Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 51:

Crick’s plug-in level ability was used to search for talents. It couldn’t be more convenient. He hurriedly stepped up and went around the entire territory in less than two days. He found eight perceptions over twelve before and after. , A young man with an intelligence of more than ten–according to his estimation, this talent should be enough to become a low-level pastor. After all, many of the low-level pastors he has seen have attributes of this level.

Among these young people, there is a big man named “Thatch”, whose perception has reached sixteen! Although his intelligence was only nine, Crick chose him and even planned to recommend him.

What is the concept of Perception Sixteen? For example, Crick’s own perception is twelve. When he sits in the room, people pass by outside, and he can’t hide it from him.

He can even hear whether the people passing by are wearing armor and whether they are tall and burly or short and thin.

Crick’s wife, former baroness Amy Wei, perceives ten, and she can only hear if anyone is passing by outside the house, and only when the house is quiet.

If the people outside the house are deliberately light-handed, then even if the house is quiet, she won’t be able to hear it.

And what about the thatch of Perception Sixteen? Not to mention the sound of footsteps, he can even feel it when someone secretly eyes, and often turns his head.

Moreover, he can accurately feel the goodwill or maliciousness of others. When the selection was made, a group of young people stood there, and Crick kept his eyes on him one by one, and only then smiled slightly. He had reacted immediately and also laughed.

Afterwards, Crick asked him why he was laughing, and he replied: “My lord, I feel you are very satisfied with me.

” Creek was in a very shocking mood at the time. He was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: “Then can you feel what I’m thinking now?” “No, but you seemed surprised just now.”

“Mao Cao said puzzledly, “Is there anything to be surprised? “Fortunately, I can’t! If this product is really powerful enough to read the mind, Crick will absolutely reluctant to let him learn from the pastor. It is better to let him learn from Lafore or Lena, and be a disguise by his side in the future. A spy who looks like a guard.

This incident also gave Crick a huge shock. He never thought that a person with a certain level of attribute would be so powerful, and then he thought of Mage Felix–her perception was also sixteen.

Fuck! No wonder she seemed very kind after saying a few words to herself. Couldn’t she see through the feeling that she was shocked by her powerful attributes and level at the time? It’s a bit embarrassing… But now it’s too late to regret, and it’s useless to regret. Crick sighed in his heart, and threw the matter aside, thinking about other things.

Most of these eight young people are able to learn something, and thatch may also become a middle-level or even high-level pastor. How can we ensure that after they have learned their skills, they will remain faithfully in the Keene leader and not run out to another Find a higher job? He thought about it, but couldn’t think of a reliable way.

There are always more solutions than difficulties, and where does the solution come from? It’s all people’s ideas.

No matter what method he uses now, sooner or later, people will come up with a solution.

Speaking of extremes, if someone ran directly to the ends of the world, could he still chase and kill him? That is sick! Thinking of this, he gave a wry smile, shook his head, and gave up the idea of ​​restraining these young people.

If they don’t come back after they finish their studies, then forget it.

At any rate, it is to learn the ability to cure diseases and save people. No matter where you are, you are doing good deeds, upright, and will not lose the face of Keane.

If they are willing to come back, Creek will naturally welcome them, and if they want to go out, Creek will also support.

Countries on the earth also support outstanding young people to study abroad, or even do a career abroad. As a traveler, he should always have this aura.

Perhaps many years later, these young people—for example, thatch—have been successful in their careers, have become famous, and they can in turn lead Keane to lead one or two…Thinking about this, he thought It’s much more comfortable.

Hurry up and give young people an ideological education class, mainly instructing them to “study hard every day”, “Don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t understand,” “Communicate more with teachers and classmates, and make more friends.”

Although these young people are still common people now, most of them will be pastors in the future.

Being a pastor, almost even if you step into the circle of the low-level nobles of adventurers, you can no longer hold the simple, honest and timid attitude of the common people, and you must be more active to move forward.

Crick talked for a long time, and the saliva was all dry. I don’t know if it will work.

But he felt that there was only this he could do.

After the lecture, I entertained these young people for a good meal, and asked the servants of the Baron’s Mansion to tidy them up and put on clean new clothes. The next morning, Crick took them to visit. Felix mage.

When I learned that in just two days, Crick Keane dragged his sick body around the territory, selecting eight good young people, and Felix couldn’t help but eat. Surprised, Rick’s eyes became more respectful.

Baron Keene said that it’s big or not, but it’s not too small. A person who can’t teleport or fly can turn around the territory in just a few moments, and carefully screened out one. Recruiting talents, work efficiency is amazing.

(I don’t know what the talents of this group of people are?) She thought so, cast a spell with a silver-white light in her eyes, and directed the basic attributes and talents of these young people. Although it is not as accurate as Crick’s external ability, it is generally enough-in fact, Crick’s “traveling ability” is given by Sui Xiong after using this spell as the basis and transforming it with divine power.

