Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 53:

After the little brother and sister theater, Tuyaan and Tessa left and returned to the magic tower, thinking about what to do in the future. . .

The original goal of Tuyaan’s life was nothing more than two things. The first was to completely resurrect his sister, and the second was to strive to become a demigod so that he could be with his sister forever, and other things such as “make a lot of money to buy for Tessa “All kinds of clothes” are all incidental to scrabbling rabbits, and there is no long-term goal.

Now, his first goal has been achieved, and it has been achieved perfectly. As for the second goal… Is it so easy for a demigod to achieve it? This kind of thing can’t be rushed.

And he has no clue right now, and his own strength is still far from the peak of the legend. The second goal or something, put it aside for the time being, and it will not be too late to wait until he reaches the peak of the legend.

Now he is wondering how to use his necromantic spells in production.

Theoretically, he can summon the skeletons by himself, summoning hundreds of thousands in one breath-it is not a burden to him, as long as he provides food and shelter, and then gives him enough bones as materials. Summoning eight thousand children is not a big deal.

But… the skeletons he summoned, unless they were taken away by the “Domination of the Undead” spell, otherwise they only obeyed his own commands.

This is an important feature of low-level undead, mechanical.

To put it bluntly, the reason why the low-level undead are loyal, brave, never afraid and never betrayed, is because they have no ability to think at all. They are like a car or a knife, almost as simple tools.

Of course, if no one controls it, low-level undead will often show strong offensiveness to all living creatures because of the conflict between positive and negative energies-this is the reason why the ash forest often erupts with skeletons.

The undead created by Tuyaan also have this nature of attacking living beings. If he leaves them too far and cannot add new orders in time, then they will be affected by this after executing the original order for a period of time. Dominated by nature, transformed into a terrifying monster.

This is the biggest problem that bothers him.

How can I control the low-level undead for a long time after I’m far away? This is a major problem with necromantic spells. So far, no wizard has overcome it.

Tuya’an is no exception.

If he can solve this problem, he can go to the underworld by himself to control the low-level undead everywhere, let them gather, build the kingdom of the dead, and then attack the realm of the gods.

Theoretically, the hope of success is really great.

Unfortunately, this is not possible, he really can’t do it.

So he had to change his angle and consider the method of “I can easily hand over the command to others when I leave.”

This is not difficult. The necromancers of the predecessors have considered this possibility a long time ago and have worked out a variety of solutions. Among them, the cheapest option is the so-called “Command Necro Scepter”.

Command the necromancer scepter, looking at the name that seems to be very tall, in fact, of course, it can be really made very tall, but in most cases, they are just the necromancers holding a branch of acacia. Engrave a simple control circle on it, and then engrave the corresponding control circle on the undead who needs to be controlled, even if it is finished.

This thing was originally used for the novice apprentices to control a few necromancers to protect themselves, or to allow them to manage a few necromancer servants to do things, who is happy to spend a lot of money to build a large number of High-level magic weapon of the undead?

That is definitely water in the head!

Of course, Tuya’an can also make such a magic weapon, but the problem is that he is alone, so the production efficiency is not much faster.

It’s not that this scepter is troublesome to make, but that this magical tool needs to be matched with the control circle on the necromancer, which means that an additional set of control circle needs to be engraved on the necromancer. That is the real effort. Things.

Tuyaan thought for a long time, but still couldn’t think of a good way. In the end, he felt that instead of thinking hard at home, he should go out and ask where workers are needed, and see if those who actually work have any good opinions.

After all, things are for them, and the skeletons are for them to manipulate. They are the ones who have the most say.

With this idea, he took Tessa to leave the magic tower and came to the relatively lagging gold rush town among the three towns in the Northwestern Republic.

The Gold Rush Town has not been able to develop much before, and it was not until a few years ago that it engaged in special breeding, and it was considered to have a real and reliable way of making money. However, special breeding requires a lot of manpower, but the income is not very stable, which makes the mayor Dios Almack very distressed and does not know what to do.

Tuya’an’s visit made him feel radiant, smiled from ear to ear, and expressed that he would have a grand banquet to welcome him-even if he is a necromancer, he is a legendary wizard after all. !

Tuya’an was not interested in the banquet. He explained his intentions straightforwardly and asked if his ideas could help Gold Rush Town.

Mayor Almack pondered for a long time. He frowned first, then thoughtfully, but then shook his head; then he seemed to have inspiration again~IndoMTL.com~ After pondering for a while, he nodded with a smile.

“I have an immature idea.” He said, “Can these skeletons be used for work like excavation?”

“Of course it can, but it can’t be done very finely.” Tuya’an said.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s not fine.” The mayor of Almack laughed, “The special breeding in our town is all underground. The biggest problem at present is that the scale of the farm is too small-our town has insufficient population. , And there is not a lot of money to hire people, so everyone can only spare some time to dig while taking care of the farm. The slow progress makes people want to cry… If the skeletons can dig the underground farm, I think it can be used. Great use!”

Tuya’an was stunned for a while, and said: “What I want to ask is, do you have any ideas to solve the problem of disobedience when the skeleton leaves.”

“This method is very simple. Just draw an area directly, don’t get close, just let them dig there slowly.” Mayor Almack said with a smile, “Want to attack a living person? No one is alive, they are attacking a ghost…”

“According to your statement, the reason why the skeletons are disobedient is because the instinct to attack the living has the upper hand, right? If there is no living around, then they won’t attack and keep executing orders. Well.”

Tuyaan was silent for a while, and finally nodded, his face full of admiration.

“Unexpectedly, the mayor of a small town in a mere district has such a high level of wisdom!” He sighed deeply, “I’ve always been smart, and compared to you, it’s nothing compared to you!”

Mayor Almack naturally smiled humbly, and the matter was finalized.

The next night, Tuyaan chose a suitable land with Mayor Almack, manipulated the skeletons he summoned, and started digging.

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