Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 5:

It took a day for Cheng Yuan to go through all the information of well-known professors in the school. There are hundreds of well-known professors related to Huaxia University of Science and Technology, and they have to be classified from them. It is impossible for ordinary people without ten and a half months. carry out.

Fortunately, Cheng Yuan at this time has the ability to remember. Although the data is huge, after a day of searching, he still found his ideal goal.

Yan Zhongchen!

The name Yan Zhongchen may not have been heard by ordinary people, because this is not the name of any star, but he is second to none in physics academia!

This old man who is over eighty years old is not only well-known at home and abroad, but his published physics papers have appeared in the world’s top journals such as “Nature” and “Science”. More importantly, he is one of the pioneers of modern physics research in China, and has made important achievements in piezoelectric crystallography, spectroscopy, atmospheric physics, applied optics and optical instrument development.

The only reason Cheng Yuan can think of him is that Yan Zhongchen is the former president of Huaxia University of Science and Technology and an academician of the National Academy of Sciences. He has been living in the university after retirement, and occasionally comes out to give lectures to students. Last time, Professor Yan There were lectures, but it was a pity that Cheng Yuan was full of holographic images at that time, so naturally he didn’t listen carefully.

Compared with other well-known but uncertain professors, Professor Yan Zhongchen is not only close, but also very lofty. It’s not that Cheng Yuan Panyan is in the limelight. The key is that if the technical information in his hands is released, it will definitely cause an uproar. At that time, he is an unknown flat-headed boy who can only be eaten by the predators.


A corner of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, the environment is elegant and vigorous. Trees separate the delicate small villas, adding a touch of greenery to the whole area.

This group of villas is the place where the professors of Huaxia University of Science and Technology live. This place is usually not open to the public. There are security guards patrolling around the clock. If students pass by here, they will be scolded to leave.

Under normal circumstances, no students pass through here. After all, this area is not in any teaching area or dormitory area. This is a separate area.

So, when Cheng Yuan just approached the villa group and there was not enough rice, a team of security guards came over. The leader of the security captain looked at Cheng Yuan with a serious face and drank: “Students are forbidden to come and go, please trouble this classmate. Leave as soon as possible!”

Although he had already prepared in his heart, he was still a little nervous when things came. Facing the scolding from the security captain, Cheng Yuan could only bite the bullet and said: “Brother Security, I want to find Professor Yan Zhongchen, I have some important information I want to show him.”

After hearing this sentence, the security captain’s eyes instantly became sharp, and his sharp gaze was like a falcon. He looked up and down Cheng Yuan, and found that there was nothing wrong with Cheng Yuan except that his expression was slightly nervous. He made a gesture, then calmed down, glanced at the information Cheng Yuan was holding, and said, “Come with me.”

Seeing that the security guard didn’t rush the people immediately, Cheng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then followed closely.

Under the leadership of the security captain, Cheng Yuan soon came to the security booth in front of the villa group, “Which department are you a student?” The security captain took out a notebook and picked up the phone at the same time.

“I’m a freshman in class 03 of the Physics Department today. My name is Cheng Yuan. This is my ID.” Cheng Yuan replied, taking his ID card, student ID, and all the documents he brought. Give it to the security captain.

The security captain took a look at Cheng Yuan and didn’t say much. He just picked up the phone to confirm his identity. At the same time, he checked Cheng Yuan’s identity certificate and the information he had brought, and found that it was all a series of formulas. Later, he also relaxed some vigilance.

It took a few minutes for the security captain to verify Cheng Yuan’s identity. After comparing it with no abnormalities, he said to Cheng Yuan: “Wait a minute, I will call Professor Yan.”

For the security guards, Cheng Yuan did not care. After all, this is Huaxia University of Science and Technology. Every professor here has deep research in the academic field. Each of them is the wealth of the country. Safety must be guaranteed.

“The professor has agreed to your request. Bring your information. When the ID card and student ID come out, come to me to get it.” After receiving the approval of Professor Yan, the security captain hung up the phone and said to Cheng Yuan. Then he returned the documents that Cheng Yuan had brought to him, and also seized Cheng Yuan’s ID card and student ID.

Cheng Yuan was overjoyed. In his opinion, the seizure of his ID card and student ID was a trivial matter, and seeing Professor Yan Zhongchen was his main goal. If his request is rejected, it will be difficult to get close to Professor Yan Zhongchen in the future.

“Thank you. May I ask where Professor Yan lives.” Cheng Yuan took his own information a little excitedly, and then asked.

Cheng Yuan’s question made the security captain frowned, and he came without even asking for the address of Professor Yan. I really don’t know what this student thinks. However, after thinking about it, Professor Yan Zhongchen’s address has not been announced to the public. If he is casually known by the student in front of him, that would be a big problem!

After thinking about it, the security captain looked at Cheng Yuan not alert, and simply said: “The 13th.”

“Okay, I see. Brother Security, please.” Thanks to the security captain, Cheng Yuan walked towards the villa group holding the information.

The environment of the villa group is very quiet, except for the patrol officers passing by from time to time, no other people were found. Cheng Yuan walked on a flat and clean road, looking at the exquisite and gorgeous villas around him, in addition to envy, he was looking forward to more.

As long as his holographic imaging technology can be released, then he can also live in such a villa! Even better than this!

Cheng Yuan’s wish is simple, live in a villa, drive a luxury car, and then marry a beautiful wife.

