Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 50:

The work efficiency of the Void Mask Church is very high. Only half an hour later, Milomon, who received the oracle, found Crick and discussed the cultivation of herbs.

After hearing what he said, Crick was taken aback for a moment, but after careful consideration, he was overjoyed.

Let’s not say that through this incident, the relationship between the Keene family and the Masked Void Church can be strengthened, and the relationship between the Keene family and the Masked Void Church can be strengthened.

The super bumper harvest led by Baron Keene is really eye-catching. You can still play tricks for a year or two, but something will happen after a long time. It’s like a child holding a big gold ingot, walking alone on an unfamiliar street, and almost hanging a banner on his body with the word “for death” written on the banner.

So even if there are no herbs to grow, Crick has already considered adjusting the territory’s agricultural planting plan, reducing the area of ​​food planting, and freeing up land to plant something else.

He was thinking about planting fruit trees before, and the fruit harvest is just that, not too eye-catching. Moreover, the occupation of manpower by fruit trees is much lower than that of grains, which can save a lot of manpower for other tasks.

But fruit trees also have shortcomings. From cultivation to harvest, it takes several years to grow. During this period of time, it is not advisable to use magic to cut, otherwise it will reduce the quality of the fruit. If a large amount of farmland is transformed into forests, agricultural income in the next few years will be very tight.

As for vegetables, the transportation level in this world is very tragic. Vegetables, which are inconvenient to transport and low in price, can only be sold in the original real estate, and no business can be done at all. It may be possible to appropriately increase some output and improve the living standards of the people, but it cannot be the dominant one.

In fact, fruits are the same, but fruit trees can produce nuts, which is very convenient for transportation, and even if the fruits are not conducive to transportation, they can also be used to make fruit wine, which is a good way out.

When it comes to fruit wine, grain can also be used to make wine. It’s just that although this can solve the problem of too much food harvest, it can’t avoid being looked at, so forget it.

Crick’s original plan was like this, but now it seems that there is a better choice.

If you plant medicinal herbs, one harvest is relatively small, even though the price of the herbs is high, at least there are not large piles of grain that are eye-catching; second, planting herbs is beneficial to the people and society. The sign of “protecting the medicine field” can attract many kind and honest people to help oneself; in the end, it is possible to enhance the position of Baron Keene in the circle of influence of the Masked Void Church through this matter, and it is easier to get help at critical moments.

In general, there are advantages and no harm, it’s perfect!

Of course, if you speak more truthfully, there are actually harms. For example, if you do this, it is equivalent to tying Keane to the chariot of the Masked Void Church. In the future, if an enemy wants to be an enemy of the Masked Void Church, they may use Gelteng, the elect of the God of Knowledge, who is in charge. There’s no way to get it, maybe it’s no way to take the city of Gals, where the legendary pinnacle powerhouse “king of the seaside” Prince Leon Igor is seated, but there must be a way to get Keane—that is, once someone strays to the void in the future In the face of the church’s offensive, Keene will most likely bear the brunt.

But this “harm” is really nothing. Anyway, Keane’s current situation is not much better, let alone the future. His Majesty is staring at this level. I don’t know if it can be done properly. Step over it!

Tie yourself to the chariot of the Void Mask Church. There may indeed be great danger in the future, but at least the immediate crisis can be avoided.

That’s enough, burn your eyebrows, look at your eyes first!

So he agreed to Milomon’s proposal, and immediately began planning the medicine field.

First of all, the medicinal field should have convenient transportation to facilitate the picking and storage of medicinal materials.

Secondly, the medicinal field should be clean and clean, and the inside should be organized in small pieces to facilitate planting and maintenance.

Also, it’s best to build the medicine field in an eye-catching place to distract the attention of other territories and let everyone turn their attention away from “Baron Keene leads an unusual harvest.”

As for other factors, there are always many more, and he lists them all.

Listing these factors that need to be considered, he studied it against the map of Keene.

A place close to mountains and water is not acceptable, because it is necessary to prevent natural and man-made disasters such as wild beasts, monsters, floods, etc.

A place too close to the road is not acceptable. The dust is flying, which may affect the quality of the medicinal materials.

A place where the terrain is not flat and open is not acceptable. It should be convenient for pharmaceutical farmers to work.

After a lot of careful consideration, he finally marked out a few areas on the map and chose them as tentative targets.

