Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 46: (That’s right this time)

The agency creature “Du’Urden” ran fast and had great strength. It pulled the bus carrying thirty or forty people into a smoke, and saw the scenery outside the window hulling back quickly, along the way. Stop and go, the passengers went up and down, and in a short while they crossed the long street lined with houses on both sides and came to a huge square.

Because of the limited view in the car, Cambrona couldn’t see how big the square was for the time being, but he at least knew that the car stopped twice in the square before and after it came to the third time. The first stop of their trip was Central Plaza North Station.

Du’Urden will report the name of the station every time he arrives, but it uses a short name, for example, “Central Plaza North Station” is called “Square North”. This statement is really strange, but it is not difficult to understand.

When the bus arrived, Cambrona got out of the bus with his still ignorant wife and came to the same green platform.

Leaving the bus with a poor view, the central square of Void City was completely greeted by him.

“It’s so big!”

At this moment, Cambrona could only say such a word.

Yeah, it’s really big!

The central square of Void City is really too big!

How big is this square? He is currently standing on the bus stop on the north side of the square, looking at it until he can’t see clearly, all within the square.

Of course, this is also the cause of Cambrona’s nearsightedness, but even so, the size of the square is enough to make him dumbfounded.

Of course, such a huge square cannot be empty. There are many pools, flower beds, and small and medium-sized amusement facilities. There are also many entertainers performing in the open air, singing, recitation, acrobatics, magic… He even saw several extraordinary adventurers performing.

For example, a female ranger not far away, she set up several targets about fifty steps away from her, and shot every arrow on the target.

Near the target, a swordsman in leather armor is practicing swordsmanship. His swordsmanship is not fast, but every sword is steady and sharp. Cambrona secretly figured it out. If he fights against the opponent, if he can’t rely on his strength to gain the advantage, then it will be the limit for about ten rounds.

On the other side of the target, a naked barbarian is also performing. His performance method is very rough, that is, let ordinary tourists use thick wooden sticks to hit him casually. I saw every tall man struggling to hold a wooden stick that was thicker than his arm, and hit him hard one after another. Although he often smashed him back, it didn’t hurt him at all.

This scene is probably only interesting in the eyes of ordinary people, but Cambrona’s eyelids jumped.

God, could I be wrong, am I? That should be the special specialty damage reduction of the barbarians. Being able to practice injury reduction to this level, this person is afraid that he has already stepped into the upper ranks, right? A high-level adventurer, can actually perform on the street? My eyes do need treatment…

When he saw a few performers on the other side, Cambrona even wondered if there was something wrong with his brain and hallucinations.

That are a few wizards, casting spells of at least the middle level.

Different from the adventurers in the direction of force, the casters generally have a good life and stable income. They don’t need and can’t go to the streets to perform arts, especially those who have gone through the most difficult era of low-level mages and entered the middle-level class.

Every mid-level mage has at least the net worth of a low-level nobleman, and many mid-level mage’s wealth is more than that of most knights, and may even be close to the level of a baron. Cambrona couldn’t imagine that a baron-sama would go to the street performers and look at their expressions, seemingly very happy.

Why is this? Shouldn’t the mid-level mage be building or preparing to build his own magic tower? No matter how poor they are, at least they will have their own magic laboratory!

Why would a dignified mid-level mage walk out of the laboratory and go to the street performers?

“Something must be wrong in this world…” Cambrona murmured, not too lazy to see more things, closed his eyes, and leaned weakly against the pillar of the bus stop.

As a resident of the Secret Tower Federation, the education he received from an early age was that “everything is inferior, only the master is high.” Now he has witnessed a few respectable mid-level and possibly even mid-level mages performing street art like wandering adventurers. This scene has caused a heavy mental blow to him.

Because of the shock, Cambrona appeared in a trance when he took the next train to the Shenshu Station in the direction of the North Square. He walked as if stepping on cotton, swaying and unsteady.

If he had only one person, he might step on the front foot and fall somersault. Fortunately, Jane was by his side and cared about him.

Relying on Jane’s support, he finally got over the dizziness and recovered his calm.

