Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 58:

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Souls are very fragile, so are mortals, and so are gods.

In order to complete the transformation of the soul of the Grand Elder, the Goddess of Harvest repeatedly uses divine power to wash away. Although he controls the power of every wash, it hardly produces even a little aftermath, and reduces the damage to the soul of the great elder as much as possible. However, as the so-called water drop, the stone is threaded through the rope and the wood is broken, the number of washes has accumulated too much, and finally it is exceeded. The limit.

Unfortunately, this “limit” is for the part of the soul that has been transformed into a deity.

In other words, even when the ability of the part of the soul transformed into a deity to withstand damage exceeds the limit, the remaining part of the human soul has long been unable to stop it.

Before it was able to remain stable, relying on the surrounding souls that had been transformed serve as the “foundation” to fix it. When the “foundation” is damaged and can’t be fixed, it is like a sand sculpture on the beach encountering a storm and big waves, and it collapses in an instant and is completely shattered.

What’s worse, the shattered part of the soul is not a dispensable part of the great elder’s soul, but the core of his entire soul.

This is a matter of course. In the past years, he has been pursuing the path of zìjǐ, constantly tempering his soul, and engraving the path of zìjǐ in his soul. Now he wants to give up this path, give up and give up again, and in the end, he can’t give up. Naturally, it is the most core and most important thing.

It’s like a person who is old and not strong enough. He might forget about firewood, rice, oil, salt, what he ate and what he saw, but he can’t forget the most memorable things in his life–many old people like to remember when they were young zìjǐ Things, recalling the most wonderful successes in this life, the saddest failure, the saddest parting, the most beautiful meeting, the most romantic love… They will recall the parents of zìjǐ, the wife and children of zìjǐ, although perhaps both No longer by my side… because these are the things that impress him the most, and are his most memorable jìyì.

For the great elder, the most unforgettable and unforgettable thing is the path he has been pursuing during these long years.

Because he couldn’t give up, in the end he couldn’t fully accept the road designed for him by the goddess of harvest. And when the most crucial thing was finally destroyed, his entire soul collapsed.

This process is surprisingly fast, and there is absolutely no possibility of recovery. Although the Goddess of Harvest responded in time and tried to forcefully close the broken and collapsed soul with divine power, a soul whose core was completely shattered, let alone a medium divine power, could not be saved even if several powerful divine powers joined forces.

In just one or two seconds before and after, the soul of the great elder completely collapsed and shattered, turning into countless points of light.

The body that had lost its soul continued to transform under the influence of the divine power. This time, without the **** of the soul, it completed the final change in a very short time and turned into a luminous human form.

This is a powerful divine envoy, whose power far exceeds the level of the great elder before his death, and even approaches the level of weak divine power.

But for the goddess of harvest, it is meaningless for the ritual.

Lost the church’s only demi-god powerhouse, what we gain is only a divine envoy that can be created by spending a little time and zúgòu divine power. It can be described as a heavy loss.

Moreover, the worst thing is not the death of the elder, but the damage to the harvest goddess zìjǐ.

Because he is connecting with the great elder through the torrent of divine power, personally guiding the great elder’s devotion, so when the great elder’s soul collapses, the torrent of divine power is immediately disordered, causing serious damage to him.

Only this time, the body of the goddess of harvest in the kingdom of God was crumbling, and blood overflowed from her nose and mouth.

But he didn’t even care about wiping, and he didn’t care about healing injuries. Instead, he gritted his teeth and calmed down and hurriedly dealt with more urgent matters.

More urgent things happened on the ground.

The great elder’s soul collapsed, and the ritual failed, the powerful divine power immediately collapsed in all directions, and an earth-shattering super explosion was about to happen.

If these divine powers are allowed to explode, the power will definitely be more powerful than that in Gals City. Because the entire city of Rem is full of divine power, once it explodes, the entire city will turn into a huge bomb, and even the kingdom of the goddess of harvest may be blown up along the torrent of divine power. Got to be smashed!

For the gods, the kingdom of God is their main body, and once the kingdom of God is blown to pieces, it almost means their fall.

So the harvest goddess couldn’t even take care of her serious injuries, and hurriedly tried her best to condense and sort her divine powers so as not to let them explode.

He spent countless efforts and energy, paid several times the price, and finally guided these divine powers smoothly and reclaimed the kingdom of God.

As for the believers on the earth who are still praying, and the pale-faced church leaders who have understood what happened, he really can’t take care of them now.

This failure caused a great blow to him. Now he needs to heal his wounds, and I don’t know how long it will take to recover.

Because of the healing, the divine power He can drop will be greatly reduced, the response to the prayers of the believers will be greatly weakened, and the size of the church that can be maintained will be greatly reduced.

