Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 56:

Add to the bookshelf|Recommend this book|Return to page New apex Novel->Fantasy Magic->Cthulhu Banner, dawn, evening, midday, and midnight, these four time points have special meaning in occultism, and no world is exception.

.. The difference is that these time points on the earth only have a theoretical meaning, but in this world where gods and various supernatural powers exist, these four time points have Its great practical significance.

Especially dawn, it symbolizes the birth of life, the budding of power, and of course the rise of new gods.

In other words, this is the best time to enshrine the gods! “According to statistics, more than 90% of the gods succeeded in ordaining gods at dawn.

“Even if it has reached the most critical and tense moment, Vier’s mouth can’t be idle.

He stared at the city of Rem, where the Holy Light had reached its apex, while still complaining: “But all the records of failure to conjure gods are all at dawn.

“”Wait a moment if that person fails to enshrine the gods, the goddess of harvest will definitely come and kill you.

” Morani sighed.

“He can’t beat so many of us.

” Viye smiled slightly, confidently, “I will hide behind you when the time comes, and let you go straight ahead.

“”…you are such a good brother! “” Exceeded awards.

“”…I didn’t praise you.

” At this moment, with the chief priest of the Church of the Harvest Goddess as the head, all the followers of the Goddess of Harvest shouted loudly, and at the same time worshipped and worshipped on the ground. Many people even used too much force with their foreheads on the ground. There was blood on the ground.

At the same time, a divine envoy who presided over the ceremony took out a pre-prepared sacrifice-several gems containing powerful divine power, and a whole body exuding strong positive energy The strange ball of light, there is also a group of pitch black as ink, constantly exuding a **** and terrifying atmosphere like a ball of mud.

These three sacrifices are carefully selected. The powerful creatures captured from the “positive” and “negative” of the ring of the world are fine-tuned to the same strength, and the positive and negative of each other The energy is drawn by the divine power to cancel each other out, and will eventually merge with the divine power, wash away the original traces of the divine power, and purify the divine power into the purest state without impurities, for the conferring to absorb.

As long as it can absorb this divine power, it is enough to form a temporary weak divine power cycle system, which can transform the power of faith from Rem City into divine power.

Along with strong prayers and shouts, the power of faith is strong, pushing the sacrifices that were crushed and fused in an instant, turning into a clear light, toward the huge holy emblem Rushed to the top.

At the same time, a crack appeared in the sky. The scene of the goddess of harvest, the goddess of harvest, appeared in the crack, but it was vague and unclear, like a mirage.

But the divine power that flows from the phantom of the kingdom of God is not fake at all! The two divine powers, one from bottom to top, and the other from top to bottom, collided at the top of the holy emblem, and the great elder who was about to be proclaimed was standing on top of the holy emblem.

The two divine powers, which are completely different but have the same origin, flooded him in an instant, and they were entangled and intertwined in his body, chaotic.

The great elder calmed down and guided the flow of two divine powers in accordance with the previous teachings of the goddess of harvest, building a cycle of divine power in the body, and engraving the path of the divine power in the soul.

The former is nothing more than that, just like cutting meat with a knife, but most tough guys can bear it.

But the latter is different. Relying on external force to sculpt one’s own soul, each stroke is more painful than wearing a random arrow.

Besides, the great elder has already become a demigod before, and there is already a preliminary divine power trajectory in his soul, but now he has to erase the trajectory drawn up according to his original path and re-engrave another set, which will increase the pain. More than doubled.

His body trembled slightly, cold sweat kept coming out, and soon the whole person seemed to be fished out of the water.

If it weren’t for the sacred robe on his body that was not invaded by water or fire, I’m afraid even the clothes were soaked.

But the elder was also very hardened, and he was so painful that he wanted to die right away, but he gritted his teeth, didn’t even hum, and was able to distract himself and construct. Divine power cycle, while engraving the divine power trajectory, neither side is delayed.

Although Jolgadman criticized him for being lost, and there is no determination to turn back at the critical moment, there is no way to be a demigod who is weak and incompetent, no matter how much Pain can’t stop him from moving forward.

On the contrary, because of the pain on both sides of the body and soul, his originally weak spirit is like an iron block that has been repeatedly burnt and beaten. It is gradually eliminated from impurities and becomes strong again. .

This kind of change can’t be concealed from Yorgardeman, the **** of justice stared at this old man who was going forward with all his strength, with surprise and a little admiration in his eyes.

Even He did not expect that this old man would be able to withstand the pain, and in turn use the pain to hone his spirit and will.

In this way, the ceremonial offering to the gods that would have definitely failed may have some chance of success.

It’s just… after all, it’s just “a few points”.

Relying on external forces to confine the gods and tampering with one’s original path, the success rate of this kind of thing is not high.

The old man, who was almost soaked in cold sweat, but his face became more determined, couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

If this person gives up now and returns to his original path, he will definitely be able to go further.