Although the wish is very vulgar, it is something most people cannot achieve in their entire lives. As for higher pursuits, he must wait for him to achieve his current goals before thinking about it.

While Cheng Yuan was thinking about it, he unknowingly arrived at the door of Villa 13 and arrived at the destination. Cheng Yuan quickly calmed his mind, and then knocked on the door lightly. Without asking him to wait, the door went from inside. turn on. An energetic old man appeared in front of him. The old man’s hair was completely white, but his face was very ruddy, and his eyes were clear and energetic.

This old man is Professor Yan Zhongchen whom Cheng Yuan wants to see.

“You are the classmate Cheng Yuan that Xiao Li said. Come in and sit down.” Seeing Cheng Yuan, Yan Zhongchen greeted him kindly, and then invited Cheng Yuan in.

“Thank you, Professor.” Cheng Yuan quickly thanked him, and then followed Yan Zhongchen into the room.

After the two sat down, Professor Yan Zhongchen opened the door and asked, “I heard that Xiao Li said you have important information for me to see. What information is it?”

Although Yan Zhongchen, who is over 70, is old, he is not confused. With his current status and status, those who ask him to do things like Guo Jiang Zhiqing have different status and status, but this is the first time that a student has come to visit. Myself, and still a freshman!

At this time, Yan Zhongchen was curious, especially Xiao Li said that he had important information, which made Yan Zhongchen, a researcher who has done research work for a lifetime, raised his curiosity to the limit.

But curiosity goes to curiosity. If Cheng Yuan can’t come up with something that satisfies him, he will still drive people!

“Yes, Professor, this is my own in-depth study of the technical information on holographic images. I want to hear your opinion.” When it came to business, Cheng Yuan was a little excited and handed the information to Yan Zhongchen with both hands. Then looked at him expectantly.

“Holographic image!” A light flashed in Yan Zhongchen’s eyes, “This field is an area that the country attaches great importance to, and its applications cover almost all walks of life! Let me see what kind of insights the country will have in the future. !” Yan Zhongchen joked with a smile, then picked up the reading glasses from one side and looked through the information that Cheng Yuan had taken out.

Although he does not believe in what kind of technical theory a freshman can put forward, this does not mean that he is going to hit a student who loves physics and has some talent. He knows his identity and status, and a word of his own may change the life of a genius.

Maybe, this child with a delicate appearance and a little nervous look at this time will become the pillar of the national physics community in the future.

After all, his freshman year can put forward his own technical principles for a high-tech technology, which shows that he is very talented. The current unsuccess is just not enough knowledge, which does not mean that he will not do it in the future! Therefore, he will not make any comments until there is an accurate conclusion.

In response to Yan Zhongchen’s ridicule, Cheng Yuan smiled awkwardly, without saying anything.

After ridiculing Cheng Yuan, Yan Zhongchen also began to take a serious look at the information that Cheng Yuan gave out. Cheng Yuan did not give much information, only a dozen pages, but he laid out all the basic principles of holographic imaging technology. Go up, except for the core calculation formula, everything else is on the top.

Although there is no core part, Yan Zhongchen is more surprised as he sees it. At this moment, he can’t take care of Cheng Yuan and is sitting in front of him. He hastened to verify the theoretical data given by Cheng Yuan by taking out the pen and paper.

“This, this, this is incredible!”

Yan Zhongchen’s verification lasted from noon to night. During this time, the security guard Xiao Li mentioned by Yan Zhongchen also came, and Xiao Li was the previous security captain, but when he saw Professor Yan concentrating on verifying the formula, he was very wise. Shut his mouth, and then quietly exited the door.

“Professor, how is my research?” Looking at Yan Zhongchen with excitement and shock on his face, Cheng Yuan was in a good mood, because what he gave out shocked a major scientific community.

Yan Zhongchen did not immediately answer. He cherished the materials in his hand on the table, then took off the reading glasses and looked at Cheng Yuan with a serious face, “Xiaocheng, this is all researched by you alone. Yes?” Yan Zhongchen’s tone was obviously questioning.

“Well, I spent nearly two months researching it, and some formulas are still in the dormitory.” In response to Yan Zhongchen’s doubts, Cheng Yuan nodded and admitted without hesitation, “Yes, professor me I also have some research experience on nuclear fusion and artificial intelligence.”

Cheng Yuan is not going to give Yan Zhongchen a chance to surprise ~ IndoMTL.com~ has thrown out two more shocking messages.

After all, holographic technology is only one billionth of the technology in his mind. Although it is still difficult to extract these billions of technology, it will definitely change in the future.

Moreover, not only holographic technology, but also nuclear fusion reactor technology, artificial intelligence, these high-end technologies, all need to be published by him. If you don’t give yourself a reasonable identity, how can people believe it?

Cheng Yuan has considered this for a long time, and that is a genius.

In the presence of Professor Yan Zhongchen, make himself a super genius, so that no matter what kind of technology he publishes in the future, he will not be suspected, even if he doubts, he will not think too much. After all, geniuses and ordinary people themselves There is a difference.

Even if Yan Zhongchen tested his knowledge of physics on the spot, he was not afraid at all. With the help of technological crystallization, he not only mastered the holographic imaging technology, but also had more in-depth research and views on basic physics theories.

Even if these theories are placed in the world, they are also the most cutting-edge theories, enough for a group of physicists to study and discuss around them.

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