Of course, this newly-launched “Holy City” will probably not be able to sustain it anymore, turning into an insignificant page in the history scroll.

The Goddess of Harvest sighed deeply, and it wasn’t until this moment that he finally freed his hands to treat zìjǐ for the severely terrible injury.

The gods onlookers shook their heads, sighed, and left. The beginning of the scene was good, and the middle was wonderful, except that the ending was a bit terrible. It didn’t count as an anticlimactic scene. It also came to a halt. It stopped abruptly in the most intense and thrilling place, which made everyone very dissatisfied.

For a time, at least five or six gods were whispering secretly: “Why is it over like this? Isn’t there even a little follow-up?”

At this moment, the “follow-up” came.

With a wild call sign, at least a dozen rays of light rise from all directions, from the secret small worlds, straight to the kingdom of the goddess of harvest.

“Huh?!” The **** of justice, Joel Gadman, who was about to turn around and leave, stopped and looked surprised at the figures who were rushing towards the kingdom of the harvest goddess, who was about to break in, “Cthulhu ?! Why are they here?”

Including Sui Xiong, all the gods who planned to leave stopped and looked back.

In the Pantheon, the gods who had no longer watched the qíngkuàng here also hurriedly cast their gazes again, but their gazes were not just curiosity, but more vigilance.

Know that Cthulhu is not a target worthy of “curiosity”.

The so-called Cthulhu refers to those strong men who have accumulated their own deities, but refuse to accept the priesthood, and live in a way that is somewhat similar to but completely different from ordinary gods.

Their greatest advantage is that they have mastered some things similar to the priesthood, and from this they have derived all kinds of powers similar to the gods. For example, accepting and responding to beliefs, for example, possessing divine powers that can bestow divine arts, and some evil gods have also established the kingdom of zìjǐ, which is not inferior to gods with weak divine power or even weak divine power in terms of strength.

There are even rumors that some powerful evil gods have strengths comparable to those of medium-level divine power, and even if they are confiscated at the moment, they can occupy a position close to the forefront of the pantheon.

But they just refused to enshrine gods, unswervingly rejected the priesthood, refused to perform their responsibilities while accepting power, refused to change with a more stubborn attitude than a stone, and insisted on the current móyàng.

Someone asked an evil **** why he was so stubborn. The answer was “freedom is more important than power.”

Yes, deities have powerful powers, but they must bear corresponding responsibilities for them. Let alone believe in gods, even the relatively free natural gods are also responsible for the content related to the priesthood that zìjǐ masters.

Take the four element gods as an example. They control the main parts of the four element planes and are responsible for managing these places, sorting out the four elements of the world, and avoiding serious confusion. At the same time, they have to fight against the element gods whose attributes are opposite to zìjǐ, and strive to make the elements controlled by zìjǐ dominate the universe.

Why did the **** of fire element strive to inherit the position of the sun god? It is not to strengthen the control of the fire element and at the same time promote the dìwèi improvement of the fire element in the entire world!

You don’t see that since he became the sun god, the climate where the sun shines is obviously warmer. Taking the main plane as an example, the rainfall in the southern region has increased significantly, and the temperature in the northern region has also increased slightly. It is located in the hinterland of the orc empire in the middle of dàlù, and there is even a trend of drought…

Even the relatively weak God of the East Wind, among the Gods of Nature, is working hard to promote the monsoon that surrounds the world. For this reason, it is inextricably contested with the God of West Wind.

It is a pity that this world does not write what Dongfeng reads as a nuclear bomb. Otherwise, the east wind might have overwhelmed the west wind and won a complete victory.

The evil gods are unwilling to take responsibility~IndoMTL.com~ only to enjoy the various hǎochù brought by zìjǐ power, so they are regarded as evil spirits outside, as distorted parts of the world, guarded by gods, and mortal fear.

In many places, evil gods are even more scary than evil gods. Although evil gods are terrifying, they still have rules in doing things. As long as they start from their priesthood, it is not difficult to please them. The Cthulhu is different. Trying to please them may in turn provoke them and bring disaster down.

Of course, the evil gods are actually very low-key, and they rarely appear in normal times. They also know that zìjǐ is unpopular, all of them are hidden in extremely secret places, so they don’t show up easily. The qíngkuàng where more than a dozen evil gods appear together like this one is incredible!

“What are they here for?” the deity asked subconsciously.

He immediately reacted, knowing that zìjǐ asked a stupid question.

A dozen evil gods appeared together, and they appeared when the harvest goddess failed to be promoted from the gods and were seriously injured. They all rushed to his kingdom. Why?

Of course he came to attack him! (To be continued.)

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