If he was given enough time, he might really be able to step into the step of conferring the gods with his own strength.

However, it will take a long time, at least thousands of years.

The goddess of harvest can’t wait that long. He needs to follow God now.

(It’s a pity!)Yorgardeman shook his head secretly, then raised his head to the phantom of the kingdom of God that appeared in the sky.

As a member of the natural gods, the kingdom of the goddess of harvest should be located in the main kingdom of the natural gods, but this time, in order to improve the chance of success, he even moved his own kingdom of gods. Came out.

At present, His Kingdom of God has moved to the side of the main plane, almost within easy reach of the main plane, which is almost the same as Sui Xiong’s “sanctuary”.

Strictly speaking, now they can barely be regarded as neighbors.

Of course, the kingdom of God is an independent world. Although it is closely attached to the main plane, there is actually no such thing as “two big books on the table”. In terms of the main plane, the two kingdoms of God are just a small point.

If you have to find an example to explain…It’s like opening two portals on the edge of the main plane, and you can go directly to another world.

And the contact area between that world and the main plane is actually just this portal.

So it is not right to say that Sui Xiong and Fengshou Goddess are neighbors.

The harvest goddess moved the kingdom of God to the place closest to the main plane, facing the city of Rem, naturally in order to infuse divine power with the highest efficiency.

Although this may not help much, but for the harvest goddess, even if it only improves a little effect, it is worth it.

In recent years, as the goddess of wealth has increased in strength, the pressure on her has gradually increased.

Adding to the fact that several deities who had previously had a bad relationship also seized the opportunity to fall into trouble, the situation of the Goddess of Harvest is really getting harder.

If he could not successfully promote from God this time, he had no choice but to change his strategy and shrink completely, completely relying on the protection of other gods of the natural gods.

Such a thing is absolutely unbearable by the harvest goddess, who was once powerful enough to be qualified to compete with the natural **** king, so no matter how much it costs, no matter how low the chance of success is, he Do your best to try it! The surging divine power is like a long river, rolling down from the sky, while the clear divine power is like a beam of light rising from the ground.

In the place where Changhe collided with the beam of light, the great elder who entrusted all the hopes of the goddess of harvest is doing his best to adjust his body and mind as he hurry, and make the final preparations for the impact on the gods.

From dawn to sunrise, the time is not long.

When the sun rises, no matter how he adjusts and prepares, he will start to impact the Conferred God because of natural induction, and he can’t delay even a second.

So for him, time is tight and things are urgent.

At this moment, he is the object of attention of the gods. Perhaps he has never enjoyed such a privilege in his life, but he does not care about it at all.

Those who pay attention to him are kind, malicious, and more unfeeling and purely curious.

In general, I hope he will succeed in the majority.

There are not many enemies of the Goddess of Harvest. For most deities who have nothing to do with him, after all, I still hope to succeed as a great elder.

After all…Who can guarantee that there is no need to be promoted from God that day? If that time comes, a successful experience will be more valuable than a failed farce.

But naturally there are many gods who hope he will fail, and there is the goddess of wealth Manis among them.

The goddess of wealth and the goddess of harvest are almost dead enemies, and the relationship is even worse than that between the gods of famine and the goddess of harvest.

Famine and harvest are part of the natural cycle. No one can kill anyone. Even if the enemy is killed with great effort, it will not be long before the next **** of famine or harvest will appear. , It makes no sense at all.

Therefore, the confrontation between the two sides meant a bit of a cutscene, and there was no real effort.

But there is a difference between the Goddess of Wealth and the Goddess of Harvest. Both sides are struggling to beat the other to the end, because even if the other’s priesthood is inherited by later generations, it will definitely not Will inherit the interpersonal relationship.

As long as you win this time and kill the opponent, you will win the battle once and for all.

As far as the current situation is concerned, ~IndoMTL.com~ The goddess of wealth has the upper hand, and it can even be said to be an absolute advantage.

But he was not satisfied, on the contrary, he was still full of vigilance.

Every deity can’t wait until the opponent is completely fallen, and no one dares to say what will happen.

Just like now, even though the goddess of wealth has contacted many helpers and arranged a lot of back-ups, can these preparations be successful? How much effect can be achieved if it succeeds? All are still unknown.

Of course, he hopes to take this opportunity to beat the harvest goddess Moritl to the fall, but it is just hope.

He is not sure whether it will work or not.

Secretly thinking in his heart, he couldn’t help but swept his allies with the corner of his eye again.

(Mask in the Void or Iron Lion, they are all decent people. They may do things that give charcoal in the snow, but most likely they won’t.

As for the **** of justice…He doesn’t come to make trouble, thank God, let alone count on his help.

) (The celebration boy might help, but his combat effectiveness is not worth looking forward to… Alas! Friends are good people, although they are warm and reliable, they are sometimes inconvenient Ah!) The goddess of wealth Mannis, who is rather dark on the outside, sighs secretly while thinking about it.

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