Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 52:

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Baron Keane led the **** tossing out because of the harvest, and the curtain came to an end.

About a month later, an envoy from the Thunder Archduke came to Keene City from the capital. Naturally, the strength of this high-ranking knight is not something that Crick’s subordinates can sap, let alone carry it with him. A high-level mage. However, no matter how strong they are, Crick said anyway, “In return for accepting asylum, I will deal with the food to the Masked Void Church.”

For this answer, the messengers didn’t believe it at first, but they looked for it, but they didn’t find a large amount of grain that should be piled up like a mountain in the legend. And the result of using the Detect Lie spell also proved that the food is indeed no longer in the Keen area.

So they had no choice but to release qì and left in a desperate manner.

As for “grabbing food from the Church of the Void”, people who can do this kind of thing are basically unlikely to live to become a high-level powerhouse. It’s like someone on the planet questioning “Why didn’t the middle class in the United States get killed because they beat the police”? The reason is simple. People with this kind of IQ are either at the bottom or rich second-generation. In short, they are unlikely to get into the middle class…

Before leaving, the knight from the capital warned Crick very seriously, mainly talking about loyalty to the emperor, patriotism, dedication, diligence, and selfless dedication of the knight’s virtues. Crick seemed to listen to his speech seriously, nodded and then nodded, but he refused to promise anything.

Seeing that he is not on the road, the knight who is estimated to be not low in status is a little annoyed, and he sternly shouted: “Baron Keene, you are also a knight under the Grand Duke, don’t forget the rules of the knight!”

“Knight?” Crick Weixiào asked rhetorically, “When I followed the pioneer knight (the **** of knight) and fought bloodly on the battlefield on the day when the sun went out, don’t you remember seeing your lord. I don’t know your lord. Where did you fight at the beginning? What did you gain?”

The knight’s face turned black immediately, and he couldn’t say a word.

He suddenly realized that the sickly ex-baron in front of him was a fierce who had survived the **** battle where even the legendary strong could only be a small soldier, or he had followed the **** of knights. Fighting hero. In terms of “knight virtues” and “knight norms”, it can be called the industry pacesetter.

It’s humiliating to say this to the other person myself!

He furrowed his eyebrows for a long time before he said: “Even if you don’t examine the problem from the perspective of a knight, you should examine the problem from the perspective of the lord.”

This is an implicit threat, but Crick still cannot be moved.

“What do you think of my territory?” Crick asked with a smile.

The knight was silent for a while, and said: “Very good. Although the place is not big, it is very well run, leading the people to live a stable life, and the army is also very good. It is hard to think of the model of the territory. Only more than two years ago, soldiers were sent here to participate in the battle… In the past two years, I have seen several territories where soldiers were sent to participate in the original battle, and they have not been able to recover from the heavy loss. Some of them focus on people’s livelihood, and the army is full of rookies and ruffians, and they are completely mob; some focus on the military and levy too many taxes to make life difficult for the people. These two problems are in the capital of Keene. It didn’t appear, that battle seemed to have no effect on this place at all, it’s incredible!”

“In fact, we lost a lot at the beginning.” Crick sighed, “Even my lord was seriously injured. My best friend Spencer died in battle. You can imagine the situation.”

The knight nodded solemnly.

“However, I still led my subordinates and leaders, quickly stepped out of the trough and re-developed.” Crick said with a smile, “I think I am a good lord. Right?”

The knight nodded.

“So, do you think I look like a person who doesn’t know the severity and seeks death by himself?”

The knight was silent for a while and smiled.

“You are right, I am overly worried.”

Crick sighed and said, “But there is something I am puzzled about. Your Majesty, what is he…what are you thinking about?”

The knight was taken aback, and Crick said again: “I asked myself to be loyal to your Majesty. He wanted to support the Eagle Kingdom. I took all the assets of the territory and went to war, and I almost died there. As a result. When I came back with injuries, my subordinates were almost dead. Not only did he not give any sympathy, but he didn’t even show any sympathy. He turned his head and asked me to support others?!”

He sighed deeply, with a grievance on his face: “Your Excellency, do you think this is a bit inappropriate? Is there a bad person around your Majesty who is encouraging him to make a mistake?”

The knight was silent for a long time, and finally sighed deeply.

He patted Crick on the shoulder, did not say anything, shook his head, turned on his horse, and left with the wizard who had already mounted his horse and waited.

Different from the mage with a dull face and a cold face, when this high-ranking knight left, his figure looked a little depressed.

Watching them go away, Crick frowned, with bad guesses in his heart.

It seems…the senior leaders of the Thunder Principality, especially around the Thunder Lord, seem to have something wrong!

But these are too far from a baron in a mere mere way. He just wrote down the matter and let Raffel have some time to inquire about it, and that’s it.

Most things involving a duchy and a duke are earth-shattering events. Crick didn’t expect to be able to profit from such a major event, as long as he found out before the danger came, and escaped in time.

This requirement is too low. They should still be able to do it if they want to come to Lafore.

The incident ends here, and there is no one from the capital. As for how his Majesty would think about this matter, and whether someone would speak ill of him behind his back, Crick couldn’t take care of it either.

The winter is not far away. He wants to seize the time to sort out the farmland, plant some fruit trees and herbs that have time to plant at the last time, and start what he has already prepared by the way.

Militia training liàn.

Baron Keene currently has food and money, and there is still a lot of money. The grains were sold at a good price, so that when the chief priest Milomon gave him money, Crick thought that the chief priest had miscalculated the account.

With this money, Crick has confidence in his heart. In addition, the territory has enough food to store, he decided to take advantage of the relatively slack winter, to gather the young and strong leaders of the people to make some basics The military training liàn.

Of course, the training time cannot be too long, and the intensity cannot be too high. First, ordinary civilians don’t need to be too high-level, they can just make do with the regular army; second, after all, there are still work to be done in winter, and they can’t be delayed too much.

The content of the training liàn is divided into several parts. The first is the queue training liàn. The content of the training liàn roughly includes standing in line, queuing, passwords, and simple military rules.

Require a group of farmers to be able to order and prohibit, that is the brain is flooded, but just learn some basic military knowledge and cultivate some basic military literacy, it should be able to do it.

Even if I can’t do it this year, I will train again next winter. Anyway, don’t worry.

The second part of training liàn is the use of spears.

The long spear is the simplest and most practical of all the cold bīngqì. Regardless of other martial arts, various changes are ingenious, but if you are training new recruits without any foundation, the long spear is the easiest to train.

Different from the regular army, which has mastered various advanced skills and generally has three to four ranks of soldiers, the militiamen need to learn only two tricks ~ IndoMTL.com~ The first trick is to save the stab.

The second trick, split pressure.

The first move is for killing, and the last one is for fighting. It is enough in civilian-level battles.

Of course, specifically speaking, stabs are divided into upper, middle and lower stabs, and several people unite to besiege; slashing and pressing also have several technical classifications, which is not that simple. But after all, they are just two tricks. There is enough time for them to practice.

This winter, the militia has conducted military training three times, once a month, for five days each time. After three military trainings, although the farmers’ combat effectiveness has not improved much, at least they have a slight appearance when they stand in line. When everyone is holding wooden guns to practice assassination and smashing, the power of shouting in unison can also scare and frighten. people.

Although it’s just a fancy, but it can be done in a mere winter, and Crick is also satisfied.

There is time. Let’s continue practicing next year for the rest. (To be continued.)

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