waiting to give them a head-on attack.

Even… it’s possible that they flew and flew so hard, through the clouds, and finally flew into the giant jellyfish mouth with its big mouth open.

So according to Leon’s estimation, the enemy’s greatest possibility is to send a group of professional adventurer-level elite troops, led by top masters, to take the approach of directly attacking Huanglong to raid Nether City.

If this is the case, then this war will probably be a fight between a few strong men, and it will not have much to do with ordinary civilians.

Or…In this war, ordinary civilians and soldiers are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

Let them know too much, besides making them upset, what use is there?

Therefore, after discussion, we all decided not to disclose information to the outside world. It was enough to hold several hedging exercises so that the people who have gradually become overly comfortable over the years do not become paralyzed and lose their vigilance.

The real preparations for war are still carried out by strong men who represent high-end military forces. And their imaginary enemies are also powerful at this level.

The strategy department led by the evil **** Leonard made a detailed deduction. It is estimated that there should be many legendary powerhouses in the incoming enemy, and dozens of them are not surprising. Maybe there will be a legendary pinnacle or even a demigod level powerhouse. When it comes time to start, most of it will be a direct means of mass destruction, regardless of whether it is useful or not, it will cause a large number of deaths and injuries first-this is what the Northwest Republic is most afraid of.

According to Sui Xiong’s original intention, he has his own guard, so don’t be afraid of anything. If the battlefield is limited to the main plane, the believers of the Pantheon gods will form a team, and even pull the powerhouses of the entire ring of the world, and he will have the confidence to take a breath. But Leon and the others do not approve of this approach. After all, the deity has the rules of the gods. Even if Sui Xiong is strong enough to avoid these rules, sooner or later he will truly enshrine the gods, and sooner or later he will have to leave. On the day of the main plane-at that time, I am afraid that the general ledger will be settled.

In order to prevent the gods from jointly calculating the ledger by then, it is better not to be so arrogant now.

They made a lot of sense. Although Sui Xiong felt that there was no point in thinking about things so far, he was persuaded by them and promised that unless the situation is particularly urgent, he would not take action in real life, and at most learn from other deities. Just a clone.

In this way, the long-term threat is gone, but the immediate danger is greater.

In the Northwest Republic, the high-end force under the gods is still quite strong. Led by Leon, the pinnacle of the legend, he can gather the combat power of about twenty legendary powerhouses, including warriors, knights, and mages, and the combination is quite complete.

But the problem is that they lack higher-level demi-god powerhouses, and at the same time, they have insufficient combat power at the middle and high levels.

This is impossible. It has been less than 50 years since the establishment of the Void Mask Playground. How many talents can be accumulated in such a short time?

If it hadn’t attracted many outstanding powers through two World No. 1 Tournaments, the situation in the Northwestern Republic would have been even worse.

Whenever I think of these, Leon, who is the head coach of this battle, feels a little stomachache.

Seriously, he would rather the enemy jump out now and kill him with a real sword. If that were the case, he was confident that even if he faced a demigod powerhouse, he might not lose.

But… the enemy obviously wouldn’t do what he thought.

So he had to step up his army training while worrying.

Reynard, who presided over the training work, did not take the upcoming war at all into his mind. He felt that this was simply not a matter-the enemy came, and the two sides played a ping-pong-pong, killing a large group of people. Isn’t this normal? What to worry about? How can there be undead in a war!

From a certain point of view, his statement is roughly correct. There is no undead in a war. After a battle, it is not uncommon for blood to flow all over the corpses. On the contrary, it has gone through many battles like Void City before and after, and as a result, even one person has not died, which is truly an unbelievable rare event.

However, Sui Xiong doesn’t want his own dead, neither does Leon. The senior officials of the Northwest Republic and Masked Void Church don’t want ~IndoMTL.com~ This new country is located in the northwestern border of the main plane, far away from the civilized world. It is their ideal sustenance. They hope to make this place peaceful and peaceful, so that the residents here can live and work in peace, even if it is absurd or naive, they don’t want ordinary residents to die in this war.

“In that case, you should bow to them.” Leonard said.

Sui Xiong smiled bitterly, and said nothing.

Leonard’s idea is very good, but there are some things that he doesn’t understand.

There is a fundamental contradiction between the republican system and the feudal system, and this contradiction is completely irreconcilable. Even if he wants to make concessions, others will not agree.

This time the skeleton labor incident, at first glance, it seems that he insisted on going his own way, and had to speed up the construction speed, which caused such troubles. But behind this dispute is the unanimous hostility towards the Northwestern Republic by almost all the countries and rulers of the whole continent.

The present Northwest Republic is actually like a tiger standing in a pack of wolves. As long as they show even a little bit of weakness, they are likely to be surrounded by groups.

So even though Sui Xiong knows that as long as he stops using skeleton labor, he can temporarily resolve this crisis, and he is absolutely unwilling to do so.

Because he cannot bow his head, nor can the Northwest Republic.

The new order they symbolize, let alone bow your head!

Only by fighting again and again, blinding those peeping at the Republic, interrupting those black hands who want to reach out to the Republic, and killing all those who are full of malice towards the Republic, can he Relax, the Republic can relax.

Peace cannot come from compromise, it can only come from struggle!

The green jellyfish was lying on the conference table and closed his eyes, as if sleeping asleep, but there was a ferocious sneer on the corner of its mouth.

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