The next day, the Masked Void Church sent a high-level mage. The mage’s name is Felix. He had a good record in the First World Championship that year. He is known as the “speeding shooter”. He is best at using magic wands to launch all kinds of ray spells. It is said to belong to a kind of extreme bias. Practical mage advanced.

Crick naturally observed her attributes, and she was shocked when she saw it, special blood, intelligence 20, charm 18, perception 16, agility 16, physique…except for a slightly lower strength. Besides, this female mage is simply a superhero!

And her level is also very cool, ranger, warlock, ancient spirit warlock, magic gunner, a total of nineteen levels.

Crick wants to know, what exactly are the “Ancient Wizards” and “Magic Cannonmen”? He has never heard of such a profession!

However, although they have a good feeling of 60, but they have no friendship after all, he is not good to rashly inquire about this kind of personal privacy issues at first glance, so he can only press down on curiosity for the time being.

Mage Felix brought a set of informative materials, which included not only the identification and cultivation of various herbs, but also the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. Among them, 21 kinds of pathogens that cause common symptoms are specifically mentioned, the nuances of their symptoms and specific diagnosis methods are introduced, and methods of preventing infection and treatment are also introduced. Especially for eight of these bacteria, there is a complete and reliable treatment plan. Crick doesn’t understand medical skills, but just looking at this set of plans, he feels that they will definitely be effective.

“This information… is too expensive!” He said a little nervously.

“This is the research result of a master of our church.” Mage Felix said, “How many generations of his ancestors, it took more than a thousand years to study, and finally he achieved initial success in his generation. , Has researched these results. But he does not want to collect his own research results like those narrow-minded old men, but hopes to spread it out so that more people can benefit from it.”

Crick immediately stood in awe, and placed the master Akain Pasteur who signed this document in his heart as the sage of the Ten Thousand Family Life Buddha Medicine-if on earth, Perhaps relying on this information alone, this master is enough to compete with Zhang Zhongjing for the title of “medical saint”, or to compete with the doctor with a long name in ancient Europe for the qualifications for later generations to swear on his portrait.

“I will take good care of this information and choose excellent people to study it!” he said seriously.

Mage Felix smiled with satisfaction, and said: “In fact, our church is preparing to build a physician school. If you are interested, you can send some people to study. But it is best to send people who have some magic talents. , Because our medical school not only teaches medicine, but also teaches magic for diagnosis and treatment-mainly divine arts. So if you don’t mind, we can train them into priests who believe in the Void Mask of Our Lord .”

Crick couldn’t help but widen his eyes, cocked the corners of his mouth, and laughed.

“Of course I don’t mind! Please wait a few days, I will start selecting talents in the territory!”

After sending away Mage Felix, he couldn’t help jumping up and cheering.


The Church of Void Mask is really kind. It not only gives information, but also helps train doctors~IndoMTL.com~ Not only that, they are even willing to help train pastors!

Although the pastor who believes in Masked Void is trained, the pastor is the pastor! As a healing spellcaster, no realm would think that there are too many priests! The more the better!

Crick has long wanted to train some spellcasters, but it is very difficult to train spellcasters. Mages need a long time and a lot of cost to learn. Warlocks need special talented bloodlines, priests need to be inspired by gods. ……All other spellcaster professions have all kinds of demanding requirements.

Perhaps for experienced adventurers, these difficulties can all be overcome, and many experienced adventurers will try to learn some spellcasting abilities. But for ordinary civilians, these requirements are like a moat that cannot be overcome. I don’t know how many people are embarrassed.

Now that the opportunity is imminent, Crick must of course seize it. Perhaps these civilians in the territory are not talented enough to become good priests. But even if he can only train a few doctors who are familiar with spells for the territory, it is a huge success!

Be aware that in most baronies, there are two or three low-level priests that are great. Even if the students selected by themselves can only reach that level, it is already enough to make other barons jealous.

Not to mention… Crick is very confident in his own “eyes”. The key attribute of the pastor is perception, followed by intelligence, and then charm. As long as these three attributes are higher, the young People, give them enough support, they will be able to learn something and come back to benefit the village.

Maybe they are also gifted, showing their talents in the Masked Void Church, and have soared to the sky since then, becoming intermediate or even high-level pastors!

Thinking of this, Crick couldn’t help but giggled…

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