Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 54:

Digging holes is easy to say, but it’s not always the case.

Choose a suitable location, avoid overly hard or overly soft soil layers, and avoid groundwater veins. This is the basic skill; excavate the tunnel into a suitable shape for easy access and transportation. This is a compulsory course; digging at the same time Reinforcing the tunnel while avoiding collapse is the first priority.

These are all things that have to be done, and they must be done well, otherwise, you will either be unable to dig, or you will be digging and accidents will occur.

The most common accident, of course, is collapse.

The most common and most terrifying.

The tunnel is buried deep underground. Once it collapses, almost everyone in the tunnel will die. Even those professional adventurers can hardly survive in the collapsed tunnel until rescue comes.

There have been such accidents more than once in the town of Pyroxene, so that miners have become the most feared profession. It was not until the arrival of Mayor Felix, who led a new era in Pyroxene Town, the novel www.qule+ improved the excavation technology and avoided this danger.

The price is that the cost of mining is greatly increased, at least three times that.

There are also veins around Jintao Town, but unlike Pyroxene Town, its veins are buried shallowly, usually open or semi-open. The risk of mining itself is less, but the harvest is slightly more.

This is also the reason why the town of Pyroxene was slowly dilapidated, but the town of Gold Rush was able to maintain it.

But this has both advantages and disadvantages. Because mining is easy, there is a shortage of experienced miners in the gold rush town. They can only be regarded as elementary school students in the mining industry. If it hadn’t been for the past few years to send some people to Pyroxene Town – and later Pyroxene City – to study, I’m afraid they haven’t even been able to enter.

After all, the technique called “pyroxene excavation” is really complicated. It not only involves the judgment of the soil quality and the construction of the supporting project, but also a set of very detailed inspection techniques to ensure that the tunnel can be firmly supported and will not collapse.

Using pyroxene excavation is safer, but the work efficiency is really not high. Over the years, the Gold Rush Town has recruited as much manpower as possible, but only a small underground farm has been dug, and a total of only one pond of ice fish can be raised.

This slow-growing fish takes three years to grow up to be sold. It requires constant care during the three-year period and costs a lot of labor. But every time when the fish is on the market, the price will drop a lot because of the slightly higher production. At present, the gluttons of the main plane even have experience. Waiting for the summer ice fish once every three years will not The high price was arbitrarily charged again as before.

In this case, the mayor of Taojin Town has been thinking about digging another underground farm. But he really couldn’t allocate more manpower. At present, there were only four or five people working on that construction site, and the progress was so slow that it made people sigh.

If the workers are replaced by skeletons, these problems will be much easier to solve.

Collapse? When it collapses, it collapses. Anyway, the skeleton is crushed to death and then summoned. Besides, it is not necessarily crushed to death, and the skeleton does not need to breathe.

Insufficient manpower? Anyway, there is no need to pay the skeletons, even board and lodging.

The only thing to note is that the area around the construction site must be designated as a restricted area, and no one is allowed to approach it. Only those who are holding the artifact made by Tuyaan that can shield the breath of living beings can occasionally watch the progress of the project.

“The skeletons will not work very efficiently.” Tuyaan summoned the skeletons, gave them orders, and said, “You can’t expect to dig the tunnel out soon.”

“I’m not in a hurry.” Mayor Almack said with a smile, “It’s like a proverb. It’s good to have a date or not. It doesn’t matter if you have one, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t. It doesn’t cost anything anyway.”

Tuya’an also laughed. It is best for Mayor Almack to have such a peaceful mind.

He has seen too many people failing what could have been done because of his anxiety. For example, a senior brother started earlier than him, and achieved better than him, but because of his impatientness, he failed when he finally hit the realm of legend, and even failed to transform into a lich to continue living, and finally died.

He thought about it, and then reminded him to beware of damage to the no-approaching signs around here, and of course someone strayed in. “

“Don’t worry.” Mayor Almack said, “Northwesterners are reasonable and rules. As long as I tell them, no one will dare to approach. You want, for the skeletons, we In fact, it is very psychological!”

Speaking of this, he laughed instead, smiling heartily.

“If someone deliberately draws these skeletons out…” Tuyaan frowned.

“Let it out, then draw it out.” The mayor of Almack said nonchalantly, “There is a purification circle around the town, and skeletons can’t get in.”

“But… lead to the construction site?”

“There are also purification circles around the construction site.”

Tuya’an shakes his head to purify the magic circle can be destroyed. “

Mayor Almack laughs, you are too worried! There are people with such great ability, so why bother? He killed people directly one by one, perhaps faster than a group of skeletons. “

He pointed to the skeletons who were slowly digging with bone tools on the delineated construction site and said, look, there are about two hundred skeletons here. It seems to be quite a lot, but the skeleton is not walking fast, and the combat effectiveness is actually not strong. There are a dozen strong men who can rush out of their encirclement. Is there anything terrible? “

Tuyaan thought about it carefully, and it was indeed true.

A small number of skeletons is actually not dangerous for people.

He just fell into a misunderstanding before and felt that the undead was too dangerous for ordinary people. In fact, apart from anything else, at least the skeletons, unless they are caught off guard or form a scale, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to be killed by it.

Can’t beat it, can’t it still run?

Of course, after the skeletons are advanced, it is another matter~IndoMTL.com~ But with Tuya’an, he certainly can’t give these skeletons a chance to advance.

To say that there are skeletons who can advance under the eyes of his legendary necromancer, that is simply despising his professional skills!

Don’t talk about advancement, as long as there are signs of advancement, he will take away the skeleton and re-summon ordinary skeletons to supplement.

Advanced skeletons are quite useful, what a pity to use them for mining…

After doing this, Mayor Almack began to talk to Tuya’an about compensation.

Of course, Tuyaan doesn’t want to be paid. One thing he thinks is that his Majesty Masked Void has already given it, and he has given it enough; two… he really didn’t take the small place of Gold Rush Town into his eyes. In this small town, where can there be enough ground to pay for a legendary mage?

But Mayor Almack’s words dispelled him.

“I plan to divide the income of this farm into three parts, one part is handed over to the Republic in accordance with the regulations, one part is reserved for the development of the town, and the other part is your reward. You can use it as a good asset. Leave it to the offspring, or your relatives, students… even if you don’t need it, they may need it.”

Tuyaan heard it and thought it made sense. Of course I don’t like this little money, but there will definitely be students in the future. When students graduate, it’s pretty good to give them a family property as a gift.

Even if there are no students, Tessa is now resurrected, and she will need a dowry when she grows up. There is an industry as a dowry, so much face!

It’s just… thinking that his sister will get married in the future, he can’t help but frown, and his mood becomes unhappy… (to be continued.)

Chapter Fifty-Four

Chapter 54 is written by members of [No * Wrong] [Small-Said-Net]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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