Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 50:

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Tessa was suddenly hugged by her brother, and she was shocked for a while, and then a reddish color appeared on her face–for half-dead people, this expression was so rare that it looked like a sloth running, almost belonging to “No In the category of “possible”.

She wanted to express her attitude with strong actions to cover up her true emotions, but she couldn’t help but hesitate and couldn’t bear this rare opportunity. So when I was in a dilemma, I heard Tuyaan’s words.

“Huh?” At this moment, she was really “I don’t know what expression to use”, “Why did you suddenly think of this?”

Tuyaan didn’t understand the true meaning of his sister’s words at all, and he smiled and said, “I just got the inspiration just now, you think, what can necromancers do? The most common thing is not to awaken or create necromancers. It’s nothing more than ghosts without entities, like skeletons, zombies, and even living corpses… They are all honest and obedient. Although their intelligence is low, they are absolutely true to the master’s commands. No matter what kind of order, there is no hesitation or delay at all. Isn’t such a subordinate the best cheap worker?”

The more he speaks, the more proud he is: “Recently, I have also investigated the Void City and the current qíngkuàng in the Northwest Republic in detail. The biggest problem here is the scarcity of workers. Whether farming, work or development, a lot of manpower is needed. , But the number of homeless people that can be recruited is getting fewer and fewer, which is simply unable to meet the demand.”

“Under this kind of qíngkuàng, don’t you think it’s the opportunity for our necromancy to show off?” He said happily, “Imagine giving all the boring and simple gōngzuò to the dead. The living people only need to be responsible for directing the dead. Doesn’t this mean that there will be many more workers at once?”

Tessa originally wanted to beat her brother severely to punish him for his careless behavior and give a sigh of relief to the entangled girl. But after all, she is a person who knows the severity, after listening to this, she temporarily put Tuyaan’s previous mistake aside, and seriously considered the matter.

“Necromancers are made by magic.” She thought for a moment and said, “Spells have a cost, and the cost is not low.”

“Necromancy spells are almost the lowest cost among all kinds of spells.” Tuyaan shook his head, “I don’t want to make those middle-to-high-level necromancers, I just want to make those low-level ones. Take me As long as you have zúgòu materials, you can create at least two to three thousand in one day. Give me ten days and a half to launch an army of tens of thousands of undead.”

He is right, and this is the real reason why Necromancers are so jealous of many countries.

In this world, the spell that disturbs the ruler the most is the necromantic spell. The most critical reason is that necromantic spells can quickly create a large number of troops. Although the combat effectiveness of a single unit may be weaker, this kind of army is loyal and brave, and will carry out the orders of the lord without compromise, even if facing the entire army. There will be no hesitation and fear in the collapsed crisis. Once they become large, they are the most terrifying army in the world.

In the past history, there has been more than one time when a legendary necromancer launched a necromantic army for some reason to declare war on a certain country. Unless you find the strongest zúgòu and form a team to destroy him, every time the country is defeated. As far as the frontal battlefield is concerned, facing the army of the dead, the army of the living has never won.

An important reason why Tuyaan wanted to become a necromancer back then is this-only by becoming a powerful necromancer can he be sure of revenge.

Of course, the more important reason is poverty. To treat his dying sister, in addition to necromantic spells, other spells require a lot of money, and what he lacks most is money.

At the beginning, Tessa’s qíngkuàng was not really irretrievable. If he had zúgòu money, he could even directly find a great temple, donate a huge sum of money, and ask the priest to perform powerful magic arts to cure Tai Sha-He was saved because his adoptive father, a classmate of his father when he was in school, donated more than half of his family property, and he asked for the treatment from the Temple of Fortune.

Tuya’an is not good at making money, and he is not sure that he will become a high-level mage, so he had to step back and try to heal his younger sister.

Of all the treatment methods, the only thing he can afford is necromancy.

So he became a necromancer.

If he knew that zìjǐ could become a legendary mage, he would not choose this direction!

A legendary mage, let alone wealth, just begging for personal affection, he asked most of the temples to help him heal Tessa…

In the past few years, Tuya’an regretted his choice more than once. But now, he was rather happy that he had chosen the path of a necromancer.

For the Northwestern Republic at this moment, the most powerful thing is necromantic spells!