“Every place is different. Wild vegetables can be found everywhere in the south. If you get them in the north, you may be a delicacy; if you take a fish in the northern ice lake, you can take a fish to the south and sell it at a high price. …The food is even so, let alone people?”

Cambrona muttered to himself, slowly regaining his calm.

Of course, this is also due to the green light in the sky.

After getting off the train at Shenshu Station, the first feeling is refreshing and relaxing.

This cool feeling does not come from the skin, but from the soul. What cools the soul is the green light all over the sky.

They come from the lush tree canopy that almost obscures the sky. And not far in the front is the huge tree trunk that requires at least 20 or 30 people to hold hands to surround it.

When he saw the giant tree, Cambrona felt as if he had been flushed with water, all kinds of chaotic thoughts were washed away, and the whole person was completely restored to his usual calm and stability.

He turned his head to look at his wife. The ignorance on his wife’s face was gone. Although his eyes were still a little confused, the whole person seemed a lot more energetic.

“Jane, is this the tree you just felt?” he asked.

“Yes…it’s not…” Jane nodded, shook her head, frowned and thought for a while, then said uncertainly, “Inside the tree…the thing that attracts me is in the tree. “

Cambrona was taken aback for a moment, took his wife’s hand, and came to the **** tree together.

He looked at the thick tree trunk carefully, but couldn’t find even a crack on it, let alone a place to hide something.

“Are you feeling wrong? This tree should be complete.” He said.

Jane shook his head vigorously: “No! Not like that! Inside the tree! Something in the tree is calling me!”

She got excited suddenly, shook Cambrona’s hand, squeezed her hands into fists, and slammed them heavily on the trunk: “Open it! Open it! Open it for me!”

Cambrona was taken aback, hugged her arm and dragged her back. However, Jane, who is usually weaker, exploded with amazing power at this moment. Even as a knight, he couldn’t stop her from moving. Instead, she waved his hand, staggered back several steps, and almost fell on the ground. On the ground.

“Jane! What’s the matter with you?!” He exclaimed in shock and fear, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing, she just received some unnecessary influence.” Another voice answered him. A green jellyfish appeared in front of them, stopped Jane with her tentacles, wrapped her up, and sent her back to Kang. Broner’s side.

Cambrona hurriedly saluted and paid homage to His Majesty the great Masked Void.

“I’m glad you came so quickly.” Sui Xiong said with a smile, “Her situation is actually very simple, but I really don’t know how to explain it to you… Or I can tell you the truth, but you Are you really sure you need to know the so-called truth?”

He smiled and looked at Cambrona, who was full of suspicion, and Jane, who wanted to move forward even if he was caught in his tentacles, and smashed the tree of God.

“Behind the truth is often extremely heavy. Cambrona, are you mentally prepared to bear that weight?”

Cambrona was shocked, looking at the smiling Majesty the Void, and then at Jane, who seemed to be crazy~IndoMTL.com~, who desperately wanted to move forward, fell into deep thought.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh and said: “I have decided, I don’t want to ask the truth.”

“Who was Jane in the past? What is her background? What kind of grudges did she have? Or what mission was on her back?… Of course I want to know all of this.” He said, “But I It is very clear that the past is all over after all. For us, it is really important to grasp the present and strive for a better future.”

“If the past becomes a burden to us, let it pass completely. I don’t want to ask or know anything.”

After saying this, his whole person relaxed, and the worries that had been so heavy in his heart disappeared.

In fact, over the years, he has been worried and afraid.

Who is his wife anyway? Why did Majesty the Void Mask suddenly come to find himself? What did you say again?

He doesn’t understand why, but he knows that there must be an amazing secret behind it.

The wife has been in a coma for more than ten years, and probably has nothing to do with this secret. The legendary mage Master Tuya’an suddenly changed his attitude and was willing to help himself, probably because of this secret. Even the Majesty of Void Mask will come to the door again and point himself to the Void City to see this sacred tree, mostly because of this secret.

What is the secret?

Of course he will be curious, and of course he wants to know the secret, but he wants to restore the stable and peaceful life more than curiosity.

He is just an ordinary mortal, he just wants to live the life of an ordinary person. No matter what secrets Jane has, it is not worth sacrificing the stable life that he has to get back in his hands for it.

For their stable and happy future, let them go with the wind!

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