At this moment, there is a colorful light on her young people.

These lights symbolize the basic attributes of their bodies and souls.

If there is a special talent or a special bloodline, there will be a special light — of course, too weak talent or too thin bloodline is not enough.

And she was taken aback at a glance.

She originally planned that one or two of these young people would have good qualifications. Who knows that although these eight young people are ordinary, one of them seems to be a bit dull, but the qualifications are amazingly good. His perception abilities are far beyond the standard of ordinary people, and his intelligence is much higher than that of ordinary civilians. In general, even the one with the worst aptitude is completely possible to become a low-level priest.

What surprised her even more was the thatch. Although the big man who was a little dazed at first had slightly lower intelligence, his perception was surprisingly high.

You know, he hasn’t received any training yet! Generally speaking, people who have received pastor training will have better perceptions, and will improve a little when they become official pastors, and will improve a little bit when they become intermediate pastors and senior pastors, so senior pastors all perceive Ability is amazing: a group of people are there, and they can count the number at a glance. This is commonplace; a group of people walks and hears from the sound of footsteps that there is a leg injury that is not flexible. This is commonplace; even a colony of ants crawling Crawling around, they can also learn which ants are older and which are younger… Some of them are particularly powerful and can even rely on “most traps and magic circles. Just by “listening” you can hear what others are saying. Fake, just by “feeling” you can feel whether the nearby space is stable or fragile. As for the quality of weapons by touching with your hands, you can know whether the food is poisonous by smelling the nose… This is the perception ability of those outstanding high-ranking priests. Powerful, it’s incredible.

If Mao Cao is also trained as a pastor and becomes a pastor, it is estimated that when he becomes a high-level pastor, he will belong to this kind of extraordinary and incredible type of perception.

So, can he become a high priest? Felix is ​​not sure, but at least in terms of qualifications, it should be okay.

For pastors, the most important thing to improve their abilities is to feel and understand God, so perception is the most important thing.

The perception of thatch is so high, it is completely possible to become a high-level priest.

Although he might be a slightly dumb senior pastor, what does that matter? Behind the pastor is a deity, and Masquerade Void is a person who doesn’t care about face. He will definitely support the pastor directly at the critical moment. No matter how stupid Ma Cao himself is, Masque Void is smart.

That’s enough, as for everything else, it’s all chances.

The silver-white light in Felix’s eyes gradually dissipated, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

When the magic effect was about to disappear completely, she moved in her heart, and she was shocked at the creek next to her, and her brows were also frowned.

Although Crick’s body also has various attributes of light, it is more intense that there are several divine powers entangled with each other, and I don’t know whether it is good or evil, bad or good.

But anyway, the mortal body is entangled by several divine powers, and these divine powers have some contradictory meanings, which will definitely hurt him! (Perhaps…this is his secret?) Felix hurriedly suppressed the shock in his heart, saying that these young people are excellent and thanked Baron Keene for selecting them.

She also praised thatch specifically, thinking that he has a lot to do in the future, but also encouraged him to be self-reliant and not to let down his talents.

After saying this, she was going to take these young people away, but before she left, she remembered the strange situation of Crick’s entangled divine powers again, and couldn’t help asking: “Baron Keene, Do you have anything else to explain? Or…Is there anything you want to ask me for a favor?” Crick was taken aback~IndoMTL.com~ and was overjoyed, tentatively saying: “As far as I know, Masked Void Amusement Park has been purchasing a large amount of food to make good wine, right?” Felix was also taken aback. He didn’t expect that what he was talking about was not the abnormality of his body, but something else.

“This is true.

” She replied, “However, because of the inconvenient transportation, we all bought a large amount of food at once, and took it away directly.

” Crick laughed: “That’s right, we Keane led a bumper harvest this year, and we have a large amount of food to sell.

Could you waste your time a little bit, it is not worth doing this business? “A baronian, no matter how good the harvest, how much grain can he have? Felix smiled in his heart, but still accepted the request, followed Crick around the power, and came to a well-guarded warehouse.

Opening the warehouse, she was stunned.

The golden grain piled up like a mountain, almost filling the whole warehouse.

This is definitely not a harvest that a baronian can have! She turned her head in surprise, trying to ask something, but didn’t ask.

Everyone has their own secret. Behind such a harvest, there must be a big secret.

She and Baron Keene are not good friends, and shouldn’t inquire about such secrets.

Crick rubbed his hands, smiled expectantly, and asked: “These grains are not eaten this year…Can I sell it to you?” “…Of course.

“After Felix left, Crick stood in the empty warehouse and couldn’t help laughing.

“Now, even if the greedy ghosts want to **** them, there is no food to **** them!” He couldn’t help coughing violently because of his laughter, but the more he coughed, the more he laughed. Happy.

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