It’s just that, this time he, a legendary necromancer who is enough to be called the “dead monarch” and “death natural disaster” in the legend, what he has to do is not to gather an army to attack a certain country, but to build a sword For the plough, the necromantic army was mobilized to participate in national construction and became the largest labor exporter in the Northwestern Republic.

He believes that in the Northwest Republic and the Masked Void Church, there may be more powerful players than zìjǐ, and there may be more than one, but let’s talk about the labor force… Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, other legendary experts will join together. , Are no better than the army of necromancers!

Don’t forget, this is the Ash Forest, the place with the richest resources of undead in the world. Although most of them are only the lowest-level skeletons, skeletons are also labor!

The power of a skeleton is weaker than that of a strong living person. If one is to one, even an ordinary farmer can knock it down. But in terms of gōngzuò, a skeleton is much better than a farmer-the farmer needs to eat and rest. As long as the skeleton replenishes its magic power and regularly repairs wear and tear, it can even go on gōngzuò all day long.

Of course, in the sun, the skeletons will be damaged by the positive energy contained in the sun, but this is not difficult to solve, as long as the skeletons are gōngzuò at night.

Because of the negative energy contained in the Ash Forest itself, these gōngzuò skeletons at night will not be worn out, but they will also continuously absorb negative energy and become stronger and stronger!

The more he thought about it, the more proud Tuyaan confessed to his sister, and hurriedly went out to visit Sui Xiong at the Void Mask Shrine.

He met Sui Xiong smoothly and spoke out his plan.

Sui Xiong was stunned by thunder, and he never expected that necromantic spells could be used in this way!

But after careful consideration, he found that this method is really feasible.

Not only that, this method even has an extra hǎochù.

For the pioneers of the Ash Forest, the greatest danger is the attack by the skeleton army on the night of the New Moon. But the skeleton army cannot appear out of thin air. They actually come from the corpses of countless creatures that have died in the Ash Forest for so many years. This number is huge and surprising, but if Tuyaan, the legendary necromancer, takes action, it will not take long to convert all the corpses in a large area into skeletons under his control, thus completely destroying this piece. There is a danger of “skeleton siege” in the area.

Don’t say anything else, just for this, it’s worth letting him do it!

But Sui Xiong changed his mind, but couldn’t help frowning.

The Void Mask taught Satan, the leader of the mage group, who has been working on researching methods to purify negative energy for these years. His plan is to build a huge purification circle that can cover the entire ash forest and transform this life forbidden zone into a beautiful northern paradise. Tuya’s idea is of course very good, but it contradicts Satan’s plan.

Sui Xiong would not favor him unreasonably because Satan joined zìjǐ earlier. However, in the long run, whether it is for the people to live and work in peace or to restore the properties of the Ash Forest, Satan’s plan is obviously more reasonable.

A beautiful Northwest Republic is better than a Northwest Republic full of skeletons.

Don’t say anything else, who would like to deal with skeletons all day long!

He hesitated for a moment, and then said these thoughts.

Tuya’an was silent. Although from the perspective of his identity, as a mage who is close to the legendary mid-level, his dìwèi should be higher than that of Satan who has not yet stepped into the legendary realm, but he understands that Majesty the Void Mask The considerations are correct. For civilians in the Northwestern Republic, even if skeletons can be a good workforce, they will not be willing to spend time with skeletons~IndoMTL.com~ Sorry, I have not considered it a little. Finally, he sighed deeply and said, “You are right, even if it were my fate, if it wasn’t for the fate of the year, I would not choose to become a necromancer who dealt with skeletons all day long. If I am so, let alone ordinary civilians… My thoughts are still too simple and naive. I’m sorry for wasting your time. “

Seeing his frustration, Sui Xiong persuaded: “Your idea is actually very useful, at least in front of you, for the Northwestern Republic. As for the future…what will happen in the future, I will talk about it in the future. . Even if these skeletons will not be used in the future, at least they have been used before, haven’t they?”

Tuyaan turned his sorrow to joy and laughed again.

“You are right, the future will be discussed in the future. Even if the Northwestern Republic does not need me in the future, at least I can play a role now, and I can help you now, it is better than nothing!”

Speaking, he clenched his fists, his eyes renewed with a strong confident light, and his expression became urgent.

There is not much time left for him. Hurry up and make some achievements as soon as possible! (To be continued.)

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