Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 47:

“There must be a way.” said Mannis, the goddess of wealth.

“Yes, we must find a way.” Sui Xiong also said.

Then they stared wide-eyed.

If they can think of a way, do they need to be in a daze like this?

The rumor is hitting the crux of the problem: for the nobles, the inheritance of the family, the continuation of power and glory is one of their fundamental goals in life. So when it comes to the issue of “will hinder family inheritance,” even the originally enlightened nobles often become conservative.

Of course, there are not people who don’t take family inheritance seriously. There are even progressive people who think that the noble inheritance system is very unreasonable and that nobles should not have the privileges passed on from generation to generation. However, the so-called “have Individuals who betray the class, and groups without betrayal classes.” As a whole, the nobles are extremely sensitive and opposed to things that may hinder inheritance.

Although it says “rumors stop with the wise”, but… what if it is not a rumor?

The reason why Sui Xiong suggested that the goddess of wealth should set up a large council was mainly to divide the noble group, to separate the big nobility from the powerful nobles and the small nobles, plus the clergy and the civilian representatives, but also to weaken the power of the noble group. Undermine their unity.

As for businessmen…can businessmen be united? Sui Xiong didn’t believe it! When he was in school, no teacher said that the businessmen group lacked long-term vision and unity. One or two teachers may have limited knowledge, or they may be talking nonsense, but they can’t have every one of them. Knowledge, all nonsense!

And the rumor mentioned that “if there is a large council, the cost of inheritance of the nobility will increase, and the aristocratic group will be continuously weakened.” So far as Sui Xiong’s prediction is concerned, it is indeed true. .

So this thing is really not easy to dispel rumors-this world is not the earth, and the truth cannot be made by repeating a lie as many times as possible. It is easy to judge the truth or falsehood with the magic of prophecy. Especially this kind of thing that involves the general evolution of the country, and the time will be quite long. Basically, as long as there is a clear reference, most middle-level mages who have a certain degree of prophecy can make accurate judgments.

After the rumor came out, at least twenty middle and high-level wizards tried various methods to verify it. And every mage who successfully casts the spell has proved its correctness.

Because of this, the reaction of the nobles is so intense.

If you cut someone with a soft knife, you don’t know it, but what if the other party knows it clearly?

It’s better to drop the soft knife and lift the steel knife. Everyone is really happy!

So, Sui Xiong is now seriously considering this issue.

It seems that the flicker can’t pass. Since the flicker can’t pass, it’s better to let it go.

If you are the first to start, at least you still have a first hand!

So he told the goddess of wealth his advice.

“Let the merchants take the initiative?” The goddess of wealth was taken aback, “Isn’t this trying to betray those nobles who have believed in me for many years? No way, no way!”

This really cannot be blamed on his indecision. Even in his kingdom of God, there are a large number of believers of noble origin. If he really turned his face against the aristocratic group completely, he would definitely suffer severe damage, and he might even fall from a strong divine power to a medium divine power.

“But other than that, is there any better way for you?” Sui Xiong asked rhetorically.

The goddess of wealth is bitter and has nothing to say.

If there is any good way, he would have used it!

“But, this battle cannot be fought!” But He is still very stubborn. “If you fight, no matter who wins or loses, the gold coin federation must be over.”

“If you don’t break it, you can’t stand. Only if you win this battle, can you truly build a merchant nation.”

“But…what if I lose?”

Sui Xiong was speechless. He was silent for a while, and then said angrily: “Why do you have the illusion that you may lose?”

“Although the merchant faction is rich and can recruit a large number of mercenaries, the mercenaries still lack cooperation and the determination to fight to the end at critical moments. With this kind of army, they can compete with the private army accumulated by the noble faction over the years. You have to win to have a ghost!” The goddess of wealth said without curiosity, “Don’t think I don’t know how to fight, I still have basic common sense!”

“Not only that, businessmen’s wealth comes from trading. Once a war breaks out, business is cut off and trading stops. No matter how much property, you can only sit and eat. It won’t take long, even if you hire Soldiers’ remuneration can’t be paid. In contrast, nobles’ armies only need rations, and they will never be short of rations. It’s okay to fight for three or five years.” The Goddess of Wealth sighed, “At least from From my point of view, the Merchant faction is definitely not going to win. Alas! If they could really win, how could they regress twice in a row?”

Sui Xiong was silent, he hesitated a little, considering whether to use those big killers that once set off a red wave on the earth.

But after thinking about it again and again, he gave up that plan.

The tiger got out of the cage, and it was difficult to lock it up again. He really hopes to promote the progress of the world, but he definitely doesn’t want to do it in that harsh way.

A king on the earth said, “After I die, let it be flooded.” Sui Xiong is not very opposed to this kind of open-minded attitude, but he can’t die…

I was alive and saw myself lighting a star fire and turning into a prairie flame, sweeping across the vast land, using blood and life as fuel to burn the sky.

Nima, thinking about this, it makes people feel a little bit stubborn, so I can’t do it!

So he finally had to say: “If necessary~IndoMTL.com~The Northwestern Republic can send troops to help merchants send battles.”

The goddess of wealth was taken aback, hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded.

“Perhaps…this is also good.” He said, “Just let the merchants move to the north, and establish a republic adjacent to the Northwest Republic… Or it’s okay to merge directly into the Northwest Republic. Just put The gold coin federation is torn apart and divided into two, so at least the nobles will not be so desperate…”

“…Is it really okay if you simply split the country that believes in yourself?” Sui Xiong was taken aback for a moment and asked.

“What’s the problem?” The goddess of wealth asked back, “For us, the country is nothing more than a passing moment. As long as I believe in my various forces, it will not hurt my muscles and bones, and even further Development, the gold coin federation is divided, what does it matter?”

Sui Xiong was speechless. He felt that he couldn’t keep up with the thoughts of the goddess of wealth.

After a while, they put this suggestion in the meeting of the gods for discussion.

“This method is also good.” Warlord Wenner nodded and said, “Now the situation of the Gold Coin Federation is well understood. The merchant faction and the aristocratic faction can no longer tolerate each other. Either kill or kill Everyone separates from each other, and if they separate, at least civil war can be avoided.”

“Can the civil war really be avoided?” Sui Xiong asked suspiciously.

“Of course it is impossible to completely avoid it, but the scale and intensity of the war must be much smaller than the two sides competing for the entire country.” The master of the war said, “Since the fight cannot be avoided, at least the fight can be made smaller.”

“Or, do you have a better way?”

The gods, look at me, and I look at you, but I can’t think of a better way.

So the matter was settled.

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